How well has America fared in the last 25 years? As a country, are we financially healthier or are we on the verge of a melt-down?
These issues are explored, along with some concrete examples of how the "money-laundry" works. The Trilateral Commission's 1973 vision of a "New International Economic Order " has swept the world like a hurricane.
In 1978, Trilaterals Over Washington revealed the global strategy of the Trilateral Commission and it's co-founders David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski, in particular, provided the intellectual reasoning and political strategy for the "New International Economic Order".
Brzezinski was also an astute political operator. He is credited as the first person to take interest in Jimmy Carter, to mentor him in globalism starting in 1973 when Carter was chosen to be part of the Trilateral Commission. Upon Carter's election victory in 1976, Brzezinski was appointed National Security Advisor. By the end of 1976, Carter had appointed no less than 19 members of the Trilateral Commission to high-ranking government positions. These 19 members represented just under 20% of the entire U.S. delegation of the Trilateral Commission.
The stage was now set for their power to become permanently embedded. Each successive Administration has been disproportionally dominated by members of the Trilateral Commission: George H.W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, Richard B. Cheney. Each administration filled top posts from the Trilateral Commission. Think-tanks connected to the Trilateral Commission cranked out volumes of studies that droned on and on about the New International Economic Order and the need for political change.
Looking backward to Brzezinski, however, is necessary because he most clearly and lucidly embodied the heart and soul of the rush to globalism. He created the watershed that initiated the plundering of America and the buildup of the global corporate elite. This issue intends to quantify the extent of this plundering.
Brzezinski was interviewed in 1974 by the Brazilian newspaper Vega: "How would you define this new world order?" Brzezinski declared "...the reality of our times is that a modern society such as the U.S. needs a central coordinating and renovating organ which cannot be made up of six hundred people." In his 1969 book Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, he wrote that the "nation-state as a fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state."
Indeed, members of the Trilateral Commission chosen from north America, Europe and Asia (mostly Japan), are all in agreement on this point -- the nation-state only gets in the way of so-called "free trade" and therefore must be closely manipulated for their own common good. Collectively, they have taken a self-induced quantum leap above national law, into an elevated position of making their own rules as they go. We see some direct evidence of such an attitude, for instance, when President Bill Clinton had no particular legal qualms (or consequences) of giving (free or for money) top-secret missile technology to Communist China.
The gathering of corporate elites in the Trilateral Commission started with names such as Coca Cola, Ford Motor, Deere & Co., Hewlett-Packard, Cargill, Chase Manhattan Bank, Cummins Engine, Texas Instruments, Honeywell, Bechtel Corporation, Weyerhauser, General Motors, Boeing, and many others. Today, we see the same kind of makeup: Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), J.P. Morgan, Chase, Goldman, Sachs & Co., Pitney Bowes, GE, Citigroup, American International Group (AIF), Bank of America, Xerox and Halliburton, just to name a few.
To summarize then, the real plundering of America started with the founding of the Trilateral Commission in 1973 and the consolidation of power in 1976 with the dominance of the Carter Administration. When one begins to see the pattern emerging, many unanswered questions start to clear up. Why does President George Bush so pointedly want to eliminate the U.S./Mexican border? Why the stampede to outsource American jobs, even to the hurt of our own citizens? Why do people around the world intuitively hate the World Trade Organization, NAFTA and CAFTA? (The last question suggests that the U.S. is not the only nation-state being plundered these days.) Nations are financially disintegrating while global corporations grow fantastically richer.
One might protest that the scope of this operation is just too fantastic and huge to be real. This writer would remind the skeptic that U.S. history is littered with monopolistic tycoons who tried to get a lever on the societies they lived in. Monopolies are blind to politics, except when politics can be manipulated to establish or extend the Monopoly. The vast majority of Americans are left completely in the dark because American mainstream media, collectively slanted toward globalism, has been dominated by the very same globalists who founded the Trilateral Commission in the first place: New York Times, Time-Warner, Chicago Sun-Times, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy Magazine, Comcast, CBS, Atlantic Media, The Rand Corporation, Washington Post, Dow Jones & Company, U.S. News and World Report all have direct representation on the Trilateral Commission.
The reader is encouraged to read Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II, to get a deeper sense of background on these issues. Both of these books are available in full-text versions on The August Review website.
The State of the Nation
This issue attempts to give the reader a background and perspective on the state of affairs of American business.
There are three factors to consider. First, there is the government itself. Second, there is private industry. Although they are very different types of entities, they both can adequately be described in terms of flows of income. Third, we will look at the transfer of ownership of U.S. based corporations to foreign ownership.
In the case of the government, there has been virtually no restraint on keeping its spending within its income. Whenever it spent outside of income-in-hand, borrowing whatever extra was needed was all too easy.
You can quickly see what the last 37 years look like from the chart to the left. Prior to 1975, budget deficits were very small. The upward trend started in earnest in 1975. A brief surplus was recorded between 1998 and 2001.
Presiding presidents are purposefully not mentioned because they are irrelevant to the big picture.
It should also stand out that there are three troughs: the first "peaked" in 1986, the second in 1992 and the third in 2005. The extremity cycle is approximately 6 years long.
The cumulative effect of these deficits on the U.S. national debt is quite dramatic. In 1970, the debt was well under the $1 trillion level. Today, it stands over $8 trillion, a 10-fold increase.
To put this in personal terms, every man, woman and child in America owes $28,500 each. A family of 4 collectively owes $114,000. You might say, "But, that's the government debt, not mine!" The fact is though, we are the government. Except that taxpayers pay taxes, the federal government would have no source of income whatever.
So, let's take a look at the business economy now.
A trade deficit occurs when we import more than we export. A surplus occurs when the reverse is true. Whether positive or negative, the figure is called the "current account".
Since 1981, America has been in the red every single year. The curve is similar in nature to the National Debt curve: very low deficits in the 70's and early 80's, then rising dramatically during the 90's into the current decade.
In the chart to the right, you can see that the gap between imports (orange line) and exports (purple line) is widening at an increasing rate every year. The bottom curve shows the negative balance on the current account as it accumulates more and more red ink. Currently, the annualized rate of the current trade deficit is easily $600 billion.
By contrast, there were only two years in the decade of the 1970's that had small trade deficits.
In March, the Business Telegraph in London reported that the March (2005) deficit of $55 billion was well below the $60 billion that was expected by the markets.
"It's a relief," said James Glassman, senior economist at JP Morgan Chase in New York. "It does dampen the fears that there was something bad going on in the US economy."
The psychology at play here is amazing. The fact that the trade deficit for a single month is $55 billion instead of $60 billion is a cause for reassurance that nothing bad is happening to the U.S. economy? On the other hand, note that Glassman is senior economist at JP Morgan Chase bank which has been at the very core of the New International Economic Order from the beginning.
The third area to look at is transfer of ownership. Corporate mergers are everywhere. It's so confusing that most people don't have a clue who owns what anymore.
Outlays for New Investment in the United States by Foreign Direct Investors, 1980-2003
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis)
During the 1960's, American business increased its ownership in the U.S. every year except one. During the 1970's, there were only 5 years that we increased our position. Since 1982, there has not been one single year where foreign investment did not outstrip our own... and dramatically so, to the tune of $3.8 trillion. You ask, "How can this happen?" Simple.
Consider a few mergers from recent history - do you recognize any of these "American" names?
American Company Foreign Company Country Purchase Amount
Amoco Corp British Petroleum Co PLC United Kingdom $48.17 Billion
ARCO BP Amoco PLC United Kingdom $27.22 Billion
Texaco-US Refining & Marketing Shell Oil-Western US Business Netherlands $3.964 Billion
AirTouch Communications Inc Vodafone Group PLC United Kingdom $60.29 Billion
VoiceStream Wireless Corp Deutsche Telekom AG Germany $29.40 Billion
Chrysler Corp Daimler-Benz AG Germany $40.47 Billion
Harcourt General Inc Reed Elsevier Group PLC United Kingdom $5.60 Billion
Simon & Schuster-Educ, Prof Pearson PLC United Kingdom $4.60 Billion
Magma Copper Co BHP Australia $2.432 Billion
John Hancock Finl Svcs Inc Manulife Financial Corp Canada $11.06 Billion
TransAmerica Corp Aegon NV Netherlands $9.691 Billion
SmithKline Beckman Corp Beecham Group PLC United Kingdom $7.922 Billion
These few examples are listed only to give you a flavor of the depth of penetration of foreign purchases into the core of American industry. In order to get to an aggregate of $3.8 trillion, you can hardly imagine how many billion dollar deals there have been over 20 years. In short, America is literally being sold out from under us.
Let's summarize this now. In the past 35 years, the U.S. government has racked up over $8 trillion in debt. The current trade deficit for 2005 alone will likely exceed $600 billion (importing more than we export). The $3.8 trillion of showcase American companies have been sold to foreigners.
Is something wrong with this picture?
When this writer began to do research for Trilaterals Over Washington in the late 1970's, we focused on the Trilateral Commission because it was very apparent that it was laying the groundwork for -- in their own words -- a "New International Economic Order" The concept of the nation-state was outdated and we were moving into an era of "interdependence."
David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973. It has been composed of slightly over 300 members chosen from North America, Europe and Asia (primarily Japan). The members are literally the Who's Who of global elitists: top politicians, think-tank philosophers, industrialists and bankers.
We clearly documented in Trilaterals Over Washington (available in full text form to The August Review subscribers on this site) that the move toward global economic consolidation was well on its way. Twenty-five years later, we are standing under an avalanche of economic deterioration.
During these 25 years, America has literally "LOST its shirt". We are technically quite bankrupt.
Corporate profits during this same time, however, have seen huge and consistent profits. Those global-minded companies in particular (e.g., corporate board members who belong to the Trilateral Commission) have profited even more.
According to the BEA, aggregate corporate profits totaled $874 billion in 2002, $1.02 trillion in 2003 and $1.2 trillion in 2004. Exxon increased its annual earnings from $21.5 billion in 2003 to $25.33 billion in 2004. This was not uncommon.
Is it possible that the U.S. can be stripped to the bone while multinational corporations get rich? Was it planned this way from the beginning (circa 1973)? Yes, and yes.
There is another aspect of national bankruptcy that needs to be mentioned, namely, the landslide loss of technological genius that made America great in the first place. Putting aside the legal and illegal transfers of technology to China during the Clinton administration, consider the case of IBM:
Lenovo, China's largest PC company, has completed a $1.25 billion acquisition of IBM's Personal Computing Division (PCD). Lenovo, which already has a third of the Chinese PC market and shares in enterprise PC markets around the world, says this deal makes it a new international IT competitor and the world's third-largest personal computing company. The PCD acquisition, first announced in December, means, according to newly named Lenovo CEO Stephen Ward, that the company will have combined annual PC revenue of about $13 billion and volume of about 14 million units. Ward says Lenovo expects immediate synergies through complementary customer bases, product offerings and geographic coverage, among other things. (SA Computer Magazine, 5-3-2005)
That is, the very company that invented the PC and literally revolutionized the world has now sold 100% of their Personal Computing Division to a Communist nation who have sworn many times that they will bury us. Chinese engineers will soon be moving into IBM's Armonk, NY headquarters to take over.
Another example is that Steven Chen, a Taiwanese-born American citizen and one of America's most brilliant and top supercomputer designers, quit his post with Silicon Graphics and is moving to mainland China. He is choosing to build his next generation supercomputer in China
According to IDC, the premier intelligence resource and forecaster in the computer world,
Attracting a leading supercomputer designer like Chen is good news for the growing Chinese computer industry. China has recently been primarily focusing its high-performance technical computer designs on commodity component clusters. In general, clusters provide very attractive price-performance but lack some of the high-end capabilities provided by traditional supercomputers. Chen plans to bridge the gap by building high-performance blade-based clusters in China and offering them for sale around the world.
If America's technology prowess is a national treasure, then people like Steven Chen are national treasures also. How is it that we cannot offer enough enticement to keep such a talent in the United States? In an age where sports figures can command million of dollars per season for pure entertainment, this seems rather odd. It's not just that Chen isn't helping the U.S. but that he is helping a Communist government develop technology that can be used against us -- commercially and militarily.
Example of a "Blind Eye"
The New York Times carried an article on May 17, 2005, "Bush's Choice: Anger China or Congress Over Currency." China bought more than $200 billion in Treasuries last year, bringing their total ownership of U.S. debt to a whopping $650 billion. These purchases essentially finance a comparable trade deficit with China. Because China's currency, the yuan, is pegged to the U.S. dollar, China is in a position to manipulate the system (undervaluing its currency) and gain a whopping trade advantage over America.
U.S. Businesses have filed volumes of complaints with the U.S. Trade Representative, Rob Portman, about issues ranging from China's dumping of products at prices below cost of manufacturing, to widespread copyright and patent violations. Congress is somewhat sensitive to this issue and, bucking the president, is pushing for tariffs and quotas against China to punish them for milking the system.
Bush must now be critical of China (and infuriate China) or give China a clean bill of health and say that everything is fine (and infuriate Congress and the American people).
So, what do you do when you've invited an 800 pound gorilla into your living room? You pray he doesn't get mad when you ask him to leave.
Treasury Secretary John Snow is on the spot. In the past, he has refused to criticize China openly, but rather seeks to rely on "financial diplomacy" instead. He believes that China can be persuaded that flexible exchange rates ought to be in its own interest.
Mr. Snow, in an interview on Monday with CNBC, reiterated his optimism that China would change policy on its own. "I'm convinced they will move," Mr. Snow said. "Now is the time. We're anxious to see them move. It's time."
What evidence does Snow have that China will voluntarily pull back from an opportunity to plunder the U.S.? His wishful thinking that they might compliantly respond to our being "anxious" to see them move?
It is easier to understand the conflict of interest if you look back a few years at John Snow's career. From 1994-1996, Snow was chairman of the Business Roundtable, an association of 250 chief executive officers of the largest corporations, representing over $3.7 trillion in combined revenues. During that time, he was a key player in supporting the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
He recently received the Marco Polo Award (2001), awarded by the U.S.-China Foundation for International Exchanges as the highest honor that can be given to a foreign business leader. He is a director of CarMax, U.S. Steel, Johnson & Johnson, Verizon Communications, sits on the boards of Johns Hopkins University, is chairman of the Kennedy Center Corporate Fund Board, and is a member of the Business Council and Business Roundtable.
In short, Snow has been at the corporate center of promoting globalism and in particular, building China's trade for many years. As Treasury Secretary, he is in an influential position of trust to protect the American people from economic harm. But, will he?
To understand more completely, ask yourself this question. Who invested money in, and built up, this 800 pound gorilla?
Take Bechtel for instance, one of the largest construction and engineering companies in the world. In 1994, Bechtel was the first U.S. company to receive a construction license in China. It has completed 80 major projects in China and has permanent offices located in Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei and Hong Kong. Its latest project is a $4.3 billion petrochemical complex in Daya Bay that will produce 2.3 million tons of products annually. It's being touted as one of the largest Sino-foreign investments to date, and is 50% owned by a subsidiary of Royal Dutch/Shell.
If we say, "China is really profiting from the U.S.", to whom are we really referring? It's true that the Chinese government is getting an advantage from the increase in economic activity, but who are the front-line collectors of revenue and aggregators of profit in China? That's right, it's the same multinational corporations.
So, as noted above, when John Snow reiterates his optimism that China will change policy on its own, you can see just how selective his vision is. As long as China's policy remains as it is, America gets plundered and the global corporations in China rack up record profits.
This issue contends that America is For Sale. The sale is "under the table" in that the American people don't have a clue that it's being slowly sold out from under their feet, one piece at a time. The sale is deceptive because as the red ink grows larger and larger, we are told by these same globalists that trade and budget deficits don't really matter that much. The sale is dishonest because it was planned from the beginning by elitist groups like the Trilateral Commission, to twist and manipulate the system to their own benefit.
The fact that America's downward financial spiral started in earnest shortly after the Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, is not incidental. The very policies that brought us the "New International Economic Order" (their own phrase) have wrecked our country. This is not an anecdotal observation, as will be demonstrated over and over in future issues of The August Review.
America is in a very grievous and trepid situation. Any number of isolated incidents could touch off a financial firestorm that burns our house to the ground. When a company goes bankrupt, it is seldom advertised in advance. Its customers, shareholders and debtors are invariably in a state of shock when the bankruptcy occurs, even though hind site shows that there were ample evidences of impending bankruptcy. So it is with America: There is evidence everywhere of what is happening to us, but there are few eyes to see it nor ears to hear it.
In 30-40 short years, America has gone from the strongest and most stable nation in the world, to one of the weakest and unstable. Poor Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and had a great fall, but few people will see the real truth that Humpty was actually pushed!
To those with an open mind, the facts are finally emerging from behind the facade of our 'so-called' democratic system. We are inevitably being herded toward a Fascist and Tyrannical Masonic Governed 'New World Order'.
This "New World Order" will impose a:
A World Centralised Government (UN)
A One World Army (NATO)
A Centralised banking system and electronic currency
An enforced Micro-chipped population
All of which have fundamental implications for human freedom
Psychological Fascism Behind the facade of our so called democratic system lies the true face of a Fascist Dictatorship. The sophisticated exercise of control utilises the ability to keep people oppressed yet contented. By David Icke.
How To Control People The difference between true education and vocational training has been cleverly blurred. Here are a few tips on how smart people can control other people. If any of this rings a bell - Well, then wake up! By Charley Reese.
Pyramid Power For centuries the Illuminati / Freemasonry Secret Society Network has been manipulating society toward their agenda of total control. By David Icke.
The "Global Village" One Government, One Army, One Bank, One Currency. More control in the hands of the few toward the New World Order. By David Icke.
Big Brother's Recipe for "Revolution in Military Affairs" An Engineered Revolution towards the New World Order? By Glenn Krawczyk.
The Global Dictatorship Control of the world over a very long period has been achieved by mind manipulation, manufactured division, and most important of all, fear. By David Icke.
The Truth Campaign Cutting edge information on Conspiracies, Health Issues, Enlightened Science and Spirituality, drawn from a variety of sources including Ivan Fraser's own research.
HAARP High Frequency vandalism in the sky. Its super powerful radio-wave beam may irreparably damage the planets atmosphere and severely disrupt our mental and physical health. By Dr Nick Begich and Jeane Manning.
HAARP The Military's Pandora's Box. The Ultimate weapon against society: By Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
HAARP What's up with HAARP. A Lesson in post modern warfare.
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations "The Establishment's" Mind Control Experimental Research findings are used to direct the policies of the Illuminati / Freemason Network. By David Icke.
Fluoridation: Mind Control of The Masses? Despite damning evidence on fluoride toxicity, bureaucracies and multinationals continue to pollute our drinking water and mess with our physical and mental health
Fluoride: Poison in our tap water: The establishment is forcing society to intake Fluoride, the extremely poisonous chemical under the guise that it is beneficial for childrens' health. The real reason is: Mass Medication Toward Mind Control!
Fluoride is More Toxic than Lead: And only marginally less so than arsenic.
Aspartame: Poison in our food: The bitter truth about artificial sweeteners.
Vaccination - Assault on the Species Vaccination Expose on: Measles, Mumps, Rubella Plague, Scarlet Fever and Cholera, Influenza, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus Polio, Tuberculosis , Hepatitis B, A.I.D.S. , Dog Vaccination, Blood Poison, The Medical Assault on the Brain , Vaccine Promotion , Immunity , Meningitis. By Pat Rattigan ND
Vaccine Contamination: Germ Warfare on Civilians? Hundreds of Millions of people around the world have been intentionally contaminated with cancer-virus ridden vaccines by the Pharmaceutical industry.
Psychiatry The ultimate betrayal. Psychiatrists are the most fraudulent profession. Psychiatrists sexually abuse more women than members of any other profession. Results of their own survey suggest up to 25% of psychiatrists are mentally ill. Psychiatry is rife with Masonic influence. Around 2,060 reports and websites.
Psychiatry Quackery Drug Therapy and the Psychiatric Establishment. It is widely known in psychiatry circles that the majority of anti-psychotic drugs prescribed cause serious brain damage. By Dr. Robert.
The interconnecting pyramids allow the few to manipulate the lives of billions. At the highest level, all the major political, financial and media institutions are controlled by the Illuminati.
A History of Secret Human Experimentation A Short Chronology Of Secret US Human Biological Experimentation using drugs, highly toxic chemicals, radiation, Fluoride, pathogens & vaccinations on the public and as 'Ethnic Cleansing Weapons'.
"War on Drugs" or "War on Society" The Elite Government's Lip Service goes on unthwarted while they import and distribute "Hard" Drugs to the people. By David Icke.
Electromagnetic Exposure: A secret Agenda? It is inadvisable to depend upon the establishment to pass on information to the public, for results can be altered to suit their vested interests. By Don Maisch
The Pharmaceutical Racket The Nazi links with modern medicine; widespread pharmaceutical fraud; the AIDS fraud; suppressed cures; the truth about disease; vivisection - far more than an animal rights issue. By Ivan Frazer.
Economic Control The fraud of banks; steps towards a global bank; the World Bank; International Monetary Fund; Free Trade; European Monetary Union; Control of Food.
By Ivan Frazer.
The Brotherhood and the Manipulation of Society Toward Global Domination Freemasonry; The Round Table; Royal Institute of International Affairs; Council on Foreign Relations; Bilderberg Group; Trilateral Commission. By Ivan Frazer and Mark Beeston.
Who We Are Dogmatic Religion; Education; The Media; The Illusion of Choice; Environmental Movement; Mind Manipulation; Paedophile Satanists in the White House; Fluoride; A Micro-chipped Population. By Ivan Frazer.
Concentration Camps USA Many in the media have been aware of these hideous camps since their inception. It takes a look at the history of this century to know what will happen if they are populated. By Don Bradley.
Photos Of Detention Camp? Photographs showing a facility reportedly located on a National Guard base?
Educating for the New World Order The Federal Governments Mind-Control Program. Is there a hidden agenda within our education system to indoctrinate rather than educate? By Catherine Simons.
Education and Big Brother Should we let the psycho-educators loose on our children? By Catherine Simons.
Big Brother is Watching ....... Everyone: Extracts from Nexus, Truth Campaign and other publications on Citizen Surveillance
Y2K Incompetence or Genius: An expose of the myth that the Y2K problem was an accident. By David Icke.
It's Now 2000! The Y2K "problems" did not happen. Could the engineering of the Y2K hold other agendas? By George Farquhar
How our News is Controlled: How exactly 'Free' is our so-called 'Free press'?
By Joseph Farrah
The Moneylenders and the Systematic Creation of Debt 97% of money in circulation, including all the money that sits in your bank account, is owed to the banks!
Debt and the Economy The motivation of the Elite financial dictatorship is fear.
Publications Exposing the: The "Unelected" Masonic World Government and the engineered events towards their Global Domination.
Videos Exposing the: The "Unelected" Masonic Government and the engineered events towards their Global Domination.
Who controls Who? The "Unelected" Elite World Government Secret Society Network Pyramids of Power.
Links to UK 'Establishment' Exposé and Activist Organisations Accessible and factually reliable investigations into issues which the mainstream media dare not touch.
Links to the "New World Order Agenda" on the Internet The facts of the truth are out there, to realize it, we only have to look!
Eugenics Watch
NEW WORLD ORDER CONSPIRACY.................................Over 400 Websites and documents
SECRET SOCIETIES N.W.O...............................................Over 1200 Websites and documents
ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY.................................................Over 1400 Websites and documents
FREEMASON WATCH.........................................................Over Websites and documents
MEDIA MIND CONTROL.......................................................Over 300 Websites and documents
WAR ON DRUGS FRAUD.....................................................Over 8200 Websites and documents
WAR ON DRUGS CONSPIRACY...........................................Over 9700 Websites and documents
HUMAN GENETIC ENGINEERING CONSPIRACY...................Over Websites and documents
CHEM-TRAILS CONSPIRACY...............................................Over 2300 Websites and documents
VACCINATION CONSPIRACY................................................Over 30 Websites and documents
MEDICAL MAFIA...................................................................Over 740 Websites and documents
PSYCHIATRY-ULTIMATE BETRAYAL.....................................Over 1000 Websites and documents
ANTI-PSYCHIATRY................................................................Over 2200 Websites and documents
EUGENICS CONSPIRACY......................................................Over Websites and documents
GERM WARFARE CONSPIRACY............................................Over 2500 Websites and documents
A.I.D.S. CONSPIRACY...........................................................Over 1000 Websites and documents
ANTI-VIVISECTION - BLACK OCCULT....................................Over 26 Websites and documents
BOHEMIAN GROVE HUMAN SACRIFICE.................................Over 230 Websites and documents
SEPTEMBER 11 CONSPIRACY................................................Over 80 Websites and documents
It simply takes a genuinely inquiring heart and mind to realize that there are countless numbers of major conspiracies within our social-system designed to manipulate the minds of the masses.
It simply takes a genuinely inquiring heart and mind to realize that they are all connected by the same controlling force.
George Farquhar - Project Freedom Human Rights Watch
Daniel Taylor
Foundational Council on Foreign Relations document calls for a "North American Advisory Council" modeled around shadowy Bilderberg group
The announcement that a 25-kilometre security perimeter is to be established around the Chateau Montebello, where the planned Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting (August 20-21) -- also known as the North American Union -- is to take place has shocked activists groups who were planning a public forum to express their concerns about the meeting and the issues being discussed. The announcement was perhaps not as shocking to those who have read the Council on Foreign Relations document titled "Building a North American Community."
On page 53 of the 70 page document, we read:
"A North American Advisory Council. To ensure a regular injection of creative energy into the various efforts related to North American integration, the three governments should appoint an independent body of advisers. This body should be composed of eminent persons from outside government, appointed to staggered multiyear terms to ensure their independence. Their mandate would be to engage in creative exploration of new ideas from a North American perspective and to provide a public voice for North America. A complementary approach would be to establish private bodies that would meet regularly or annually to buttress North American relationships, along the lines of the Bilderberg or Wehrkunde conferences, organized to support transatlantic relations."
On July 17, 2007, as reported by the Hill Times, Canada's Foreign Policy Newsweekly, an advisory Council has apparently already been created that will work to fulfill the CFR plan. The council will meet in August at the locked down Chateau Montebello.
"The North American Competitiveness Council, part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, was established by the American, Canadian and Mexican governments at the June 2006 trilateral meeting in Cancun, Mexico. Comprised of 30 senior private sector representatives, 10 from each country (though there are 13 U.S. members), the council is mandated to provide governments with recommendations on issues including border regulation and competitiveness in the automotive, transportation, manufacturing and services sectors. The council is expected to meet annually with security and prosperity ministers and will engage with senior government officials on an ongoing basis. They last met in February 2007 in Ottawa and are expected to meet again in Canada in August. The following is a brief list of the council members."
click here to see a list of members.
The Bilderberg group, referred to by the cited CFR document, has been shrouded in secrecy since its very beginning, routinely locking down normally public resorts for the purposes of having a closed door meeting. Mainstream media members attend the meeting, but have taken a vow not to discuss what takes place during the meeting. The group consists of elites from around the globe. Prominent attendees include David Rockefeller, Henry Kissenger, Texas governor Rick Perry, and many other bankers and top officials. The Bidlerberg group represents the amalgamation of elites and other globalist organizations such as the CFR, and Trilateral Commission (often, members have chairs in each group) coming together under one roof. To see the Bilderberg mentioned in a CFR document therefore, is not surprising.
Robert Pastor, who has been one of the biggest proponents of a North American Union, has admitted that the CFR document cited above is the blueprint that he and the globalists behind the plan are following. As Jerome R. Corsi points out in his new book The Late Great USA,
"Pastor openly admits that the report was a "blueprint" for articulating the goals of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP). In his June 2005 testimony to the U.S. Senate, Dr. Pastor informed the Foreign Relations Committee of the link:
Entitled "Building a North American Community," the report offered a blueprint of the goals that the three countries of North America should persue and the steps needed to achieve these goals."" (Corsi, 27)
Pastor's efforts to create a North American Union include a paper submitted to the Trilateral Commission titled "A North American Community". Interestingly, the Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller, also a member of Bilderberg. In this paper, Pastor expresses his desire for an "Amero", a proposed common currency between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Pastor states,
"Mexicans and Canadians do not want to be incorporated into the United States, and they are ambivalent about adopting the American dollar, but they are more willing to become part of a single country of North America and of a unified currency, like the “Amero,” proposed by Herbert Grubel."
The power continues to shift from the people to an unelected elite, as tyranny clamps down on America. Say no the the North American Union. Take a stand for the republic.
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
The renowned psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim once explained, there are some slaves who, then as now, regarded their chains and rags as ornaments to be worn with pretense of pride. Today, the slavish mind says, "Since the system will never change, we can only influence our slave-master (the predators controlling the Democratic Leadership Council or others), by trying to influence that beast from beneath, and take his donations of faith-based-initiatives money when we can." Therefore, now is the time for currently leading political figures of much of the world to stop repeating the silly sophistries of the idiots whispering at their elbows, and, instead, to face the reality of the current global situation.
Consider the following puzzle:
The policies of the current U.S. government are being dictated by those who intend to have an immediate further outbreak of war, with the objective of eliminating all national sovereignties, including that of the U.S.A., by methods of so-called "globalization." This is being directed by the international financier circles which, typified by that same past Synarchist International's Felix Rohatyn of today, are already working to destroy the U.S. from within.
What then should we say of the idiots, including leading circles in Europe, who are reporting that the present impulse toward a form of World War III characterized by nuclear-weapons-enhanced global asymmetric warfare, is an expression of "U.S. Imperialism"? Could any sane person, under these conditions, actually believe that the U.S. government, which is about to be taken over by a foreign occupying power represented by Goldman Sachs's modern copy of Hjalmar Schacht, U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson, is the imperial power behind the intent to destroy itself?
It is time to provide the relevant protective camisoles for the representatives of that brainwashed Baby-Boomer booboisie (Fr.: Bo-Bo's) who betray their foolishness by babbling the tell-tale mantra of "I don't believe in conspiracy theories."
As everyone who is not either locked away, or mentally short-handed, knows, the current drift in world policy has been toward what is called "globalization," a scheme otherwise known as "The World Trade Organization." The stated purpose, and effect of these schemes is to drive down the per-capita income of virtually every part of the world, except the personally-worthless-but-super-rich backers of the intellectually challenged President George W. Bush, Jr. and their likenesses. This goal is supposed to be brought about, by destroying investments in capital-intensive modes of scientific and technological progress in agriculture and industry, and shifting production to virtual slave-labor regions. This, already, is exactly what has been done to ruin the U.S.A. and the lower eighty percentile of its family households, since the radical changes made during 1971-1981, by the combination of a floating-exchange-rate system and the savage deregulation launched under the Trilateral Commission.
Although the relevant evidence has been published extensively in numerous locations, it is necessary to present the essential strategic features of the case, summarily here, as follows:
The Strategic Issue Today
Go back a few decades, to the time when the concerted personal attacks on me by the circles of the Congress for Cultural Freedom began. These were the same circles associated with the American Family Foundation, the Henry "Scoop" Jackson version of what is presently George P. Shultz's Committee on the Present Danger, and the Mont Pelerin Society.
The scene was Queens College, New York. The occasion was a late 1971, widely publicized debate between challenger Lyndon H. LaRouche and the putative dean of Keynesian liberal professors in the U.S.A., the specially appointed extraordinary professor at that institution, Abba Lerner. Abba Lerner was otherwise notable at that time as a key associate of Professor Sidney Hook.
The general subject of the debate was my September 1971 challenge to the putative leading economists of that time, in which I had publicly challenged all of them to defend themselves against my charge that the events of August 1971 had exposed the lot of them as virtually "Quackademics." The premise of my charge against that ration of the academic community, was that they had either denied, or evaded the event which I had forecast, a collapse, probably to occur approximately the close of the 1960s, like that caused by President Nixon's mid-August actions, in collapsing the Bretton Woods monetary system.
Professor Lerner was chosen by the relevant academic circles to take me on.
In response to Professor Lerner's counter-challenge, my rebuttal was that Professor Lerner's own policies, as typified by his advice to Brazil, was an echo of the policies of the Hjalmar Schacht who authored the economic policies of the Adolf Hitler regime.
The debate concluded at the point that Lerner almost whimpered his final attempt at rebuttal of my charge of the occasion: "But, if the German Social-Democracy had accepted Schacht's policy, Hitler would not have been necessary"! It was as if to say, that if the Democratic Party would embrace the policies of Felix Rohatyn, a presently threatened fascist tyranny in the U.S.A. would not be necessary.
Indeed, if we look at the role of the direct predecessors of Felix Rohatyn in the world of finance today, we see the echo today of the run-up to the backing of Hitler by circles including the French Synarchist financier circles of Lazard Frères and Banque Worms then.
Professor Sidney Hook, the close associate of Lerner in the leadership of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, said of the debate. "Your man has shown himself to be an effective advocate; therefore, he will never be allowed to intervene" in relevant forms of public policy debate "again." That threat, and more, was carried out by the circles most readily recognized as Hook's own Congress for Cultural Freedom, the American Family Foundation, and the Committee on the Present Danger, from that time to the present day. This means that the U.S. Department of Justice was also a collaborator in implementing the threat delivered by "Captain" Hook.
The record shows that it has been the same category of "wealthy families" of the U.S.A., Britain, and France, which had backed Mussolini and Hitler's Schacht, whose heirs have used their corrupt influence inside the Department of Justice and the courts' system, in addition to the mass media controlled by those same families' influences, who have been the higher authority behind every attack on me and my associates, here and abroad, since the time, in 1973, that the Washington headquarters of the FBI, on the official record, choreographed what they intended to be my personal elimination through violent actions conducted under the auspices of FBI assets inside the National Committee of the Gus Hall Communist Party. They will tell you that I am "a bad guy," but they will never actually tell you why!
No other individual target of prosecutorial, judicial, and related fraud has been targetted with the persistency, international scope, and resort to sheer corrupt practices by official agencies of government and related assets, as I have been targetted during the thirty-five years since Hook delivered the threat during the close of 1971. The same opinion was given, some years past, in a public hearing, by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark. There is one principal reason that other individual public personalities have never, during my lifetime, been targetted politically in that way over so long a period of time; the actual reason for this was given as an implied threat by Hook back in 1971. The other critics of current oligarchical policies were, rightly, not considered a serious long-term threat to the cabal of wealthy families which were represented, typically, by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, the American Family Foundation, and the Committee on the Present Danger.
The typical futile "opposition" is never treated seriously, because it prides itself in doing nothing of much significance. Besides, as I have been in a position to know this very well, they can usually be purchased, very cheaply: with a rattle of fear, and a jingle of a small amount of money.
There is no reason to consider those connections as mysterious. What actually nationally leading figure of the Democratic Party today, has shown the combination of knowledge and courage to identify the principal internal enemy of the U.S., today, the circles associated with Felix Rohatyn? If leading Democrats would have troubled themselves to be less attracted by the money associated with Rohatyn's circles, and more concerned with the evidence that Rohatyn is key to the ongoing internal destruction of the U.S. republic, they, too, would soon be on the hit-list of Rohatyn and his circles today, as I am. The tip-off to the corruption within the leading national circles of the Democratic Party today, is the avowed shift in orientation to right-wing, upper-middle-class social-economic political values, and in virtual disregard of the obligation to defend the general welfare, not with unredeemable sophistries, but with substance.
Know Our Nation's Enemy!
Go back to the time the Reverend Martin Luther King came to Selma, Alabama. It was not the relevant middle class of the community which welcomed Martin; they tended to shun him. It was the children and the "have-nothings" who were the foundation of the social force which gathered so much of the nation around Martin's great, emerging leadership, here and abroad. It is not the upper twenty-percentile of the population which will fight for our nation today, except as their ox has first been gored, as the "middle class" segment of the auto workers' unions have been gored just recently. It is the lower eighty percentile of our family-income brackets, which are the mass constituency—the present situation's "forgotten man"—on which the political honor of our republic depends in this time of an onrushing, global general breakdown-crisis, as in the roughly comparable situation of the 1932 Franklin Roosevelt Presidential campaign,
In this situation, "single issues" are merely so much diversionary political garbage, fit only for the consumption of "Rove-ing" idiots. Either we force the adoption of the needed changes in law, or our republic is doomed in the near future. As we should be reminded by the wicked carnival of the legislative process now, without a government of the people which forces the legislative process and executive to submit again to the kinds of recovery policies which President Franklin Roosevelt's Administration most nearly typifies in recent memory, there will be soon no United States Federal Republic, but, at most, a caricature of what was in times past.
The enemy of the U.S. today, is the enemy of global civilization. Despite all shortfalls, and backsliding, the U.S. republic represents today the highest level of quality of design of a true republic, a republic largely, if not entirely, freed from those oligarchical traditions of the vastly inferior form of typical European government: a relatively impotent, parliamentary system submitting to supervision by a so-called independent central banking system. In addition, should there be a sudden formal devaluation of the U.S. dollar, as some fools in the U.S.A. and elsewhere propose, the result would be a general, chain-reaction-like collapse of civilization globally, as a hypothetical collapse of the U.S. economy would be an existential catastrophe for China, among others. The chief problem of the world today is, that whereas the world requires an immediate stabilization of the U.S. dollar now—which could be done if the U.S. had a mentally competent President in the Franklin Roosevelt tradition—with the failure to sweep aside the kind of policies which have led the U.S.A. and western and central Europe into their careening state of ruin today, there is no chance of avoiding a prolonged, planetary new dark age for a generation or more to come.
The enemy is not only the fabulous incompetence characteristic of the current U.S. Bush Administration. The enemy is a feral monster, only typified by Felix Rohatyn and his predecessors of the pro-Nazi Lazard Frères and Banque Worms of the relevant past.
This enemy is not prepared to accept a general, rapid chain-reaction collapse of the world's monetary systems. It is their intention, and currently ongoing practice, as in the instance of the monstrous negligence of the U.S. Congress in the Delphi case, to bring about a general breakdown-crisis of the world system; but, their intention is also to foreclose on that ruined system, by means of their present process of gobbling raw materials and production capabilities, to create a new world monetary system with stark resemblances to the medieval alliance between Venice's financier-oligarchy and the crusading Norman chivalry. That threat, is the enemy which civilized nations must unite to defeat, and to crush out of existence.
The present homicidal madness currently spreading throughout Southwest Asia, is an expression of the strategic intention of the supranational financier-oligarchical interests typified in the U.S.A. by the corrupting influence of Felix Rohatyn over the Congress. The enemy is not a nation, not any nation. The enemy is the evil force of principalities and powers, for which the typical expression is the case of the bankers behind Schacht and Hitler, and their descendants, as typified by Rohatyn today.
So many people, in so many nations, large and small, at both high-ranking and lower levels of influence, are so terrifyingly small-minded today.
We are presently moving, like the fabled lemmings, toward what promises to become, soon, World War III, but of a special, spreading, slime-mold-like asymmetric ruin. As of this moment, there is nothing of much political weight inside, or outside the U.S.A., or western and central Europe, which is standing efficiently in the way of preventing the present U.S.-backed Israeli invasion of Lebanon and prospective early invasion of Syria and beyond. That Southwest Asia situation, is the detonation, and the state of the world is the principal explosive charge.
To understand this situation, we must take into account certain types of recurring moral flaws in the behavior of ordinary men and women, as the case of Pericles' Athens illustrates: a plunge to doom, from folly to folly, with nothing effective available to stop the pointless insanity! Such were the Seven Years' War, the Napoleonic wars, and the two World Wars accompanied by orchestrated Balkan wars, then and most recently. Israel, under putative U.S. pressures, has launched itself, like a warhead on an explosive mission in wider Southwest Asia; it can not seem to stop itself from continuing this insane plunge toward self-inflicted doom.
However, this is not a U.S.-directed war. The President of the U.S.A. is a mental case, and the Vice-President is a sociopath, neither notable for much in the direction of human intelligence. They are the puppets of the action, not the willful authors. Like Israel itself, they are destined by their controllers from the same international financier circles directing the DLC, to be "used up" as the customary expendables for warfare are.
The relevant power which we must defeat, is the financier-oligarchy, only typified by Felix Rohatyn, which was behind Hitler earlier, and is the intended winner in a return of this planet to something like that medieval system of Crusades which concluded with the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age. These forces are to be recognized by their advocacy of "globalization." That is the enemy; that is the author of the onrushing threat of a modern nightmare of asymmetric World War III.
We must stop that enemy now, while it is still possible to do so.
Our task is to arouse and unite the mass of the population, including both the poor and those not-so-poor who are either capable, or redeemable as a force, to bring about the urgently necessary change, and to defeat the great forces of evil typified in the state of mind of those dupes who defend the lunacies of globalization and a world trade organization today.
I want to continue where I left off last week because after seven more days of constant propaganda over what is now a full blown war in the Middle East some balance and background is desperately required here.
We keep being told that the conflict was started by Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip when a total of three Israeli soldiers were kidnapped. Bullshit. What is happening is the latest outbreak of hostilities that began when the Rothschild dynasty targeted what was then Arab Palestine to be what it called a 'Homeland for the Jews'.
The Rothschild cabal could not care less about Jews. To them they are a means to an end of global control. The first leader of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, summed up this mind set when he said: 'If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.' (Quoted on pp 855-56 in Shabtai Teveth's Ben-Gurion)
The 'Jewish homeland' was from the start a Rothschild fiefdom orchestrated through a global secret society network of interbreeding families known as the Illuminati. The goal of these families is domination of the planet through a world government dictatorship, a world army and a micro-chipped population, as I have been detailing in my books all these years. This week the Israeli writer, Barry Chamish, told of a meeting with Evelyn Rothschild's grandson, who abandoned the family to be a Mormon. Chamish said he learned that just seven families are enjoying the 'fruits of the war'. The grandson had said of the Rothschilds: 'They created Israel as their personal toy. It makes them richer and gives them more control. It's not going to be destroyed.'
The Rothschilds funded the early European settlers in Israel, manipulated events in Germany that led to the horrific treatment of Jewish people and others, and then used that as the excuse to reach their long-term goal - a Rothschild-Illuminati stronghold in Palestine using the Jewish population as fodder to be used and abused as necessary. They called their plan 'Zionism'. This term is often used as a synonym for Jewish people when it is actually a political movement devised and promoted through the House of Rothschild and opposed by many Jews.
The most visible Zionist front in the United States today are the so-called 'neo-conservatives' or 'neo-cons', that I highlighted last week in the first part of this expose.
The Rothschilds exploited as their 'justification' to seize Palestine the claim in the Old Testament that the Jews were God's Chosen People and that 'He' had gifted them the land of what was once called Israel. That's it, no more debate required. 'God' has spoken, it's in the Old Testament, and so we're moving in.
Image removed by sender.As Golda Meir, another Israeli Prime Minister, said in Le Monde in 1971:
'This country exists as the fulfillment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy.'
The invasion and subversion of an entire nation was based on texts in the Bible written by who knows who thousands of years ago after the Jewish captivity in the ancient Illuminati centre of Babylon in what is now Iraq. Pinch me, it can't be true. 'Ouch', yes it is.
In fact, this nonsense is an historical fraud because the vast majority of Jewish people, those who call themselves 'Ashkenazi' Jews, have no connection to the land of Palestine/Israel at all, as courageous Jewish writers like Arthur Koestler have detailed. See his book The Thirteenth Tribe. The Ashkenazi come from a country once known as Khazaria in southern Russia and the Caucasus, not the land they have used the Biblical texts to lay claim to.
Those later called Ashkenazi Jews moved north over the centuries into Russia and then Western Europe and these were the people targeted by Hitler and the Nazis and exploited by the Rothschilds to populate Palestine. Koestler wrote that the official story of Jewish origins 'begins to look like the most cruel hoax history has ever perpetrated'.
Jewish writer Arthur Koestler detailed the Khazar origins of most Jewish people in his book, The Thirteeenth Tribe. Here is a brief summary of what he revealed ...The Story of the non-Semitic Jews -
Jews fall into two main groups, the Ashkenazi and the Sephardic, who were once located in Spain and Portugal. Daniel Elazar at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs wrote that at the end of the 11th Century, 97% of Jews were Sephardic, but the ratio changed dramatically over the centuries and by 1931 Ashkenazi Jews accounted for nearly 92 per cent of world Jewry.
Today the Ashkenazim utterly dominate Israel society both in numbers and control. Jewish organizations like the Anti Defamation League (ADL) constantly target others for 'racism' when Israel is a strictly and fiercely hierarchical society based on race, even among the Jews. The Ashkenazi are at the top, of course, followed by the Sephardic, and, irony of irony, then come the Mizrahi Jews, who descend from the Jewish communities of the Middle East. At the bottom of the pile are the black Ethiopian Jews who have long complained of blatant racism. Underneath all of them come the Palestinian Arabs.
(See Racism Inside Israel - Racism By Any Other Name - The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel - The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel)Ethiopian Jews in Israel are bottom of the social pile - except for the Palestinians, naturally.
This Internet article described one expression of this racist Israeli structure - income distribution:'Israeli society is further fragmented by ethnic class and religious inequality. In general terms, Arab citizens are the lowest paid, and have seen a decline in their position over the period 1990 to 2001. Mizrahi Jews (Jews of African or Asian descent) have seen a small improvement, whilst Ashkenazi Jews (Jews of European or North American descent) are the highest paid, and have seen a 10 percent rise in their pay. In 2001, Ashkenazi Jews received on average one and a half times the income of Mizrahi Jews and twice that of Arabs.'
It is time that Zionist racism and apartheid was exposed to balance the endless claims of racism and 'anti-Semitism' that come the other way through Illuminati fronts like the ADL and many others that have been set up to brand as racist anyone who challenges the Zionist agenda.
In truth, Ashkenazi Jews are not even a Semitic people - it is the Arabs and minority Jewish people who are the Semites. Not that it should matter what they are, the human body is just a potential vehicle for the Infinite Consciousness that we all are. But such labels are used by these people to suppress debate so we need to balance the propaganda.
The lands of the Semitic peoples. Why aren't we told that being 'anti-Semitic' overwhelmingly means 'anti-Arab'??
So imagine if all this happened in your country. There you are peacefully getting on with your life and getting along well enough with the small numbers of Jewish people who live in your communities - just as the Palestinian people were. Then, American and European governments decree that your land, where your ancestors have lived for thousands of years, belongs to someone else and millions of Jewish people from all over the world descend upon your country.
David Ben-Gurion reads the declaration of independence on May 14th 1948 which claimed Palestine as a Jewish state
Even worse, they don't want to just live among you - they want to take complete control of everything and turn you into serfs and slaves. How would you react? How would anyone react in the face of this?
The Palestinians were supposed to just lie down and accept this staggering injustice and if they didn't they were 'terrorists'. What the world seems to have forgotten, and they will certainly not be reminded by the mainstream media or even most of the 'alternative' media, is that it was through terrorism that Israel was imposed upon the incumbent Arab population.This is the story. The idea that a Jewish homeland in Israel was the result of what happened in Nazi Germany is ridiculous. That was the justification used at the time by the Rothschilds amid the wave of - understandable - public sympathy. But the planning and manipulation began long before in the 19th and early 20th centuries through the Rothschilds and their gofers like Chaim Weizmann. British Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary, Viscount Palmerston, was a close Rothschild family associate and patriarch of European Freemasonry. He mixed with all the major Illuminati names of his era. As early as 1840, he wrote:
Chaim Azriel Weizmann who worked for the Rothschilds to prepare the way for a Jewish state in Arab Palestine. He was President of the World Zionist Organization and the first President of Israel.
'There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine. It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage the Jews to return and settle in Palestine because the wealth that they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan's dominions, and the Jewish people if returning under the sanction and protection at the invitation of the Sultan would be a check upon any future evil designs of Egypt or its neighbours. I wish to instruct your Excellency strongly to recommend to the Turkish government to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine.'
More bullshit. Palmerston was pushing the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda and he knew it. House and Baruch ...Rothschild front men and the real power in the United States in early years of the 20th century - not President Wilson. The Rothschild/Illuminati-manipulated First World War led to the 'Balfour Declaration' in 1917 when the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Balfour, declared his government's support for a Jewish homeland in Israel. This announcement was connected to a deal to bring the United States into the war, a scam orchestrated through President Woodrow Wilson's minders, Edward Mandel House and Bernard Baruch. Both were Rothschild agents in America.
It was Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, who formulated with others this British government 'declaration' in support of a Jewish homeland. What became known as the 'Balfour Declaration' was actually a letter from Balfour to Lord Rothschild. What official history does not tell you is that a major Illuminati grouping is called the Round Table and this spawned organisations like the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London and both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission in the United States. Lord Balfour was an inner-circle member of the Round Table, Lord Rothschild was its funder, and the 'Balfour Declaration' was a letter between the two!
Lord Balfour and his controller, Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild. They were behind the British declaration of support for a Jewish homeland in Israel. The Balfour Declaration promised Palestine to both the Jews and Arabs, in fact. They wanted to keep the Arabs on their side for a while because they needed them to revolt against the Turks as part of their First World War strategy. They used the man known as 'Lawrence of Arabia' to lead this campaign. However, they, and Lawrence, knew it was all a lie.
The Balfour Declaration said that 'nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'. But Rothchild sidekick Chaim Weizmann would say: 'With regard to the Arab question - the British told us that there are several hundred thousand Negroes there but this is a matter of no consequence'. Nor have they been ever since.
After Europe had been devastated by the Rothschild-Illuminati First World War there came the Versailles 'Peace' Conference near Paris in 1919 in which reparations were imposed on the post war German government, the Weimar Republic, that were so crippling and unsustainable that they prepared the ground for Hitler and the Nazis to come to power on a platform of restoring German pride and the nation's economy.
Every one of the major 'advisors' at Versailles from Britain, France and the United States was either a Rothschild bloodline or controlled by them. These included Bernard Baruch. And guess what? They announced their official support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
The Hitler regime was funded by Illuminati-Rothschild agents like the Rockefellers, Harrimans and Prescott Bush, grandfather of the idiot president. This allowed the German war machine to emerge in just a few years from the ashes of economic collapse. What followed was the Second World War, the concentration camps, and the Illuminati-Rothschild use of these horrors to secure their long-held goal - a foothold in the Middle East to advance their plans far into the future.
The lands that the Rothschilds and their agents wished to occupy were populated at the time by the Arabs or Palestinians, but there was always going to be but one fate for them. Former Israel Prime Minster, Yitzhak Rabin, said in an uncensored version of his memoirs, published in the New York Times on 23 October 23rd, 1979:
'We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question - What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said "Drive them out!"'
And that's what they did.Zionist terrorism in the war to create the State of Israel. Remind you of anywhere? The Arabs were driven out of power or consequence in their own land by Zionist terrorist groups like Hagana, Irgun and the Stern Gang (also known as Lehi) who bombed and assassinated Arabs, fellow Jews and the British administrators who had control over Palestine under a mandate from the League of Nations and the Versailles Peace Conference. 'Palestine' was then the region we now call Israel, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, formerly belonging to the Ottoman Empire.
This Zionist terrorism led to the imposition of the Jewish state in 1948 when 750,000 or more Arabic people were expelled from their own land. Among the major players in these and other terrorist operations were Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and Ariel Sharon, butchers who became Israeli Prime Ministers and had the nerve to condemn Arab terrorism.Begin and Shamir ... terrorists who became Prime Ministers of Israel and condemned terrorism! The Stern Gang was named by the British after its first commander, Avraham Stern, who later formed his own group, Irgun Zvai Leumi be-Yisrael (National Military Organization in Israel). An Internet article describes the motivation: '... Stern believed that the Jewish population should focus its efforts on fighting the British rather than supporting them in World War II; and that forceful methods were an effective means to achieve those goals. He differentiated between "enemies of the Jewish people" (e.g., the British) and "Jew haters", (e.g., the Nazis), believing that the former needed to be defeated, and the latter neutralized. To this end, he initiated contact with Nazi authorities offering an alliance with Germany in return for transferring Europe's Jews to Palestine and the establishment of a Jewish state therein.'
This has always been the true motivation of these manipulators and they have treated Jewish people as a whole as cattle to be exploited at will to this end. Irgun ... a terrorist organisation that helped to spawn Israel. Irgun, led by later Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, was responsible for the bombing of the British headquarters at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. It killed 91 Britons, Arabs and Jews, injuring many more, and this was only one of a stream of terrorist outrages and assassinations that ended in the creation of Israel. An article on the World Socialist Website, points out: 'It is not simply that Ariel Sharon and company are a bunch of hypocrites or political amnesiacs about the past. More importantly, the Irgun, led by Menachem Begin, the Stern Group and Lehi, its successor, went on to form the Herut party, forerunner of the Likud party, and the ultra right-wing Moledet party, which form the main coalition partners of Sharon's government.
The gang of former generals, ultra-nationalists and religious bigots that run Israel today are the political heirs of terrorists who furthermore had close connections with the fascists. In this, they mirrored some of the Arab nationalists in Palestine, Egypt and Iraq who allied themselves with Germany in order to rid themselves of British imperialism. These alliances led to a virtual civil war between the various wings of the Zionist movement during World War II.'
This is what people need urgently to realise. To challenge Israel is not to condemn Jewish people as a whole. It is to expose the fact that they are fodder in a game most do not begin to understand - a game controlled from the start by a leadership made up of terrorists. When we understand this, past and present events start to make far more sense.
Kissinger with Golda Meir
Henry Kissinger, a war criminal of astonishing proportions, was United States National Security Advisor and Secretary of State from 1969 to1977 and responsible for the death and suffering of extraordinary numbers of people around the world. But his prime role was to represent the interests of Israel and the Illuminati plan for the Middle East that I will describe shortly. Especially after the emergence of Kissinger, the Illuminati-Israel grip on American foreign and domestic policy began to tighten ever more obviously..The Illuminati/Israel nexus has spent decades taking over the government structure of the United States to ensure that (a) Israel has become the recipient of ONE THIRD of all US aid; (b) that it is funded to the tune of billions a year by the US to finance its military spending and build up; and © that the United States government pursues a foreign policy of unbelievable bias towards Israel and against the surrounding Arab states.
The pathetic statements about Lebanon by Bush that blamed Hezbollah for everything, supported the mass murder of civilians, sorry 'Israel's right to defend itself', and showing no desire to secure a ceasefire, are typical of how Israel controls the US government through the Illuminati network. So is the mantra of 'Iran and Syria are to blame'. These are both on the Illuminati hit list and they need an excuse to target them.
As I pointed out in detail last week, the Bush administration is dominated by supporters of Israel through the Project for the New American Century, the American Enterprise Institute, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), one of the top lobby groups in Washington. Joel Beinin, a contributing editor of Middle East Report and a professor of Middle East history at Stanford University, says that the AIPAC ...:
'... became a significant force in shaping public opinion and US Middle East policy after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Its power was simultaneously enabled and enhanced by Israel's emergence as a regional surrogate for US military power in the Middle East in the terms outlined by the 1969 Nixon Doctrine'. (In other words, the Kissinger Doctrine).
An AIPAC foreign policy associate in Jerusalem told that in one month alone some 10% of the members of the U.S. House of Representatives had visited Israel on tours it had arranged. CBS News also reported in 2004 that an FBI investigation had found evidence that a senior Pentagon analyst with close ties to neo-con Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and neo-con Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith had provided a draft presidential directive on Iran to the AIPAC that was then passed to the Israeli government.
Wolf Blitzer, who leads the CNN team covering the Middle East conflict, is a Jewish former employee of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. How can that be seen to be fair? How many Arabic anchors are covering the conflict for CNN? Exactly.Add to all this the Zionist control through ownership and personnel of much of the mainstream media and you have a network that gives the Arabic peoples no chance whatsoever of justice and understanding and the public no chance of being told the truth. So to current events and their true significance.
It is claimed that everything started with the kidnapping of the Israeli soldiers, but we need to go back at least to June 9th when Israel shelled a beach in Gaza killing eight Palestinians and injuring 32 civilians, including 13 children. The dead included seven members of one family. The Israeli government offered its 'deep regret', but this outrage was no accident. It was part of the process of instigating a reaction so that what has happened since could unfold.On June 13th ,an Israeli plane fired at a vehicle on a busy Gaza road and when civilians hurried to help the injured another missile was fired into the crowd. Eleven Palestinians died, including two medical staff and two children. Come on, the Israeli government was saying - retaliate. We have the gun clocked, we're ready to go, and we just need you to give us the excuse to pull the trigger. A photograph released by the Israeli army shows an Israeli navy vessel shelling a beach in the northern Gaza Strip on June 9th 2006
Huda Ghalya screaming alongside the body of her father after the Israeli attack. Huda lost seven members of her family - across three generations - on that Gaza beach. Here's the video if you can stomach it. The Israeli government will have no problem - And Israel has the nerve to talk about the terrorism of others.
If Arab people had done the same they would have been called terrorists, the pimps of the 'world community' would have been red-faced in their condemnation, and Israel's American-funded military would have done what have these past ten days.
The outrageous double-standards are just sickening. I saw some former Israel military commander this week saying how terrible it was that Israeli children had to be sitting in bomb shelters in Haifa when, as she spoke those words, children were being killed by Israeli bombs in Lebanon. But then Israeli Prime Minister and terrorist, Menachem Begin, told the Israeli parliament that Palestinians 'are beasts walking on two legs' and another Prime Minister and terrorist, Yitzhak Shamir, said in a speech to Jewish settlers that the Palestinians 'would would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls'. ('Begin and the 'Beasts', New Statesman, June 25, 1982, and Yitzhak Shamir quoted in the New York Times April 1st, 1988). That is what they really think. What a way to bring up your children ... Israeli kids writing messages on the bombs waiting to be fired at Lebanese civilians and children just like them ...
Have no illusions here, Arabs and the rest of the world's peoples, are seen as inferior beings - little more than vermin - to the extremist fanatics who buy the nonsensical baloney of a 'God's Chosen People'. It was the neo-con Israel fanatic John Bolton, the 'US' (Illuminati/Israel) Ambassador to the UN, who said this week that there was a 'moral' difference between the deaths of Israeli civilians and those of Lebanese people in the conflict.Bolton, like Bush and Secretary of State Rice, sing for their supper at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
'I think it would be a mistake to ascribe moral equivalence to civilians who die as the direct result of malicious terrorist acts,' he said, and those caused by Israel's 'self-defense'. Behind that statement is the racism that has long been at the heart of American and Israeli policy. But then why shouldn't Israel and its supporters be racist to others when their very state is based on apartheid and racism on a mega scale?
'What should we do next, oh masters?'
'We must say Syria and Iran are to blame, and it is too early to have a ceasefire so Israel can go on killing the innocent for as long as it wants?'
'Alright, anything you say.' The creation of Israel was never an end in itself. It has always been a means to an end. All along, the plan has been to target the Islamic world to trigger a global war that would set the world ablaze and lead to the 'solution' of centralised control of the planet and all its peoples. To do that they needed to create a point of conflict, a power keg, among the Arab countries that could be exploded to start another global conflict. This is the real reason for the creation of Israel and the real reason why the United States has spent its billions building up Israel's might and military.
Albert Pike, a Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and Illuminati to the core, is alleged to have written a letter in 1871 to an infamous Illuminati operative, Guissepe Mazzini, in which he outlined the three world wars that would lead to global domination.
The first war, he is supposed to have written, would overthrow the Czars in Russia through a conflict between the British and Germanic Empires; and the second would lead to political Zionism being strong enough to install a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. Now there are many who say the letter never existed, but what is interesting, in the light of current events, is what he is supposed to have said about World War Three:
'The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on this issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion ...We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.'
Source: Cmdr.William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy, quoted in Satan: Prince of This World.
If Pike did not write that, then the faker was some prophet. The Illuminati agenda all along has been to create so much war, conflict and upheaval of every kind that the people agree to be ruled by a centralised global dictatorship to 'solve the problems' these perceived 'saviours' have actually created. It is the technique I have dubbed Problem-Reaction-Solution. You covertly create the problem and then overtly offer the solution ... the change you want to impose on the world.
The plan has always been to use Israel as the spark to explode the Middle East into war, which would then drag in more and more countries and lead to a conflict with China. North Korea is part of this, also. One of the reasons the rest of the Arab world has been so restrained over events in Lebanon is that they know the game plan and are terrified of the consequences for them.
It seems that the terrorist-turn-Prime Minister-terrorist, Ariel Sharon, was pursuing policies that did not suit the needs of the agenda. So he took his leave - stage far right -after his massive induced stroke to be replaced by his 'friend' Ehud Olmert and the truly appalling Shimon Peres who now front up the devastation and mass murder in Lebanon and Gaza.
Sharon: You were just a sad pawn, mate. Peres: no words would suffice.
This is the historical background, the falling dominoes, that have led to what is happening today with hundreds of Lebanese killed, more than half a million made refugees, and missiles killing and maiming Israelis who are manipulated and programmed by their own sick government to believe the Big Lie.
Of course, Arab terrorism is equally wrong. Violence just begets violence, only peace begets peace. Every kidnapping, death and injury is a personal and family tragedy and none is more or less important than any other. The sight of the Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, calling two Arab children in Israel killed by Hezbollah rockets 'martyrs for Palestine' was gut-wrenching. There are idiots and terrorist fanatics on both sides and I have no illusions about the suppression of freedom in Syria or Iran either. It is a case of seeing the big picture in which the monstrous game is being played out and putting the Arab response into its historical context.
"When people hear of 'The Crown' they automatically think of the King or Queen; when they hear of 'London' or the 'The City' they instantly think of the capital of England in which the monarch has his or her official residence. When we speak of 'The City' we are in fact referring to a privately owned Corporation - or Sovereign State - occupying an irregular rectangle of 677 acres and located right in the heart of the 610 square mile 'Greater London' area. The population of 'The City' is listed at just over four thousand, whereas the population of 'Greater London' (32 boroughs) is approximately seven and a half million." (Source)
The "City of London" was created after the invasion of William of Orange, who acted on behalf of the disbanded Knights Templar. This is why the Templar Shield is at the center of the city's crest. The descendants of the Templars organized Freemasonry with the Rosicrucians and, later, the Illuminati at the head. These are the real rulers of the English Empire and the City of London is their capital.
"The Bank of England and its monstrous ancient temple of a building is the template for all big central banks that wish to perpetuate the global scam. Located in the private City of London the counterfeiting operation opened its doors in 1694 as an easy way for the Government to create finance. It was only later that the Rothschilds infiltrated the institution. The initial idea came from Scottish money changer William Paterson who some researchers claim was an initiate in to the Order of the Orange, a Merovingian Bloodline secret society developed by Dutch (Templar) Freemason, William of Orange." (Source)
The City of London is governed by the Illuminati-Freemasons and they are governed by their god Lucifer/Satan. The Bank of England owns the Central Banks established around the world, and this is the real power of the modern British Empire. One example is the United States Federal Reserve Bank, which is wholly owned by the Bank of England and her subsidiaries. Thus the world has been enslaved by the Illuminati-Free-Mason conspiracy which exacts her tribute through interest on their various currencies.
"Historically all British military colonies with white populations such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa were under the authority of the Queen and her Government. Whereas all other brown “slave” colonies such as India, Egypt, Bermuda, Malta, Singapore, Hong Kong, Gibraltar and the African nations were the private property of the Crown, which is the separate board of the City of London. These colonies were exploited for slave labor and trade, to make the cartels richer and more powerful." (Ibid)
"The Crown" has nothing to do with the Queen. It is a private corporation led by the Illuminati. Fascism and slavery are its history, obscene power and profit its goal, no matter what the source:
"During the development of this two tiered British Empire the BRITISH EAST INDIA COMPANY (BEIC) owned by the CROWN began making a fortune through the Opium trade. One of their strategies was to get the vast impoverished Chinese population addicted to opium to create a mass market for the crop, while they also milked their exports at the same time. It didn’t matter to the Crown that China outlawed the drug. They wanted money and money they got.
The Royal Family also wanted their greedy claws on the profits so joined their counterparts in the CITY and negotiated a tax on the opium farmers in there Indian colony. Thus huge amounts of opium were shipped from India at a tax to China and the Royal Family added an enormous amount of money to their every increasing pot. Slaves in India produced the opium and gave them a cut for nothing, and impoverished laborers in China bought it to smoke while picking tea leaves for export back to Britain. Next time you pick up a box of teabags with the endorsement stamp “By appointment to Her Majesty the Queen”, spare a second for our Chinese neighbors." (Source)
The "Crown" not only governs our money, they control our politics and wars. This is why the United States is in Afghanistan. Our young men are fighting for the Crown's control over the Opium industry. In fact, almost 90% of the world's heroin originates in the Afghanistan's poppy fields. The "Crown" manages these assets through its control over the World's Intelligence Agencies (CIA, MI6, etc). So, in essence, American men are dying to enslave other Americans to the most dangerous drug habit known to man.
In Iraq, the objective is oil. Only, without any benefit to the Unites States and its citizenry. Companies like BP, Shell Oil and others that are owned by the "Crown" have partnered with Chinese and Russian interests to lay claim to the real reason we went to war. The deal paves the way for global energy giants to return to Iraq 36 years after late dictator Saddam Hussein chased them out, and is seen as a first step to access the earth's third largest proven crude reserves." Saddam's real crime was nationalizing the oil fields and depriving the "Crown" of its pound of flesh. The Iraqi National Bank, another "Crown" business venture, was founded 1 year after the U.S. started dropping bombs. At the center of the "Crown" conspiracy is the Rothschild Family. The disgraced Templars were forced to align with the Illuminati Jews because of their public relations problems. Templar Knights, who had a death sentence on their head, were able to remain hidden behind the Jewish facade in all of their business transactions, without the risk of exposure.
Interestingly enough, the Bush family can be linked to "the Crown" through their holdings in a bank that reportedly helped funnel Nazi assets out of Germany.
"The enormous sums of money deposited into the Union Bank prior to 1942 is the best evidence that Prescott Bush knowingly served as a money launderer for the Nazis. Remember that Union Banks' books and accounts were frozen by the U.S. Alien Property Custodian in 1942 and not released back to the Bush family until 1951. At that time, Union Bank shares representing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of industrial stocks and bonds were unblocked for distribution...
The Bushes knew perfectly well that Brown Brothers was the American money channel into Nazi Germany, and that Union Bank was the secret pipeline to bring the Nazi money back to America from Holland. The Bushes had to have known how the secret money circuit worked because they were on the board of directors in both directions: Brown Brothers out, Union Bank in." (Ibid)
It is time for all of us to come together, Arab, Jew, Gentile, whatever name you give yourself. The labels don't matter; they are but diversions, illusions. We are ALL one infinite consciousness caught in a crazy computer game believing it to be real.
What do most Israelis, Arabs, Jews, Gentiles, Chinese, whoever, really want? They want peace and love and harmony in their lives. So let us grasp that together. It is what unites us, this desire for peace, love and freedom. It crosses the delusions of the religious and racial divide. Why should we go on allowing the crazies to deny it to us?
How do we change the world from hatred and war to peace and love?
We must be peaceful and loving and cease to cooperate with the forces of hatred and war.They can only control us and dictate to us with our cooperation because they are the few and we are the many. We are the power on this planet if only we realised that and expressed it with a passion. The dark eyes and dark suits can only have power through divide and rule. They want us to fight among ourselves, only then can these pathetic people have their wicked way.
As Gandhi said: 'We must be the change we want to see in the world.'
Truer words never spoken.'I'm ready, what about you?
Fritz Springmeier
Excerpt - Bloodlines of the Illuminati
It has been said all roads lead to Rome. For this book, it could be said all paths of investigation lead to the Rothschilds. Charles T. Russell, in a 1891 letter to Baron (Lord) Rothschild, mailed from Palestine, outlined possible courses of action that could be taken to establish the Jews in Palestine. Russell's letters praised the Rothschild's money which established Jewish colonies in Palestine. Russell writes Rothschild, "What is needed here, therefore, next to water and cleanliness, is a good government which will protect the poor from the ravenous and the wealthy. Banking institutions on sound bases, and doing business honorably, are also greatly needed " Russell continues, "May the God of Jacob direct you, my dear Sir, and all interested with you in the deliverance and prosperity of Israel, and blessed will they be who, to any extent, yield themselves as his servants in fulfilling his will as predicted."(14)
When the Mormon Church needed financing in the late 19th century, they went to Kuhn, Loeb Co.15 To explain the Rothschild's control of Kuhn, Loeb Co. here is some background information. The method that the House of Rothschild used to gain influence, was the same that Royalty had used for centuries, marriage. The Rothschild children, girls and boys, have had their spouses chosen on the basis of alliances that would benefit the House of Rothschild, but since consolidating world power they generally have married cousins these last two centuries.'16
Jacob Schiff grew up in the house that the Rothschild's had at 148 Judengasse, Frankfurt. Jacob Schiff came to the United States with Rothschild capital and took over control of a small jewish banking concern founded by two Cincinnati dry goods merchants Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb. He even married Soloman's daughter. In 1885, Loeb retired, and Schiff ran the Kuhn, Loeb Co. for the Rothschilds until 1920 when he died.17 During Russell's and Brigham Young's day, Lord Rothschild was considered the "lay leader of world Jewry."18
Edmund Rothschild was President of the Jewish Colonization Assoc,19 which was a major Zionist group. Amselm Rothschild indicated that his grandfather Amschel Mayer Rothschild had insisted in Clause 15 of his will to his children, "may they and their descendants remain constantly true to their ancestral Jewish faith."(20) However, the will has been secret and there is no way of knowing what it says. The Rothschilds have not remained true to the Orthodox faith. If this was actually what Clause 15 said then something is amiss. The Jewish world has showered the Rothschilds with praises, "The Rothschilds govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves without their advice. They stretch their hand, with equal ease, from Petersburg to Vienna, from Vienna to Paris, from Paris to London, from London to Washington. Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary people... .The lion of the tribe of Judah, Baron Rothschild, possesses more real force than David--more wisdom than Solomon." (21) The Prieure de Sion-the Elders of Sion22 also relates to the Rothschilds who are reported to serve on a jewish council of Elders of Sion.23 The Rothschilds have "helped" the Jewish people the Rothschild's own way. For those who admire stingyness, the Rothschilds will be greatly looked up to. For instance, the extent of James Rothschild's charity in France to poor Jews was 5 francs (the equivalent of $1). Their dynasty has destroyed honest Jews along with Christians. Today, few dare criticize the Rothschilds.
CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD--connections to secret societies
The Rothschilds had played a major role in the Bavarian Illuminati, (25) and it is known that a least one of the sons of Amsel was a member. As the reader remembers, Amsel placed his sons in the major European capitals, where they each set up the principal banking houses. By their own secret intelligence service and their own news network they could outmanouver any European government. (26) The large amounts of voluminous correspondence by Rothschild couriers attracted attention, (27) but no one ever stopped their personal intelligence and mail services. After the Bavarian illuminati were exposed, the central occult power over the European secret societies shifted to Carbonarism a.k.a. the Alta Vendita,(28) led by another powerful Rothschild, Karl Rothschild,29 son of Amschel. In 1818, Karl participated in a secret document that was sent out to the head-quarters of Masonry from the Alta Vendita. The Masons were quite distressed when a copy of this was lost, and offered rewards to anyone who could return the lost copy. It was originally written in Italian. Its title translates ,,Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code of Rules; Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades of Masonry."(30) The Masonic reference book 10,000 Famous Freemasons, Vol. 4, p.74, indicates two other sons of Amschel were Masons, James Meyer Rothschild, and his brother Nathan Meyer Rothschild. James Rothschild in Paris was a 33 degree Scottish Rite Mason, and his brother Nathan in London was a member of the Lodge of Emulation. And Jewish Freemason Katz indicates Solomon Meir Rothschild, a third member of the five brothers, was initiated into Freemasonry on June 14, 1809.(31) The Rothschilds became powerful within Freemasonry. We find the Saint-Simonians, the occult religious millenialist forerunners of communism, praising Baron de Rothschild in their magazine Le Globe, "There is no one today who better represents the triumph of equality and work in the nineteenth century than M. le Baron de Rothschild... .Was this Jew born a millionaire? No, he was born poor, and if only you knew what genius, patience, and hard work were required to construct that European edifice called the House of Rothschild, you would admire rather than insult it."
Lionel de Rothschild (the de was added by the French Rothschilds) was involved with the first communist Internationale. The Mason Mazzini who helped start communism praised Rothschild, "Rothschild could be King of France if he so desired."32 Adoiphe Cremieux, was a french Jewish Mason (see chap. 1.4 for his credentials). The Rothschilds gave at least £ i ,000 to Cremieux to go to Damascus with Salomon Munk, and Sir Moses Montefiore to win the release of Jews imprisoned there, and to convince the Turkish Sultan to declare the charges of ritual murder false.33
According to the three Jewish authors of Dope, Inc. the B'nai B'rith was a spin-off of the Order of Zion and was organized as a "covert intelligence front" for the House of Rothschild. It is highly probable that the B'nai B'rith was used as a Rothschild intelligence cover.
The Rothschilds are prominent in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschilds were closely related to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Although many people today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secret society and it was kept secret for many years, in spite of its awesome power. Carroll Quigley, professor of International Relations at the Jesuit Georgetown University, exposed the Round Table Group with his book Tragedy and Hope.(34) The Rothschilds supported Rhodes to form De Beers. (35) Later, Rhodes made seven wills which established a secret society modelled after the Jesuits and Masons to help bring in a One-World- Government centered upon Britain, and the Rhodes Scholarships.36
The inner group was established in Mar. 1891 and consisted of Rhodes, Stead, Lord Esher (Brett), and 33* Mason Alfred Milner.(33bb) A secondary circle of "potential members of the Circle of Initiates" consisted of the Jew Lord Balfour, Sir Harry Johnson, Lord Rothschild, Lord Grey and others. Initially, Lord Rothschild was part of the inner group of Rhode's secret society, but was replaced by his son-in-law Lord Rosebury who wasn't as conspicuous.37 The Fabian Socialists dominated the staff at Oxford when the Rhodes Scholars began arriving. These scholars then received indoctrination and preparation to become part of an international socialist New World Order.(38) The Round Table Group developed from the inner executive circle of Rhode's secret society. The outer circle was established after the start of the 20th century. The Round Table Group was extended after W.W. I by organizing a front organization the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The Council of Foreign Relations was the American part of this front. The inner circle continues to direct the outer circle and its two front organizations RIIA and CFR. The CER in turn set up a number of fronts including the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR)
CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD--management of the Catholic and Czars' wealth and the capture of the Orthodox Church's wealth.
Early in the 19th century the Pope came to the Rothschilds to borrow money. The Rothschilds were very friendly with the Pope, causing one journalist to sarcasticly say "Rothschild has kissed the hand of the Pope...Order has at last been re-established."39 The Rothschilds in fact over time were entrusted with the bulk of the Vatican's wealth. The Jewish Ency., Vol. 2, p.497states, ,,It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure." Researcher Eustice Mullins writes that the Rothschilds took over all the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church in 1823.(40) Today the large banking and financial business of the Catholic Church is an extensive system interlocked with the Rothschilds and the rest of the International Banking system. The great wealth of the Russian Czars was entrusted to the Rothschilds, $35 million with the Rothschild's Bank of England, and $80 million in the Rothschild's Paris bank. The Rothschilds financed the Russian Revolution which confiscated vast portions of the Orthodox Church's wealth. They have been able to prevent (due to their power) the legitimate heirs of the Czars fortune to withdraw a penny of the millions deposited in a variety of their banks. The Mountbattans, who are related to the Rothschilds, led the court battles to prevent the claimants from withdrawing any of the fortune. In other words, the money they invested in the Russian Revolution, was not only paid back directly by the Bolshevists in millions of dollar of gold, but by grabbing the hugh deposits of the Czars' wealth, the Rothschilds gained what is now worth over $50 Billions.(41)
Chapter 2.11 gives the names of a Witchcraft Council of 13 which is under Rothschild control and in turn issue orders to various groups. One of the purest form of Satanism can be traced to the Jewish Sabbatain sect and its Frankist spinoff. The leaders of this up to the Rothschilds were:
Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676)
Nathan of Gaza (16??-?)
Jacob Frank (1726-1791)
The Rothschilds
Three connections between Satanism, evil, and money.
Money naturally attracts itself to evil. For instance, if a woman prostitutes herself she may receive a great sum of money, but who will pay her for keeping her virginity or her dignity? If you are a hit man a large amount of money is yours if you kill your target, who will pay you if you would miss your target?
Second, evil men believe in where there is a will there is a way, and they are willing to sell their souls for their God money. They will employ evil to gain money.
While most people are quite aware of these last two connections, a third may likely have escaped their attention. Thirdly, the principle group of men who cranked up International Banking were Satanists from the beginning. These Satanists now are the ones who run the Federal Reserve and are responsible for the creation of U.S. Federal Reserve notes. Just having total control over the supply of U.S. paper money almost gives them leverage over the world's finances, without mentioning they control the world bank. It is no accident then, that once they established world financial control, they would do all in their power to divide and conquer and destroy both the Christian and the Moslem faith in God. These powerful Bankers relate to faith in God as Cain related to his brother Abel. That they may be related to the Jewish people, does not mean they have the Jewish people's best interest at heart. Initially Sabbetai Zevi was rejected by many Jews. His sect gained momentum in second half of the seventeenth century in southeastern Poland.(42) In 1759-60, 500 Jewish Sabbateans ,,converted" to Christianity.43 In 1715, 109 of the 415 Jewish families in Frankfurt were engaged in moneylending. The rest were merchants of various kinds. The concepts that Satanism holds to were a natural shoe in to justify for many of these Jewish bankers the type of behavior they were engaged in." (44)
Many divisions and battles between religious elements in the world have been encouraged and supported by the Power's wealth. Unfortunately, many have been fooled into thinking that being devout and faithful to God is the source of religious fighting. In some areas of the world, Moslems, Christians, and others have gotten along fine for centuries. Religious tensions do spring to some degree from within the religions themselves, but the fuel to keep those fires burning and to light up conflicts often come from the Power's wealth. An obvious example is the Iran-Iraq war.
When Germany fell, not only did Rothschild agents draft the treaty, prepare the idea of the League of Nations, but Max Rothschild was one of 11 men who took control over Bavaria. Max Rothschild was a Freemason in Lodge No. 11, Munich, Germany.
CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD--connections to MI5, Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, CFR,
Victor Rothschild, who worked for J.P. Morgan & Co., and was an important part of MI5 (British Intelligence). Victor Rothschild was also a communist and member of the Apostles Club at Cambridge.45 Lord Rothschild was one of the original members of Rhode's Round Table group which developed into the CFR. It was the Rothschilds who had financed Cecil Rhodes, beginning in Africa. The Rothschilds' have several agents which their money got started and who still serve them well, the Morgans and the Rockefellers. The Rockefellers were Marrano Jews. The original Rockefeller made his money selling narcotics, (they weren't illegal then). After acquiring a little capital he branched out in oil. But it was the Rothschild capital that made the Rockefeller's so powerful. "They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (railroads) and Andrew Carnegie Steel."(46)
CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD--Power within Christendom
The Rothschilds also wielded much influence and power not only in Secret Societies, but also in Christendom's churches. The Salvation Army under the suggestion of the Rothschilds adopted the Red Shield (Roth-red Schild-shield) for their logo. One history of the Rothschilds remarks, "The Rothschilds had rapidly propelled themselves into a position of immense financial power and political influence. They were an independent force in the life of Europe, accountable to no one and, to a large extent, reliant on no one. Popular lampoons depicted them as the real rulers of Christendom..."(47) Some of the Rothschilds have been involved in the campaign to loosen public morals. The first executive Secretary of the National Student Forum was John Rothschild. This National Student Forum changed its name like articles of clothing. Speaking about clothing, one of the aims of this Socialist group was to promote public nudity, and free love. This organization had the following constituent groups Radcliffe Liberal Club, Union Theological Seminary Contemporary Club, Yale Liberal Club"(48) to name just a few. A further development of this was the Youth Peace Federation which consisted of the League of Youth of Community Church, Methodist Epworth League, NY District, Young Judea, and Young People's Fellowship of St. Phillip's Parish49 to name a few. American religious men have ties to the Rothschilds especially through their various agents.
Harry Emerson Fosdick, who was Pastor of Rockefeller's church was also among the Presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation. John Foster Dulles, CFR, was chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and married a Rockefeller, Janet Pomeroy Avery. Remember John Foster Dulles was an important Federal Council of Churches of Christ official. (See chap. 2.9) Every road leads back to the Rothschilds. There are more items than what have been mentioned above linking the Rothschilds to the various tenticles. Each of the various tenticles that conspiracy theorists have put forth,--the Jews, the Masons, the Intelligence Communities, the International Bankers, the Prieure de Sion, the Catholics, the Trilateral commission, the CFR, the New Age, the Cults-- each ties back to the Rothschild's power.
According to one source "it was estimated that they controlled half the wealth of the world."(50) The Federal Reserve Bank of New York was controlled by five banks which owned 53% of its stock. These five banks were controlled by Nathan M. Rothschild & Sons of London. Control over the U.S. Fed is basically control over the world's money. That fact alone shows how immense the Rothschild Power is. If one examines who has been appointed to head the Fed, and to run it, the connections of the "Federal" Reserve System to the Rothschilds can further be seen. Another private enterprise using the name Federal that the Rothschilds also direct is Federal Express. Any one else might be taken to court for making their businesses sound like their are government, not the Rothschilds. It is appropriate for them to appropriate the name of Federal, because by way of MI6 via the CIA they instruct the U.S. government. Senators are bought and paid off by their system, as investigators of the BCCI are discovering. The Rothschilds have been intimately involved in witchcraft and the Illuminati since its early known history. The Kaiser of Germany seems to refer to them when he said, "the magic powers of money as wielded by the Lord of Lucre are powers of Black Magic at its blackest."51
If only half of the wealth is controlled by the Rothschilds, it indicates that if they are to be part of the world's rulership, they must have allies.
The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are only two of thirteen controlling families of the Illuminati. (52) Two Jewish families that appear to be prominent are the Oppenheims and the Oppenheimers. A. Oppenheim was situated in Cologne. The Oppenheimers were early members of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Bund der Gerechten (League of the Just) was an illuminati front run mainly by Jews who were Satanists. This Bund financed in part by the Rothschilds paid the Satanist and Mason Karl Marx to write the Communist Manefesto. The Jew Gumpel Oppenheim was in the inner circle of the Bund. His relative Heinrich Oppenheim masterminded the communist revolution of 1848 in Germany. The Communist Party's official histories even accept the Bund as the predecessor of Communism.
The Oppenheimers apparently are close to the Rothschilds. J. Robert Oppenheimer of the CFR was exposed as a communist. Harry Oppenheimer, an international banker, is chairman of the Jewish De Beers world-wide diamond monopoly, and chairman of the Anglo-American Corp. Oppenheimers can be found in important financial positions in the U.S. They help run around 10 large foundations, including the Oppenheimer Haas Trust of NY for the care of needy Jewish children.
The Jewish Ency. Vol. 2, p. 496 indicates other Jewish families "adopted the Rothschild plan." These were the Lazards, Sterns, Speyers, and Seligmans. The Rothschild plan was to place family members in the 5 largest European capitals to coordinate their activities. One of Germany's largest magazines is the Stern, and Ernst Stern is second-in-command of the World Bank."(53) The Jewish families that established the Frankfurt Judenloge (this was the Masonic lodge the Rothschilds belonged to in Frankfurt) included the Adlers, Speyers, Reisses, Sichels, Ellisons, Hanaus, Geisenheimers, and Goldschmidts. Isaac Hildesheim, a Jew who changed his name to Justus Hiller is credited as being the founder of this Frankfurt lodge. Michael Hess, principal of the Reformed Jewish school Philanthropin was an important figure in the lodge too, as was Dr. Ludwig Baruch (later Borne) who joined in 1808. Most of these Frankfurt Jewish Freemasons engaged in commerce.(54) Those Freemasons from 1817-1842 were the leaders of the Frankfurt Jewish community.55 A gentile Mason in Frankfurt Johann Christian Ehrmann began warning the German people that the Frankfurt Jewish Masons wanted a world republic based on humanism. In 1816 he came out with a warning pamphlet Das Judenthum in der M[aurere]y (The Jews in Masonry). A powerful ally of the world's jewry can be seen beginning with men like Oliver Cromwell, who was considered a Mason.
Cromwell was financed by Jews, and helped the Jews gain power in England. Cromwell was willing to go along with the Jews, because he became convinced of British Israelism. Since the core of the conspiracy of power is Jewish, the attitude of those allied with it hinges on their attitude toward the Jewish people.
The religious idea that the British people are descended from the tribes of Israel doesn't automatically place people into the camp of the conspiracy. Some of the British-Israelites realize that the so called Jewish people in general have no claim over the promises of God. For that reason, they realize that it is not the Christian duty to bow and scrape at their every move. When Christians can be arrested in Israel and abused, and Christians will not even stand up for their own kind, we can see how much hold the idea of the "Chosen Race" theory has over Christendom. Some of the British Israelites such as the Mormons, the old New England wealthy families such as make up the Order, some Masons and New Agers, and the non-Jewish members of the Priuere de Sion are collaborating with the One-World-Power. The anglican church which is run by the Freemasons is strongly British Israelistic.
In contrast, a hodge-podge of groups which are opposed to the conspiracy like some Neo-Nazi groups, and various Churches unrelated with them are also believers in British Israelism. These various groups are sometimes all lumped together as the "Identity" movement, which is misleading because of their vast differences. It is important to diferentiate between those groups that are trying to approach things from a Christian perspective and place themselves under the authority of God, and those who are setting themselves up under the New Order's authority, or under their own authority.
Eustice Mullins has published his research in his book Who Owns the TV Networks showing that the Rothschilds have control of all three U.S. Networks, plus other aspects of the recording and mass media industry. It can be added that they control Reuters too. From other sources it appears CNN, which began as an independent challenge to the Jewish Network monopoly, ran into repeated trickery, and ended up part of the system. Money from B.C.C.I., (B.C.C.I. has been one of the New World Orders financial systems for doing its dirty business such as controlling Congressmen, and is involved with INSLA, the Iran-Contra Scandal, Centrust, and other recent scandals) which has tainted so many aspects of public power in the U.S. has also been behind CNN. Perhaps nothing dominates the life of some Americans as does the television. Americans sit themselves before the television set and simply absorb what it projects to them. On a day to day basis the biggest way the Rothschilds touch the lives of Americans are the three major networks which are under Rothschild direction. To illustrate this we will examine who run the networks. This list is not current, and no attempt was to provide that. The length of writing a book insures that some material will be dated anyway.
Lyndon LaRouche
These kinds of abusive practices, or the inducing of kindred effects on the molding of the individual personality, or of particular cultures and sub-cultures, typify the ways in which the natural potential for the development of the cognitive function is impaired, even seemingly almost destroyed. For example, a sudden descent of a social climate of pervasive fearfulness will tend to induce a degradation of a large part of the population to a relatively dehumanized, relatively feral state of mind, as under the conditions induced by Hermann Goering's orchestration of the February 1933 Reichstag Fire, or the events of September 11, 2001 in th U.S.A. The sensitivity of a people to such degrading experiences and conditions is enhanced by protracted exposure to degrading experiences, as in pre-Hitler Weimar Germany, especially the interval under the Bruening and von Papen ministries, or the growing sense of desperation experienced as the worsening conditions of life for the lower eighty percentile of the U.S. population over the 1971-2001 interval. The right-wing irrationalism among assorted religious cults as a correlated effect of the increasingly irrational changes in social conditions during that interval, is an example of the mental deterioration which may be traced to effects of worsening and increasingly irrational forms of imposition of aversive conditions of ordinary life spilled over from the effects of the wild, countercultural irrationalism expressed as the "68ers" phenomenon which had been fostered by the childhood experiences of that generation, under the influence of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, during the childhood years of the 1950s.
Yet, to understand the sickness of any process, we must first locate its condition of good health. For this purpose, we must know that healthy condition in a way which is independent of, and outside the bounds of the sicknesses. We must understand man as a higher species, that in a way which is independent of the existence of man's sicknesses.
2. The Function of Man As A Higher Species
Mankind's place in the universe is defined by the function of the individual person's creative mental processes in mankind's changing the universe in some beneficial way. Putting the questions posed by economic processes in those terms of reference, now leads us rapidly, here, toward an understanding of the deadly incompetence of those ideas which most of our society of today associates with even the very idea of economy.
I now ask you to look at the implications of the uniqueness of the human individual's creative mental processes for society, with this goal of higher understanding as our objective at this point in my account. This will be a challenge to most among you, but it is a challenge which responsible people will accept, out of respect for the extreme practical importance of the subject-matter, despite any temporary difficulties in their attempts to master some of the crucial points presented.
The incompetence of most taught doctrine or opinion on the subject of human mental processes, is a reflection of either the attempt to show that human cognitive powers are an outgrowth of either non-living processes, as such wild-eyed followers of Bertrand Russell as Norbert Wiener, John von Neumann, and so forth do, or, in the alternative, to insist that the existence of those qualities of human cognition which are absent in animal life must be, nonetheless, traceable to isolable features of general animal biology.
The evidence against the first of those two doctrines, that of Weiner and von Neumann, is clearly strong, and, in fact, overwhelming, since competent practice of physical science deals with the recognized systemic qualities of ontological differences between living and non-living processes. That evidence refutes the fanatical advocate of the "information theorists'" desperate attempts to show that living processes evolve out of the principles of non-living ones. That attempt has yet to gain any supporting experimental basis outside the myths of "science fiction," and, we may be certain, never will.
The second mistaken doctrine, when contrasted to the fantasies of the "information theorist," has the specious relative advantage of the fact that, whereas there are living processes distinct from non-living ones, we have no ontological evidence of any independently existing cognitive process except that manifest in its effects as a property of human individuals. Yet, the very efficiency of those same creative powers, by means of which mankind changes the universe we inhabit, shows that human cognition is fully as much a physically efficient power as we could associate with efficient forms of action within the abiotic and biological domains. It is for this reason, that civilized culture, which must find a name for this third domain, has located those cognitive processes which distinguish man from ape, in an ontologically spiritual domain.
Yet, contrary to sundry varieties of gnostics, including the materialist, empiricist, and existentialist varieties of such mental aberrations, this notion of spirituality , whose efficiency is demonstrated in that way, is not something outside the universe ontologically, but is fully within it efficiently. It is on this account, that the genius of Academician V.I. Vernadsky's treatment of the Noosphere, as within the domain of physical science, is such a remarkable accomplishment of physical science.
However, despite the intellectual challenge which that topic implies, the requirements of the subject of this present report as a whole would not permit us to avoid the problems which Vernadsky's argument poses for us today. To tolerate the opposition to Vernadsky's argument would be, implicitly, as the materialists, empiricists, and existentialists do, those such as Mandeville, Quesnay, and Adam Smith, to certify that man is a beast, and therefore naturally a beast—more or less a Hobbesian one—to man. In that case, the present, global situation of the people of the U.S.A.—and many other places—were an intrinsically hopeless one. If man were a beast, rather than essentially a spiritual being in the sense I have described him in this present report thus far, then the future of the people of the U.S.A. (in particular) is a hopeless one; the descent into a prolonged new dark age of humanity would be, in principle, unstoppable.
The Soviet Union's official versions of "dialectical materialism" should probably be blamed for the fact that Vernadsky's treatment of the Noosphere, while clear as far as his extant writings known to me go, does not offer us that specific explication of his emphasis on Riemannian physical science which is implicit for me, for example, but would probably have been missed by most others acquainted with his work.
In the official science of the former Soviet Union (in contrast to Soviet science's most notable achievements, such as those in the military domain), its official version of so-called "dialectical materialism" was savagely alien to everything traced from the richest lodes of European Classical culture as a whole. Certainly, while it is evident that the Soviet government, including Stalin himself, defended Vernadsky personally from the relevant official Soviet ideologue's harassments, available documentation shows very clearly that the ideological environment for Vernadsky from relevant "orthodox materialists," was notably hostile and aggressive. What I find missing from Vernadsky's account of the implications of Riemannian physical geometry for the notion of the Noosphere, is precisely that implication which the all too typical Soviet materialist ideologues would be least inclined to tolerate.
Despite that historically specific cause for today's difficulties in defining some relevant implications of Vernadsky's views during his own lifetime, his emphasis on Riemann enables us to reach firm conclusions on some relevant points of concern to us here. Clearly, for me, Vernadsky is viewing the triadic domain, of the interacting abiotic, Biosphere, and Noosphere, in that language of Riemann surfaces which is centered on the topics of The Theory of Abelian Functions. This view of the matter returns us to Plato's Timaeus dialogue as a point of reference to the concept which Vernadsky's stated Riemannian view of the triadic relationship implies.
The principal subject here is human cognition. By that we do not mean only the ability to discover principles which explain regular motion which we are able to observe, as if in astronomy. We mean the ability to discover an efficient principle which, when wielded in our hands, provides us today with a new quality of power over events within the universe, a power which we had not commanded yesterday. Although we have not located a separate quality of material substance, distinct from both the abiotic and biotic qualities, corresponding to a principle of human cognition which generates these powers for our willful use, the effect of the application of those powers upon the universe is clear. It is clear that the cognitive powers constituting a third domain of substantiality, the Noosphere, are known to us experimentally only in their human expression. The crucial evidence to this effect, pertains, as Vernadsky states, to a class of fossils which is generated only by those powers obtained through human cognition, and not within the Biosphere otherwise.
Leibniz, Gauss and Riemann
We must not avoid the fact here, that the popular meaning of the term "matter," and that term's synonyms, is the pivotal expression of the ignorance which most citizens bring to the discussion of economics. Most people in our society still cling to the delusions of sense-certainty, the seemingly instinctive belief that the experiences perceived to lie at the finger-tips of the senses, are the real universe. The usual results of that popular, childish delusion are either simple materialism or something akin to the empiricist's Cartesianism. This was, notably, the delusion which Carl Gauss exposed, in his 1799 doctoral dissertation, as the common systemic error, the virtual delusion of D'Alembert, Euler, Lagrange, et al. then, and Cauchy and his followers later.
I should repeat here what I emphasized earlier on this matter, in this report and earlier locations. I use the fact of those earlier treatments of this topic, to limit myself here to repeating a difficult, but indispensable point as succinctly as possible, given the importance to the vital interest of all of the citizens of the topic being presented here.
Our sense-experiences are, at their most reliable, merely our mind's interpretation of the sensations which the universe around us has caused. The real universe lies beyond the senses. In respect to those sensations, our mind seeks to interpret them as experiences, in the effort to discover actions by us which can exert some degree of control over that unsensed universe itself which has prompted the relevant sensations.
The result of this action by the mind is represented at its best by the notions I have identified in making the contrast of astronomy to astrophysics: the difference between the mere describing of experience (e.g., astronomy) and the experimental discovery and proof of the ordering of experience by a principle which, in and of itself, lies outside the bounds of sense-experience: such as Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation (astrophysics). Within the history of modern science, this distinction must be traced from a series of writings on scientific method by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, a series associated with his initially published general statement on the matter, De Docta Ignorantia .
Cusa is the principal author of the original definition of modern science, as the experimental science associated explicitly with such followers as the most notable figures of Luca Pacioli, Leonardo da Vinci, Kepler, Fermat,Leibniz, Gauss, Riemann, et al. Cusa's work in science is defined most clearly in a categorical way, by looking at underlying principle of method in De Docta Ignorantia , in retrospect, from the later vantage-points of Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation and 1857 Theory of Abelian Functions.
Kepler, in addition to his development of the foundations of modern astrophysics as such, posed two additional notions based on that work, notions of the most general and crucial importance for the subsequent conceptual development of modern European science. These are his emphasis on the requirement that future mathematicians must develop a calculus such as that by Leibniz, and that the ironical, anti-Euclidean implications of elliptical functions must be mastered, as was done by such exemplars as Riemann.
The legacy of Cusa, Kepler, et al. was brought to a significant degree of fruition by Leibniz, most notably Leibniz's conception of Analysis Situs and the development of a calculus of a catenary-cued geometry expressed by his principle of universal physical least action. The savage Eighteenth-Century attacks on Leibniz's principle of universal physical principle of least action, by the empiricists, was led with a crucial role by the circle of empiricist fanatics D'Alembert, Euler, Lagrange, et al. As I, and others, have reported frequently, the opposition to that attack of Leibniz's work, was led by a circle associated with Abraham Kaestner who was a leading mathematician of that century, and also a defender of the work of Leibniz and Johann Sebastian Bach, the sponsor of Gotthold Lessing, and was himself one of the two leading teachers of Carl F. Gauss. The European revival of Leibniz's work was led by the circle of Gaspard Monge and Lazare Carnot, in later association with the networks of Kaestner's student Gauss and Alexander von Humboldt.
So, as I have emphasized in numerous locations published earlier, the implications of Leibniz's discovery that the catenary function, rather than the cycloid, expressed a universal physical principle of least action, was clarified by the work of Gauss and others, beginning with Gauss's 1799 attack on the fallacies of the empiricists around Euler and Lagrange. The key to this role by Gauss was introduced in the 1799 dissertation, but was made explicit in Gauss's later elaborations of the physical principle of the complex domain, and in associated work on the general principles of curvature. Riemann's leading works, which I have repeatedly referenced, completed the general outlines of the case.
The story, so to speak, of the complex domain, takes us back to the scientific astronomy of the ancient Egypt of the great pyramids, to the distinction between astronomy and astrophysics as defined in that context. The concept of the complex domain as a physical, rather than as a merely formal-mathematical domain, goes directly to the mathematical heart of the difference between astronomy and astrophysics. It takes us directly into the realm of that sanity which the self-endangered population of the U.S.A. in particular requires so urgently today.
Universal Principles as Objects
In physical science, as distinct from merely formal mathematics, we have two leading types of measurements to be combined into one. As I have already said above, one is the universe as mere astronomy would imagine it; the other is the action of the real universe, the physical universe, in creating those shadows of reality which impinge, as reflections of universal physical principle (e.g., astrophysics) upon the relevant formation of the domain of perception. For Gauss himself, this implication of the complex domain was made clear, as in his work on the general principles of curvature, and his work on Earth magnetism where Gauss's own approximation of the problem posed by Dirichlet's Principle appears in passing. Once Gauss's work in this direction had been rounded out, so to speak, by Riemann's habilitation dissertation and Theory of Abelian Functions, the deeper implications of Leibniz's catenary-cued universal physical principle of least action, is not only restored to its rightful prominence, but in an appropriately more elaborated form.
The key point which needs to be emphasized within the topic of this paper as a whole, is the following.
Reality does not lie in the objects which we tend to think of as objects of sense-perception. The objects of sense-perception are often real, but, as the Christian Apostle Paul warns us,their reality is that of shadows, not substance. The complex domain, as defined successively by the work of Gauss, Dirichlet, and Riemann, for example, represents the reality behind the perception. However, this reality is not in the form of the object which is the shadow. The reality is in the form of a power as the Classical Greek term is usually expressed in English, or as Leibniz's choice of the German Kraft ; it is reality in the sense of an astrophysical principle. The importance of stressing this notion of power as an object occurs under the title of Geistesmasse in Riemann's posthumously published notes on scientific method,and appears as the central theme of Riemann's treatments of what he identifies as Dirichlet's Principle. The relevant notion is the conceptualization of a universal physical principle as a definite object of the mind, as Gauss implies this efficient problem of conceptualization in his work on Earth magnetism.
In the modern English translation from the ancient Greek, the ontological quality of this power is change , as this notion of change is associated with Heraclitus, and as Plato follows Heraclitus in his posing of the relevant problem in his Parmenides dialogue's exposure of the incompetence of the Eleatics. In other words, the employment of a discovered universal physical principle has the ontological quality of change . From that standpoint, as reflected in the argument of Heraclitus as referenced by Plato, the conceptualization of an efficient universal physical principle as a definite object of the mind is accomplished by competent scientific training and thinking.
In discussion of accounting problems, and so on, change appears only as the exceptional, discrete change from one fixed set of relations to another. In physical economy, a continuing process of change is the ontologically primary feature of the economic process .On this account, the competent economist thinks about the operations of an economy, or a particular firm, in a completely different way than does the accountant or the usual sort of economist. That, unfortunately rare, competent economist thinks in terms of a constant process of change: thinks of universal physical principles as efficiently existing definite objects of the mind.
This is precisely what is presented to us as the implications of Vernadsky's triad of abiotic, Biosphere, and Noosphere as phase spaces.
The process of generation of that special class of fossils above and beyond the Biosphere as such, serves as the experimental substance through which our experimental approach to understanding of human cognition becomes possible. In other words, we know the principle of cognition through its special effects, as we also know a principle of life, the latter which has never been captured as an independently existent substance in a laboratory, but whose principled actions and reactions are proper subjects of experimental methods.
This principle of cognition defines the human individual as implicitly immortal , which is to say the power to become immortal as, for example, the scientists Pythagoras and Archimedes did: through others' replication of what is validatable as their discoveries of principle, across intervening millennia, through to the present day.The appropriate argument in support of that observation is two-fold.
First of all, mankind's accumulation of the powers which Aeschylus' implicitly Satanic, Olympian Zeus forbids, powers typified by knowledgeable use of forms of fire such as controlled nuclear fission, typifies mankind's ability to do what no animal species can do: willfully increase the human species' potential relative population-density through the experimental discovery of even a single universal physical principle of the type I have associated with the use of the term power in this report.
Such discoveries of a power are never a collective effect, but always the action of a single sovereign individual mind's cognitive processes. This is a process which occurs only within an individual human being's perfectly sovereign cognitive processes. Such processes of discovery can be replicated, however, within other individual minds' sovereign cognitive processes. A properly constituted classroom, organized according to the same Classical principles familiar from Plato's Socratic dialogues, is a typical medium of interaction through which acts of discovery are stimulated, and replicated among a group of individuals. The Platonic Socratic dialogue is a model of the way in which a classroom, or kindred social process, is most effectively organized.
Through various expressions of the transmission of discovery of powers, such powers are accumulated as transmissible revolutions in practice through a succession of generations. Thus, the personality which generates the relevant discovery of principle, becomes immortalized in the replication of the act of discovery in others. The modes in which a growing accumulation of such discoveries of powers progresses through successive generations, is the proper definition of a branch of human culture, such as a language-culture whose specific accumulations of Classical forms of ironies provide the medium through which this development of the individual personality is fostered. This is the only useful definition of any application of the term "Classical;" to avoid the encouragement of frauds, other modes which differ from this should not be termed "Classical."
Now, because of what I have just written above, see how what I have just outlined in the preceding paragraphs provides you knowledge of how an economy actually works.
Mere Footprints Are Not Feet
The characteristic principle of action upon which the continued existence of the human species depends, is what I have just stated in introducing the subject of Vernadsky's discovery of the Noosphere into this report. For this purpose we must now understand that the phase-spatial principles of the abiotic, Biosphere, and Noosphere domains are, themselves, powers in the relatively higher order of the process as a whole. The actions of society, by means of which the continuation of the human species is accomplished, are nothing other than the willful employment of these qualities of action, these higher powers, to effect a qualitatively higher state of development of that integrated phase-spatial system as a whole.
In other words, for example, it is not any presently taught body of physical science which expresses these qualities of power; rather, it is the action represented by those ongoing changes corresponding to a higher order of principle in the aggregation of those powers themselves. It is increases in the productive powers of labor so motivated, as per capita and per square kilometer, which are the primitive expression of the continuation of the existence of the human species. This arrangement is to be viewed practically as the domination of the abiotic phase-space domain and of Biosphere by the Noosphere, a Noosphere which, in turn, is a subject of the individual human creative will. With that understanding, the true meaning of economy begins to fall into place.
Something else also falls into place. That something else is the nature of the pathology which has been the stated subject of this present report as a whole. The relevant mental disorder which I am addressing here, is, in the last analysis, the inability to see the physical-economic, developmental process of society's existence, rather than in terms of a society represented by some fixed set of rules. Which is to say, allegorically, that mere footprints are not feet.
I do not merely concede, but stress here that even in my own teaching of economics earlier, I have rarely been as explicit as this on the matter of principle I have just posed. That practice arose within my teaching of this subject, from practical pedagogical considerations. Apart from exceptional occasions, in work with what would be considered as specialists with relevant backgrounds in education and experience, I was impelled to avoid over-straining the degree of development of my then available students and others; on this account, I substituted a pedagogy of reasonable, successive approximations in imparting to them at least a practical sense of a physical economy.
So, by the early 1970s, it was clear that, as it is said, "sooner or later," I must supplement my classroom teaching on the subject of economics itself by devising a relevant type of educational program in the essentials of Riemann's work. Without such training of the students of economics in the relevant features of Riemann's work, a fulsome presentation of my own discoveries and their development to those audiences and classes were not feasible. Some progress to that end was made, but there were serious obstructions to my policies on this account introduced from among my associates.
Now, the development of the LaRouche Youth Movement, beginning on the West Coast of the U.S.A., combined with the nature of the immediately onrushing phases of the world's present breakdown-crisis, are typical of the converging conditions, including notably, the ongoing collapse of General Motors and related crises, which, happily, allow and also demand a more direct presentation of the core of the Riemannian implications of my discoveries and related work, as I emphasize that here.
Despite the pedagogical compromises, what I taught heretofore was true, but only rarely did I state my own view on these matters as directly as I am doing here. The practical consideration always was, that these aspects of economy can not be addressed except from the standpoint of critical examination of prevalent psychopathologies, as I am doing here. Now, the times themselves are ripe enough that such fruits may now fall from the tree. On reflection, in reading this, you will be enabled to recognize what I was actually saying to you on earlier occasions, respecting the deeper side of the subject of economic science.
For these purposes, Vernadsky's presentation of the conception of the Noosphere is most useful under today's global circumstances.
As I have stressed in sundry relevant other locations, the presently onrushing global economic crisis finds the world verging upon the boundaries of presently developed raw-materials sources. The limits are not absolute limits, such as those proposed by the so-called Club of Rome and others of that leaning. The limits are relative limits expressed in the form of the need for new approaches to development of resources, so as to ensure adequate supplies of such materials, at reasonable prices, for a world in which the rate of increase of population, and per-capita technological development of those populations will greatly increase the demands for development of raw-materials supplies. This will involve increased reliance on technologies in the upper ranges of existing "energy-flux densities." The development of a planetary system of management of such supplies, is now an integral part of the economy of Earth as a whole, an integral part of the basic economic infrastructure of the planet.
Our planetary crisis has now reached the point that there is no hope for what we might have considered, until now, as the opportunity of a "decent life" the next several generations of humanity, unless we not only consent to, but demand and enforce a "reverse cultural-paradigm shift," back toward the pro-industrial policies associated with the Franklin Roosevelt Administration and the post-war reconstruction efforts of the period up to the 1964-68 upsurge of the "68ers" generation.
The view of Vernadsky's Noosphere from the vantage-point of my discoveries in economics, is now the essential approach needed for the present world situation of crisis.
To assist at least some of those "Baby Boomers," and the present generation of adult youth of university-eligible age, in grasping the emotional forces which are presently tending to prevent our society from adopting solutions for this onrushing global nightmare, the following summary description of the state of mind of the typical "Baby Boomer" of North America and western and central Europe may be indispensable.
3. Technology as Physical Economy
In the next chapter, I shall treat the current, crucial example, of the way in which the process of globalization, by shifting production from regions with more highly developed basic economic infrastructure and higher customary standard of living, to regions of less-developed infrastructure and lower usual standard of living, results in a lowering of the productivity of the planet as a whole. During the recent quarter century, that transformation of the planet as a whole has produced presently disastrous effects.
Therefore, I devote this present chapter to clarifying some of the leading considerations of popular psychopathology which must be taken into account to understand how the recent generation of global decline has been brought about, largely, through the process which is presently referred to as "globalization."
In any meaningful use of "technology," I should use that term, as here, as a convenient way of referring to the specific way some scientific principle, or combination of principles, is applied to the generation or use of a product. Therefore, the term "technologies" refers, essentially, to the participation of a principle or set of principles. We should use the term "principle" in the sense of a universal physical principle, and regard "technology" as a term whose use should be limited to reference to innovations which are reflections of either some universal principle or improved mode of employment of such a principle. That sense of "principle" is always to be treated as subsumed by the notion of a universal astrophysical principle.
It must be remembered, throughout this report, that our use of the term "principles" here, as always, signifies "powers" as in the tradition of the Pythagoreans, Kepler, Leibniz, et al., not the modern reductionists' meaning of "force." Therefore, the first point of clarification to be made, is that technologies so defined do not add to, but act to transform the function to which they are applied. This notion of transformation may be compared to the non-linear action of gravitation in determining the characteristic motion of a Keplerian orbit, and that in the sense of that aphorism of Heraclitus, nothing is constant but change, which Plato reflects in his Parmenides dialogue. The generality of the geometries of Riemann's Abelian Functions, is the applicable notion. The following discussion should make that point clearer.
The economy, so defined, is not the summation of functionally independent components which are each products of localized action. Contrary to habits of U.S. national income and product accounting, local production is a product, in the functional sense, of the active interaction of all significant factors of the national economy as an integrated process as a whole. It is also, functionally, similarly, an integral part of a world process; but, the national borders are, and must be maintained as a buffer between what transpires within the national economy, and its interactions with the world economy without.
We should order our sense of technologies and their applications, according to the hierarchical, upward ordering of abiotic, Biosphere, and Noosphere. That is to say, that we develop a predominantly abiotic setting to support living processes, and develop living processes to support human populations and their activities. Thus, the fertility of land area for development of field and forest, for example, predetermines the relative degree of success available to support fertility of development of the relevant section of the Biosphere. The level of development of the Biosphere determines the relative range of contribution of support to the Noosphere. Similarly, the level of development of basic economic infrastructure determines the relative level of productivity of agriculture or industry per capita and per square kilometer. The relative level of development of the health and mental powers of the members of the population, determines the relative degree of realization of progress in evolution of the Noosphere. These notions always express the quality of powers.
In all this, we must never overlook the fact that a properly defined universal physical principle is a form of anti-entropic action in itself.
Also, developments of the preconditions of human existence and production must be seen in the order of longest term, first, to long term, to medium term, to short term, last. Similarly, we most note the preference for increased life-expectancy of highly developed populations, over greater numbers of poorly educated, and shorter life-expectancy populations with the characteristics of a cheap labor force.
The calculable feature of relations broadly so ordered must be determined concretely, as essentially a matter of science. However, it is not only feasible, but indispensable to treat the relations in more or less the broad terms I have indicated so far here. On this account, it must not be overlooked, or regretted, that precise measurements of the indicated relations will usually become feasible long after the relevant long-term to medium-term choices have been made. Therefore, the shaping of physical economic policies of society must be made according to broad "rules of thumb" akin to those I have just outlined here, to the effect that most crucial decisions will have been made long before the relevant fine measurements were available.
The latter approach corresponds to the way hiring policies are often chosen for rapidly growing productive enterprises. For such cases, prudent employers will choose those applicants who, according to profile, are likely to improve to meet rising standard requirements, rather than prefitting an exact, predetermined standard. The recruitment of the relevant elements of the labor-force is based on broad considerations, leaving the refinements to be developed in the course of development of the productive process.
There are some highly relevant, additional considerations to be included in our broad outlines here.
In past times, as in U.S. practice of the late Eighteenth Century, it was customary for some to refer to capital goods of production as included in a category of "artificial labor." The higher the ratio of "artificial labor," especially that expressing higher levels of technology, the greater the multiplier-effect on an otherwise fixed quality of the effort of living human labor. The longer-term physical capital of infrastructure, for example, engages, and thus reacts upon that action which it affects, and which, thus, depends upon it for that level of potential performance.
The most advantageous concentration of "artificial labor" is usually in basic economic infrastructure. As the profile of elements of "artificial labor" becomes relatively shorter-term, as we go up the ladder, progressive changes in the technology embodied tend to become preferred to long-term investment. However, the future increase of the ration of the longer-term should, hereafter, tend to predominate to the degree that much of basic economic infrastructure's "life-span" will tend toward running into virtual "terra-forming" effects, with an associated "life-time" cycle of centuries.
All of these considerations should be read with the understanding that we are seeking to increase the accumulated potential power, in Leibniz's sense of the economic power of a physical economy, at the same time that the power of labor per capita and per square kilometer is increasing through scientific and comparable forms of progress. We should be increasing the potential embodied as the accumulated power of basic economic infrastructure, production, the labor force as such, and the general cultural potential of the population as a whole.
Therefore, the level of educational and related cultural development of the population is the topmost of the requirements of progress in the productive powers of labor. In today's technological culture, the first target is the development of the young up through approximately the "school-leaving age" for scientific and related professionals of about a quarter-century. However, the continued such qualities of cultural development of the population above twenty-five years of age, will become an increasingly significant objective of society over coming generations.
The Cultural Paradigm-Shift
Under present trends, unless those are soon corrected, by the time most levels of the U.S. Government would be prepared politically to recognize the actual implications of the presently ongoing collapse of General Motors' productive capacity, all short- to medium-term remedies for a consequent national catastrophe would have been preemptively exhausted. When one allows for the dissipation of the organized capability for building the machines that make the machines of high-technology types of production, the effect on the relevant parts of the economy will be as if a tidal wave had swept and destroyed that regional economy and its living conditions in a way which reminds us of post-1977 trends toward spread of new dust bowls in regions of formerly high-technology family, or multi-family farming. The concurrent effects on industries of a related type would have created effects which could not be reversed in less than a generation or longer. Entire communities would be virtually destroyed, as if in the transformation of an area of rich farm-land into a dust bowl.
The principal source of that danger lies in the effects of the cultural transformation of the way of thinking of the "Baby Boomer" and "Tweener" generations, as contrasted with the spectra of mind-sets of the adult generation of the 1930s and 1940s. The "Tweeners" are generally worse than the "Boomers," because of their qualitatively greater distance from, the experience of a science-driver-oriented, agro-industrial culture.
For reasons of cultural experience, as my associates and I have relevant, extensive experience with the distinctions in behavioral traits between young adults of the eighteen to twenty-five years age-range and the "Tweeners," the "Tweeners" tend to be more radically Sophists, less rational than the "Boomers." The needed reflexes for recognizing the perils of the present economic situation, tend to be limited to certain ranks of persons either under twenty-five, or in their late sixties, and, more clearly, their seventies and eighties.
Such are the effects of prolonged exposure to the overlapping effects of the sophistical indoctrination by the programs of the Congress for Cultural Freedom and the transformation from a productive, to a "post-industrial" orientation expressed by the emergence of the "Sixty-Eighters," as marked especially by so-called "environmentalist" indoctrination.
Although we see the effects of this cultural paradigm-shift most clearly in the instance of the "Baby Boomer" and "Tweener," the shift which produced these social-cultural down-turns were set into motion by the generation of the "Baby Boomer's" parents. It was during the young-adulthood of those parents that the generation of Baby Boomers was conditioned to the standard being set by the Congress for Cultural Freedom. It was the effect of that conditioning, especially as in the "middle-class" suburbia of the 1950s cults of "White Collar" and "The Organization Man," which erupted with force in the wake of the terror wrought by the succession of 1962 missiles-crisis, the assassination of President Kennedy (and others), and the launching of the insane official U.S. war in Indo-China. The 68ers were the harvest; but, who planted that crop?
Since recently, those now highly visible, present patterns already set into motion during the immediate post-war period, are already commanding more and more critical attention from relevant economic and political circles in the U.S.A., as also in Europe. The turn against the "anti-nuclear energy" fads of the 1970s, is typical of this change in direction of trends. The trend toward domination of political life by "alternative life-styles" and related social-cultural trends in broader terms of reference, is now being recognized as something which must be significantly reversed, especially in government and economy, at least to the degree that these notions of "alternative life-styles" are blocks against resumption of those policies of long-term investment in scientific and technological progress which had become virtually outlawed by the overreaching political influence of the 1968er-shaped counterculture.
The difficulties to be seen in the difficult situation of an otherwise capable political figure, Social Democratic Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, in the keystone nation of Germany, are only typical of this principled conflict between countercultural fads and the possibility of averting nations' economic collapse into wasteland conditions, and into the kinds of brutish governments the persistence of such countercultural influence would ensure. Virtually the same patterns of problem are reflected throughout Europe, and in the U.S.A. itself.
Nonetheless, the vestiges of the counterculture are still a potent factor. Attraction to self-destructive behavior left over from the heyday of the 68ers, such as "recreational drug" cultures, and aversion to technological progress in technologies expressed as infrastructure and production, are factors which tend to prompt a population to prefer to destroy itself, rather than react to an existential threat with appropriate response. Such attractions, if they continue to prevail, even in the relatively short run, in the U.S.A. and elsewhere today, are the specific cultural factors which define a self-doomed culture, and its relevant nations. Under present trends of collapse of national economies, these counter-cultural impediments are now, clearly, the factor which will doom any and all nations which continue to submit to them. When such misnamed "left-wing" factors are allowed and able to continue to exert their intended veto-rights in nations otherwise dominated by the unimpeachably radical right-wing views of such as the Mont Pelerin Society and American Enterprise Institute, dictatorships as ugly as Hitler's would become soon more or less inevitable, as we see this immediate threat, for kindred reasons, from today's latest version of fascism, President George Bush's and Karl Rove's religious-right constituency, from inside the U.S.A. today.
4. Why Globalization Is Destroying Our Civilization
Before describing the system used for the rape and ruin of the United States by globalization today, I must set the stage on which the rape is being performed. This setting of the stage requires two steps. First, I must now prepare the ground with a few paragraphs on the crucially relevant matters of historical background from American history, and, following that, second, I must perform the function which Shakespeare sometimes assigned to the figure of his character Chorus. I must, as a prologue, summarize the most important background on the GM and related crises of today, a summary on the subject of the roots of today's fraudulent scheme for globalization, roots which lie within the history of Europe's past.
Thus, Chorus steps forward on stage, and speaks as follows.
Under that American System of political-economy which intelligent people associate with the U.S.A.'s original Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, U.S. policy was guided by the intention to use the underlying constitutional powers of regulation to maintain what is often called a "fair trade" policy, a policy aided by various forms of tax, trade, and tariff arrangements made by governments.The modern principle of natural law on which the implicitly "fair trade" policies of Hamilton and other U.S. patriots depended, was the founding principle of the modern sovereign nation-state, the so-called "general welfare" or "commonwealth" principle associated with the first modern nation-states, Louis XI's France and Henry VII's England. Under this principle, prices in the market-place were regulated, by various choices of means, all to the intended effect of ensuring that the "Enron-like" practices of Venetian financier-oligarchical usury responsible for causing the Fourteenth-Century "New Dark Age" were checked through "protectionism," through the use of the power of the state to regulate fair prices, tariffs, and conditions of trade.
The founding U.S. constitutional principle, the obligation of government to promote the general welfare, which had been adopted earlier by the Fifteenth-Century Renaissance, had not been new even then. The principle of the general welfare is associated with the celebrated reforms at Athens under Solon. It is a principle upheld in Plato's Republic , and has remained a central principle of Christianity—the principle of agape , as affirmed in such locations as the Apostle Paul's I Corinthians 13. It is the founding constitutional principle of that 1648 Treaty of Westphalia which ended the 1492-1648 religious warfare in Europe.
However, despite the ancient authority of that rule of law, the coming into existence of the modern sovereign form of nation-state in France and England, was challenged by an resurgence of that evil Venetian financier-oligarchical power which had earlier plunged Fourteenth-Century Europe into that century's "New Dark Age." The late Fifteenth-Century Venetian resurgence, had erupted through the fall of Constantinople; this resurgent force was that same power, the same Venetian financier oligarchy, which had reigned over Europe, in its earlier partnership with the Norman chivalry, during the medieval period. The 1648 Treaty of Westphalia became an important, powerful setback to that resurgent Venetian party's power, but Venice's financier oligarchy soon came back into power in a new disguise.
A decline of the power of that Venice as a state, during the course of the Seventeenth Century, prompted the Venetian oligarchy to recreate itself, this time in the form of the growing financier power of an Anglo-Dutch Liberal oligarchy centered around the Dutch and English East India companies. At Paris, in February 1763, the British East India Company of Lord Shelburne et al. was established as what was known as the Eighteenth-Century Venetian Party, a Party whose leading element emerged as what was to become formally known later as the British Empire, the Empire whose design had been developed by Lord Shelburne's lackey Edward Gibbon.
On the opposing side, the American struggle against the new tyranny of the neo-Venetian, Anglo-Dutch financier oligarchy, from 1763 onward, gave birth to the American War of Independence and the U.S. Federal Constitution. Later, the triumph of President Lincoln's U.S. republic over the British imperial asset known as the Confederacy, unleashed and demonstrated the superior qualities of the U.S. system over those existing in Europe at the time. From about 1876 onward, the American System of political-economy, as associated with the names of Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Mathew Carey, Frederick List, and Henry C. Carey, became the model copied to a lesser or greater degree by Bismarck's Germany, Alexander II's Russia, Meiji restoration Japan, and other nations.
Nonetheless, the American Tory interests coordinated by the British Foreign Office's Jeremy Bentham and his sometime protege Lord Palmerston, who were run by networks typified by treasonous Aaron Burr and the drug-running circles of the Perkins Syndicate, used the opportunities of every moment of weakness inside the U.S. to attempt to virtually recolonize us. The pack of soundrels, including Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel P. Huntington, and Henry A. Kissinger, hatched, so to speak, in the nest of Professor Yandell Elliott at Harvard University, is typical of the means by which subversive, alien influences have penetrated and corrupted our institutions.
Thus, given the imperial power of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal form of Venice-style financier-oligarchical power, and despite the proven superiority of the American System of political-economy over all rivals, the Anglo-Dutch financier oligarchy developed a strong foothold among the financial centers inside the U.S. itself, as the cases of Theodore Roosevelt, Ku Klux Klan fanatic Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, and Richard Nixon's heritage attest. Today, the pro-fascist Mont Pelerin Society, and associations such as the American Enterprise Institute, reflect that poisonous, alien influence, in the guise of "free trade" doctrines, inside our nation's policy-shaping, that to the present date.
That corrupting influence is the most visible source of the way in which General Motors, among other entities, has been run and ruined through the inevitable effects of the prolonged reign of policies of "free trade" and "globalization." Given the evidence, the reason for the adoption of those ruinous policies is fairly identified as nothing but a largely self-inflicted form of mass-insanity among the victims, including General Motors' currently reigning top management stratum itself.
In this present chapter of this report, I use the case of the General Motors crisis as a timely illustration of the principles at issue in the fight to defend our nation and its people against the evils specific to the neo-Venetian scheme known popularly as globalization. This includes defending our republic against those habituated mental disorders which have been the subsuming topic of this report on the roots of our current national catastrophe.
The most significant of the anti-U.S.A. policies currently promoted by that neo-Venetian power of the Anglo-Dutch-Liberal financier-oligarchical system, are fairly summarized under the topical heading of that term, "globalization." The presently accelerating collapse, and threatened disintegration of General Motors Corporation and associated industrial enterprises, is essentially a product of this globalization campaign. That is the drama which unfolds here upon this stage.
Unfortunately, as you shall see in what is soon to follow here, the worst of it all, is that virtually no leading political circle in the U.S.A. today, has had even the rudiments of the needed, competent understanding of either that policy, or of the mechanisms by which this ruin has been conducted. The people of the U.S.A., as well as the leaders of their political parties and other relevant institutions, have been, chiefly, self-blinded to the reality of that operation and the dangers it poses to our national sovereignty and population alike. In other words, this is another example of the psychological blindness of most of our fellow-citizens, even our leading institutions, to the present reality of world's economic situation.
It is my included mission here, to make clear the origins and character of this threat to our republic's continued existence. The drama begins now with a summary, next, of the highlights of the specific features of that history which lead directly into the emergence and unfolding of the present General Motors crisis.
Globalization's Imperial Roots
Globalization is a new synonym for what used to be known as imperialism. It represents a specific form of historical imperialism, imperialism ruled by an oligarchy, rather than an actual emperor. This is a type of imperialism which historians recall from the experience of ancient Greece's Peloponnesian Wars, an imperialism of the form which follows the more recent model of that imperialism pioneered by medieval Venetian financier oligarchy of approximately the 1000-1400 interval. No competent understanding of the U.S.A.'s and world's present situation could be reached without taking into account those roots of the present situation, roots which are to be found in those cited points of ancient and medieval history.
The principal roots of today's globalization practices are traced in European history as evolved from the experience of ancient Europe with its principal foe, the ancient Babylon embedded within the so-called Persian Empire. After a coalition led by Athens had defeated that empire's last attempt to conquer Greece directly, Greece virtually destroyed itself through the self-inflicted effects of the immoral actions, and imperial ambitions of the Athens of Pericles and Thrasymachus, in launching of what is known as the Peloponnesian War.
Through a crucial role by the alliance of the then deceased Plato's Academy of Athens with Alexander the Great, the Persian-Macedonian project for an enlarged Persian Empire, to include the Mediterranean littoral, was defeated, but the model which had been intended for an enlarged Persian Empire returned later in the form of the Roman Empire established under Augustus Caesar.The demographic collapse of that Roman Empire in its western part, led to the division of empire as whole, by the Emperor Diocletian, and the establishment of the eastern division, the Byzantine Empire, under one of Diocletian's proteges, Constantine.
Many centuries after Constantine, the chiefly self-inflicted crises of the always tragic and dwindling Byzantine Empire led to the emergence of a former client of that Empire, Venice, as an independent maritime and financier-oligarchical power allied with the Norman chivalry. Thus, the medieval period from about 1000 A.D. until the close of the Fourteenth Century, was dominated by what was known as an ultramontane order. The term, ultramontane , refers to what was later exposed, in proceedings of the Fifteenth-Century great ecumenical Council of Florence, as the fraudulent document known as "The Donation of Constantine," which allegedly gave the Pope imperial dominion over what the Emperor Diocletian had defined as the western division of the Roman Empire.The control of Europe by, predominantly, the Venetian-Norman partnership, had used this fraudulent document as the legalistic pretext for continuing to impose a special form of imperial rule upon Europe during the most of those relevant centuries.
Then, the modern nation-state, as proposed by Dante Alighieri's De Monarchia , among the kindred efforts of other authors,was established in principle of law through the tacit adoption of Nicholas of Cusa's Concordantia Catholica . As noted, the first actual nation-state republics which met that specification, were Louis XI's France and Henry VII's England: governments under the rule of natural law (e.g., the obligation of the sovereign to promote the general welfare). The forces which shared that principle of law on which our own constitutional republic was later founded, were known as the commonwealth party.
The Venetian financier oligarchy's counterthrust, from the 1453 A.D. fall of Constantinople on, was to crush the existence of the institution of the sovereign nation-state, and to develop an imperial order restoring the earlier ultramontane system of imperial rule. The presently ongoing plunge of the world into the process of globalization expresses a recurrence of that Venetian intention. This Venetian strategy, which was set into motion through the 1492-1648 pattern of religious warfare set into motion by Grand Inquisitor Tomas de Torquemada's Hitler-prefiguring launching of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, is the basis for the phenomena of modern imperialism, and globalization, within today's European civilization.
The conflict between the two systems, the sovereign nation-state and Venetian policy of ultramontanism , within Europe, has never been resolved to the present day. The lurch toward a revival of imperial ultramontanism as a world system, now under the umbrella of globalization, is a product of that continuing ambiguity, to the present time.
Originally, Venice's intention in launching the religious warfare of 1492-1648 from the Spain of Grand Inquisitor Torquemada, was to reestablish imperial rule over Europe through Venice's ...
Prof Jean-Pierre Lehmann, IMD International, Lausanne
The annual mela in Davos, Switzerland, begins today and is being held under the theme "The Shifting Power Equation." However, as Prof Jean-Pierre Lehmann from IMD Lausanne points out, this in fact is the "Demise of the Hub-and-Spokes World Economy" via "The 21st Century Great Global Economy Paradigm Shift." With multiple sessions on climate chaos which some in the gathered crowd are cynically branding as climate collapse -- this may be one of the "greenest" gatherings of the throng ever . "Better late than never!" as one social entrepreneur put it.
Prof Lehmann writes:
Emirates Airlines runs daily non-stop flights from Shanghai and Beijing to Dubai. Soon it will be inaugurating a non-stop flight between Dubai and Sao Paulo. It will then be possible for Brazilian and Chinese business executives (and others including government officials, students, tourists and honeymooners) to fly between their two countries without the hitherto obligatory stop-over in either Frankfurt (Europe) or Los Angeles (US). Regular direct flights from Dhaka, Karachi, Mumbai and Colombo to Dubai also secure the dynamic and ever stronger link between the economies of the Gulf and the economies of the Indian Sub-Continent. Arab businessmen will be flying to all these destinations as an ever increasing flow of goods, capital and ideas link the four regions: Greater China, South Asia, South America and the Middle East.
The economic ties and business networks across Asia are being developed and discussed in the recently inaugurated Indian-Arab and Chinese-Arab CEO annual summits convened by the UAE based forum Moutamarat. This reflects, among other things, the fact that China, India and the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council are the three fastest growing world economies. The recent increasingly growing business ties between and across the three Asian regions (West, South and East) have been described as the New Silk Road.
While the trans-Asian connection - which increasingly also encompasses Central Asia within its expanding orbit - is the most important economic story of the first decade of the 21st century, it is by no means the only one. In October 2006, as ATCA observed, Beijing hosted the first China-Africa Summit, a very grand affair that brought to the Chinese capital over 50 African heads of state. China is by far Africa's fastest growing trade and investment partner; with India also increasingly active, this trend has been described in a publication by Harry Broadman of the World Bank as "Africa's Silk Road: China and India's New Economic Frontier." At a policy level, the new relationship between the three continents of the "developing world", Africa, Asia and Latin America, was reflected in the establishment of the G-20 during the Cancún WTO ministerial meeting in September 2003; led by Brazil, India, China and South Africa, the G-20 is the first developing world trade alliance to counter the hitherto overbearing authority of the "Quad" (US, EU, Japan and Canada).
All these trends are indicative of the terminal demise of the 20th century global hub-and-spokes business paradigm, whereby the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries represented the hub and the different parts of the developing world the spokes. The new paradigm, though not yet entirely clear, is one of growing axes of trade, investment, networks and knowledge across the erstwhile spokes. Economic ties are also spawning more political and cultural connections. By no means should one infer that the old industrialised nations are "finished". The US, EU, Japan, Australia, Switzerland and Norway remain extremely rich in both material and cultural wealth. But, in the words of Bob Dylan, " The times they are a-changin'" , and both the demise of the hub-and-spoke and the rise of the new global axes of business development are inexorable.
The influential and highly respected economics editor of the Financial Times Martin Wolf, also an ATCA member, wrote in a 2005 article: "The economic rise of Asia's giants is the most important story of our age. It heralds the end, in the not too distant future, of as much as five centuries of domination by the Europeans and their colonial offshoots." [ Asia's G iants on the M ove, 23 February 2005] The rise of the European seaborne empires in the late 15th century spelt the end of the old Silk Road, as its merchants and rulers stayed confined in their resolute ways and mindsets, thereby failing to respond to the new competition and technologies, and to adapt to the changing times. The shoe is now on the Western foot.
This will have immense implications across virtually every dimension one can think of. Western policy makers and business leaders will need to adjust. The "typical" Western multinational enterprise that runs its business empire from a Western central hub with the developing world compartmentalised into regional spokes - Africa, Middle East, Latin America, South Asia, Asia Pacific, etc - is unlikely to capture the ethos of the new age and therefore ultimately will lose out on the business being created. The Western multinational corporation of the 21st century in order to survive, let alone thrive, will need to reflect these new realities, in terms of organisation, management, culture and manpower.
Western policy makers must also fully absorb the implications of the changing paradigm. The 21st century marks the end of the Western imperial age - what the Indian historian BN Pandey called "The Vasco da Gama era of history", stretching from the rise of the Iberian seaborne empires in the late 15th century to the resurgence of the great Asian nations in the late 20th/early 21st centuries. This new multipolar world will require, more than ever, the strengthening of multilateral institutions, and especially in such a way that they truly reflect the changes. Western political and business leaders must abandon their badgering colonial attitudes in favour of a truly global collaborative mindset.
It cannot be over-emphasised that carrying out these changes, especially the change in mindsets, is going to be extremely difficult. But there is no real choice, apart from decline and extinction.
Western business leaders and policy makers might be inspired by what Bob Dylan had to say:
Admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'
Very warm regards
Jean-Pierre Lehmann
Jean-Pierre Lehmann is Professor of International Political Economy at IMD International -- Institute for Management Development -- in Lausanne, Switzerland, since January 1997. His main areas of expertise are the socio-economic and business dynamics of East Asia, the impact of globalisation on developing countries and the government -- business interface, especially in respect to the global trade and investment policy process. In 1994 he launched the Evian Group, which consists of high ranking officials, business executives, independent experts and opinion leaders from Europe, Asia and the Americas. The Evian Group's focus is on the international economic order in the global era, specifically the reciprocal impact and influence of international business and the WTO agenda. Jean-Pierre Lehmann acts in various leading capacities in several public policy institutes and organisations. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University, Washington DC, and his doctorate from St Antony's College, Oxford University. He is the author of several books and numerous articles and papers primarily dealing with modern East Asian history and East Asia and the international political economy.
Prior to joining IMD, Jean-Pierre Lehmann has had both an academic and a business career which over the years has encompassed activities in virtually all East Asian and Western European countries, as well as North America. He was (from 1992) the founding director of the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) at the Stockholm School of Economics and Professor of East Asian Political Economy and Business. From 1986 to 1992 he established and directed the East Asian operations of InterMatrix, a London based business strategy research and consulting organisation. During that time he was operating primarily from Tokyo, with offices in Seoul, Taipei, Bangkok and Jakarta and was concurrently Affiliated Professor of International Business at the London Business School. Other previous positions include: Associate Professor of International Business at INSEAD (European Institute of Business Administration) in Fontainebleau, France; Visiting Professor at the Bologna Center (Italy) of the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies; twice in the 70s Visiting Professor and Japan Foundation Fellow at the University of Tohoku, Sendai (Japan); and Founding Director of the Center for Japanese Studies at the University of Stirling (Scotland), where he also taught East Asian history in the University's History Department. From 1981 to 1986 he directed the EC-ASEAN 'Transfer of Technology and Socio-Economic Development Programmes' held in Singapore, Bangkok, Jakarta, Kuala-Lumpur and Manila.
Stephen Lendman
Founded in 1971, the Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF) meets annually in Davos, Switzerland to bring together top business and political leaders as well as mostly neoliberal minded intellectuals, economists, journalists, and others.
WEF calls itself "an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas." It aims for "world-class governance (read dominance)." Its motto is "entrepreneurship in the global public interest (read for the top 1%)." This year's theme - "Shaping the Post-Crisis World" - a tall order addressing what they caused that's heading the world for a calamitous depression.
Its five-day 2009 meeting attracted over 2500 participants from 91 countries, including over 1170 CEOs and chairpersons from the world's most powerful companies. Others included 219 public figures, 40 heads of state, 64 cabinet ministers, and various other high-level business, government, think tank, media, academic, religious, organizational, and union officials. Noticeably different, according to Bloomberg, "was the virtual absence of Wall Street figures" as well as top Obama administration figures.
Annually, Davos becomes headquarters for the world's power elite to meet and review past achievements, challenges, and prospects for greater exploitation of world markets, resources, and people everywhere. Or put another way, to use money to create more of it, for themselves, of course.
Ordinarily the occasion is celebratory. Capitalism flaunts its successes and parties. This year gloom prevailed, and one topic above others took precedence: assessing the global economic crisis, its risks in the near and longer term, plotting strategies for the coming year and beyond, and avoiding an appearance of panic in an event drawing prominent media coverage.
Not easy with capitalism most in crisis since the Great Depression, no one sure how to right things, and attendees like George Soros believing today's problem "is larger than in the 1930s." Bloomberg headlined the mood: "Grimmest Davos Ever Brings Anger, Finger-Pointing at Bankers," and one observer noted that "the only good news in Davos was the weather."
Bloomberg added that "Almost everyone blamed the few bankers who showed up for the near-collapse of the financial system," with harshest criticism for Wall Street, the Bush administration, and Obama officials for their absence. Economist Kenneth Rogoff called this year the grimmest Davos ever. Abraaj Capital's CEO, Arif Naqvi said "People are looking for the solution, but don't yet have the question formulated." Other attendees predicted that conditions in 2010 may be no better.
The Financial Times' (FT) John Gapper wrote: "This was not the week to be seen in Davos and, if you were there, it was not the time to remain calm." He cited one debate with Black Swan author Nassim Taleb saying bankers should be punished and forced to return their bonuses. He described WEF founder Klaus Schwab as "pale-faced," considering "the impossible task this year - to forge harmony out of tension" and plan how to recover.
For many, Davos this year was "where the pent-up dismay and anger over what Wall Street wrought boiled to the surface" despite efforts to contain it. The stars were those who saw the crisis early and warned about it. Figures like Taleb and Nouriel Roubini who says the worst is still to come.
The FT reported that "The unrelenting economic gloom and the fragility of the banking system have cast a cloud over the global agenda and (managed) to dominate discussions. Drama did as well with Turkey's prime minister Erdogan storming out after an exchange with Israel's Shimon Peres over Gaza, but there was more. Despite its absence, America dominated geopolitical and financial concerns.
The Wall Street Journal reported that "The premiers of Russia and China slammed the US economic system in speeches (January 28), holding it responsible for the global economic crisis."
Implying but not naming America, China's Wen Jiabao said the financial crisis was "attributable to inappropriate macroeconomic policies of some economies and their unsustainable model of development characterized by prolonged low savings and high consumption; excessive expansion of financial institutions in blind pursuit of profit."
Putin, in contrast, was blunt in attacking a "unipolar world," saying it's "dangerous" to rely on the US dollar, and calling for the development of multiple, regional reserve currencies in addition to the dollar. He also mocked US businessmen who boasted last year that America's economy was strong and prospects sound. "Today," said Putin, "investment banks, the pride of Wall Street, have virtually ceased to exist," then added: "The entire economic growth system, where one regional center prints money without respite and consumes material wealth, while another regional center manufactures inexpensive goods....has suffered a major setback."
US officials didn't comment but former Fed vice-chairman, Alan Blinder said: "The sad thing is that we might have scoffed at (these comments) a while ago. But we really dragged the world down" economically. "No wonder (Klaus) Schwab looked so stricken," said FT's Gapper.
Davos is a secluded ski village. Protests are banned but not entirely. Dozens marched through the town and threw snowballs and shoes at Swiss police and the convention center. Among them were members of the Young Socialist and Green parties as well as Amnesty International representatives.
Things were violent in Geneva where Germany's Deutsche Welle reported that "Riot police fired tear gas and water cannons at bottle-throwing demonstrators protesting against the annual World Economic Forum in Davos." AP said hundreds turned out for a largely peaceful demonstration until police "chased black-clad protesters through (Geneva's) narrow streets as shoppers took refuge in bars and cafes."
Regional secretary for the trade union Unia, Alessandro Pelizzari, spoke for many in saying: "100,000 lost their jobs in Europe this week. And those responsible are in Davos." One of the protest organizers, Laurent Tettamenti, added: "The WEF is a symbol of the neoliberal policies of the last 20 years that have caused (today's) crisis. We have no confidence that the same people who caused (this) can solve it."
The World Social Forum's (WSF) Alternative Vision
At a time of global crisis, WSF more than ever was crucial, relevant and vital. Founded by Brazil's Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility chairman Oded Grajew, it held its first meeting concurrently with WEF in late January 2001 and continues doing it annually. Its motto - "Another world is possible." Today, it's essential.
WEF is "an opened space - plural, diverse, non-governmental and non-partisan - that stimulates decentralized debate, reflection, (and) proposals building. (It) experiences exchange and alliances among movements and organizations engaged in concrete actions towards....more solidarity, (and a) democratic and fair world."
The first three forums were in Porto Alegre, Brazil. It moved to India in 2004, then back to Porto Alegre in 2005. In 2006, it was "polycentric" - in January in Caracas, Venezuela and Bamako, Mali, then delayed until March in Karachi, Pakistan because of the area's earthquake. In 2007, it was in Nairobi, Kenya, then in 2008, it became a Global Call for Action and Mobilization by letting thousands of autonomous organizations worldwide hold simultaneous events in dozens of countries. The 2009 forum returned to the Amazonian port city of Belem in northern Brazil, about 60 miles upriver from the Atlantic Ocean.
WSF's Charter of Principles
After its 2001 inaugural, WSF drafted Principles "to guide the continued pursuit of (its) initiative."
Unlike predatory capitalism on display at Davos:
(1) WSF "is an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals," free exchanges among participants, and formulations of collective action plans. Participants are civil society individuals, groups and organizations committed to a new society "directed towards fruitful relationships among Mankind and between it and the Earth."
(2) WSF's "Another World Is Possible" theme is a "permanent process of seeking and building alternatives."
(3) WSF is "a world process."
(4) WSF supports global justice, democracy, human rights, equality, the "sovereignty of peoples," and opposes neoliberalism, predatory capitalism, complicit governments, and their destructive harm.
(5) WSF is a civil society meeting ground, not a body representing it.
(6) Forums are for participant exchanges, not to establish positions for WSF as a body or make it a "locus of power."
(7) WSF facilitates and circulates ideas and decisions "without directing, hierarchizing, censuring or restricting them, but as deliberations" and decisions by Forum participants.
(8) WSF is decentralized, "plural, diversified, non-confessional, non-governmental and non-party" locally and internationally "to build another world."
(9) WSF is committed to "pluralism (and) diversity." Government officials who accept the Charter Principles are welcome to attend. More on that below.
(10) WSF opposes totalitarianism and reductionist economic views. It stands in solidarity with all humanity in peace and harmony for a better world.
(11) WSF is a Forum for debate, reflection and exchange of ideas on how to "resist and overcome" the domination of capital.
(12) WSF "encourages understanding and mutual recognition (among) participant organisations and movements, and places special value on (exchanges) among them."
(13) WSF aims to "strengthen and create new national and international links (to) increase the capacity for non-violent social resistance (against) dehumani(zing) the world."
(14) WSF aims to have a global agenda for "building a new world in solidarity."
Themes and Solidarity in Belem
Over 100,000 attendees from 150 countries voiced common themes - Pan-Amazonia for the Forum's site, opposition to predatory capitalism, wars, inequality, injustice, intolerance, environmental destruction, prejudice, and elitism. For six days, hundreds of events took place in workshops, campings, seminars, conferences, speeches, testimonies, marches, cultural and artistic activities, exchanges, reflection, proposals, consensus-building for a better world, and ending with a "Day of Alliances" to decide on joint actions. In all, it was a mass coming together for a better world and an utter rejection of Davos and its ruling ethos.
Latin American Leaders at Belem, Not Davos
On January 29, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Brazil's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Bolivia's Evo Morales, Ecuador's Rafael Correa, and Paraguay's Fernando Lugo criticized Washington in Belem.
Correa: "The guilty parties in this crisis try to give lessons on morality and good economic handling. The most powerful people on the planet have united to find a therapy for the dying. They're getting together - the central bankers, the representatives of the large financial firms, the people primarily responsible for the crisis." They caused it. Can we expect them to fix it? Correa called for a "common project," a 21st century socialism characterized by justice and efficiency, a return to state planning "for the development of the majority of the people."
He also attacked US-dominated institutions like the IMF and World Bank: "Using the art of deception they will try to confuse us into thinking the victims are the guilty ones. They are the ones responsible for the crisis. They are not the ones to give us lessons." Correa should know. He's a University of Illinois-educated Ph.D in economics.
Lula: the global crisis affecting Latin America wasn't caused by "the socialism of Chavez (or) the struggles of Evo (Morales)," but by wealthy Western states. It's their crisis, not ours. "And who is the god to whom they have appealed? Why, the state! (They) told us what we need in our poor countries. They thought we were incompetent." Look what they did. In attacking George Bush, he added: "The world cannot elect any more presidents that do not listen to social movements, that do not listen to the people."
Lula is a former factory worker and union leader, yet far from a popular president. Outside the event, several hundred in his United Socialist Workers Party (PSTU) protested his making concessions to bankers, business and Washington, yet doing little to stabilize employment for ordinary Brazilians.
Paraguay's Lugo is a former Catholic bishop and liberation theology adherent. He said his country changed "because of your movements' voices of hope" and quoted from the Guarani people's ancient aspiration that one day a "Land Without Evil" might be created. He added that "Latin America is changing and the hope is the north will change as well. We have seen the economic policies they said were so efficient fail."
Evo Morales used anti-imperialist slogans in condemning American interventionism and its regional military bases. He said "Before you are four presidents - four presidents (Lula spoke separately) who could not be here were it not for your fight. I see so many brothers and sisters here, from Latin America's social movements to European figures."
Hugo Chavez spoke about a new revolutionary path saying social movements have been in the "trenches of resistance" and must go on the "offensive" to create alternatives to global capitalism.
"Just like Latin America and the Caribbean received the biggest dose of neoliberal venom, our continent has been the immense territory where social movements have sprouted with the greatest strength and began to change the world....another world is necessary (and) is being born in Latin America and the Caribbean. Revolutions are no longer guerrilla battalions, no! This is a new revolutionary wave....This year will be hard, we must unite. Our socialism should not be a copy. Our socialism should be a heroic creation....Socialism of our America, a profoundly democratic socialism. This is our path."
For the ninth consecutive year, WSF's participants agreed that "Another World Is Possible." This year it's essential, now more than ever.
Klaus Schwab: we need to redesign our systems in a proactive, collaborative way Pain of economic crisis creates risk of social instability List of detailed outcomes of the Annual Meeting:
Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 1 February 2009 ? The world’s business and government leaders only have a short time to develop effective solutions to the current economic crisis, participants at this year’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting were told. In the closing plenary, participants joined members of the Forum’s Global Agenda Councils to formulate a message to key international decision-makers, such as the heads of government and ministers who will gather in April for the G20 summit. The message from the Annual Meeting is that leaders must continue to develop a swift and coordinated policy response to the most serious global recession since the 1930s: global challenges demand global solutions.
Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab said: “We have to address all the issues simultaneously and not forget any of them, like climate change. We have to involve all the stakeholders of global society in this process so that they feel responsible. Above all we need to restore confidence in our systems.”
Throughout the five days of the Annual Meeting participants worked on a number of objectives:
• Supporting governments and governance institutions, particularly the G20
• Ensuring that global challenges are examined in a holistic way, including climate change and water security
• Beginning a process to develop recommendations on how the structure and strategies of international cooperation can be updated
• Improving the ethical basis for business as a constructive social actor
• Restoring confidence in the future
For more details on detailed outcomes of the Annual Meeting click here
Participants at today’s closing plenary painted a sobering picture of a rapidly darkening economic landscape, in which the pain of rising unemployment, home foreclosures, bankruptcies and poverty are only beginning to be felt.
“This is the time to see courageous leadership on the part of the G20,” said Maria Ramos, Group Chief Executive, Transnet, South Africa and Co-Chair of World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009. “The time for words is over; this is the time for implementation and action. If we come back in six months or a year and are still talking about the same things, we will have failed. And the social unrest we will have to deal with will be absolutely dramatic.”
Klaus Schwab cautioned participants not to raise their expectations for the April G20 summit too high, noting that in London, leaders will focus on immediate, technical responses to the financial and economic crisis. The Forum, he noted, is preparing the launch of a new initiative to address the numerous longer term issues raised by the crisis, particularly the need for a complete overhaul of the existing global governance institutions. “We need to redesign our systems in a proactive, collaborative way,” Schwab said. “We all have to work together.”
David Weidner
The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, has just wrapped up, and the world is a better place.
Now we know which billionaire can ski and solve — or perhaps cause — a banking crisis at the same time.
If it sounds silly, it’s nothing compared to the four-day event in one of the most exclusive ski resorts in the world. After wrecking the global economy, the powerful and rich are back to their insulated worlds. In one session, panelists and the audience were asked if 20th century capitalism was failing in the 21st century society. Read full story on Davos panel .
Almost no one raised their hand, except...
David Rubenstein, managing director of the private equity powerhouse Carlyle Group, Raghuram G. Rajan, Professor of Finance at the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago; Ben Verwaayen, chief executive of Alcatel-Lucent / and Brian T. Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America .
In a nutshell, you can see the essential problem with Davos. It’s really not the “make the world a better place” forum it purports to be. It’s an ego trip for billionaires and politicians. It’s a place to reinforce the political and economic equation of haves and have-nots.
The billionaires who stormed Davos
Taking a look at the business community on hand at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Detractors who often chide the city for being too in tune with the global elite should back off their criticism, only 70 of the 2,500 attendees are billionaires. The rest are merely millionaires.
People who run hedge funds, banks and multi-national corporations can see that the global system is working just fine. And they’re right. It is for them.
And their message — from the heart of cuckoo clocks, pocket knives and premier chocolates — to the rest of the globe? Let them eat Cadbury.
And if you don’t believe it, consider Robert Frank, author of “Richistan,” “High-Beta Rich” and wealth reporter for The Wall Street Journal. In a recent appearance on the WSJ’s Mean Street program, Frank said Davos remains a hot ticket in a world getting crowded by billionaires; 70 attended last week.
“You have many people in the room who affect those global businesses from the political side in government or the business side,” Frank said. So, if you’re doing business globally, “in two or three days you can get a lot of information about those markets and maybe do some deals.”
The other reason?
“There are very few truly exclusive clubs that make you feel special. Davos remains one of those clubs.”
Now, there’s nothing wrong with having an exclusive club, or a global chamber of commerce meeting, or even calling it what it is: an old boys’ club schmoozefest.
A snow-covered city sign stands in front the congress center in Davos. What is a problem is that Davos is revered by its participants and, in turn, by the media, as some kind of global summit where everyone tries to learn, discuss and make decisions based on the concentration of thought and power in the rooms.
Are the rich and powerful meeting in Davos truly addressing the need for a more just global economic system?
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The International Monetary Fund appointed Dominique Strauss-Kahn its new chief Friday as the battered institution seeks to redefine itself in the face of increasing skepticism globally. The IMF executive board said it had chosen "by consensus" the French Socialist former finance minister as managing director for a five-year term, starting November 1, to succeed Rodrigo Rato of Spain.
"I am determined to pursue without delay the reforms needed for the IMF to make financial stability, serve the international community, while fostering growth and employment ," Strauss-Kahn said in a statement after the announcement. Strauss-Kahn, 58, had been widely expected to get the job after he gathered support from Europe and the United States, the powers that still dominate the IMF . The Bretton Woods institution, created in 1944, is seeking to redefine its role in a globalizing world reshaped by the rising economic clout of developing countries like China, India and Brazil.Strauss-Kahn has pledged to be a "consensus-builder" at the 185-nation financial institution, which bails out countries in crisis but faces its own crisis of relevancy and legitimacy in a world flush with cash and access to capital. The European Union candidate said his election by the 24-member board of executive directors was "a joy, honor and responsibility." His sole rival for the job had been Josef Tosovsky, a former Czech central bank chief proposed last month by Russia. Tosovsky's own country had not backed him. After his nomination in July, Strauss-Kahn traveled the globe visiting a host of countries, many of them emerging or middle-income economies, in search of support. On Thursday, Brazil -- Latin America's regional powerhouse -- along with Argentina and Chile officially backed Strauss-Kahn, who was first proposed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Rato's abrupt announcement in late June that he was quitting cast a cloud over the broad reform program he spearheaded, which made little progress. Among the challenges Strauss-Kahn inherits is the IMF's dearth of borrowers -- this after the institution aided a number of countries in crisis during the 1990s such as Indonesia, South Korea, Russia, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.
Nearly all those countries have repaid their debt as their economies strengthened, strapping the IMF which partly depends on the interest paid on loans to finance operations. Another key issue is the IMF's relevancy, which is questioned by many countries because member voting rights and the board's structure of representation do not reflect the strength of the new economic powers. That issue is at the heart of the debate over the unwritten tradition that leading European powers pick the head of the IMF and the United States chooses the president of the World Bank. Strauss-Kahn awaited the IMF announcement in Santiago, Chile, on what he called a "good symbol" visit to underscore his pledge to give more voice to emerging countries if elected .
He has scheduled a news conference in Paris on Monday. In a board interview at IMF headquarters in Washington last week, Strauss-Kahn acknowledged the Fund's dire need of reform. "It will be a hard task for all of us to rebuild both the relevance and the legitimacy of this organization . But I am prepared to do that and I ask you to be prepared as well," he said. Rato welcomed the board's decision, saying Strauss-Kahn "possesses the experience, vision and dedication to public service needed to successfully lead the IMF at this important juncture." The outgoing managing director, who said he will step down on October 31, also praised the board's "transparent and competitive process" in selecting his successor.
World Bank president Robert Zoellick, a former US trade chief who took office in July, said Strauss-Kahn was "a respected leader and economist." "I am very pleased Dominique is interested in enhancing the close cooperation between our two institutions," Zoellick said. In France, Sarkozy said Strauss-Kahn's selection was "a great victory for French diplomacy." The change in IMF leadership will follow the October 20-22 annual meetings of the IMF and the World Bank in Washington.
Farooq Khan
Until now, the globalisation debate has been shaped by the proponents of capitalism and the anti-globalisation movement who derive their ideological inspiration from the political ideals of socialist philosophy. However, all of this is about to change as a new ideological storm emerges on the horizon to redefine the intellectual borders of the globalisation debate.
We have entered a new era of epochal change defined by globalisation and the transition into the post-industrial age. Politicians, thinkers and nations can no longer think of themselves in a parochial context of nationalism that gave rise to the modern nation state of the industrial era. Rather, we must think in a new international context since globalisation means that nations can no longer think of themselves in isolation to the rest of the world. The growing interdependencies between nations driven by changes in the structure of the global economy, international relations and technological advancement are forcing people to question the nature of the nation state and social organisation, which we have yet to fully comprehend. Radical new thinking is required to meet the new challenges, which will be unlike any other period in human history. This is because, for the first time in our history, these challenges have to be met as a global community. It will truly be unprecedented and this international debate requires a global political philosophy which is the subject of this essay.
The development of globalisation
Historically, globalisation can be argued to have begun with international trade that grew out of technological advances in transportation during the 15th century. The advances made in shipbuilding and navigation combined with the ideological revolution in Europe as a consequence of the reformation and renaissance precipitated rapid technological advancement and economic growth. During Europe’s intellectual and political transformation capitalism emerged as the dominant feature of secular philosophy generating a whole new paradigm in economic thinking and intellectual creativity. This was to have a profound influence on not only integrating the world but the shape that it would take over the centuries.
The emergence of the stock exchange in the 16th century enabled the emerging powers in Europe to finance wars and generate economic growth. Europe traded with Africa, the Americas, the near and far east on an unprecedented scale culminating in the colonisation of these lands. Consequently western colonialism has and continues to have a profound impact upon global integration. Industrialisation accelerated the forces of globalisation, which Britain exemplified in the vast railway networks she created across her empire. Professor Niall Ferguson wrote in his book, ‘Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power’ that Britain built the modern world and established the infrastructure for globalisation in the 19th and 20th century. However America soon superseded Britain and the rest of Europe politically, economically and technologically in the aftermath of the Second World War. While Britain, France and Germany led the world during the industrial revolution America now leads the world into a post-industrial revolution by harnessing the power of knowledge and information.
Alvin Toffler describes this period as the “third wave” and the birth of a “new civilisation”, while Francis Fukuyama describes it as the “great disruption”. However this historic transformation is not only changing the basis of wealth creation but is also precipitating an evolution in western political thought. Philip Bobbit described this epoch-making cycle as fundamentally changing the nature of the nation state. He said, “Three strategic innovations won the Long War: nuclear weapons, international communications, and the technology of rapid mathematical computation. Each has wrought a dramatic change in the military, cultural, and economic challenges that face the nation-state. In each of these spheres, the nation-states faces ever increasingly difficulty in maintaining the credibility of its claim to provide public goods for the nation.”
Globalisation therefore presents the world with new epochal challenges, dynamics and opportunities that require rethinking the nature of state and political philosophy from first principles. Anthony Giddens said, “globalisation is restructuring the ways in which we live” and “the era of the nation state is over.” The issue of contention that has so far divided western thinkers is whether globalisation is something, which is detrimental to human progress, or whether it is something that can advance humanity on a global level. Joseph Stiglitz believes that capitalism can elevate the world as long as globalisation is correctly managed. The Nobel Laureate said, “I believe that globalisation – the removal of barriers to free trade and the closer integration of national economies – can be a force for good and that it has the potential to enrich everyone in the world, particularly the poor,” therefore, “The problem is not with globalisation, but with how it has been managed. Part of the problem lies with the international economic institutions, with the IMF, World Bank and WTO, which help set the rules of the game.”
However the anti-globalisation movement contend that globalisation has created unprecedented economic inequality, which has become synonymous with capitalism and western imperialism. There is no doubt that globalisation as we experience today has meant political and economic exploitation but there are those on the political left who also realise the opportunities globalisation presents to the world i.e. a distinction needs to be made between globalisation and the ideological system of capitalism which is shaping global integration. George Monbiot articulated this vision in his manifesto for a new world order. He said, “Our task is not to overthrow globalisation, but to capture it, and to use it as a vehicle for humanity’s first global democratic revolution.”
The globalisation debate therefore transcends national borders – it is a revolutionary debate about how the world is run and how the people’s political will can be voiced and represented in a globalised world. This issue perhaps, presents one of the greatest challenges to western political philosophy since the reformation and renaissance because the world is in need of a political philosophy that encapsulates the new dynamics humanity has and will face in the 21st century. Indeed western thinkers are not only confronted with the philosophical issues but also the practicalities of ensuring that democratic systems can work in a global context. Matthew Horsman and Andrew Marshall wrote about the “urgent need to find new means of collective representation,” and Will Hutton said, “In an era of globalisation all nation states need to cooperate and collaborate if they want to represent their citizens interests.”
Therefore one of the critical questions thinkers across the world need to ask is whether capitalism or socialism can transcend modern paradigms that shaped the period of industrialisation to meet the post-modern challenges of the information age and a globalised world. Since it is this shift from national and regional specific problems to global problems that distinguishes this period from any other. The Renaissance was born out of problems specific to the European experience as western thinkers challenged the authority of monarchical rule and the intellectual validity of Christianity, while Marxism-socialism emerged from the social problems of capitalism, which were specific to the newly industrialised powers. These were epoch making periods in history and the advent of globalisation means another epochal social change which is in the early stage of political evolution i.e. political debate and change is no longer national or regional specific.
In the era of globalisation the problems facing one state are more often than not faced by every nation because capitalism is the defining force of politico-socio-economic organisation in the world today, and as a result problems in the world are interrelated. This is evidenced not only by the fact that there are problems which are unique to capitalist societies and are therefore experienced by every nation on earth but also by the international organisations which dictate economic policy nationally, regionally and globally. The IMF, World Bank and the UN are the principal institutional agents for global integration while social problems such as poverty are universal for all nations because free market doctrine governs the world economy.
This means that human experiences of capitalism are shared globally and therefore the debates that face one nation will also be faced by every nation because all of us live under this system of life. The characteristics of the debates may differ nation to nation but in origin they all emanate from the same ideological root. And it is this aspect which can potentially lead to a global debate and revolution which will be unlike any other period in human history.
At this moment in time the parameters of this debate have so far been discussed in a secular context. The political and intellectual classes from all spectrums of western political philosophy have arrived at some conclusions about how to manage this revolutionary change but there are more unresolved questions than there are answers, and this has created much upheaval amongst thinkers in the western world. Indeed these debates are as profound as the debates that gave rise to the modern nation state because globalisation is forcing us to re-evaluate our conception of identity, politics and state. One could also argue that these debates are as profound as the debates of the renaissance because globalisation is complemented by revolutionary scientific advances that provide us with new insights into human nature and how we as a species can progress. After all it is our conception of human nature that shapes political philosophy. Steven Pinker illuminates this reality in his book, ‘The Blank Slate’ in which he describes how our views of human nature define the political nature of the state. John Locke’s theory of empiricism exemplifies this concept since it was his theory of empiricism that became one of the conceptual foundations of liberal democracy. So the debates of this age are revolutionary and there is a struggle between the western intelligentsia to come to some ideological consensus about how to meet these profound challenges.
This is apparent across the western world as the battle lines are being drawn between the left and the right. In America the philosophical issues are exacerbated by the political reality of her status as a superpower and how she should project that power. While in Britain and the rest of Europe 20th century political traditions and conceptions of the nation state which were still very much the defining idea of conservative politics is increasingly challenged. This has brought the conservative traditionalists into conflict with new progressive conservatives who have grasped the opportunities and challenges of redefining conservatism in a globalised world. Philip Bobbit perhaps best embodies the philosophy of the progressive capitalists who can see beyond the outmoded concepts of 20th century political paradigms. They have sensed how the constitution of the state has to evolve to meet the new realities of globalisation and a post-industrial world. This is further accentuated by the vast migration of peoples continent to continent since it has changed the face and structure of western societies. Thus the defining idea of nationalism that shaped the modern nation state of the 20th century is clearly no longer viable. In a collection of essays published by the Foreign Policy Centre entitled, ‘Reclaiming Britishness’, British thinkers attempt to address these complex issues. Mark Leonard, director of The Foreign Policy Centre said, “What are British Values – and will they help us make these decisions? When conflicts arise, the political class searches for ties that bind. Both David Blunkett and Peter Hain recently declared that immigrants need to be ‘more British’ – but their invocation of ‘British values’ merely highlighted the extent to which there is confusion about the content of British identity”.
These debates starkly demonstrate how nationalism is incompatible with the reality of life because globalisation transcends ethnicity. What this means is that nationalism was always philosophically deficient and therefore has always been unsuitable as a basis for defining one’s identity. Why do I say this? The subject of identity is the central question for every human being and nation because it not only defines who we are but also how we should live. This has meant that nations particularly in the western world have not solved this profound question correctly. Consequently thinkers such as Philip Bobbit recognise that the state has to redefine its constitution and encapsulate the new dynamics shaping the world today. He describes this state as the ‘Market State’ while British diplomat Robert Cooper describes it as the ‘Post-Modern State.’ Both terms encapsulate the need to adapt western political philosophy and the need to redefine a nation’s political identity. However despite this evolution in thought we still find that they are unable to completely abandon nationalism as the basis of a nation’s political identity, which is evident by the fact that nations still exist as independent entities. Bobbit’s thesis for a market state goes someway to address the multicultural reality of western society by defining political identity upon a set of values that embrace diversity of cultures and race. He says, “We will inevitably get a multicultural state when the nation state loses its legitimacy as the provider and guarantor of equality.” He goes on to say, “the market state is classless and indifferent to race and ethnicity and gender…the market state is accessible to all societies.”
This philosophy gives some fresh perspective to the subject of political identity. If not satisfactorily it does stipulate the central tenants to its creed whereby every human being participates in the affairs of state through the market i.e. “In the market-state, the State is responsible for maximising the choices available to individuals. This means lowering the transaction costs of choosing by individuals and that often means restraining rather than empowering governments.” It is defining political identity upon ‘pure’ capitalist concepts, a belief in the ideology of the state rather than a state defined by its ethnicity. However this does not solve the problem of identity satisfactorily because what then determines whether a state is American, British, French or for that matter European? If the secular and capitalist values are the sole basis of a nation’s identity then why should there be more than one government? After all, the western nations all believe in secularism. This point becomes clearer when we examine the transition to a European constitution. The European states aim to integrate their economies and forge a constitution that will define the governance of the European Union. However nations remain resistant to completely giving up their political sovereignty to the European Union on the basis of preserving the nation’s interests. This disparity reveals the underlying problem facing the western nations and the world. That is to say western political philosophy has not been able to construct a wholly rational solution to answering the most fundamental question of life. Consequently it is not political philosophy that is the impetus behind closer European integration rather it is political and economic interests which is forcing western philosophy to adapt itself. Centuries of internecine fighting on the European continent between Europe’s great powers and the political and economic forces of globalisation are forcing nations to take these historic steps, and not a philosophical view of our existence. It is an important point to highlight because it demonstrates the intellectual problems of western philosophy. Not only is western philosophy the reason for these problems but also its concepts and values are proven to be incompatible with human progress. This is evidenced not only by the erosion of nationalism as a political philosophy but by every facet of the secular creed and capitalist economic system that dominates the world.
The anti-globalisation movement on the other hand provide a different alternative and again within the socialist realms of political philosophy we find differences amongst its foremost thinkers. There are those who argue passionately against globalisation and there are those who recognise that globalisation can be a force for good if the basis of globalisation proceeds upon a different intellectual path. George Monbiot articulates the case for completely restructuring the world order. One which is based upon a clear philosophical view of the world, he says, “Indeed, all nationhood is to some extent artificial, the product of historical accident, the convenience of tyrants and the disengagement of colonists.” He goes on to describe a Darwinian view of identity that should be the philosophical basis of all societies in the world, “The new mutation will force us to abandon nationhood just as, in earlier epochs, we abandoned the barony and the clan…For the first time in history we will see ourselves as a species.”
While the capitalist vision seeks to preserve the nation state albeit in a new form, the anti-capitalist vision seeks to eliminate the existence of nation states altogether through the creation of international structures that will truly represent the will of the people. The anti-capitalist movement or what is also known as the global justice movement seek to realise this worldview through the creation of a world parliament. Therefore the global justice movement realise that new international structures are needed if humanity’s political will is to be truly expressed democratically. Current international structures do not resemble the true reality of globalisation and the possibilities it presents to end conflicts and all the myriad of problems that plague the world. The World Bank, IMF and the UN are institutions created for a different world i.e. an industrialised and bipolar world. Whereas today the world moves ever closer to global integration and into post-industrialisation which means that existing structures need to be dismantled to facilitate this historic transition. Indeed these structures were created by the superpowers of the 20th century to further their imperialist interests around the world and it is in the realm of international relations and economy where we will find the great debates between the left and right reach boiling point.
One fundamental problem is that the capitalists seek to preserve their power whether it is within their own countries or globally. The capitalists on the European continent while moving towards economic integration and political cooperation still maintain the independence of their own respective nations so as to maintain their power in each nation and so they are be able to challenge American power. American capitalists on the other hand seek to maintain their global empire and monopolise the material wealth in the world. This is evident in the differences between Europe and America over a whole host of issues ranging from how to fight the war on terror to global climate change. The Kyoto talks demonstrated the intellectual inconsistencies of those nations who champion globalisation. America rejected the Kyoto treaty despite the overwhelming consensus of the world community. And the war of words over steel tariffs further demonstrated the inconsistencies of a free trade global economy between Europe and America.
Globalisation is therefore being used by the major capitalist powers to further their own national interests. The Europeans seek to become America’s equal partner by creating a new international order based upon shared interests and responsibility. Dominique de Villepin said, “The path to a new world is one we can truly map out together… To gain the support of the peoples and adapt to a new world situation, we have a duty to share. Without barriers or borders our world is rich with promise for the future… No international order can be built upon the power of a single country. So what path must we take? To go the unilateral route is utopia. If we want to be effective, we must have legitimacy. So the multilateral route is the only realistic one. Europe has to be one of the pillars of this new world!” Tony Blair further illuminated this thinking when he said, “It means reforming the United Nations so its Security Council represents 21st century reality; and giving the UN the capability to act effectively as well as debate.” Therefore we find that the capitalists are not making judgements solely upon a philosophical idea about identity rather judgements are made according to economic and political interests. Indeed since the end of the Cold War they also realise that they cannot completely control the markets and the preservation of the nation state goes someway to prevent trans-national corporations from dictating politics.
Globalisation therefore illuminates the flaws of secular philosophy and the contradictions of maintaining political structures that don’t emanate from the ideals of global integration. This is evident not only in the logical inconsistencies of preserving the nation state but also in creating or reforming global organisations that will only perpetuate western power which is evident in the G8. Whilst these logical inconsistencies remain, justice can never be truly achieved and which is why we are already seeing the embryonic stages of a global justice movement that seeks to dismantle these power structures. Indeed the creation of a new political party entitled ‘Respect’ and the growing influence of environmental politics upon the intellectual landscape means that we are seeing another dimension to the struggle between the ruling factions of society and the people i.e. this struggle mirrors the struggle between the people and the church and monarchy – the struggle between the workers and the capitalists. However the struggle in the 21st century will proceed upon a global scale. There are different dimensions to this struggle. There is the struggle between the United States and the rest of the world. Martin Jacques review of ‘World on Fire’ by Amy Chua reflects on this aspect, “Finally she considers the position of the United States in the post cold-war and argues that its global position is akin to that of a market-dominated ethnic minority.” The other dimension as I have discussed is between the global justice movement and the capitalists. However there is another dimension which hasn’t been really explored which is the Islamic ideology.
The Muslim world has for over fifty years been engaged in a profound debate about whether capitalism, socialism or Islam is the correct basis for progress. This debate has been internationalised since the events of 9/11 and the vast migration of Muslims to the western world further opens up new possibilities to the global debates and challenges that we’re all facing. After all the debate about capitalism is an international debate and the question that now confronts all of humanity is which philosophy is truly a global political philosophy? Which philosophy truly embodies the ideals of globalisation? And which philosophy can provide a system of life that can elevate humanity and work on a global scale? Central to these questions is the issue of identity, and globalisation means that the question of identity has to be answered in its true context i.e. globalisation forces us to pursue the question of identity to its logical end otherwise its intellectual disparities and contradiction will become acutely apparent. The capitalist solution still resonates with intellectual disparities and contradictions as the essence of the nation state is preserved while the leftist view of identity although being more logically consistent is debilitated by its system of life, particularly since the demise of the socialist ideology.
Islam on the other hand can be argued to not only be the first global political philosophy but the only practical philosophy that can truly capture the forces of globalisation and thereby create a ‘new civilisation’ in a post-modern world.
Islam transcends ethnicity because it defines identity upon the basis of a comprehensive view of the world. This view is based upon an understanding that all of creation is created by a Creator – Allah – and is subservient to his natural law. Islam not only views us and defines us in our capacity as human beings but goes further to prohibit ethnicity to be a basis of identity. The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said about nationalism, “Leave it, it is rotten”. This all encompassing view of humanity means that Islam is a natural globalising force since it brings people together upon a rational basis rather than upon ideas which create conflict and disharmony. The unnatural borders that have been created between people as a consequence of false ideas such as nationalism are the primary reason as to why we have seen so much bloodshed through the centuries.
One may argue that the issue of belief in Islam detracts from this global view. That is to say, differences of identity exist in the area of creed and hence it cannot be said that Islam provides a comprehensive global identity: Islam differentiates between people on the basis of being a Muslim or non-Muslim. When we examine this point we find that it does not impact upon the issue of identity in any significant sense because when Islam is implemented through the Islamic State (Khilafah) it does not differentiate between people on this basis. Rather Islam views people in their capacity as human beings and citizens of the Islamic State. So no differentiation is made between Muslims and non-Muslims, both are viewed in their capacity as human beings and are treated as such by the Islamic rules. We further find that Islam addresses all of humankind without differentiation and provides a system of life irrespective of one’s creed, race or lineage. Allah said in the Qur’an:
“Oh mankind, verily We have created you from a male and female, and made you peoples and tribes, so that you may recognise each other.” (Surah Al-Hujurat: 13)
“Woe to mankind! What made him reject God? From what thing did He create him? From a clot he created him…”
(Surah Abasa: 17-19)
Therefore Islam provides us with a logically consistent global view of identity and a system of life that is entirely consistent with this philosophy. The Islamic political system known as the Khilafah is the practical manifestation of this global view and through history it moulded people of different races into one homogenous society. That is to say a global political philosophy must have a method of implementation that is entirely consistent with its thoughts and rules. The Khilafah system achieves this because it is a state solely defined by the Islamic ideology. This point becomes clearer when we examine states existent today who have been unable to provide a satisfactory answer to one’s identity that agrees with the mind and brings tranquillity to the heart. Rather divisive concepts such as nationalism remain a part of western political philosophy albeit in a different form i.e. we find western thinkers trying to reinterpret a nation’s identity as a consequence of the growing immigration into the western world where traditional conceptions of identity are no longer viable.
Indeed multiculturalism as defined by the west has been recognised by certain quarters amongst the western intelligentsia as ultimately divisive. The problem of unifying different communities in the Khilafah State was never an issue because Islam solves the problem of identity without any ambiguity or disparity. Rather diversity is viewed as a strength and not a weakness. Muslims and non-Muslims have lived together for centuries and everybody contributed to the golden ages of Islam. Indeed when we examine the history of Islam we find that Islam embraced people from Africa, Eurasia and Central Asia, the Balkans, China, the Indian Sub-Continent, South-East Asia and Europe. Islam removed the false borders between human beings intellectually and politically until the understanding of Islam weakened in the minds of the people and nationalism took hold during the political and cultural invasion of the Islamic world by the western colonialists. Rather than demonstrating a weakness of Islam it actually demonstrates just how devastating nationalism and secular philosophy actually is. Therefore it is an argument for Islam, not against Islam.
The globalisation debate is in the process of being redefined by Islamists who provide an alternative vision and conception of globalisation. Indeed the debates about secularism and capitalism are already becoming globalised because Muslims inhabit all corners of the earth and as they become more politicised their voice will increasingly grow in unison. This is evidenced in the recent hijab ban controversy in France where Muslims are challenging secularism. This debate has international ramifications because to win the intellectual debate in the western world would contribute greatly to winning the secularism debate internationally. Especially when the west seeks to propagate its values and culture to the whole world. We are indeed on the precipice of something great, something monumental and historic. There is an urgent need for all of us to engage in a debate about identity and the correct basis for progress.
Globalisation provides us with this opportunity to truly engage in a global debate involving all of humanity. While this essay merely touches upon the epochal opportunities open to us it should remind us that we are at a point in human history when we can truly forge a better world.
1Professor Niall Ferguson, Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power (Basic Books, April 13, 2004)
2Alvin Toffler, Turner Pub, (March 1, 1995)
3Francis Fukuyama, The Great Disruption, (Profile Books, 2000)
4Philip Bobbit, The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace and the Course of History, (Penguin Books, 2003), p216.
5Anthony Giddens, Runaway World, (Profile Books, 2002)
6Joseph Stiglitz, Globalization and its Disontents, (Penguin Books, 2002), p214.
7George Monbiot, The Age of Consent: A Manifesto for a New World Order (Flamingo, 2003)
8Matthew Horsman & Andrew Marshall, After the Nation-State: Citizens, Tribalism and the New World Disorder, (Harper Collins, 1994) xi.
9Will Hutton, The World We’re In, (Little, Brown, 2002) p47.
10Steven Pinker, The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (Penguin, 2002)
11Mark Leonard (Ed.), Phoebe Griffith (Ed.), Reclaiming Britishness (Foreign Policy Centre, September 2002)
12Robert Cooper, The Postmodern State and the World Order (Foreign Policy Centre, June 2000)
13Philip Bobbit, The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace and the Course of History, (Penguin Books, 2003), p225.
14Ibid p230.
15Ibid p230
16George Monbiot, The Age of Consent: A Manifesto for a New World Order (Flamingo, 2003) p111.
17Ibid p8
18Dominique de Villepin, Dimbleby Lecture 2003.
19Tony Blair speech, Iraq and the threat of international terrorism (05/03/2004)
20Amy Chua, World on Fire, (Heinemann, 2004)
21Martin Jacques, The Power of the Ethnic Minority (Guardian Newspaper, 21st February 2004)
British Chancellor Gordon Brown, who is expected to become Prime Minister after Tony Blair steps down June 27, has been gearing up the British financial oligarchy's hectic push for globalization/deregulation, which is already making western and central Europe and North America ungovernable.
In 2006, Brown set up the "High Level Group," with representatives of the financial sector and the government, "to promote London as the leading international financial center." It held its first meeting on October 18, 2006, at 11 Downing Street.
After the meeting, Ed Balls, City Minister, asked Lord (David) Currie of Marylebone to chair a working group to "draw up plans for an international center for financial regulation." The center was to offer "training on international regulation with a view to influencing global regulatory developments," i.e., to lobby for further wild financial deregulation worldwide.
The government, the financial "industry," and the City of London were each to provide funds. Barclays, Citigroup, Dresdner Kleinwort, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JP Morgan, Man Group, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Prudential, Standard Chartered, UBS, Aviva, Aberdeen and 3i, each agreed to provide startup funding of 100,000 pounds (about $200,000) per year for three years, and the government promised about 2.5 million pounds (about $5 million) over the same period, according to on May 9.
After Lord Currie presented his plan on May 9, Brown asked Mervyn Davies, Chairman of Standard Chartered, to prepare the startup of the new center.
In Germany, where Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung alluded to these London-centered developments today, the government is still committed to pressing for hedge-fund regulation against primarily British opposition. Support for the German position is building in Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, and elsewhere in continental Europe.