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Friends, this year the WEF is celebrating its 50th Anniversary. Forty-nine (49) of the insanely pompous – and every year more – WEF events took place in Davos, Switzerland. Just one, in 2002, after 9/11, was moved to New York City, paradoxically for ‘security reasons’ they said – the logic of such a move was as ludicrous as the WEF itself.
Friends, you should go to the WEF, the notorious World Economic Forum in Davos, (21-24 January), where a 12 square-meter hotel room costs US$ 10,000 per night (if you don’t believe it, look it up on the internet), and where it’s totally normal that sharpshooters are everywhere on roof tops in subfreezing temperatures – to protect the about 3000 upper-echelons, of course – and that a huge section of the Zurich airport has been cordoned-off for the private planes of the ‘environmentally conscious elite’ — and where Trump arrived this morning, Tuesday, 21 January; and where the “plane-spotters” with their sophisticated binoculars and telescopes are practically camping in the airport areal — to be first when the airport gates are opened, for them to enter the airport terraces to “spot” the arriving VIP / CEO / celebrity private planes (you get the picture, it’s sort of like Black Friday, with the campers in front of the Walmart gates) – hundreds of private jets are expected – the normality of abject uselessness and decadence of the rich – and its acceptance and even glorification by the populace, is much more than George Orwell could have ever thought of when he wrote 1984 in 1948.
This year some 130 high-ranking guests, protected by international law, are expected – whoever they may be – in addition, are also anticipated 5 Royals, 22 Presidents, and 23 Prime Ministers. They will be shielded by Swiss police and military, a total of about 5000. President Trump will get about 300 special Swiss security police, in addition to his own security contingent, plus a private helicopter, brought in by military cargo from the US. His two days in Switzerland will cost the US tax-payer more than US$ 3.4 million, not including security personnel; peanuts compared to the entire Chabang for some 3,000 “high-level” VIPs and celebrities, or simply “wanna-be-seens”, who are eager to rub their elbows sore with the ‘real important’ people. What a farce!
The Zurich police chief told a reporter, that they, the police, have good relations with Trump’s security detail, “we are seeing eye-to-eye, they consider us as [i]competent and equals[/i]”. What can I say? It looks like this high-ranking Swiss police officer’s self-esteem depends on the acceptance level of Trump’s secret service police. How sad!
When President Trump steps off Air Force One, he transfers immediately under utmost security, including the watchful eyes of zillions of sharp-shooters on the airport’s rooftops to his helicopter, especially flown-in from the US in a military cargo plane, to be carried like a king to Davos. Most of his support troops will have to travel in blinded SUVs and limousines in the WEF-congested highways to Davos. Trump will be in best company – Greta Thunberg is also expected in Davos, albeit with a day’s delay, due to a sudden high fever. Nevertheless, she promised to be there.
The protection of this incredibly ludicrous event, is gigantic, costing millions and millions. It’s an orgy of power and money, of the men and women who call the shots over our western world – or that’s what they would like to believe, and they may, if you, folks, don’t wake up and take the reins into your own hands, the hands of the people, because it is the steering wheel of the people that is at stake – not the command lever of the super-rich.
They say, President Trump’s security risk is today even higher than what it was in 2018, when he first attended Davos, because of the constant threats on Iran, and mostly because of his ruthless, out-of-law assassination of Iran’s top General, Qassem Suleimani. That’s why his security detail has to be even larger than it would be otherwise. – Well, you may ask, since when does a murderer deserve protection? – Unless he is a suicide risk, which Trump – the epitome of egocentricity, certainly isn’t.
They, these WEFers, will just continue robbing you – as they have been doing for at least the last 200 years – and they have managed to this so skillfully – that the great lot of us ‘folks’ admire them – come to watch them in awe arriving in their private jets and taking off in their private jets… that’s how low we have sunk. But it’s never too late, folks, to wake up and ignore this nonsense – ignore and discard it. They are not worthy of an iota of your attention.
Their agenda is spiked with lies and deceptions. This is the official agenda –
it’s called an agenda for “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World”:
1. How to address the urgent climate and environmental challenges that are harming our ecology and economy
2. How to transform industries to achieve more sustainable and inclusive business models as new political, economic and societal priorities change trade and consumption patterns
3. How to govern the technologies driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution so they benefit business and society while minimizing their risks to them
4. How to adapt to the demographic, social and technological trends reshaping education, employment and entrepreneurship.
That’s what the outside world gets to see and hear debated, the common folks like you and me, and those thousands ‘climate change’ protesters that have been trekking for tens of kilometers through snow and cold to reach Davos and leave their message to the Big Ones – “take responsibility, our planet is burning”. These people may get to hear some of the official debate on (man-made – CO2-caused)-climate change, and promises on what they – the Big Ones – will do about it.
When behind the scene, behind closed doors – off earshot of the ‘commons’ – another narrative will be discussed, most likely in combination with ‘climate’, how to use climate and the fake climate propaganda, combined with harmful, potentially deadly G5 and soon G6 radiation technology, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the gene- and “biotechnology – GMOs, and more to the heart of the matter, CRISPR (pronounced “crisper” – Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats), a genome editing tool that can selectively alter human (and other living beings’) DNA.
These forces of commandeering power combined and united – plus, of course, eternal wars – may alter the course of the world. One of the elite’s key objective is reducing the world population, so that the elite can continue living in opulence, without having to share Mother Earths generous, but limited resources with 7.7 billion people, and growing – use some of them, deplorables, as oppressed slaves and get rid of the rest.
That sounds harsh. But these are not my words. Already in the 1960s Henry Kissinger, the world’s most sought-after war criminal still alive, a Rockefeller ‘scholar’ and associate and steadfast Bilderberg Society steward, said that a key objective of the Bilderbergers is population reduction. In 1974, newly rewarded by the Nixon Administration as Secretary of State, for the fascist coup “9/11/73” he led in Chile, had this advice:
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”
There you have it. The dark Luciferian elite of the WEF may be talking eugenics. We don’t know. But given the supremacy of the west and the deplorable fate of the deplorable people, who knows? It doesn’t look too farfetched with all we know that is going on in the occult. With Washington’s / Pentagon’s / NATO’s ability of extra-judiciary drone killing of just about anybody who may be considered a US ‘national security’ risk, or rather a risk of preventing the Global Elite to reach its target of Full Spectrum Dominance – we are moving ever closer to an all-annihilating WWIII – except that this very elite knows that with a nuclear holocaust there will be no winners, that they themselves may be wiped out – how to enjoy then the stolen riches? – So, they may opt for a “soft” version of population reduction – eugenics – and continuous, eternal and highly profitable regional conflicts and wars.
The thing is: wake up folks, do not believe the corporate-finance elite’s lies, no matter how well they are manufactured, packaged and presented, do not fall for their deceptive propaganda. It’s never too late, because we, folks, are 99.99% against 0.01%. Don’t fall into their trap. They – the elite, the WEF schmucks – all want you to act against your own interests. Do your own research, do your own math – and stop watching mainstream media, they all collude with the same lies, that’s why they are paid billions by the small deep, dark interest groups.
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The CFA Franc has always seen as a vestige of colonialism, but now eight West African countries are aiming to decolonise and start their own currency. Eight West African countries have proposed to withdraw their currency reserves from the French central bank. The proposal would look to replace the euro-linked CFA franc with a new common West African currency: eco. The French-regulated CFA franc is currently used by 155 million people across the African continent in 14 West and Central African countries.
The CFA was specially created in 1945, after the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement, which saw the world usher in a new global monetary system with the US dollar replacing the gold standard. The French-regulated CFA franc was for the French colonies of Africa, it is linked to the euro and its convertibility is guaranteed by France. According to the arrangement, described by analysts as a colonial relic, these African countries had to deposit half of their foreign currency reserves in the French central bank.
Benin’s President Patrice Talon announced last Thursday that the West African Monetary Union wants to take back control of its currency. Eight African countries including Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Niger and Guinea Bissau have reached an agreement to pull the reserves from France. "We all agree on this, unanimously, to end this model," Talon told French media last Thursday. The move, if it happens, could also have serious implications for the French economy.
The CFA franc has been the currency used by French colonies since 1945, and despite the subsequent independence of several African nations, it is still in use. The system is seen as one of the last vestiges of colonialism and the CFA franc has always been a target of criticism. Talon said that the decision may take time, but it has been adopted at the meeting of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). "The injustice has gone for too long. It is time to discuss issues with France to clarify many things, to allow us to have our monetary sovereignty. We do not have it today,” Chadian President Idris Debby said during a media briefing last Monday. An agreement was made to introduce a single currency, eco, for the entire region by 2020. According to the plan, as a first phase, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, which currently have their own currencies, will launch the eco. Then in the second phase, the eight countries which use the CFA franc will replace their currencies. The eco first came to the fore in 2003, however, it has been delayed several times.
Will it be any different this time?
Nassir M A Doutoum, an Africa Researcher at the Association of Researchers on Africa (AFAM) told TRT World that as part of a decolonisation process, most leaders of African countries have attempted to realise moves like this in the past. Leaders like Sekou Toure, Modibo Keita, Sylvanus Olympio and Thomas Sankara criticised the colonial policy of the CFA, and some of them even stopped using it.
Doutoum Said: “But somehow, the leaders who tried to give on up on CFA were eliminated or killed. In the past, African countries were not ready to realise it, however, today’s circumstances are different. As of today, the struggle against CFA is not just based on leaders and intellectuals, also most of the African public supports the idea.” According to Doutoum, France has tried to prevent several NGOs in various African countries that have been protesting CFA and trying to raise awareness about the damage it does to Africans.
There have already been protests in the past to say no to the CFA and the issue may be gaining even more momentum among the public. Doutoum sees that the developments as a whole may allow this attempt to succeed. AFAM Researcher Kaan Devecioglu described Talon’s statement during an interview with TRT World as both courageous and divorced from reality as he believes that the statement was mainly political. He says that whoever criticises the CFA in the continent gains sympathy and support, but it is just rhetoric. He says every country has to form a consensus, which is no easy task.
How will France’s future in Africa be shaped?
Professor Ahmet Kavas, an African expert, Turkey’s former ambassador to Chad and founder of the Association of Researchers on Africa (AFAM), said: “Even France recognises the independence of the African countries which it colonised in the past, but France still keeps deep political, cultural, economic, and social ties with these countries.” In this context, Kavas stated that for Africa’s natural resources to reach markets, France stipulates the CFA (also known as west-middle African franc) be used as the mandatory currency in its previous colonies. He adds that to maintain competitiveness in the international arena and to sustain its current position, France doesn’t want to abandon opportunities provided by its colonies.
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David Icke
Regarding “peddling conspiracy theories”, Im not discussing suspicions raised by people on Reddit or 8 Chan, officials from world governments are saying it. Should I censor what these nation’s officials are claiming? When do I pick and choose which claim to cover and which to ignore? Just because you might not agree with the theory doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be heard. I’m firmly against censorship and think it’s best to be open minded enough to hear someone out no matter how crazy the theory may sound.
Lessons learned from Dr. Djaballah about the COVID-19, caused by the SAR-CoV2 virus, can be summed up in several notes. Check out the video interview with Dr. Djaballah for more in depth.
- How much do we know about this virus?
- Where far are we from developing a vaccine?
- Who holds the key to understanding the nature of COVID-19?
- The debate: Mask or no mask?
- Why don't we have a vaccine for SARS-CoV1 yet?
- Can we stop the spread? How?
- Lessons to learn from the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, the executive chairman of the Los Angeles Times, offers an overview of our special series, The Science Behind the Coronavirus. In this introduction, Soon-Shiong (MD, MBBCh, MSc, FRCS ©, FACS) proposes that understanding how the virus infects our bodies and strategies toward treatment can help us allay our anxiety about it. Soon-Shiong is a surgeon and scientist who has spent his career studying the human immune system to fight cancer and infectious diseases. He is also the chairman and CEO of NantWorks and the owner of or investor in a number of companies, including ImmunityBio and NantKwest which are currently researching immunotherapies for COVID-19.
It seems, the more there is written about the causes of the Coronavirus – the more the written analyses are overshadowed by a propaganda and fear-mongering hype. Questions for the truth and arguments for where to look for the origins and how the virus may have spread and how to combat it, are lost in the noise of wanton chaos. But isn’t that what the “Black Men” behind this intended pandemic want – chaos, panic, hopelessness, leading to human vulnerability – a people becoming easy prey for manipulation?
Today WHO declared the coronavirus COVID-19 a “pandemic” – when there is not the slightest trace of a pandemic. A pandemic might be the condition, when the death to infection rate reaches more than 12%. In Europe, the death rate is about 0.4%, or less. Except for Italy which is a special case, where the peak of the death rate was 6% (see below for further analysis).
China, where the death rate peaked only a few weeks ago at about 3%, is back to 0.7% – and rapidly declining, while China is taking full control of the disease – and that with the help of a not-spoken-about medication developed 39 years ago by Cuba, called “Interferon Alpha 2B (IFNrec)”, very effective for fighting viruses and other diseases, but is not known and used in the world, because the US under the illegal embargo of Cuba does not allow the medication to be marketed internationally.
WHO has most likely received orders from “above”, from those people who also manage Trump and the “leaders” (sic) of the European Union and her member countries, those who aim to control the world with force – the One World Order. This has been on the drawing board for years. The final decision to go ahead NOW, was taken in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos – behind very much closed doors, of course. The Gates, GAVI (an association of vaccination-promoting pharmaceuticals), Rockefellers, Rothschilds ]et al, they are all behind this decision – the implementation of Agenda ID2020 – see below.
After the pandemic has been officially declared, the next step may be – also at the recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, “force vaccination”, under police and/or military surveillance. Those who refuse may be penalized (fines and / or jail – and force-vaccinated all the same).
If indeed force-vaccination will happen, another bonanza for Big Pharma, people really don’t know what type of cocktail will be put into the vaccine, maybe a slow killer, that acts-up only in a few years – or a disease that hits only the next generation – or a brain debilitating agent, or a gene that renders women infertile …. all is possible – always with the aim of full population control and population reduction. In a few years’ time, one doesn’t know, of course, where the disease comes from. That’s the level of technology our bio-war labs have reached (US, UK, Israel, Canada, Australia…).
Another hypothesis, at this point only a hypothesis, but a realistic one, is that along with the vaccination – if not with this one, then possibly with a later one, a nano-chip may be injected, unknown to the person being vaccinated. The chip may be remotely charged with all your personal data, including bank accounts – digital money. Yes, digital money that’s what “they” are aiming at, so you really have no control any more over your health and other intimate data, but also over your earnings and spending. Your money could be blocked, or taken away – as a ‘sanction’ for misbehavior, for swimming against the stream. You may become a mere slave of the masters. Comparatively, feudalism may appear like a walk in the park.
It’s not for nothing that Dr. Tedros, DG of WHO, said a few days ago, we must move towards digital money, because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic diseases, like the coronavirus. A precursor for things to come? – Or for things already here? – In many Scandinavian countries cash is largely banned and even a bar of chocalate can be paid only electronically. We are moving towards a totalitarian state of the world. This is part of Agenda ID2020 – and these steps to be implemented now – prepared since long, including by the coronavirus computer simulation at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore on 18 October 2019, sponsored by the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Bill Gates, one of the chief advocates of vaccinations for everybody, especially in Africa – is also a huge advocate of population reduction. Population reduction is among the goals of the elite within the WEF, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgens – and a few more. The objective: fewer people (a small elite) can live longer and better with the reduced and limited resources Mother Earth is generously offering. This had openly been propagated already in the 1960s and 70s by Henry Kissinger, Foreign Secretary in de Nixon Administration, a co-engineer of the Vietnam war, and main responsible for the semi-clandestine bombing of Cambodia, a genocide of millions of unarmed Cambodian civilians. Along with the CIA-Kissinger engineered coup on 9/11, 1973, in Chile, killing the democratically elected Salvador Allende and putting the military dictator Pinochet in power, Kissinger has committed war crimes. Today, he is a spokesman (so to speak) for Rockefeller and their “Bilderberger Society”.
Coronavirus Outbreak, a Global Public Health Emergency?
Two weeks after the computer simulation at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, that “produced” (aka simulated) 65 million deaths , the COVID-19 virus first appeared in Wuhan. By now it is almost certain that the virus was brought to Wuhan from outside, most likely from a bio-war lab in the US.
[b]What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity. GAVI, the [i]Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization[/i], identifies itself on its website as a global health partnership of public and private sector organizations dedicated to “immunization for all”. GAVI is supported by WHO, and needless to say, its main partners and sponsors are the pharma-industry.
The ID2020 Alliance at their 2019 Summit, entitled “Rising to the Good ID Challenge”, in September 2019 in New York, decided to roll out their program in 2020, a decision confirmed by the WEF in January 2020 in Davos. Their digital identity program will be tested with the government of Bangladesh. GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, and “partners from academia and humanitarian relief” (as they call it), are part of the pioneer party.
Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what WHO calls a Pandemic? – Or is a pandemic needed to ‘roll out’ the multiple devastating programs of ID2020?
Here is what Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor of the Bangladesh government program, has to say:
“We are implementing a forward-looking approach to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own personal information, while still building off existing systems and programs. The Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’ access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this approach.”
Wow! Does Mr. Anir Chowdhury know what he is getting into?
Back to the Pandemic and the panic. Geneva, the European seat of the United Nations, including the headquarters of WHO, is basically shot down. Not unlike the lock-down that started in Venice and later expanded to northern Italy until a few days ago – and now the lock-down covers all of Italy. Similar lock-down may soon also be adopted by France – and other European vassal states to the Anglo-Zionist empire. Numerous memoranda with similar panic-mongering contents from different UN agencies in Geneva are circulating. Their key message is – cancel all mission travel, all events in Geneva, visits to the Palais des Nations, the Geneva Cathedral, other monuments and museums. The latest directives, many agencies instruct their staff to work from home, not to risk contamination from public transportation.
This ambiance of panic and fear – outstrips any sense of reality, when the truth doesn’t matter. People can’t even think any more about the causes and what may be behind it. Nobody believes you (anymore), when you refer to Event 201, the coronavirus simulation, the Wuhan Military Games, the closing last August 7, of the high-security biological war lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland…. what could have at one point been an eye opener for many, today is sheer conspiracy theory. The power of propaganda. A destabilizing power – destabilizing countries and people, destroying economies, creating hardship for people who may lose their jobs, usually the ones who can least afford it. Also, at this time it becomes increasingly important to remind people that the outbreak in China was targeting the Chinese genome. Did it later mutate to transgress the ‘borders’ of Chinese DNA? When did that happen, if it happened? Because at the beginning it was clear that even the infected victims in other parts of the world, were to 99.9% of Chinese descent.
What happened later, when the virus spread to Italy and Iran, is another issue, and opens the way to a number of speculations.
(i) There were various strains of the virus circulated in sequence – so as to destabilize countries around the world and to confound the populace and media, so that especially nobody of the mainstream may come to the conclusion that the first strain was targeting China in a bio-war.
(ii) In Iran, I have a strong suspicion that the virus was an enhanced form of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, man-made, broke out first in Saudi Arabia in 2012 , directed to the Arabic genome) – which was somehow introduced into government circles (by aerosol spray?) – with the goal of “Regime Change” by COVID19-caused death. Its Washington’s wishful thinking for at least the last 30 years.
(iii) In Italy – why Italy? – Maybe because Washington / Brussels wanted to hit Italy hard for having been officially the first country to sign a Belt and Road (BRI) accord with China (actually the first was Greece, but nobody is supposed to know that China came to the rescue of Greece, destroyed by Greece’s brothers, the EU members, mainly Germany and France).
(iv) The hype about the high death to infection rate in Italy, as of the time of this writing: 10,149 infections vs. 631 deaths = death rate of 6.2 (comparatively Iran: 8042 infections vs. 291 deaths = 3.6 death rate). The death rate of Italy is almost double that of Iran and almost ten-fold that of average Europe. (Are these discrepancies the result of failures in the establishing reliable data pertaining to “infections”, see our observations pertaining to Italy below).
Why? – Was is Italy being affected with virus panic? Was there a much stronger strain introduced to Italy?
The common flu in Europe in the 2019 / 2020 season, has apparently so far killed about 16,000 (in the US the death toll is, according to CDC between 14,000 and 32,000, depending on which CDC website you look at). Could it be that among the Italian coronavirus deaths there were also common flu victims, as the affected victims are mostly elderly with respiratory preconditions? Also, symptoms are very similar between coronavirus and the common flu, and nobody questions and checks the official authorities’ narrative?
Maybe not all the coronavirus strains come from the same laboratory. A journalist from Berlin of Ukrainian origin, told me this morning that Ukraine is host to some 5 high security US bio-war labs. They test regularly new viruses on the population – yet, when strange diseases break out in the surroundings of the labs, nobody is allowed to talk about it. Something similar, she says, is happening in Georgia, where there are even more Pentagon / CIA bio-war labs – and where also new and strange diseases break out.
All of this makes the composite picture even more complicated. Overarching all is this super hype is profit driven, the quest for instant profit, instant benefits from the suffering of the people. This panic making is a hundred-fold of what it’s worth. What these kingpins of the underworld, who pretend to run the upper world, perhaps miscalculated, is that in today’s globalized and vastly outsourced world the west depends massively on China’s supply chain, for consumer goods, and for intermediary merchandise – and, foremost for medication and medical equipment. At least 80% of medication or ingredients for medication, as well as for medical equipment comes from China. The western China dependence for antibiotics is even higher, some 90%. The potential impacts on health are devastating. During the height of the COVID-19 epidemic China’s production apparatus for everything was almost shut-down. For deliveries that were still made, merchandise vessels were regularly and categorically turned back from many harbors all around the world. So, the west has tricked itself into a shortage-of-everything mode by waging a de facto “economic war” on China. How long will it last? – Nobody knows, but China’s economy which was down by about half, has rapidly recovered to above 80% of what it was before the coronavirus hit. How long will it last to catch up with the backlog?
What is behind it all? – A total crackdown with artificially induced panic to the point where people are screaming “[i]help, give us vaccinations, display police and military for our security”[/i] – or even if the public despair doesn’t go that far, it would be easy for the EU and US authorities to impose a military [i]stage of siege[/i] for “health protection of the people”. In fact, CDC (Center for Disease Control in Atlanta), has already designed harshly dictatorial directives for a “health emergency”.
Along with forced vaccination, who knows what would be contained in the cocktail of ‘’mini-diseases” injected, and what their long-term effects might be. Similar to those of GMOs, where all sorts of germs could be inserted without us, the commons, knowing? We may indeed be just at the beginning of the implementation of ID2020 – which includes, forced vaccination, population reduction and total digital control of everybody – on the way to One World Order – and global financial hegemony – Full Spectrum Dominance, as the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) likes to call it. A windfall for China. China has been purposely targeted for “economic destruction”, because of her rapidly advancing economy, an economy soon to overtake that of the now hegemon, the US of A, and because of China’s strong currency, the Yuan, also potentially overtaking the dollar as the world’s main reserve currency.
[b]Both occurrences would mean the end of US dominance over the world. The coronavirus disease, now in more than 80 countries, has crashed the stock markets, a decline of at least 20% over the last few weeks – and rising; the feared consequences from the virus of an economic slow-down, if not recession, has slashed petrol prices within about two weeks almost in half. However, without China’s central bank interference, the Yuan’s value vis-à-vis the dollar has been rather stable, at around 7 Yuan to the dollar. That means, the Chinese economy, despite COVID-19, is receiving still much trust around the globe.
Advice to China – buy all the US and European corporate shares you can at current rock-bottom prices from the stock markets that collapsed by a fifth or more, plus buy lots of oil futures. When the prices recover, you have not only made billions, probably trillions from the west, but you also may own or hold significant and influence-yielding amounts of shares in most of the largest US and European corporations – and will be able to help call the shots of their future endeavors. There is however, one little silver lining oscillating at the horizon full of dark clouds. It could miraculously be an awakening of consciousness of a critical mass that could put an end to it all. Although, we seem to be far from such a miracle, somewhere in a hidden corner of our brain, we all have a spark of consciousness left. We have the spiritual capacity to abandon the disaster path of western neoliberal capitalism, and instead espouse solidarity, compassion and love for each other and for our society. That may be the only way to break the gridlock and doom of western egocentric greed.
Joseph Stepansky
Experts warn world leaders will have to overcome nationalist tendencies to deal with the rapidly spreading disease. The [/b] [url=]coronavirus outbreak has swept the globe and been declared a pandemic, but experts warn the response of some world leaders, including the administration of US President Donald Trump, has been anything but global.
With more than 140,000 people in some 120 countries infected in the outbreak of the new coronavirus disease, officially known as COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stressed that international cooperation is needed to contain the rapidly spreading virus.
But in recent days, both China, where the virus was first detected late last year, and the United States, which on Friday declared a national emergency, have shown nationalist tendencies in their political response.
In the US, Trump's approach to the virus has appeared more concerned with a political narrative than the public health threat, critics say, with some calling the president's declaration of a national emergency too little, too late. "What we're seeing is kind of fragmentation and politicisation along nationalist lines as the pandemic spreads and globalises," Stephen Morrison, senior vice president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies and director of its Global Health Policy Center, told Al Jazeera.[/b]
In the Trump administration's portrayal of the outbreak, he said, there has been a "nationalistic, neo-isolationist perspective of trying to pin the blame on the Chinese, pin the blame on the Europeans and trying to minimise or downplay the fact that wherever the virus originated, it's among all of us, it's inside of our borders".
On Wednesday, the White House national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, accused China of "covering up" the virus when it first appeared. Meanwhile, Trump administration officials including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in recent days have taken to calling the coronavirus the "Wuhan virus", ignoring WHO's guidelines and inciting rebuke from Beijing.
At the same time, with the number of cases falling in China and soaring abroad, Beijing has started to reject the generally-accepted assessment that the virus originated in Wuhan, the capital of the central Hubei province and the outbreak's hardest-hit city. On Thursday, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Twitter that "it might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan", perpetuating a conspiracy theory that has been circulating online, without providing any evidence.[/b]
In Europe, the current epicentre of the pandemic according to WHO, European Union leaders condemned a travel ban announced by Trump on Thursday, which excluded the United Kingdom despite the country having a comparable amount of cases to many states in the bloc. Trump said that decision was because of the UK's "very strong borders" and not the two governments' close ties in the wake of Britain's departure from the EU. "It's not a very promising environment for getting high-level political leadership organised around how they're going to deal with this as as a global community," Morrison said. "If we are fragmenting along strategic rivalries and nationalist tendencies, and denialism, that's moving in the opposite direction than what we should be moving towards - how are we going to figure out a way forward that bridges these divisions and emphasises the shared common good?"[/b]
Echoing that thought, Leana Wen, a physician and professor of public health at George Washington University, told Al Jazeera that leaders must heed the urging of the WHO to cooperate in overcoming the pandemic. "This is a public health emergency that knows no boundaries," said Wen, who is also the former health commissioner for the city of Baltimore. "We all need to see that we're in this together, and what will benefit one country will benefit the entire world. And similarly, what will harm one country will harm everyone else."
Coronavirus, politics and the US
A presidential response to the coronavirus that initially appeared to focus on downplaying the threat has also had implications for the outbreak in the US, according to experts.
In a March 7 op-ed in the New York Times, Jeremy Konyndyk, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, said that initially, "federal officials responded in a way that suited the narrative Mr Trump preferred". "It’s no coincidence that the coronavirus has broken out across the country as the president has continued to brag about keeping the disease outside America's border," he wrote. "Pretending we could wall out the virus not only gave the public a false sense of security, it also left the United States unready for the threat it now faces."[/b]
Will the Coronavirus pandemic cause a global recession?
Others have criticised what at times appeared to be a greater focus on the economy over the global health risk. Trump compared the coronavirus, which has no vaccine or known treatment regiment, to the flu as markets tanked on March 9, appearing to insinuate the current situation was overblown. Experts derided the comparison as misleading and inappropriate. Since the first US case was reported in Washington state on January 21, the number of infections has ballooned to more than 1,200 in 46 states with at least 36 deaths. [/b]
'Most profound crisis that Americans have faced'
On Friday, Trump also pledged up to $50bn for state and local governments to respond to the outbreak, waiving interest on federally held student loans, and giving Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar the authority to waive federal regulations and laws to give doctors and hospitals "flexibility" in treating patients. However, the urgent tone was much delayed and Trump appeared to have missed the gravity of the moment early on in the outbreak, according to Aaron David Miller, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.[/b]
"This is the most profound crisis that Americans have faced in terms of how it impacts their daily lives," Miller, author of the End of Greatness: Why America Can't Have (and Doesn't Want) Another Great President, told Al Jazeera. "And as you can see from the profound changes that have occurred, which, in my lifetime, I've never experienced - this goes beyond 9/11, goes beyond the Cuban Missile Crisis in terms of its longevity, its capacity to endure, and the threat that it poses every single day to everybody." Trump, however, "failed in responsibility number one" which is "levelling with the American public about the nature and the severity of this crisis".[/b]
US testing has also lagged behind other countries. Public health officials have attributed the slow response to a combination of factors, including the disbanding of the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense in 2018 and the failure to heed the Director of National Intelligence's January 2019 warning of the country's vulnerability to a viral outbreak. "I don't take responsibility at all," Trump said at a news conference on Friday, when asked about the slow testing, which he vowed had since been resolved. [/b]
Pepe Escobar
Is the planet under the spell of a pair of black swans – a Wall Street meltdown, caused by an alleged oil war between Russia and the House of Saud, plus the uncontrolled spread of Covid-19 – leading to an all-out “cross-asset pandemonium” as billed by Nomura?
Or, as German analyst Peter Spengler suggests, whatever the averted climax in the Strait of Hormuz has not brought about so far “might now come through market forces”?
Let’s start with what really happened after five hours of relatively polite discussions last Friday in Vienna. What turned into a de facto OPEC+ meltdown was quite the game-changing plot twist.
OPEC+ includes Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Essentially, after enduring years of OPEC price-fixing – the result of relentless US pressure over Saudi Arabia – while patiently rebuilding its foreign exchange reserves, Moscow saw the perfect window of opportunity to strike, targeting the US shale industry. Shares of some of these US producers plunged as much as 50% on “Black Monday.” They simply cannot survive with a barrel of oil in the $30s – and that’s where this is going. After all these companies are drowning in debt.[/b]
A $30 barrel of oil has to be seen as a precious gift/stimulus package for a global economy in turmoil – especially from the point of view of oil importers and consumers. This is what Russia made possible.
And the stimulus may last for a while. Russia’s National Wealth Fund has made it clear it has enough reserves (over $150 billion) to cover a budget deficit from six to ten years – even with oil at $25 a barrel. Goldman Sachs has already gamed a possible Brent crude at $20 a barrel.
As Persian Gulf traders stress, the key to what is perceived in the US as an “oil war” between Moscow and Riyadh is mostly about derivatives. Essentially, banks won’t be able to pay those speculators who hold derivative insurance against a steep decline in the price of oil. Added stress comes from traders panicking with Covid-19 spreading across nations that are visibly unprepared to deal with it.
Watch the Russian game
Moscow must have gamed beforehand that Russian stocks traded in London – such as Gazprom, Rosneft, Novatek and Gazprom Neft – would collapse. According to Lukoil’s co-owner Leonid Fedun, Russia may lose up to $150 million a day from now on. The question is for how long this will be acceptable. Still, from the beginning Rosneft’s position was that for Russia, the deal with OPEC+ was “meaningless” and only “cleared the way” for American shale oil. The consensus among Russian energy giants was that the current market setup – massive “negative oil demand,”positive “supply shock” and no swing producer – inevitably had to crash the price of oil. They were watching, helplessly, as the US was already selling oil for a lower price than OPEC.
Moscow’s move against the US fracking industry was payback for the Trump administration messing with Nord Stream 2. The inevitable, steep devaluation of the ruble was gamed.
Still, what happened post-Vienna essentially has little to do with a Russia-Saudi trade war. The Russian Energy Ministry is phlegmatic: Move on, nothing to see here. Riyadh, significantly, has been emitting signs the OPEC+ deal may be back in the cards in the near future. A feasible scenario is that this sort of shock therapy will go on until 2022, and then Russia and OPEC will be back to the table to work out a new deal.
There are no definitive numbers, but the oil market accounts for less than 10% of Russia’s GDP (it used to be 16% in 2012). Iran’s oil exports in 2019 plunged by a whopping 70 %, and still Tehran was able to adapt. Yet oil accounts for over 50% of Saudi GDP. Riyadh needs oil at no less than $85 a barrel to pay its bills. The 2020 budget, with crude priced at $62-63 a barrel, still has a $ 50 billion deficit. Aramco says it will be offering no fewer than 300,000 barrels of oil a day beyond its “maximum sustained capacity” starting April 1. It says it will be able to produce a whopping 12.3 million barrels a day.[/b]
Persian Gulf traders say openly that this is unsustainable. It is. But the House of Saud, in desperation, will be digging into its strategic reserves to dump as much crude as possible as soon as possible – and keep the price war full tilt. The (oily) irony is that the top price war victims are an industry belonging to the American protector. Saudi-occupied Arabia is a mess. King Salman is in a coma. Every grain of sand in the Nefud desert knows Jared of Arabia Kushner’s whatsapp pal MBS has been de facto ruler for the past five years, but the timing of his new purge in Riyadh speaks volumes. Princes Mohammed bin Nayef, the king’s nephew, and Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, his younger brother, are now really in detention.[/b]
The CIA is fuming: Nayef was and remains Langley’s top asset. When Saudi regime spin denounced “Americans” as partners in a possible coup against MBS, that word needed to be read as “CIA.” It’s just a matter of time before the US Deep State, in conjunction with disgruntled National Guard elements, comes for MBS’s head – even as he articulates taking over total power before the G-20 in Riyadh next November.
Black Hawk down?
So what happens next? Amid a tsunami of scenarios, from New York to all points Asia, the most optimistic say that China is about to win the “people’s war” against Covid-19 – and the latest figures confirm it. In this case, global oil demand may increase by at least 480,000 barrels a day. Well, that’s way more complicated. The game now points to a confluence of Wall Street in panic; Covid-19 mass hysteria; lingering, myriad aftershocks of Trump’s global trade mess; the US election circus; total political instability in Europe. These interlocked crises do spell Perfect Storm. Yet the market angle is easily explained: that may be the beginning of the end of Wall Street artificially inflated by tens of trillions of US dollars pumped by the Fed through quantitative easings and repos since 2008. Call it the calling of the central bankers’ bluff.[/b]
A case can be made that the current financial panic will only subside when the ultimate black swan – Covid-19 – is contained. Borrowing from the famous Hollywood adage, “No one knows anything,” all bets are off. Amid thick fog, and discounting the usual amount of disinformation, a Rabobank analyst, among others, came up with four plausible Covid-19 scenarios. He now reckons it’s getting “ugly” and the fourth scenario – the “unthinkable” – is not far-fetched anymore. This implies a global economic crisis of, yes, unthinkable magnitude. To a great extent it will all depend on how fast China – the inescapable crucial link in the global just-in-time supply chain – gets back to a new normal, offsetting interminable weeks of serial lockdowns.
Despised, discriminated against, demonized 24/7 by the “system leader,” China has gone full Nietzsche – about to prove that whatever does not kill you makes you stronger when it comes to a “people’s war” against Covid-19. On the US front, there’s scant hope that the gleaming Black “helicopter money” Hawk will crash down for good. The ultimate Black Swan will have the last word.
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Ron Paul
"Information Clearing House"
Governments love crises because when the people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms for promises that the government will take care of them. After 9/11, for example, Americans accepted the near-total destruction of their civil liberties in the PATRIOT Act’s hollow promises of security.
It is ironic to see the same Democrats who tried to impeach President Trump last month for abuse of power demanding that the Administration grab more power and authority in the name of fighting a virus that thus far has killed less than 100 Americans.
Declaring a pandemic emergency on Friday, President Trump now claims the power to quarantine individuals suspected of being infected by the virus and, as Politico writes, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease.” He can even call out the military to cordon off a US city or state.
State and local authoritarians love panic as well. The mayor of Champaign, Illinois, signed an executive order declaring the power to ban the sale of guns and alcohol and cut off gas, water, or electricity to any citizen. The governor of Ohio just essentially closed his entire state.
The chief fearmonger of the Trump Administration is without a doubt Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Fauci is all over the media, serving up outright falsehoods to stir up even more panic. He testified to Congress that the death rate for the coronavirus is ten times that of the seasonal flu, a claim without any scientific basis.
On Face the Nation, Fauci did his best to further damage an already tanking economy by stating, “Right now, personally, myself, I wouldn’t go to a restaurant.” He has pushed for closing the entire country down for 14 days.
Over what? A virus that has thus far killed just over 5,000 worldwide and less than 100 in the United States? By contrast, tuberculosis, an old disease not much discussed these days, killed nearly 1.6 million people in 2017. Where’s the panic over this?
If anything, what people like Fauci and the other fearmongers are demanding will likely make the disease worse. The martial law they dream about will leave people hunkered down inside their homes instead of going outdoors or to the beach where the sunshine and fresh air would help boost immunity. The panic produced by these fearmongers is likely helping spread the disease, as massive crowds rush into Walmart and Costco for that last roll of toilet paper.
The madness over the coronavirus is not limited to politicians and the medical community. The head of the neoconservative Atlantic Council wrote an editorial this week urging NATO to pass an Article 5 declaration of war against the COVID-19 virus! Are they going to send in tanks and drones to wipe out these microscopic enemies?
People should ask themselves whether this coronavirus “pandemic” could be a big hoax, with the actual danger of the disease massively exaggerated by those who seek to profit – financially or politically – from the ensuing panic.
That is not to say the disease is harmless. Without question people will die from coronavirus. Those in vulnerable categories should take precautions to limit their risk of exposure. But we have seen this movie before. Government over-hypes a threat as an excuse to grab more of our freedoms. When the “threat” is over, however, they never give us our freedoms back.
Edward Curtin
Two categories of propaganda must be distinguished. The first strives to create a permanent disposition in its objects and constantly needs to be reinforced. Its goal is to make the masses ‘available,’ by working spells upon them and exercising a kind of fascination. The second category involves the creation of a sort of temporary impulsiveness in its objects. It operates by simple pressure and is often contradictory (since contradictory mass movement are sometimes necessary).” – Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society
The French-Algerian writer Albert Camus’ great 1947 novel, The Plague, is a warning to us today, but a warning in disguise. When he died sixty years ago at the young age of forty-six, he had already written The Stranger, The Fall, and The Plague, and had won the Nobel Prize for Literature. The outward story of The Plague revolves around a malignant disease that breaks out in a town that is quarantined when the authorities issue a state of emergency. After first denying that they have a problem, the people gradually panic and feel painfully isolated. Death fear runs rampant, much like today with the coronavirus. The authorities declare martial law as they warn that the situation is dire, people must be careful of associating, especially in groups, and they better obey orders or very many will die. So the town is cordoned off.
Before this happens and the first signs that something is amiss emerge, the citizens of the town of Oran, Algeria remain oblivious, for they “work hard, but solely with the object of getting rich.” Bored by their habits, heavily drugging themselves with drink, and watching many movies to distract themselves, they failed to grasp the significance of “the squelchy roundness of a still-warm body” of the plague-bearing rats that emerge from their underworld to die in their streets. “It was as if the earth on which our houses stood were being purged of their secret humors; thrusting up to the surface the abscesses and pus-clots that had been forming in its entrails.” To them the plague is “unthinkable,” an abstraction, until all their denials are swept aside as the truth emerges from the sewers and their neighbors and families die from the disease.
“Stupidity has a way of getting its way;” the narrator, Dr. Rieux tells us, “as we should see if we were not always so wrapped up in ourselves …. plagues and wars take people equally by surprise.” The American people are wrapped up in themselves. Nor do they recognize the true rats. They are easily surprised; fooled would be a better word.
Camus uses a physical plague to disguise his real subject, which is the way people react when they are physically trapped by human rats who demand they obey orders and stay physically and mentally compliant as their freedom is taken from them. The Plague is an allegorical depiction of the German occupation of France during World War II. Camus had lived through that experience as a member of the French Resistance. He was a writer and editor of the underground Resistance newspaper Combat, and with his artist’s touch he later made The Plague a revelatory read for today, especially for citizens of the United States, the greatest purveyor of the plague of violence in the world.
We are all infected with the soul-destroying evil that our leaders have loosed upon the world, a plague of killing that is now hidden behind the coronavirus fear that is being used to institute tight government controls that many will come to rue in the months ahead, just as happened after the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Coronavirus is a perfect cover-story for the occupation of the public’s mind by a propaganda apparatus that has grown even more devious over the past 19 years.
Ask yourself: Where is the news about U.S. military operations in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc.? There is none in the corporate mainstream media, and little in the alternative media as well. Have those operations ceased? Of course not. It’s just that the news about them, little that it was, has disappeared.
Now it is all about us and the coronavirus panic. It is about how many of us might die. It is about stocking toilet paper. For the rich, it is about getting to their second or third houses where they can isolate themselves in splendor. As I write, 150 or so Americans are said to have died of Covid-19, and by the time you will read this the number will have climbed, but the number will be minuscule compared to the number of people in the U.S.A. and those numbers will be full of contradictions that few comprehend unless, rather than reacting in fear, they did some comprehensive research.
But arguments are quite useless in a time of panic when people are consumed with fear and just react.
For we live in plague time, and the plague lives in us. But to most Americans, Covid-19 is the plague, because the government and media have said it is. Like the inhabitants of Oran, the United States is “peopled with sleep walkers,” pseudo-innocents, who are “chiefly aware of what ruffled the normal tenor of their lives or affected their interests.” That their own government, no matter what political party is in power (both working for “deep-state,” elite interests led by the organized criminals of the CIA), is the disseminator of a world-wide plague of virulent violence, must be denied and divorced from consensus reality.
That these same forces would use the fear of disease to cow the population should be no surprise for those who have come to realize the truth of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the anthrax attacks that followed, both of which were used to justify the endless “wars on terror” that have killed so many around the world. It is a shock for so many people who can’t countenance the thought that their own government could possibly be implicated in the death of thousands of U.S. citizens and the release of the deadly anthrax, which we know came from a U.S. lab and was carried out by a group of inside government perpetrators.
When it comes to the plague-stricken deaths visited on millions around the world for decades by the American government, this must be denied by diverting attention to partisan presidential politics, and now the coronavirus that engenders fear, loathing, and a child-like tendency to believe Big Brother. The true plague, the bedrock of a nation continually waging wars through various means – i.e. bombs and economic and medical sanctions, etc. – against the world, disappears from consciousness. As U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said to 60 Minutes Lesley Stahl in 1996 when Stahl asked her if the U.S. sanctions on Iraq that had resulted in the death of 500,000 Iraqi children were worth it: “We think the price is worth it.”
For “decent folks must be allowed to sleep at night,” says the character Tarrou sarcastically; he is a man who has lost his ability to “sleep well” since he witnessed a man’s execution where the “bullets make a hole into which you could thrust your fist.” He awakens to the realization that he “had an indirect hand in the deaths of thousands of people.” He loses any peace he had and vows to resist the plague in every way he can. “For many years I’ve been ashamed,” he says, “mortally ashamed, of having been, even with the best intentions, even at many removes, a murderer in my turn.”
The rats are dying in the streets. They are our rats, diseased by us. They have emerged from the underworld of a nation plagued by its denial. Unconscious evil bubbles up. We are an infected people. Worry and irritation – “these are not feelings with which to confront plague.” But we don’t seem ashamed of our complicity in our government’s crimes around the world. For decades we have elected leaders who have killed millions, while business went on as usual. The killing didn’t touch us. As Camus said, “We fornicated and read the papers.” He knew better. He warned us: It’s a wearying business being plague-stricken. But it’s still more wearying to refuse to be it. That’s why everybody in the world looks so tired; everyone is more or less sick of plague. But that is why some of us, those who want to get the plague out of their systems, feel such desperate weariness. Yet the fight against the plague must go on.
Tarrou puts it thus:
All I maintain is that on this earth there are pestilences and there are victims, and it’s up to us, as far possible, not to join forces with the pestilences. That may sound simple to the point of childishness; I can’t judge if it’s simple, but I know it’s true. You see, I’d heard such quantities of arguments, which very nearly turned my head, and turned other people’s heads enough to make them approve of murder; and I’d come to realize that all our troubles spring from our failure to use plain, clear-cut language. So I resolved always to speak – and to act – quite clearly, as this was the only way of setting myself on the right track.
These days, I keep thinking of an incident that occurred when I was a young investigator of sexually transmitted diseases, working for the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare through the Public Health Service as an epidemiologist. My job was to track down sexually transmitted diseases by finding links of sexual contacts. One day I went to interview and take a blood sample from a poor woman who had been named as a sexual contact. I knocked on her door on the third or fourth floor of a walkup apartment building. She looked through the peep-hole and asked who it was and I told her my name and what government agency I represented. I could tell she was very wary, but she opened the door. She stood there naked, a very heavy woman of perhaps 300 pounds. She nonchalantly welcomed me in and I followed her as she padded down the hall where she took a housecoat off a hook and put it on. There is, as you know, an old tale by Hans Christian Anderson called “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Although the emperor parades around naked, the adults make-believe he is clothed. Only a child sees the obvious. I was 23-years-old naïve young man at the time of this unforgettable incident, but it echoes in my mind as a reminder to myself that perhaps that woman was unconsciously teaching me a lesson in disguise. The year was 1967, and when I went out to get into my government car with federal license plates, a white man in a white shirt in a white car in a poor black neighborhood, a hail of bricks rained down toward me and the car from the roof opposite. I quickly jumped in and fled as the ghettos were exploding. Soon the National Guard would be called out to occupy them.
Intuition tells me that although the emperor has no clothes and a vast PSYOPS occupation is now underway, too many are too grown-up to see it. It’s an old story continually updated. Like The Plague.
Michael McCaffrey
Regular Americans can no longer numb themselves with sports and gluttony, freeing them to clearly see the malignantly craven ruling class that exploits and despises them. If only they would open their eyes to reality.
Anyone who has eyes to see can clearly make out that America is an addled empire in steep decline that is firmly entrenched in its bread-and-circuses stage. This has been brought into clear focus due to Covid-19. Since there is now a shortage of bread, as supermarket shelves are bare, and the distraction of the circus of sports has been indefinitely removed from the culture, Americans are left with little to distract them from cold, hard reality.
With no brawls or ballgames to watch, and the fear of potential hunger gnawing at their bloated bellies and brains, and with social distancing leaving them isolated with little but their thoughts as company, Americans will now find it harder and harder to ignore the truth about their country and its deplorably corrupt media, financial, government, education and health care systems, that is staring them in the face. As the old adage goes, crisis reveals character, and the coronavirus contagion is a crisis of epic proportions that is revealing America to be utterly devoid of any redeeming character whatsoever. If America were a sane, healthy, and rational country this would be a great opportunity for change to occur...alas, it is not. America is an insane, unhealthy and irrational nation, and so any genuine change is inconceivable.
For example, this crisis has once again revealed the house of cards that is the smoke and mirrors American economy. The American economy has long been rigged through financialization, where stock buybacks and accounting shenanigans inflate the stock market but create nothing of substance for the masses except the illusion of prosperity. Here in America the economy long ago stopped working for regular folks, as evidenced by the fact that despite productivity soaring, for the last forty years wages have remained stagnant, while the cost of living has escalated.
The American Way has devolved into a bizarre reverse-Robin Hood world, where the rich steal from the poor and keep it for themselves. Proof of this is that this Covid-19 crisis will undoubtedly be used, just as the 2008 collapse, as a way for the malicious narcissists in Washington, Wall Street and in corporate boardrooms to come together to assure that all their losses are socialized and their profits privatized. Casinos, cruise lines, airlines, hotels and others are already lining up — including of course the scoundrels on Wall Street — for their taxpayer-funded handout. Bailing out working- and middle-class Americans, though, is an absolute non-starter for the ruling elite. The upper crust will throw around vacuous catch phrases, like the deliciously ironic “moral hazard,” to make their argument, which is pretty rich considering the vermin on Wall Street and their cronies on Capitol Hill are so morally bereft, it is a hazard to all humanity.
Coronavirus is not nearly as deadly as the cancerous corruption that is endemic in our oligarchic corporatocracy. For proof of that look no further than Nancy Pelosi’s emergency “sick pay” bill, that exempts companies of over 500 employees from paying sick pay — and has a boatload of special exemptions for businesses below that threshold — which leaves all but 20% of workers eligible for benefits. The holes in Pelosi’s bill are bigger than the gaping void where her brain and soul should be.
This corruption of the elites is bipartisan, as evidenced by two Republican Senators, Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler (who is married to Jeffrey Sprechter, chairman of the New York Stock Exchange), who allegedly took advantage of classified briefings on the impending severity of coronavirus in late January and early February to pull off some slick insider trading maneuvers so they could cash in before the public had any clue what was coming. Both, of course, deny any impropriety.
The egregious economic divide in America is further highlighted by the Covid-19 debate over whether to close schools amidst the crisis. The reason this debate raged on well past the rational time to act is that our education system is not a system of learning but rather a glorified daycare and food delivery service. Proletarian parents are unable to stay home and raise their kids anymore because it now takes two parents — usually working multiple jobs — to make less equivalently than what one working parent did forty years ago. In the Los Angeles Unified School District, 70% of all students are below the poverty line and rely on the school system for the majority of their meals. In the wealthiest country on the planet, that is absolutely disgraceful. The virus of structural economic inequality isa much more long-term and deadly problem than coronavirus, and the ruling class and their shameless lackeys in the press, have no interest in ever honestly addressing or acknowledging it. The corporate whores in Congress and the White House (of both parties) also gleefully inform Americans that universal, single-payer health care, which every other industrialized nation in the world already has, is a pipe dream and impossibility.
They tell us they could never ever pay for something so decadent and luxurious as health care, but then they magically pull $1.5 trillion out of their gold-plated assholes in order to stave off a collapse of their own making. It is amazing how the Lords of Finance can make money miraculously appear in order to get things done when it is their exorbitant wealth on the line, and not ordinary Americans’ health and wellbeing. Coronavirus is a crisis that is revealing the ugly truth about America and the malignant character of its ruling class. The crisis is going to get worse before it gets better, but it eventually will get better. America, on the other hand, will only get much worse, with no hope that it is ever going to get better.
Kevin Barrett
The coronavirus is spreading here in the United States in an alarming fashion and the government is now moving into crisis mode. Nearly 15,000 people have been tested positive as of today, Friday, and it's increasing exponentially. So the question becomes what went wrong? The US had plenty of warning on this. The Chinese figured out it was a problem back in January. And at that point, measures could have been taken that would have kept the problem very, very small. And that didn't happen.
I think we can look at this from a couple of different standpoints. The first, of course, is that the US leadership is completely incompetent and reckless. And from the incompetence standpoint, clearly, Trump has been completely at a loss trying to politicize this thing and blame China without taking the kinds of measures that would protect the American people.
The US healthcare system is a world class joke. We're the only advanced industrial country that doesn't have some form of universal health coverage. So nobody in the United States except for a handful of rich and very well insured people is in a position to easily go and get a coronavirus test. And there aren't any test kits. For some reason, despite the problem being evident in January, no test kits were made for the United States. And so the United States is basically last in the world in responding to this.
So that's one aspect of the problem. But the other aspect, which is completely blacked out and censored from the corporate-controlled mainstream media here in the West, is that this crisis is a lesson to the entire world that we need to address the problem of biological weapons. This may or may not be a deliberate biological weapon attack; it may or may not be an accidental release of a biological weapon. There are strong arguments for both possibilities. And I think the arguments for it being a deliberate release as an attack on China by the United States to try to use this hybrid fifth generation warfare and economic warfare to prevent China from overtaking the United States as the world's leading power -- previous similar attacks on China using SARS and bird flu and so on and so forth have been ongoing for years, and when SARS was used against China by the United States, it didn't spread from China -- and it's very likely that the same people who did that once again hit China with this COVID-19 virus, as part of Trump's ramped-up economic fifth generation hybrid war on China.
How China saved millions of people dying from coronavirus
China acted extremely quickly and very proactively and with transparency and saved millions of people dying from the coronavirus outbreak, says Dennis Etler.
Likewise, the severity of the outbreak in Iran suggests that the Americans and/or their partners the Israelis, who often play a leading role in these kinds of extreme events, may very well have been in this and they may have deliberately attacked Iran. Now it's spreading worldwide, presumably because the people behind this simply were so reckless that they either didn't take into consideration the likelihood of this kind of blowback, which is always there with any use of bio-weapons, or perhaps they figured they could use the worldwide economic crisis for their own ends. But this is of course still a hypothesis and there's lots of circumstantial evidence for this. I wrote a piece about this at the Unz Review. But whether or not it's the case, we know that one of the greatest threats to humanity is the ongoing development of biological weapons, especially ethnic-specific—or the makers intend them to be ethnic-specific—biological weapons, but then they can mutate and hit other ethnicities as well. There has been all sorts of research on this.
The US also attacked its own Congress in 2001. We now know that the anthrax attacks came from within the US biological weapons community, and it was presumably part of the September 11 anthrax false flag operation as Dr. Graham McQueen has explained in his book, the 2001 Anthrax Deception.
So there is a wakeup call here. The US has biowarfare labs all over the world surrounding Russia in places like Georgia, Armenia and elsewhere. These labs need to be shut down. The world treaty banning biological weapons has a loophole. It says you can work on so-called defensive weapons but not offensive weapons. Well, there's no difference. And then the black operators can use the so-called defensive weapons as offensive weapons, and they are. This needs to end.
So we need to put some teeth in that biological warfare treaty, get huge inspections, international control over this issue, shut down all bio-warfare research labs and everybody else remotely close to that field. That's the only way we're going to save the world from not only this pandemic, but vastly worse ones that are upcoming very soon in the future if we don't act now.
nda must be distinguished. The first strives to create a permanent disposition in its objects and constantly needs to be reinforced. Its goal is to make the masses ‘available,’ by working spells upon them and exercising a kind of fascination. The second category involves the creation of a sort of temporary impulsiveness in its objects. It operates by simple pressure and is often contradictory (since contradictory mass movement are sometimes necessary).”
Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society
The French-Algerian writer Albert Camus’ great 1947 novel, The Plague, is a warning to us today, but a warning in disguise. When he died sixty years ago at the young age of forty-six, he had already written The Stranger, The Fall, and The Plague, and had won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
The outward story of The Plague revolves around a malignant disease that breaks out in a town that is quarantined when the authorities issue a state of emergency. After first denying that they have a problem, the people gradually panic and feel painfully isolated. Death fear runs rampant, much like today with the coronavirus. The authorities declare martial law as they warn that the situation is dire, people must be careful of associating, especially in groups, and they better obey orders or very many will die. So the town is cordoned off.
Before this happens and the first signs that something is amiss emerge, the citizens of the town of Oran, Algeria remain oblivious, for they “work hard, but solely with the object of getting rich.” Bored by their habits, heavily drugging themselves with drink, and watching many movies to distract themselves, they failed to grasp the significance of “the squelchy roundness of a still-warm body” of the plague-bearing rats that emerge from their underworld to die in their streets. “It was as if the earth on which our houses stood were being purged of their secret humors; thrusting up to the surface the abscesses and pus-clots that had been forming in its entrails.” To them the plague is “unthinkable,” an abstraction, until all their denials are swept aside as the truth emerges from the sewers and their neighbors and families die from the disease.
“Stupidity has a way of getting its way;” the narrator, Dr. Rieux tells us, “as we should see if we were not always so wrapped up in ourselves …. plagues and wars take people equally by surprise.” The American people are wrapped up in themselves. Nor do they recognize the true rats. They are easily surprised; fooled would be a better word.
Camus uses a physical plague to disguise his real subject, which is the way people react when they are physically trapped by human rats who demand they obey orders and stay physically and mentally compliant as their freedom is taken from them.
The Plague is an allegorical depiction of the German occupation of France during World War II. Camus had lived through that experience as a member of the French Resistance. He was a writer and editor of the underground Resistance newspaper Combat, and with his artist’s touch he later made The Plague a revelatory read for today, especially for citizens of the United States, the greatest purveyor of the plague of violence in the world.
We are all infected with the soul-destroying evil that our leaders have loosed upon the world, a plague of killing that is now hidden behind the coronavirus fear that is being used to institute tight government controls that many will come to rue in the months ahead, just as happened after the attacks of September 11, 2001. Coronavirus is a perfect cover-story for the occupation of the public’s mind by a propaganda apparatus that has grown even more devious over the past 19 years. Ask yourself: Where is the news about U.S. military operations in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc.? There is none in the corporate mainstream media, and little in the alternative media as well. Have those operations ceased? Of course not. It’s just that the news about them, little that it was, has disappeared.
Now it is all about us and the coronavirus panic. It is about how many of us might die. It is about stocking toilet paper. For the rich, it is about getting to their second or third houses where they can isolate themselves in splendor. As I write, 150 or so Americans are said to have died of Covid-19, and by the time you will read this the number will have climbed, but the number will be minuscule compared to the number of people in the U.S.A. and those numbers will be full of contradictions that few comprehend unless, rather than reacting in fear, they did some comprehensive research. But arguments are quite useless in a time of panic when people are consumed with fear and just react.
For we live in plague time, and the plague lives in us. But to most Americans, Covid-19 is the plague, because the government and media have said it is. Like the inhabitants of Oran, the United States is “peopled with sleep walkers,” pseudo-innocents, who are “chiefly aware of what ruffled the normal tenor of their lives or affected their interests.” That their own government, no matter what political party is in power (both working for “deep-state,” elite interests led by the organized criminals of the CIA), is the disseminator of a world-wide plague of virulent violence, must be denied and divorced from consensus reality.
That these same forces would use the fear of disease to cow the population should be no surprise for those who have come to realize the truth of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the anthrax attacks that followed, both of which were used to justify the endless “wars on terror” that have killed so many around the world. It is a shock for so many people who can’t countenance the thought that their own government could possibly be implicated in the death of thousands of U.S. citizens and the release of the deadly anthrax, which we know came from a U.S. lab and was carried out by a group of inside government perpetrators.
When it comes to the plague-stricken deaths visited on millions around the world for decades by the American government, this must be denied by diverting attention to partisan presidential politics, and now the coronavirus that engenders fear, loathing, and a child-like tendency to believe Big Brother. The true plague, the bedrock of a nation continually waging wars through various means – i.e. bombs and economic and medical sanctions, etc. – against the world, disappears from consciousness. As U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said to 60 Minutes Lesley Stahl in 1996 when Stahl asked her if the U.S. sanctions on Iraq that had resulted in the death of 500,000 Iraqi children were worth it: “We think the price is worth it.”
For “decent folks must be allowed to sleep at night,” says the character Tarrou sarcastically; he is a man who has lost his ability to “sleep well” since he witnessed a man’s execution where the “bullets make a hole into which you could thrust your fist.” He awakens to the realization that he “had an indirect hand in the deaths of thousands of people.” He loses any peace he had and vows to resist the plague in every way he can. “For many years I’ve been ashamed,” he says, “mortally ashamed, of having been, even with the best intentions, even at many removes, a murderer in my turn.”
The rats are dying in the streets. They are our rats, diseased by us. They have emerged from the underworld of a nation plagued by its denial. Unconscious evil bubbles up. We are an infected people. Worry and irritation – “these are not feelings with which to confront plague.” But we don’t seem ashamed of our complicity in our government’s crimes around the world. For decades we have elected leaders who have killed millions, while business went on as usual. The killing didn’t touch us. As Camus said, “We fornicated and read the papers.” He knew better. He warned us: It’s a wearying business being plague-stricken. But it’s still more wearying to refuse to be it. That’s why everybody in the world looks so tired; everyone is more or less sick of plague. But that is why some of us, those who want to get the plague out of their systems, feel such desperate weariness.
Yet the fight against the plague must go on. Tarrou puts it thus:
All I maintain is that on this earth there are pestilences and there are victims, and it’s up to us, as far possible, not to join forces with the pestilences. That may sound simple to the point of childishness; I can’t judge if it’s simple, but I know it’s true. You see, I’d heard such quantities of arguments, which very nearly turned my head, and turned other people’s heads enough to make them approve of murder; and I’d come to realize that all our troubles spring from our failure to use plain, clear-cut language. So I resolved always to speak – and to act – quite clearly, as this was the only way of setting myself on the right track.
These days, I keep thinking of an incident that occurred when I was a young investigator of sexually transmitted diseases, working for the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare through the Public Health Service as an epidemiologist. My job was to track down sexually transmitted diseases by finding links of sexual contacts. One day I went to interview and take a blood sample from a poor woman who had been named as a sexual contact. I knocked on her door on the third or fourth floor of a walkup apartment building. She looked through the peep-hole and asked who it was and I told her my name and what government agency I represented. I could tell she was very wary, but she opened the door. She stood there naked, a very heavy woman of perhaps 300 pounds. She nonchalantly welcomed me in and I followed her as she padded down the hall where she took a housecoat off a hook and put it on.
There is, as you know, an old tale by Hans Christian Anderson called “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Although the emperor parades around naked, the adults make-believe he is clothed. Only a child sees the obvious. I was 23-years-old naïve young man at the time of this unforgettable incident, but it echoes in my mind as a reminder to myself that perhaps that woman was unconsciously teaching me a lesson in disguise. The year was 1967, and when I went out to get into my government car with federal license plates, a white man in a white shirt in a white car in a poor black neighborhood, a hail of bricks rained down toward me and the car from the roof opposite. I quickly jumped in and fled as the ghettos were exploding. Soon the National Guard would be called out to occupy them.
Intuition tells me that although the emperor has no clothes and a vast PSYOPS occupation is now underway, too many are too grown-up to see it. It’s an old story continually updated. Like The Plague.
The US accuses Iran of purposefully killing its own citizens while offering no relief.
Jasper Hamann
The coronavirus outbreak in Iran has reached epic proportions, with a recent study warning millions could die. The crisis has prompted several countries to demand a temporary respite from US sanctions intended to cripple the Iranian economy. Even before the coronavirus pandemic, unilateral US sanctions on Iran had created a deep recession and shortages of foreign goods.
The sanctions were implemented after the 2018 US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, intended to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. The International Atomic Energy Agency stated that Iran was in full compliance with the agreement, yet the US still introduced sanctions to apply “maximum pressure” on Iran. In practice, this “maximum pressure” meant crippling poverty for the people of Iran even as its government continued to comply with the nuclear agreement.
Human Rights Watch revealed that even before the coronavirus pandemic the sanctions were directly impacting the health of Iranian citizens.
“On several occasions, US officials have indicated that the pain US sanctions are causing for ordinary Iranians is intentional, part of a strategy to compel Iranian citizens to demand their autocratic government to ‘change behavior’– a recipe for collective punishment that infringes on Iranians’ economic rights,” Human Rights Watch reported.
Starving a population in order to force them to oust their government would be something that is usually subtle and cloaked in rhetoric and propaganda, but the US has been unapologetic about its campaign. “Things are much worse for the Iranian people, and we are convinced that will lead the Iranian people to rise up and change the behavior of the regime,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in early 2019.
These sanctions against Iran appear to have a siege-mentality intended to “starve them out.”
Besieging a city and depriving it of resources in order to break the population is a war crime under international humanitarian law, or the “laws of war.” When done to an entire country, however, such strategies are portrayed by the media as a light-handed measure that can be freely used as a foreign policy tool by economically powerful nations.
Economic sanctions were already a brutal punishment on the weakest populations in the target country. Now that COVID-19 is creating an unprecedented health-crisis in Iran, calling these sanctions cruel is putting it lightly, according to Salon’s reporting. Even as the US is struggling with its own Coronavirus crisis, for which its president takes “no responsibility,”it presents Iran’s ineffective and opaque fight against COVID-19 as a wholesale and purposeful murdering of Iranians by its government.
In his March 17 remarks on the matter, while announcing empty gestures that will provide no relief to the thousands of infected Iranians, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, “The Wuhan virus is a killer and the Iranian regime is an accomplice.” while announcing empty gestures that will provide no relief to the thousands of infected Iranians.
In return for these meaningless gestures, Pompeo had the unmitigated gall to state “in the spirit of humanitarian gestures the United States also continues to call on Iran to immediate release all wrongfully detained Americans being held inside of that country.”
As the US buckles under the consequences of its own non-transparent and ineffective early measures against the virus, it intends to let Iranians starve and die for their government’s similar ineptitude. Reporting by the Intercept and others reveal that the US intends to wreak untold death and misery upon the people of Iran by continuing sanctions in the face of a humanitarian disaster.
The US still hopes that those Iranians who survive the current Coronavirus crisis will blame and overthrow their own government, until that happens the US appears committed to their inhumane siege of sickly Iran.
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As the manufactured hysteria and draconian responses to coronavirus escalate, a cool headed reality check is long overdue. Our governments are lying and treating us like children because, in their view, we are incapable of critical thinking and are to be led into the abyss, although few of them understand the consequences of what they are doing, because they too are manipulated from above.
Jon Rappoport: The Bloodless Coup, the Fake Epidemic
Are we children to be controlled by lying “parents”, ie. those in authority? Or are we going to listen to different voices and decide for ourselves, like grown adults? Jon Rappoport has been researching fake pandemics for 30 years and lays out some realities.
Pulmonologist Wolfgang Wodarg explains why coronavirus is not the threat it’s made out to be.
Stunning insights into the Corona-panic by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
Wolfgang Wodarg explains how coronavirus is always present among the various flu type viruses and how the current panic is unjustified. There are parallels with the global warming narrative – once the gravy train starts rolling, everyone wants to get on board because there’s money and status to be won. But as those who understand the context, this is the end game
We know the game plan, as do others, such as David Icke:
David Icke “tells it like it is” and corroborates what Critical Thinking and many others have been claiming
As David puts it, we’re being herded into the Hunger Games political economy
And Max Igan:
A Pandemic on Cue and Scarcity by Design
So, the question remains: are we adults or children? To understand coronavirus and all that is being implemented in its name, we need multiple perspectives on history and the political economy. That is what Critical Thinking sought to synthesise over its 8 years of research and the website is a repository of references and analysis. Critical Thinking is not alone and there are many other diligent researchers and critical thinkers who share a wealth of information and knowledge.
Sami puts the current pressure to go “cashless” globally into historical context with an impressive and useful piece of work.
The Cashless Society
Following the widely reported european failure of the VISA payments system last weekend, I hastily compiled this ‘Twitter Moment’ in order to help bring about a wider awareness and attention to the issues surrounding the moves being taken against the use of cash by governments, financial institutions and businesses over the past few years. Friends over at Transnotitia responded by asking me to write a blog about this and other issues I tweet about regarding the future of finance and money. So here I present a compilation of information which may take quite some time to absorb. It’s not intended to be read in one go, but to be used as a reference that will hopefully provide more than enough knowledge and information to help understand and educate others to certain dangers related to The Cashless Society ahead of us.
If we are to grow into critical thinking adults, capable of governing ourselves (because we can’t trust the “clever b*stards” currently controlling the levers of power), we need to draw on work such as Sami’s. Beyond the above article, he has curated a treasure trove of information on his website,
There is so much information to absorb, we recommend that you work with others and draw on the wisdom and understanding that comes from co-creative learning. Armed with an understanding of coronavirus and the political economy, you will be well equipped to make decisions in the interests of yourself, your family and all those around you. We can co-create a better world and this manufactured crisis may be the catalyst to turn us from malleable “children” into self-organising adults.
This is the beginning of the end. The end of the current paradigm as we know it. Whichever way life unfolds from here, it will be radically different to what we’ve experienced hitherto. Being prepared psychologically for what is unfolding is essential and that means having an understanding of the global political economy and the trajectory towards a new world order. In October last year, Critical Thinking laid out the final iteration of its analysis which explains how we got to this point and the intended goal – the total subjugation of humanity. But this is not inevitable, merely the intention. Unintended consequences present opportunities for us to create our own new world order; one which creates freedom and prosperity for all.
First, the current situation:
The UK and the US are following what has already happened in China and across Europe: we are going into lockdown with military and security services deployed to control the human “herd”. As Mark Windows explained in last Sunday’s [i]Windows on the World[/i] broadcast, Coronavirus, Climate Change and Agenda 2030 are aligning to harness humanity in perpetual servitude. He references documents from the UN and associated supranational bodies which explicitly describe what is unfolding before us. Governments, including our own, aren’t in control; they are instructed and directed from above.
The Globalist Mind Virus
Corroboration comes from many of the sources referenced by Critical Thinking and this recent report from James Corbett: Coronavirus and Climate Change – #PropagandaWatch and yesterday’s UK Column broadcast: UK Column News – 18th March 2020
This next video from Vinny Eastwood is long; I’ve only listened to the first 40 minutes or so. What interviewee Kevin Galalea explains is plausible: Coronavirus targets specific age groups and countries because of the demographic time-bomb – ageing populations are an increasing burden on reducing numbers of people in work. He also explains how mandatory vaccination programs will ensure that there is a kill switch within every individual, to be activated whenever the decision is made to cull a certain class or group of people who’ve been vaccinated and have particular attributes. We’ve not seen analysis or data on how many of those who have died from Coronavirus had received flu-shots, for example. The interview is good in parts but marred by eugenicist overtones, ie. he appears to subscribe to the false Malthusian proposition.
Corona Virus: Covert Depopulation expert Kevin Galalea & News with Vinny Eastwood
Kevin implies a tacit assumption of over-population and embraces financial orthodoxy that demonstrates a limited perspective. He’s nailed his colours to the demographic “time bomb” and doesn’t seem to get much beyond that. He’s right that we need to take responsibility but, as I’ve often stated, we need to create a new paradigm rather than a partial retread of the old.
The killer vaccine proposition is confirmed by Bill Gates himself and in this book, The Survival of the Wisest by Jonas Salk.
Why Does the Father of Mass Vaccinations Jonas Salk Want to Kill Everyone? Coronavirus is undoubtedly cover for the unfolding agenda and is hyped to maximise fear in an attempt to coral the human herd into passive compliance. That doesn’t mean to say that people should dismiss the threat and there are ways to limit our vulnerability through prudence, a healthy diet and natural supplements.
Coronavirus Coutermeasures w/ Dr. Frank Aieta ND | Naturopathic Tactics for Prevention & Treatment
However, most important, is to prepare ourselves psychologically. To learn and understand that we are on a spiritual journey and our personal development is paramount. This life is merely a transition on a much bigger path and death is not the worst that we can suffer.
Critical Thinking laid out some ideas on how to resist the Structural Elite’s new world order by creating our own, within families and communities while connecting and sharing with others across the world. We are the power of this system and if we don’t comply, it will die to give birth to something better.
Strategy for resistance
I didn’t intend to post on Coronavirus again since I thought the last post said everything that needs to be said. Covid-19 is underpinned by a multi-faceted agenda which encompasses health, economics and control but the overriding thrust is to provoke fear and panic amid contradictions, distractions and alarmist propaganda. Rather than react to what’s served up by media and corrupt authority, look further afield and think! If we compare deaths from Covid-19 with death by flu this year, we find that Covid has killed 4,300 (as of today) versus 93, 844 deaths from seasonal flu as I write this.
Quick facts:
- Every year an estimated 290,000 to 650,000 people die in the world due to complications from seasonal influenza (flu) viruses.
- This figure corresponds to 795 to 1,781 deaths per day due to the seasonal flu.
Furthermore, from the same source, we find that age is a significant factor in the mortality rate and that other conditions may be the cause of, or contribute to, fatalities. Yes, Covid-19 is probably a weaponised variant of the common cold and yes, it could have been the Chinese who deployed it or the US or another country/ies. Yes, it is probably best avoided by taking sensible precautions and yes, 5G may play a part in what is currently unfolding. However, the assertion in the opening paragraph remains, irrespective of the veracity of the various claims of origins and influences. We need to separate causes from effects because it is the effect (and purpose) which comes into sharp relief when we look at this pre-planned, manufactured, illusory pandemic. For sanity, amid the claims and counter-claims, this discussion between James Corbett and Derrick Broze is recommended.
Derrick Broze Fact-checks the 5G/Coronavirus Hypothesis
Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us to discuss the hypothesis that 5G is responsible for the symptoms associated with the coronavirus outbreak. We discuss the identifiable facts and the notable shortcomings with this hypothesis, and we contrast that with Derrick’s documentary, which lays out the no-nonsense, no-speculation truth about the dangers of 5G.
Finally, succumbing to the fear and sense impending doom is counter-productive; stress debilitates your immune system and panic buying (toilet rolls etc.) creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. The solution to what is unfolding is co-operative resilience within families and communities, interacting regionally, nationally and globally. Critical Thinking suggested a strategy for resistance which provides some ideas to get started.
Critical Thinking’s final analysis explains the political economy and answers the question, who rules, how and why. We also described the destination for humanity, if the current trajectory is followed: total control and surveillance of a much reduced global population.
How We Live (final analysis published in October 2019)
Beyond Critical Thinking Part 1 (How We Live explained – video)
Beyond Critical Thinking Part 2
Spiro Skouras is not the only researcher to confirm Critical Thinking’s analysis but in his latest video Spiro describes the end game. The Structural Elite agenda is unfolding under the cover of the Coronavirus fear porn. Ironically, the rehearsal for the “pandemic”, Event 201, took place on 18th October 2019, the same day that Critical Thinking’s final analysis was published.
Coronavirus End Game: The Economic Crisis and Roll-Out of the New Digital Financial System
Spiro gives his highly-informed assessment that the coronavirus outbreak is being used as a pretense to conceal the crimes of the international banksters. The plan is to remove cash from circulation so the central banks can roll out their digital currencies. This won’t happen overnight but within the next few years.The video is also available on BitChute in case it is removed from YouTube.
If you’re in any doubt about how the manufactured climate crisis is part of this agenda, observe how Mark Carney has been tasked with integrating climate action and global finance at the UN. Under the cover of pandemic hysteria and the green agenda, the global supply chain is being throttled, putting us all in danger.
Shipping Shutdown: Exporters Warn of Global Food Trade Collapse
Global shipping has dropped off, and exporters are warning that refrigerated container (reefer) shortages pose major problems for food trade. Soil is even wetter than last year in US Midwest, presaging a difficult — and potentially catastrophic — 2020 season. UK is under water. China is shutdown. Australia reported record low crops. Grow food. Store it. Prepare for a limited collapse of our food system.
We can resist this but it requires developing alternatives to what is centrally provided. We need to develop resilience within families and communities, interacting globally via distributed networks across the world – self-organisation trumps command and control. First, we need a shared understanding of reality to give us a firm foundation on which to build a new future. We need to talk to the “other” as well as those we care about.
As Critical Thinking explained in How We Live: [i]We are ruled by fear and kept distracted as we’re herded towards the new world order. If we continue on the current trajectory, life will get worse for us all. [/i]That was written in mid-October 2019, before the orchestrated hysteria of the Coronavirus was unleashed on the unsuspecting human cattle. Most people are seduced by the latest reporting of the proclaimed “pandemic”, aka. fear porn, distracted by the competing narratives and claims as to who or what is responsible for this latest assault on our psyches. Few have the time or capacity to view this alleged pandemic” from multiple perspectives which is the only way to see reality.
This next video is essential viewing, if you want to understand what’s going on and the agenda that is driving the hysteria.
The BEST NEWS re C?R?N? V?rus you’ve heard all month! Kinda.
] My work now backed up on (more below) Is this truly Viral or is to do with the fact that F.I.V.E.-G? C.H.I.N.A has unleashed 60 Ghz all throughout the country with WU-HAN as the PILOT CITY. Unbelievable comparisons to symptoms ‘showing’ as a V-Irus compared vs what happens when one is hit with 60GHz waves, and it’s impact on the uptake of oxygen via the hemoglobin. This specific frequency is absorbed by oxygen. 60GHz causes the rotation of the electrons around the oxygen molecule to spin, thus inhibiting the ability of hemoglobin to properly uptake these oxygen molecules. What would be the ultimate ‘solution’ to such a problem as this “V.I.Rus”?
From 11th September 2001, Pavlovian responses to fear porn have been triggered by false flag terrorism but people have become increasingly inured to “terrorist attacks”; in addition, the gaping holes in official narratives are becoming obvious to a growing number of people. Thus a new global threat was needed to keep the domesticated cattle in a state of fearful compliance. Enter the age of the viral pandemic which offers numerous opportunities to fleece and intimidate the human cattle.
Meanwhile, in an attempt to keep the lid on false flag terrorism and war crimes, the Structural Elite have directed that it’s to be open season on those who speak out, particularly those with a profile and a following. Read Craig Murray’s report of the first day of the Soviet style, political show trial of Julian Assange; the trial’s purpose is not primarily to extradite Julian but to ensure that those who have a platform, journalists, whistleblowers, bloggers and others, know that their proclamations of truth and reality are dangerous to health and freedom, not just their own but all those connected to them, family, friends, colleagues etc.
Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day One
Craig Murray
Now get your head around this. This hearing is at Westminster Magistrates Court. It is being held by the Westminster magistrates and Westminster court staff, but located at Belmarsh Magistrates Court inside Woolwich Crown Court. All of which weird convolution is precisely so they can use the “counter-terrorist court” to limit public access and to impose the fear of the power of the state.
The world has been here before but never in such an orchestrated, global fashion. Critical Thinking has repeatedly warned of what is unfolding and, in particular, the culling of the human cattle. This is where we are and the time to awaken others to reality is now.
Ensuring a steady supply of food will not help people if they cannot afford to buy it
Neil Howard & Sarath Davala
As the coronavirus pandemic escalates, governments across the world are putting their people in lockdown or preparing to do so. In Europe - now the epicentre of the crisis, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) - tens of millions of people are already quarantined, with more joining them soon, potentially for many weeks.
In Asia, while life in China is slowly getting back to normal, in India, most of the local governments have declared an emergency and shut down schools, shops, and all public gatherings, as well as imposed severe international and domestic travel restrictions.
Borders have been shut across South America, while in the United States, the states of Illinois, California and New York have been placed under lockdown. The logic of these measures is simple - if we limit social interaction, we reduce the rate at which the virus is transmitted. This prevents many who would have contracted it from passing it on to others and lowers the pressure on public health systems that have to respond. That is why "social distancing" measures are widely accepted as good policy even though they are draconian.
But unless implemented alongside complementary welfare policies that protect the socioeconomically vulnerable, they run the risk of producing a tidal wave of negative unintended consequences. Think of people in the gig economy. Delivery drivers in the US, for example, have no income security, no sick pay, and often very limited savings. What happens to them if a lockdown prevents them from working for a month or longer?
Likewise, many who live in in-work poverty face the frightful prospect of not being able to pull through the epidemic. Over the past 20 years, the percentage of workers beneath the poverty line in the United Kingdom has grown from 10 percent to 13 percent, with 56 percent of people in poverty belonging to a working family. This means that you can have a job in present-day Britain and still be so poor that you struggle to get by, often because your job is insecure and poorly paid and because rent costs are so high.
What will happen to the single mother working shifts at a restaurant when the restaurant is shut? How will she pay her rent? Although UK banks are currently preparing "mortgage holidays" for borrowers, there are still questions over the plan to support people in rented accommodation. Worse still, how will she buy food for her children? Online shopping is fine if you can afford it, but what if you cannot? And what if the foodbanks eventually close to prevent the spread of the virus?
The story of economies in the Global South is worse still. In South Asia, for instance, more than 80 percent of non-agricultural workers are in the informal sector, without any contracts, with no safety net, and no employer obligations. The gig economy has practically removed the "classical employer" and created "partners" - driver partners, delivery partners, etc. These are elaborate titles that cover the reality of insecure wage work for people who earn their living day-by-day and with nothing to fall back on. For many, the day they do not earn, they do not eat.
So what can be done to protect these people?
Forty years ago, ground-breaking work by Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen showed that people starve during famines less because of declines in food production and more because of their inability to access available food. The reasons for this are always sociopolitical: laws that prevent them from taking what they need, hoarding by the wealthy leading to inflation, rationing that is ineffective, etc.
Cash is vital to this story. During the Bengal famine of 1943 which was central to Sen's analysis, food production was higher than it was in 1941, when there was no famine. Yet agricultural wages had stagnated while food prices skyrocketed as a result of the colonial policy to export rice for the war effort, meaning that local labourers starved because they did not have the money to buy the rice that they grew. In situations like these, even a small amount of cash could actually save lives.
This is one of the reasons why humanitarian agencies now routinely respond to wars and natural disasters simply by giving affected people cash. Indeed, 10 percent of all humanitarian assistance comes in the form of cash, because money is what enables those affected by natural or man-made calamities to survive in a market economy when their income or savings have been wiped out.
Of course, the coronavirus outbreak and the ongoing lockdown are very different from wars or natural disasters and nothing here intends to minimise the trauma of those who have experienced either. But the social and economic dislocation arising from this pandemic could be cataclysmic and traumatic, just like a war. We have already seen stock markets collapse and with weeks of inactivity, businesses and the livelihoods that depend on them will go to the wall. Alongside securing a regular supply of food, therefore, unless our governments plan to supplant the market economy entirely and move towards a system of resource-allocation that is less anarchic, one of their primary tasks must be to ensure that people have enough money in their pockets to buy it. This is where introducing a basic income becomes an option.
Basic income is a simple social policy. In essence, it involves no more than giving people modest, regular and unconditional cash payments - much like a pension, only for all of us. Historically associated with activists eager to curb inequality, in this time of crisis, the idea is even being advanced on humanitarian grounds by senior officials at the World Bank.
Some states have already begun to announce relief measures. India Network for Basic Income has made a concrete proposal to the government for an Emergency Basic Income. Since it represents a simple, humane and administratively uncomplicated way of ensuring that everybody has enough money to get by during the crisis, why would anyone be against it? One objection may be cost - that rolling out a basic income would be too expensive. But this claim carries little water in the face of the scale of the ongoing coronavirus response.
In the US, the Federal Reserve has announced that it will inject $1 trillion into the financial system to prevent it from freezing, while in the UK, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has promised 330 billion pounds ($384bn), with far more expected to come in the context of very cheap borrowing. Is it any wonder that politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as well as over 500 scholars and public figures, are already calling for basic income as a bailout for the people?
Ultimately, as this crisis unfolds, what we experience may be beyond our worst nightmares, with the deaths of loved ones and an economic collapse that could dwarf the Great Depression. In this context, the immense outpouring of solidarity and a corresponding explosion of community organising are heart-warming. Both will also be vital, not least to support the many groups that a basic income will not reach - such as migrants living outside the system or those too old and infirm to go to the shops.
Nevertheless, even if it cannot fix everything, a basic income is a good place to start for policymaking in the time of coronavirus. For as Ocasio-Cortez aptly puts it, "This is not the time for half measures."
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Zafar Bangash
The US has accused China of spreading the coronavirus. Donald Trump has even dubbed it the “Chinese virus” and on March 15, during the televised debate between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, Dana Bash of CNN asked the two democratic contenders what punishment should be given to China for spreading the virus? On March 12, a class-action lawsuit for $20 trillion (yes, trillion!) was launched in Florida against China for starting and spreading the virus. The Chinese have hit back accusing the Americans of bringing the virus to Wuhan during military games in October. The first cases were reported in Wuhan in December 2019 but the Chinese allege that there may have been earlier cases in the US. They have demanded answers from the US but so far no thing has been forthcoming.
As the coronavirus (officially named [i]COVID-19 by the World Health Organization [WHO] on February 11 and declared a pandemic on March 11) spreads rapidly across the globe, the question of where and how it originated has also been doing the rounds. There are different theories. They range from infected bats’ droppings being sniffed by pangolins that were then consumed by humans in Wuhan, China, to the virus escaping from a lab in the city.
The lab escape theory that was being discussed by lay persons on social media platforms got a boost when Steven Mosher published an article in the [i]New York Post[/i] on February 22. Social scientist and president of the Population Research Institute in Front Royal, Virginia, Mosher speculated that the coronavirus may have been accidentally spread by China’s National Biosafety Laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where researchers have studied bat coronaviruses.
He offered no evidence for his theory except that the lab is less than 10 miles away from the seafood market where the cases were first discovered. For Mosher that was enough evidence to prove China’s culpability. In a country fed on a steady diet of anti-China propaganda, Mosher’s article confirmed the Americans’ worst suspicions. It also helped Trump regime propagandists to paint China as the villain in an attempt to deflect attention from their own misdemeanor.
Angered by such allegations, the Chinese hit back. A respiratory specialist Zhong Nanshan stated at a February 27 press conference that “though the COVID-19 was first discovered in China, it does not mean that it originated from China.” He hinted that its origins may lie elsewhere. A month earlier (January 24, 2020), leading Chinese researchers and doctors had published their findings in the British medical journal, [i]The Lancet[/i], after studying 41 patients in Wuhan, the overwhelming majority of them men, suffering from acute respiratory problems. They wrote: “Major gaps in our knowledge of [i]the origin[/i], epidemiology, duration of human transmission, and clinical spectrum of disease need fulfilment by future studies.” ([i]emphasis added[/i]).
Other Chinese officials were more direct; they alleged that the virus was spread in China when 300 US military personnel arrived in the Wuhan region for the Military World Games in mid-October and infected the local population. On February 23, Chinese researchers stated categorically that their findings prove the virus did not originate in Wuhan; it was brought from outside.
Amid these series of allegations, American officials responded by hurling their own allegations against China, Mike Pompeo calling it the “Wuhan virus” while Donald Trump insists on calling it the “Chinese virus” despite being reminded that it was racist and leading to attacks against Asian Americans. Unlike Trump who blatantly lies and then flatly denies it, Pompeo has publicly confessed to lying. Yet, he has accused China of being the source of the virus and Iran as an ‘accomplice’ in spreading it without offering any evidence.
Meanwhile, both China and Iran have called for investigation into the US role in spreading the virus. Iran has also launched its own investigation into whether the virus is America’s biowarfare against the Islamic Republic. This suspicion is reinforced by the fact that a very large number of senior Iranian officials and members of parliament have been infected or have died due to the coronavirus.
While testifying before the House of Representatives Oversight Committee on March 11, Dr Robert Redfield, Director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, admitted that some earlier deaths in the US assumed to have been caused by the common flu were actually COVID-19. The following day (March 12), Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, took to Twitter to ask some pointed questions. “When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”
George Webb, an American investigative journalist named an American soldier, Maatje Benassi who was part of the US military team that went to Wuhan games, of being America’s ‘patient zero’ of the coronavirus. He speculates that Benassi may have spread it in China, lending credence to Chinese allegations against the US.
Another Chinese foreign ministry official, Geng Shuang, took US officials to task for their “immoral and irresponsible” comments that blamed China’s response to the coronavirus. The Americans have accused China for the worsening global impact of the pandemic despite the World Health Organization praising its efforts. Geng insists China’s measures had helped the world to prepare for the pandemic. Several other analysts, and not just Chinese, have raised questions about the role of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Ft. Detrick in Maryland. After inspection by a team of CDC investigators in July 2019 that found the ‘deadly germ facility’ in breach of biosafety protocols, the facility was shut down in August. What was the facility producing and why?
There are other troubling questions relating to US role in the production of germs and viruses. As early as November 2015, researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill “engineered a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China.” Titled ‘Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate’, other scientists raised questions about the risks of gain-of-function research (we reproduce the article in full in this edition for readers’ easy access—Editorial Staff).
And then there was the Event201, hosted by John Hopkins Center for Health Security in cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum in New York on October 18, 2019. The meeting was called to consider the outbreak of an epidemic that they named the “novel coronavirus”. It coincided with the day the Military Games in Wuhan started. Was it a coincidence?
The ‘Event 201’ statement said in part:
“In recent years, the world has seen a growing number of epidemic events, amounting to approximately 200 events annually. These events are increasing, and they are disruptive to health, economies, and society. Managing these events already strains global capacity, even absent a pandemic threat. Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global—a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences. A severe pandemic, which becomes ‘Event 201’, would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions.”
In addition to its horrific record of killing millions of people in the last 20 years—estimates range from 5 million to as high as 25 million—the US has the dubious distinction of being the only country in the world to have used atomic weapons (against Japan in August 1945). It used biological weapons against North Korea and China in the Korean War and Agent Orange in Vietnam to destroy its forests. The US also used depleted uranium shells in Iraq in January 1991 that resulted in poisoning its soil and led to the birth of horribly deformed babies. In more recent times, the US has imposed crippling sanctions on Iran, Cuba and Venezuela. These have not only inflicted much economic suffering on the targeted people but also prevented desperately needed medicines for such diseases as leukemia and other cancer-related illnesses reaching them.
With such a gory record, it is natural to ask whether the US has deliberately created and spread the coronavirus in countries it considers as enemies. China and Iran are two of the hardest hit countries affected by the coronavirus. Instead of peddling nonsensical propaganda about ‘[i]conspiracy theories’ (and here), US officials and media outlets should come clean and honestly answer the questions that have been asked.[/i]
Some of the most devastating outbreaks of the modern era can be traced to rapacious development and habitat destruction that brings wild creatures into our domestic spaces.
Story Transcript
Marc Stiener: I’m Marc Steiner, great to have you all with us on this day. The COVID-19 pandemic has much of the world gripped in fear, entire countries are on lockdown. People are fearful, and rightfully so, of being in contact with each other. For us here, empty shelves in supermarkets, no cars on the highways, empty streets, give you that eerily post apocalyptic feel. Donald Trump labeling this as the Chinese virus and urging us to go back to normalcy, seems unattached to reality. It’s not the Chinese flu, it’s not the other, it’s us. More accurately, it’s our destruction of natural habitats and a climate crisis that is unleashing these viruses among us.
COVID-19 was being blamed on the poor, peaceful pangolin. But this poor anteater that looks like an Armadillo, may be part of the reason the virus spread in China, but it’s our industrial development that’s destroying his habitat that brought them into contact with us. And then some thought it would be a good idea to eat these things. It’s not bats or pangolins, but what our human expansion has done to unleash viruses from Ebola to COVID-19. From the destruction of wild habitats to melting off permafrost and arctic shelves, viruses we’ve never known existed may be coming our way.
And we’re joined by Dr. Sonia Shah. She wrote the book Pandemic: Tracking Contagious from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond. Her newest book is The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move, that comes out in June. And her latest article published in the nation is Think Exotic Animals Are to Blame for the Corona Virus? Think again. And it’s being wildly read. So welcome Sonia Shah, good to have you with us.
Sonia Shah: Nice to be here.
Marc Stiener: Help us think again, so the connection between habitat loss and climate crisis can get lost in this conversation. And when we try to figure out how to avoid these things now and in the future, talk a bit about that connection.
Sonia Shah: This latest coronavirus is just the last in a series. Well, it won’t be the last, but it’s just the latest in a series of newly emerged pathogens. So over the past like 50, 60 years or so, we’ve had over 300 of these pathogens kind of newly emerge, or re-emerge into places where they’d never been seen before. So, that includes Ebola in West Africa in 2014, it had never been seen in that part of the continent before. It includes Zika in the Americas were it had never been seen before. We have new kinds of tick borne illnesses, new kinds of mosquito borne illnesses, new kinds of antibiotic resistant bacterial pathogens. And the list goes on and on, including of course this latest coronavirus. And about 60% of these new pathogens come from the same place. And that is the bodies of animals. About 70% of them come from the bodies of wild animals.
So, what I tried to do in my work is look at how does a microbe that is generally harmless in its native habitat, in its natural habitat, turn into a pandemic causing pathogens. What are the changes that have to happen for that process to occur? And what I found is that in a lot of cases it’s because humans are invading wildlife habitat. So when we cut down the trees where bats roost… If bats are roosting in some far off jungle, we cut down those trees, well they don’t just go away. They come and fly into our gardens, and backyards, and farms instead. So in all these ways when we destroy wildlife habitat, we force wildlife to come into closer contact to where we live, into little fragments of habitat that we have left for them and that eases all kinds of new kinds of contact between animals and humans.
It increases hunting, trading, uneven casual contact. For example, if you touched a piece of fruit that had some bat saliva on it you could get Ebola virus on your hands, and you put that your hand in your mouth and that’s it. The microbe that lives in the animals bodies has come into the human body, and that’s how the Ebola outbreak of 2014 actually started. And we will probably eventually be able to trace back this current pandemic to some kind of single quote unquote spill over event like that. But the root of it is microbes in animals coming into human bodies because we’re destroying their habitat and bringing them closer into contact with ours.
Marc Stiener: A couple of things here I’ve got to explore. What you mentioned a moment ago, I mean we’re talking about viruses, everything from Ebola to HIV, to Lyme disease in this country are all kind of erupting for the similar reason. And when you look at some of the new science coming out about the potential viruses being unleashed by the melting of permafrost in the Arctic ice shelves. When you add that to the habitat issue we, unfortunately and frighteningly, could just be seeing the beginning of what could erupt over the next decades. Do think that’s alarmist? Do you think that’s real?
Sonia Shah: I don’t know that the melting permafrost is sort of the biggest driver of this, I think invading wildlife habit is a bigger driver because you also have to think about which microbes in animals bodies can easily adapt to human bodies. And so that’s usually microbes that live in other mammals, and it’s usually ones that are more similar to us. So, we get a lot of pathogens from pigs for example, we’ll get fewer from reptiles, right? So, the source matters because each microbe has to kind of adapt. So this is a long process, this doesn’t happen instantly. What happens is there’s repeated contact between humans and the animal reservoir of these microbes. And those repeated contacts allow the microbe to slowly adapt to the human body, right? Because in the beginning it’s an animal microbe, it’s not going to make you sick necessarily, or your immune system’s going to get rid of it.
The pathogen has to adapt. So there has to be repeated contact over time. So we’ve seen these wet markets have existed, for example, which is a source of the SARS pathogen that came out in 2002, 2003, and may be the origins of the current Corona virus. Those wet markets existed for many, many years, but what happened over the past 20 or 30 years is they started to get bigger and bigger because the Chinese economy expanded and people were going farther and farther into wildlife habitat to invade, in places that are farther and farther away, bring animals from lots of different places closer together. So it’s that slow process of expansion and the repeated contact between humans and wildlife that allows these microbes to adapt and become human pathogens.
Marc Stiener: And a broader question here, if human expansion and capitalist development and all kinds of industrial development and development period are part of the causes that underlies these growth of viruses, then how do we think about what to do about that? I mean it’s one thing to talk about how you fight COVID-19 at this moment, and I think that’s one issue. The other issue is how do you prevent the COVID-19s of the future from erupting given the nature of human beings to expand? I mean you wrote in your article that even when you think of the neolithic period that was unleashed there, tuberculosis and measles that are still with us. So, how do we begin to talk as a society, as human beings, as a culture, how to change what we do in order not to have these explosions or is that even possible?
Sonia Shah: It is possible. We’re always going to have infectious diseases, right? I mean we live on a microbial planet and that’s sort of part of the human condition. So we don’t want to sanitize the planet of microbes or anything like that. So the trick is, do you have to have pandemics though? And I think from my research and reporting, the answer is absolutely not. Pandemics are manufactured by human activities. We’ll have infectious disease outbreaks, but we don’t have to have these massive pandemics that travel across the globe and result in what we’re seeing today. And one step towards that is, of course, reducing our destruction of wildlife habitat so that microbes that live in animals bodies stay in their bodies. Reducing the impact of climate change will help too because, of course, we know that a lot of species are moving into new places to escape the effects of the climate crisis. And as they do that, they’re moving into new kinds of contact with human populations also. So that provides other opportunities for these spillovers to happen.
But we also can sort of actively surveil where these spillovers are happening and kind of contain them at their source. We don’t know which microbe will cause the next pandemic, but we do know what the drivers are. We know that it’s things like invasion of wildlife habitat, lots of flight connections, lots of slums, lots of factory farms. These are all drivers of pandemic causing pathogens. So since we know that we can Predict where it’s most likely to happen. So scientists have actually come up with these global hotspot maps. There are places… It’s a map and it just shows where are all the places in the world where it’s most likely that a pandemic causing pathogen could emerge. And in those places we can do active surveillance, really look at all the microbes there. Don’t wait for the outbreak to happen, don’t wait for cases to emerge so people are already getting sick and the microbe’s already spreading exponentially. But actually look for them sort of preventively, to do that kind of active surveillance. And that was actually a project that was going on for about 10 years until the Trump administration killed it last year.
Marc Stiener: You’re talking about Predict and the stuff that CDC was doing that the budget was canceled, that’s what you’re talking about.
Sonia Shah: That’s right.
Marc Stiener: Talk a bit about that.
Sonia Shah: So that was a program funded by USAID and it involved lots of different agencies and academic institutions around the world. And what they would do is they would go to these disease hotspots and try to actively surveil how microbes might be changing. So they would sample say, scat from animals or take blood from farmers or hunters. They had a variety of different ways to actually actively look for these microbes and then see how they might be changing. And they actually were able to find about 900, I think, over the course of that 10 year period. And so then you can say, “Okay, well this microbe looks like it’s evolving to adapt to the human body in a way that could make it into a dangerous pathogen. Let’s change our behaviors on this local level so that it doesn’t have those opportunities anymore.” Maybe it’s changing hunting practices, or some trading practices, or something much more localized that you could alter through a small intervention as opposed to waiting until it starts erupting in epidemics and spreads around the world. And then thinking, “Oh, okay, now let’s try to contain it.”
Marc Stiener: So without being accusatory here, just larger questions in close. If Predict had been funded fully, if we had full funding to be able to look ahead and see what potential pathogens may arise, could this have been avoided? Is that possible or is that too much conjecture?
Sonia Shah: I mean it’s possible. This is all probabilities, right? So say there’s thousands of microbes out there that could become the next pandemic causing pathogen. If we could surveil and contain 80% of those, would our risk of pandemics go down? Yes, it would. Does it mean that this particular virus would not have emerged? Well, who knows?
Marc Stiener: And as we conclude Sonia give us a little tip for the future about what we should be wrestling with as a society in terms of how to go forward.
Sonia Shah: The first thing is we got to get this thing under control and what’s happening now is commercial pressures and political pressures are altering our containment strategy, and what we’re going to see is a bloodbath in our hospitals. So all of us need to chip in. And I think one of the things that’s really striking about these outbreaks of novel kinds of diseases is that there is no drug, there is no vaccine, there is no easy biomedical product that we can all use to solve it, right? Because they come up too fast and by the time you get the vaccine or the drug you’ve already had this whole wave of epidemic. So what that means is that the only thing that really works is collective action and solidarity. And I think we’re starting to see that in different parts of the world, and people are trying, and that’s really going to be the solution out of this thing.
Marc Stiener: Well Sonia Shah thank you for the work you do and the writing you do. It’s really important and I look forward to seeing what else you produce, look forward to your book coming out in June. And I want to thank you so much for joining us here on the real news today. I appreciate you taking the time with us, I know you’re very busy at this moment, so thank you so much.
Sonia Shah: Thank you.
Marc Stiener: And I’m Mark Steiner here for the Real News Network, thank you all for joining us.
Let us know what you think. We’ll be covering this pandemic intensely from all different quarters. So take care and take care of yourself.
The Corona Virus Disease 2019 or “Covid-19” is a coronavirus similar to the virus that causes pneumonia. Covid-19 is a danger to at-risk groups including the elderly and the chronically ill.
[i]If you are not elderly and if you are in good health you have virtually no chance of dying from it.[/i]
For the vast majority of the population, Covid-19 is no more dangerous than the common cold. This is backed up by statistics already being reported across Western publications and based on information derived from China’s outbreak where the virus first appeared.Compared to cancer, heart disease, substance abuse, or car accidents – Covid-19 is relatively harmless. But it has been put in the spotlight by deliberately dishonest, selective reporting that focuses on generating hysteria by presenting out-of-context information to an ignorant and easily panicked public. If there is no global concern or massive mobilization over cancer and heart disease – conditions that claim far more lives than any virus – why the sudden hysteria and “concern” .
Context is King
According to in their article, “Lower death rate estimates for coronavirus, especially for non-elderly, provide glimmer of hope:”
The chance of someone with symptomatic Covid-19 dying varied by age, confirming other studies. For those aged 15 to 44, the fatality rate was 0.5%, though it might have been as low as 0.1% or as high as 1.3%. For people 45 to 64, the fatality rate was also 0.5%, with a possible low of 0.2% and a possible high of 1.1%. For those over 64, it was 2.7%, with a low and high estimate of 1.5% and 4.7%. The chance of serious illness from coronavirus infection in younger people was so low, the scientists estimate a fatality rate of zero.
…adults over 65 with underlying health conditions; children seem to be spared and are experiencing milder symptoms (in China, children account for just 2.4 percent of cases)
If that isn’t convincing enough, simply scrutinize content you’re already reading – especially regarding Covid-19 deaths – and see how old and in what health those are in reportedly dying from Covid-19. Many paragraphs down – far from the hysteria-generating headlines – you will find that those dying are already chronically ill, advanced in age, and/or already at risk whether it was Covid-19 or the common cold. When deaths are reported without context they easily create panic.
When the number of Covid-19 deaths are put into perspective in relation to past outbreaks – or even side-by-side with the annual common flu virus- we see just how unwarranted the current wave of hysteria is and how overreactions from governments are aimed more at saving face and assuaging public panic than preserving public health. In Thailand where up to four deaths have been reported at the time of writing this article – the first case involved a man who already had Dengue fever – a serious, life-threatening tropical illness spread by mosquitoes.
The other 3 cases involved a 70 year old with pre-existing tuberculosis, a 79 year old with multiple pre-existing chronic illnesses, and a 45 year old suffering from obesity and chronic diabetes. All four individuals would be considered “at-risk” and should have been isolated from those potentially carrying not only Covid-19 – but any communicable disease at all including the common cold or flu. Do these deaths warrant paralyzing an entire nation of 70 million people? Or closing entire businesses and costing billions in commerce? The damage measures made in reaction to hysteria will cause more damage to many more people and for a much longer duration than Covid-19 ever could on its own.
Common Sense Measures
Measures should be put into place and resources invested into educating the public on how to isolate and protect at-risk individuals – efforts should be made to help those at risk isolate themselves and provisions – including investments in critical care equipment such as ventilators – made to handle the influx of at-risk patients who end up with Covid-19 regardless.
What should not be done – is the spread of panic, hysteria, and the imposition of draconian measures simply to assuage panic and hysteria – measures that will also gut the economy, impact millions of workers, and disrupt the lives of millions more who depend on the day-to-day functioning of society and who face little or no health risk upon contracting the virus.
These measures – ironically – are in turn fueling additional panic including hording and social tensions that are only compounding the damage “Covid-19 hysteria” is already having on society.
Who is Fueling Hysteria and Why?
There is the vastly corrupt mass media who depends on public panic and hysteria at times like this to boost clicks and sell newspapers. They also seek to advance their agenda and that of their wealthy sponsors and enhance their grip over the public’s attention. The media is determined to spread hysteria to keep people fixated on their reportage, completely indifferent to the damage they are causing.
There are also political groups – partnered with the media – attempting to leverage and amplify the appearance of Covid-19 into an unprecedented crisis despite a lack of evidence to justify doing so. Their interest is not in ensuring the safety of the public or maintaining oversight of government efforts – but instead leveraging the resulting hysteria to chip away at ruling governments they seek to destabilize and replace.
Aiding them are US and European-funded fronts posing as “human rights” advocates and “independent media” outlets. Groups like “Human Rights Watch” have attacked governments for not taking decisive enough action – then complained when decisive action was taken as being too draconian and violating “human rights.”
These are interest groups that are never satisfied with the government’s response to Covid-19 because they are interest groups completely unconcerned with Covid-19 itself and its impact on public health – and instead – concerned only with how they can generate and leverage public hysteria to advance their entirely unrelated and self-serving political agenda. Again, this is done with complete indifference to the damage being done to society by doing so.
What has resulted is governments around the globe taking measures in reaction to public panic – not to fight the actual pathogen. While draconian efforts to isolate the entire population may work in slowing the spread of Covid-19 – is it worth paralyzing entire economies, costing billions in economic damage, disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions of people who – if contracting Covid-19 – will have what is essentially a cold for a week?
The answer should be an obvious “no.”
Now and in the Future
The answer also isn’t “doing nothing.”
Again, at-risk groups can and should be protected. State resources should be mobilized to protect and isolate them from the general population and treat them in the worst case scenario should they contract the virus anyway. Public information campaigns should be mounted to encourage basic hygiene especially for those who may come in contact with at-risk individuals – something that should be done year-round and regardless of whatever strain of the cold or flu is prevalent at the time.
And just in case a genuinely deadly pathogen appears on the horizon, nations should invest in economic infrastructure that can thrive regardless – just in case nationwide containment ever truly is necessary. This includes investing in online commerce, delivery services, decentralized manufacturing, and localized food, water, and energy security measures – all measures that would make for a more resilient society regardless of the threats that may or may not appear in the future.
Panic has proven a greater enemy than the Covid-19 pathogen. That society can be crippled by politicians, political groups, and a corrupt mass media over what is essentially a slightly more virulent form of the common cold, says a lot about how the world currently works and what needs dire attention to fix.
From those driving needless hysteria to those caving into it at the cost of economic stability and the disruption of millions of ordinary lives – it’s clear that we face a precedent being set – one that will ensure virtually any excuse in the future can be used to cripple civilization on a global scale. It seems obvious this cannot be allowed to stand, but what is less clear is what can be done to ensure it does not. It can be hoped that governments around the globe pressured by hysteria this time around will set up measures in the future to avoid caving in again.
For the average individual – knowing that virtually everything you read in the media is likely promoting an agenda and thus being misrepresented – gives you the ability to look for context and truth yourself and applying critical thinking skills – reducing your susceptibility to panic and hysteria – and innoculating us all against the real virus infecting society – a political and social virus.
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Webster Tarpley
Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, April 10, 2020
[i]The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext to powerful financial interests and [/i][i]corrupt politicians to trigger the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair. [/i][i]This is the true picture of what is happening. [/i][i]“Planet Lockdown” is an encroachment on civil liberties and the “Right to Life”. [/i][i]Entire national economies are in jeopardy. In some countries martial law has been declared. [/i][i]Small and medium sized capital are slated to be eliminated. Big capital prevails. [/i][i]A massive concentration of corporate wealth is ongoing. [/i][i]Its a diabolical “New World Order” in the making. The most serious global crisis in modern history.[/i]
The context or background to what is unfolding today, under the pretext of a fabricated pandemic, is provided in How We Live which is introduced in a two part video. In that paper, reference is made to false flag attacks to initiate and sustain the so called “war on terror” to coral the human cattle into docile submission to draconian security and surveillance while unleashing perpetual war. This was [b]Phase One of Deception[/b] and provided the impetus and confidence to roll out the following phases to create the global police state. Today, the[i] illusion of freedom[/i] is evaporating before our eyes.
Phase Two came in the form of the Global Warming/Climate Change scam and focused people’s attention and anger on themselves, their lifestyles and each other and provided the impetus for one world government under Agenda 21/2030. The Earth’s climate is moving into a period of cooling which could create conditions analogous to the Little Ice Age,
ie. severe energy and food shortages. People have relied on “experts” who’ve been incentivised to support the “climate change” narrative, while those who attempt to challenge the illusion of consensus are penalised. Institutional hierarchy and academic freedom are diametrically opposed.
Phase Thee was the acceleration of induced mass migration in 2015, particularly into Europe and the US, to create division and put populations under further stress while diverting peoples attention away from what else was unfolding all around them… the Infrastructure for totalitarian control and elimination of individual freedom. It was essential to eliminate opposition to what is now being implemented. There is to be no autonomy or independent living in the Structural Elite vision for the new world order under world government. Listen to Celeste Solum from about 25 minutes into this edition of the Richie Allen Show. Celeste refers to the documented plans, displayed on the World Economic Forum’s website, for those sufficiently curious to explore what the Structural Elite have in store for us. The scene was set for what is now underway. Max Igan explains “The Illusion of Freedom is No Longer Profitable”.
And we’re now in Phase Four: the deliberate sabotage of the current economic framework and the unveilling of global martial law. The pretext or trigger for Phase Four is the manufactured pandemic, aka. COVID-19. Phase Four is similar to Phase One in that COVID-19 follows the same pattern as a false flag terrorist attack. It was extensively documented (like the “New Pearl Harbour” in the Project for the New American Century [PNAC] document, ie. 9/11) and rehearsed. It is augmented by layers of distraction and deception to divide and confuse those seeking to understand what’s going on. Like terrorism, it relies on the pre-programmed fear of an unseen enemy which, when we dig deeper, is controlled and directed by the very “authority” people rely on to “save them”. Global Stockholm Syndrome on steroids.
In the last post, I asked, are we looking at the wrong birdie? ie. have we been misdirected and misled by a century of propaganda about viruses and vaccines? Please watch the Anatomy of COVID-19 in which Andrew Kaufman explains why people will test positive for the so called “virus”. It looks exactly the same as Exosomes that are a cellular component released to combat toxic invasion. The other videos in the 1st April 2020 post add weight to the idea that our misunderstanding of viral infection is fundamental to this scam; when combined with the analysis of infection and mortality data they suggest that people aren’t dying from, or of, COVID-19 but other causes. And as virtually everyone will likely test positive for the illusory disease, it is the perfect cover to finalise global enslavement and population reduction with killer vaccines, long in gestation.
I’ve shared analysis of the claimed lethal “pandemic” over the last few weeks and, as time goes on, evidence of a global PSYOP accumulates. The most alarming facet of what is unfolding, is how readily people accept their incarceration and submit to authority – and that, on top of all the other objectives, is likely the purpose of this operation… to test the limits of resistance.
Perception of the threat of Covid-19 in no way matches reality; that is how “authority” can get away with this draconian, disproportionate response without any real pushback. Few have noticed that the UK government, under expert advice, downgraded the COVID-19 threat only days before the imposition of martial law.
High consequence infectious diseases (HCID)
The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.
12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
[i]Below is our list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM, and the memes so prevalent on social media.[/i]
Japan, thus far, has not imposed a lockdown and the sanity of the approach is evident.
[i][i]Japan’s winning its quiet fight against Covid-19[/i]
A different approach has worked wonders in the Land of the Rising Calm with a minimum disruption to daily life [/i]
Those most vulnerable to Covid-19, and any other communicable diseases, are those with weakened immune systems and evidence accumulates of 5G’s adverse impacts on immunity.
Rudolf Steiner’s System of Anthroposophy Has a Unique Take on the Connection Between 5G and Viruses
[i][i]“There has been a dramatic and quantum leap in the last six months with the electrification of the Earth. I’m sure a lot of you know what that is; it’s called 5G.”[/i][/i]
Of course, the agenda is control rather than concern for public health.
The Illusion of Freedom is No Longer Profitable
It is incumbent on all those who understand the agenda to share information that is “inconvenient” to “authority” – then, in time, perception will shift to match reality. Only
then will reality change. But time is running out…
This coronavirus fraud is being labeled a war by the ruling powers, but this is no war on any virus, it is war against humanity. How many obvious signs are necessary before the frightened American sheep will pull their heads out of the sand? Because the general population hides from the truth in order to avoid reality, a governing takeover of epoch proportions is being implemented at a lightening pace. Every single day brings forth more tyrannical measures, and these measures are meant to be permanent. Are Americans really as ignorant as this government thinks they are?
Please look around at what is happening. Consider that this is no virus, but a false flag event long planned in order to facilitate an economic collapse that was already imminent due to corrupt banking and government policies. This might be the reason the reaction by so many countries is in concert with one another, as all major countries have destroyed their economies by monetary expansion, debt creation, and redistribution of wealth, which placed the bulk of assets in the hands of a concentrated few. In this country, there has also been perpetual indoctrination and aggressive war, and these factors combined have led to class separation, division, and enhanced dependence on government. Because of this, control over society is becoming a reality, and this control is necessary in order for those now so powerful to retain that power and more importantly, to expand and retain control of an obedient proletariat.
What has happened in just a few weeks is staggering to say the least, but this top-down takeover is just beginning. This tyranny was allowed to escalate due to fear of a so-called flu strain in China that allegedly killed 3,322 out of 1.45 billion people. That is a mortality factor of .00000229, or to put that in perspective, 1 death out of every 436,000 Chinese people.
From Global Times:
“An analysis led by Chinese scientists published in the Lancet Public Health in September 2019 found that there were 84,200 to 92,000 flu-related deaths in China each year, accounting for 8.2 percent of all deaths from respiratory diseases.”
So the average number of common flu deaths in China is 26 times the number of deaths due to this so-called coronavirus, or Covid-19, but pneumonia deaths alone as of 2010 in China were an additional 125,000. Why is there panic and why is there chaos? The answer to this question is obvious if any logic is considered. This panic was not due to any virus strain, but to the purposeful political and media hype of a planned event meant to frighten the general population into believing that some fake pandemic was a threat to all life on earth. Approximately 3 million people die every year in the U.S., or 8,000 every day, with alleged total deaths due to coronavirus being 6,000 for the entire season. This is even with what are certainly vastly overstated numbers of deaths due to this “virus.” That is less than the number of deaths in one day in this country.
So what is really going on here? This is a planned takeover of people, and the fake virus scare is the excuse being used to advance a new totalitarian state that can monitor every aspect of our lives, monitor movement, surveil everything, control all monetary processes, behavior, travel, communication, and social contact. This dystopia is already here, but can get much worse if not stopped.
Travel and movement is becoming less possible every day. Most of this country has voluntarily locked themselves up in home prisons. Fear is rampant, and neighbors have become the eyes of the very police and security forces bent on controlling them. There is talk and plans to digitize all money, which in and of itself would destroy freedom. Distancing mandates have been implemented, but are also being promoted for the future. The entire economy is virtually shut down with no end in sight, food shortages are evident, and psychological and health problems are increasing at an alarming rate. Necessary surgeries are being cancelled even though many hospitals are empty. Mortgages are defaulting, and millions will lose their homes, this while unemployment will most likely affect a third or more of the people in this country.
In addition to all this, GPS tracking devices are being ordered in some areas for any who have tested positive for coronavirus, and Google is releasing location data to “authorities” so they can check and monitor all those in state mandated lockdowns. Calls for forced vaccination abound, with all the social scoring and imbedded devices to prove vaccination history not only being discussed, but also planned for the near future. Those like the evil eugenicist and population control advocate Bill Gates that have the ear of powerful politicians, are promoting full shutdowns, forced vaccination, tracking of all, and at the same time Gates is funding seven new vaccine factories, and tattoo ID tracking at MIT, and those conflicts are obvious and criminal.
The bottom line is that a massive plan to build a new monetary, economic, and social structure worldwide is being advanced. A new global order is being constructed that will replace our current system with a technocratic rule that will be all encompassing at every level of life. The financial systems due to fraud and corruption will fail and that failure will be blamed on this fake pandemic. This economic collapse will break the back of this country, and then the promise of universal income, universal healthcare, increased automated production, and smart living will be pursued, along with totalitarian rule.
None of this is accidental, and none of this is due to this virus. This coup has been planned for a long time, and those plans were exposed on many occasions in the past. Most thought that the ideas of prescient thinkers were far-fetched and that the loss of all freedom was not possible. Therefore, those that recognized the scope of this plot long ago were ignored and cast aside as conspiracy theorists, when in fact they were right all along. One look around today will bring to light that truth.
The threat of absolute rule is upon us, and little time is left to stop the onslaught of this dictatorial regulation of society by government and its masters. The decimation of freedom is at hand, so dissent by every able-bodied man is necessary to halt this terror. Political remedies are no longer possible in my opinion, so a real revolution is now necessary. An apocalypse is coming, and hell is coming with it.
“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”
~ Henry David Thoreau, Thoreau and the Art of Life: Precepts and Principles
Pepe Escobar
As much as Covid-19 is a circuit breaker, a time bomb and an actual weapon of mass destruction (WMD), a fierce debate is raging worldwide on the wisdom of mass quarantine applied to entire cities, states and nations. Those against it argue Planet Lockdown not only is not stopping the spread of Covid-19 but also has landed the global economy into a cryogenic state – with unforeseen, dire consequences. Thus quarantine should apply essentially to the population with the greatest risk of death: the elderly.
With Planet Lockdown transfixed by heart-breaking reports from the Covid-19 frontline, there’s no question this is an incendiary assertion.
In parallel, a total corporate media takeover is implying that if the numbers do not substantially go down, Planet Lockdown – an euphemism for house arrest – remains, indefinitely. Michael Levitt, 2013 Nobel Prize in chemistry and Stanford biophysicist, was spot on when he calculated that China would get through the worst of Covid-19 way before throngs of health experts believed, and that “What we need is to control the panic”.
Let’s cross this over with some facts and dissident opinion, in the interest of fostering an informed debate. The report Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted was co-authored by Dr. Anthony Fauci – the White House face of the fight –, H. Clifford Lane, and CDC director Robert R. Redfield. So it comes from the heart of the U.S. healthcare establishment. The report explicitly states, “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.”
On March 19, four days before Downing Street ordered the British lockdown, Covid-19 was downgraded from the status of “High Consequence Infectious Disease.” John Lee, recently retired professor of pathology and former NHS consultant pathologist, has recently argued that, “the world’s 18,944 coronavirus deaths represent 0.14 per cent of the total. These figures might shoot up but they are, right now, lower than other infectious diseases that we live with (such as flu).” He recommends, “a degree of social distancing should be maintained for a while, especially for the elderly and the immune-suppressed. But when drastic measures are introduced, they should be based on clear evidence. In the case of Covid-19, the evidence is not clear.”
That’s essentially the same point developed by a Russian military intel analyst. No less than 22 scientists – see here and here – have expanded on their doubts about the Western strategy. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, has provoked immense controversy with his open letter to Chancellor Merkel, stressing the “truly unforeseeable consequences of the drastic containment measures which are currently being applied in large parts of Europe.”
Even New York governor Andrew Cuomo admitted on the record about the error of quarantining elderly people with illnesses alongside the fit young population. The absolutely key issue is how the West was caught completely unprepared for the spread of Covid-19 – even after being provided a head start of two months by China, and having the time to study different successful strategies applied across Asia. There are no secrets for the success of the South Korean model. South Korea was producing test kits already in early January, and by March was testing 100,000 people a day, after establishing strict control of the whole population – to Western cries of “no protection of private life”. That was before the West embarked on Planet Lockdown mode.
South Korea was all about testing early, often and safely – in tandem with quick, thorough contact tracing, isolation and surveillance.
Covid-19 carriers are monitored with the help of video-surveillance cameras, credit card purchases, smartphone records. Add to it SMS sent to everyone when a new case is detected near them or their place of work. Those in self-isolation need an app to be constantly monitored; non-compliance means a fine to the equivalent of $2,800.
Controlled demolition in effect
In early March, the Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases, hosted by the Shanghai Medical Association, pre-published an Expert Consensus on Comprehensive Treatment of Coronavirus in Shanghai. Treatment recommendations included, “large doses of vitamin C…injected intravenously at a dose of 100 to 200 mg / kg per day. The duration of continuous use is to significantly improve the oxygenation index.”
That’s the reason why 50 tons of Vitamin C was shipped to Hubei province in early February. It’s a stark example of a simple “mitigation” solution capable of minimizing economic catastrophe. In contrast, it’s as if the brutally fast Chinese “people’s war” counterpunch against Covid-19 had caught Washington totally unprepared. Steady intel rumbles on the Chinese net point to Beijing having already studied all plausible leads towards the origin of the Sars-Cov-2 virus – vital information that will be certainly weaponized, Sun Tzu style, at the right time.
As it stands, the sustainability of the complex Eurasian integration project has not been substantially compromised. As the EU has provided the whole planet with a graphic demonstration of its cluelessness and helplessness, everyday the Russia-China strategic partnership gets stronger – increasingly investing in soft power and advancing a pan-Eurasia dialogue which includes, crucially, medical help. Facing this process, the EU’s top diplomat, Joseph Borrell, sounds indeed so helpless: “There is a global battle of narratives going on in which timing is a crucial factor. […] China has brought down local new infections to single figures – and it is now sending equipment and doctors to Europe, as others do as well. China is aggressively pushing the message that, unlike the U.S., it is a responsible and reliable partner. In the battle of narratives we have also seen attempts to discredit the EU (…) We must be aware there is a geo-political component including a struggle for influence through spinning and the ‘politics of generosity’. Armed with facts, we need to defend Europe against its detractors.”
That takes us to really explosive territory. A critique of the Planet Lockdown strategy inevitably raises serious questions pointing to a controlled demolition of the global economy. What is already in stark effect are myriad declinations of martial law, severe social media policing in Ministry of Truth mode, and the return of strict border controls. These are unequivocal markings of a massive social re-engineering project, complete with inbuilt full monitoring, population control and social distancing promoted as the new normal. That would be taking to the limit Secretary of State Mike “we lie, we cheat, we steal” Pompeo’s assertion, on the record, that Covid-19 is a live military exercise: “This matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.”
All hail BlackRock
So as we face a New Great Depression, steps leading to a Brave New World are already discernable. It goes way beyond a mere Bretton Woods 2.0, in the manner that Pam and Russ Martens superbly deconstruct the recent $2 trillion, Capitol Hill-approved stimulus to the U.S. economy. Essentially, the Fed will “leverage the bill’s $454 million bailout slush fund into $4.5 trillion”. And no questions are allowed on who gets the money, because the bill simply cancels the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for the Fed.
The privileged private contractor for the slush fund is none other than BlackRock. Here’s the extremely short version of the whole, astonishing scheme, masterfully detailed here. Wall Street has turned the Fed into a hedge fund. The Fed is going to own at least two thirds of all U.S. Treasury bills wallowing in the market before the end of the year. The U.S. Treasury will be buying every security and loan in sight while the Fed will be the banker – financing the whole scheme. So essentially this is a Fed/ Treasury merger. A behemoth dispensing loads of helicopter money – with BlackRock as the undisputable winner. BlackRock is widely known as the biggest money manager on the planet. Their tentacles are everywhere. They own 5% of Apple, 5% of Exxon Mobil, 6% of Google, second largest shareholder of AT&T (Turner, HBO, CNN, Warner Brothers) – these are just a few examples.
They will buy all these securities and manage those dodgy special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) on behalf of the Treasury.
BlackRock not only is the top investor in Goldman Sachs. Better yet: Blackrock is bigger than Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank combined. BlackRock is a serious Trump donor. Now, for all practical purposes, it will be the operating system – the Chrome, Firefox, Safari – of Fed/Treasury.
This represents the definitive Wall Street-ization of the Fed – with no evidence whatsoever it will lead to any improvement in the lives of the average American. Western corporate media, en masse, have virtually ignored the myriad, devastating economic consequences of Planet Lockdown. Wall to wall coverage barely mentions the astonishing economic human wreckage already in effect – especially for the masses barely surviving, so far, in the informal economy. For all practical purposes, the Global War on Terror (GWOT) has been replaced by the Global War on Virus (GWOV). But what is not being seriously analyzed is the Perfect Toxic Storm: a totally shattered economy; The Mother of All Financial Crashes – barely masked by the trillions in helicopter money from the Fed and the ECB; the tens of millions of unemployed engendered by the New Great Depression; the millions of small businesses that will simply disappear; a widespread, global mental health crisis. Not to mention the masses of elderly, especially in the U.S., that will be issued an unspoken “drop dead” notice.
Beyond any rhetoric about “decoupling”, the global economy is already, de facto, split in two. On one side, we have Eurasia, Africa and swathes of Latin America – what China will be painstakingly connecting and reconnecting via the New Silk Roads. On the other side, we have North America and selected Western vassals. A puzzled Europe lies in the middle. A cryogenically induced global economy certainly facilitates a reboot. Trumpism is the New Exceptionalism – so that means an isolationist MAGA on steroids. In contrast, China will painstakingly reboot its market base along the New Silk Roads – Africa and Latin America included – to replace the 20% of trade/exports to be lost with the U.S.
The meager $1,200 checks promised to Americans are a de facto precursor of the much touted Universal Basic Income (UBI). They may become permanent as tens of millions of people will be permanently unemployed. That will facilitate the transition towards a totally automated, 24/7 economy run by AI – thus the importance of 5G. And that’s where ID2020 comes in.
AI and ID2020
The European Commission is involved in a crucial but virtually unknown project, CREMA (Cloud Based Rapid Elastic Manufacturing) which aims to facilitate the widest possible implementation of AI in conjunction to the advent of a cashless One-World system. The end of cash necessarily implies a One-World government capable of dispensing – and controlling – UBI; a de facto full accomplishment of Foucault’s studies on biopolitics. Anyone is liable to be erased from the system if an algorithm equals this individual with dissent. It gets even sexier when absolute social control is promoted as an innocent vaccine.
ID2020 is self-described as a benign alliance of “public-private partners”. Essentially, it is an electronic ID platform based on generalized vaccination. And its starts at birth; newborns will be provided with a “portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity.”
GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, pledges to “protect people’s health “ and provide “immunization for all”. Top partners and sponsors, apart from the WHO, include, predictably, Big Pharma. At the ID2020 Alliance summit last September in New York, it was decided that the “Rising to the Good ID Challenge” program would be launched in 2020. That was confirmed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) this past January in Davos. The digital identity will be tested with the government of Bangladesh. That poses a serious question: was ID2020 timed to coincide with what a crucial sponsor, the WHO, qualified as a pandemic? Or was a pandemic absolutely crucial to justify the launch of ID2020?
As game-changing trial runs go, nothing of course beats Event 201, which took place less than a month after ID2020.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with, once again, the WEF, as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, described Event 201 as “a high-level pandemic exercise”. The exercise “illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.” With Covid-19 in effect as a pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health was forced to issue a statement basically saying they just “modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction”.
There’s no question “a severe pandemic, which becomes ‘Event 201’ would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions”, as spun by the sponsors. Covid-19 is eliciting exactly this kind of “cooperation”. Whether it’s “reliable” is open to endless debate. The fact is that, all over Planet Lockdown, a groundswell of public opinion is leaning towards defining the current state of affairs as a global psyop: a deliberate global meltdown – the New Great Depression – imposed on unsuspecting citizens by design.
The powers that be, taking their cue from the tried and tested, decades-old CIA playbook, of course are breathlessly calling it a “conspiracy theory”. Yet what vast swathes of global public opinion observe is a – dangerous – virus being used as cover for the advent of a new, digital financial system, complete with a forced vaccine cum nanochip creating a full, individual, digital identity.
The most plausible scenario for our immediate future reads like clusters of smart cities linked by AI, with people monitored full time and duly micro-chipped doing what they need with a unified digital currency, in an atmosphere of Bentham’s and Foucault’s Panopticum on overdrive. So if this is really our future, the existing world-system has to go. This is a test, this is only a test.
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Dear Global Visionaries
We are outlining the missing dimension which the experts, government and mainstream media are not informing you about. We are not surprised as how can the blind lead the blind. The deaf, dumb and blind are not dealing holistically with this health pandemic. We will notify you about how you can deal with and overcome the perfect storm created by the global COVID 19 pandemic and bankrupt debt based dysfunctional destructive diseased financial usurious capitalist system. If panic and fear is not the solution what is ? This is the question we should be pondering regardless of the origins of the disease and blame game which others are focussing upon.
Certain things need to be made clear to seekers of truth that in order to benefit from truth you need to re-progamme your matrix controlled mind. The matrix mindset will rebel and reject truth as conspiracy theory. We need to make clear to you and inform you we do not deal with conspiracy theories but conspiracy facts. If you reject manifest truths as conspiracy theories it means you can not understand reality and evolve and become what you should be and will be made and moulded into something else. It should be made clear that our analysis here is based on seeing and analysing through 2 eyes both the rational and analytical but also the spiritual and Divinely inspired. What is lacking everywhere in the MSM is the latter. So the missing dimension is the spiritual diagnosis and prescription as humanity is caught in this trial and tribulation.
It is only drawing on some that what has taken place is a global coup by dark forces who are busy centralising power, authority and control as well as looting all the wealth which is going into the pockets of large corporations via central banks and treasuries and Blackrock. This health pandemic is a global psyop to commit daylight robbery with the citizenry controlled with house imprisonment for their own health and wellbeing.
The situation is that of the Titanic and we are trapped by being plugged into the matrix. Are we prepared to unplug from the matrix and jump the Titanic? Be prepared to change or be destroyed. The solution offered is an initial emergency solution which humanity can adopt immediately right here and now. It offers a practical spiritual, mental, emotional and economic response to this plague and punishment. It goes beyond secular materialist man's panic short term profit driven diagnosis and solution. Our approach is not dictated by the pharmaceutical industry nor the destructive dysfunctional diseased financial usurious banking and economic system.
The first premise here is to realise this is the Age of Dajjal[Deceit] and the establishment of a Dajjalic NWO. If you can't understand that please do not waste mine and your time and exit now as there is no hope for you. People need to realise that in the Age of Dajjal Black is white and white is black. This is an age which glorifies, exalts and obeys secular sovereignty and either marginalises or rejects Divine sovereignty. Well a price is going to be paid for this arrogance and this is what will cause human extinction. I would like the new human extinction movement to deal with the fundamentals of human existence. It is not climate that will destroy us it will be human rebellion against Divine sovereignty that will be our demise.
Also what we are witnessing is no viral pandemic but another fabricated false flag event envisaged in the past. This is to facilitate a controlled economic demolition and collapse long imminent due to corrupt banking and government policies. We need to recall that part 1 of the Global financial meltdown took place in 2007-8 and this is part 2. Every trick on the book has been used to keep the zombie system afloat since then ranging from bailouts, quantitive easing, austerity, market and currency rigging and trade wars. This explains why countries are imitating each other as they have destroyed their economies by monetary expansion, debt creation, redistribution of wealth and placing the bulk of assets into the hands of the 0.1%.
Those who understand that 9/11 was another false flag terror event need to realise that the GWOT is being replaced by the GWOV that is the global war of terror against Islam is being replaced with the global war of the virus. These days it looks as though bio-economic warfare is being used against human and Islamic self determination. Like the former it serves multiple agendas and is a step towards a global Dajallic tyranny.
One dimension that the Dajallic media is not covering fully but which is central in understanding the bigger picture is that freedom of religion is being attacked. The Corona virus pandemic has led to the Haramain lockdown which is unprecedented. What we are talking about includes Makkah and Madinah being locked down. Indeed it goes beyond that as Bait Al Muqaddas and
Al Aqsa in Jerusalem is also under lockdown. The triple lockdown of the spiritual heart(s) of global Islamic civilisation has never been done simultaneously. Indeed it goes further as mosques globally have stopped Salah and Jumaah in Jamaah. This can only mean that the Dajallic NWO has not only been scheming but has started implementing it's final assault on Islam. The true face of the Saudi regime is revealed with the suspension of Umrah and Hajj in 2020/1441. This will be examined hereafter and it's impact and fallout on the Ummah. More importantly the eschatological implications will be reviewed. This will be analysed as we are on the threshold of events culminating in the appearance of Imam Mahdi and world shattering events.
What we are now witnessing is to generate fear to separate Muslims from their Islamic spiritual power which they fear. The Dajallic forces wants to exploit the weaknesses they have created and exposed in the spiritual defences of Muslims. They want to move forward with their plans for their Dajallic NWO 3rd Temple built after the demolition of Al Aqsa and the establishment of greater Israel to be the ruling power globally. For those who are deaf dumb and blind let it be clear that this will trigger a spiritual and religious war which will destroy the world as we know. Muslims need to realise that a spiritual war has been declared by the Dajallic NWO. It will change gear into an all out military war of conquest. The answer to this can only be faith, unity and discipline and preparation for war.
For instance Fascist Hindutva India has 2 emergencies on it's hands just now. The bigger virus that Hindutva India needs to recognise and deal with is the Islamophobia which may engulf it at it's peril. A dangerous false narrative is being promoted that Indian Muslims have deliberately spread the virus as a form of Jihad is outrageous and poisonous for India. Those peddling this malicious propaganda need to retract these false allegations.
This COVID 19 invisible virus has sparked fear and panic by the coordinated actions of the WHO, Media and Governments. The health crisis has been a cover and distraction from the global financial and economic crisis as it has burst the unsustainable debt bubble. It has also coincided with an oil price crash which may bring down the petrodollar and accompanying tribal tyrannies. So this bubble may become much bigger than the last financial crash in 2007-8 and has parallels with 1929 and world war. This will force a system reset to manifest itself.
Everyone needs to realise that this financial and banking system has declared war against God and Divine commandments against worshipping Mammon and Usury. If this system is reset on similar principles and policies but under some new world technocratic elite expect war from God befalling mankind. Expect WW3 and expect an end of civilisation as we know it and expect only one third of humanity to survive the coming disasters. As the current system is responsible for all the evils of the age from unsustainable debt, interest payments, wealth concentration, poverty, unemployment, ecocide war and genocide.
People need to realise that the war against humanity has started. The Socialist and Capitalist dialectic is redundant in understanding the situation and plight we are living under. So knocking the doors of the Left Right or Centre will not deliver. So we need to organise and educate ourselves to realise our spiritual destiny and power. We must not become victims and cannon fodder for the Dajallic NWO that is planned. We need to realise that an endgame and spiritual warfare between Dajallic and Mahdist forces has commenced. The question you need to ponder is whose side are you on is it going to be the enemies of humanity or the liberators of humanity.
The real spiritual prescription whose time has arrived is as follows: -
A message to all governments is to end the insane suicidal lockdown immediately as law and order will breakdown if they do not wish to see Wat Tyler's peasant revolts across the globe bursting out.
The private unaccountable banking cartels need to be replaced with genuine elected public control.
A global debt Jubilee not debt relief needs to be announced unconditionally as the root cause of ecocide and genocide.
Finally and most importantly the nation and all households need to look in the mirror during these days of self isolation and repent for prostrating to Mammon, unbridled greed and usurious based capitalism, hedonism and the LGBT rainbow nation.
Repentance needs to be followed through with seeking forgiveness for going astray from the God given natural sustainable path and the nation needs to seek forgiveness from the creator of All.
Hasbunallah and Tawakullah
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Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, April 08, 2020
On January 30th 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in relation to China’s novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) categorized as a viral pneumonia. The virus outbreak was centred in Wuhan, a city in Eastern China with a population in excess of 11 million. In the week prior to January 30th decision, the WHO Emergency Committee “expressed divergent views”. There were visible divisions within the Committee. On January 30th, a far-reaching decision was taken without the support of expert opinion at a time when the coronavirus outbreak was limited to Mainland China. There were 150 confirmed cases outside China, when the decision was taken. 6 in the United States, 3 in Canada, 2 in the UK, etc. 150 confirmed cases over a population of 6.4 billion (World population of 7.8 billion minus China’s 1-4 billion).
What was the risk of being infected? Virtually zero.
The WHO did not act to reassure and inform World public opinion. Quite the opposite: A “Fear Pandemic” rather than a genuine Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) was launched. Outright panic and uncertainty were sustained through a carefully designed media disinformation campaign. Almost immediately this led to economic dislocations, a crisis in trade and transportation with China affecting major airlines and shipping companies. A hate campaign against ethnic Chinese in Western countries was launched, followed by the collapse in late February of stock markets, not to mention the crisis in the tourist industry resulting in countless bankruptcies.
The complexity of this crisis and its impacts have to be addressed and carefully analysed. What we are dealing with is “economic warfare” supported by media disinformation, coupled with the deliberate intent by the Trump administration to undermine China’s economy. The ongoing economic dislocations are not limited to China.There are important public health concerns which must be addressed. But what motivated the Director-General of the WHO to act in this way? Who was behind this historic January 30th decision of the WHO’s Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Our subsequent analysis (in the timeline below) reveals that powerful corporate interests linked to Big Pharma, Wall Street and agencies of the US government were instrumental in the WHO’s far-reaching decision. What is at stake is the alliance of “Big Pharma” and “Big Money”, with the endorsement of the Trump Administration. The decision to launch a fake pandemic under the helm of the WHO on January 30, was taken a week earlier at the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF). The media operation was there to spread outright panic.
But this was not the first time that the WHO decided to act in this way.
Remember the unusual circumstances surrounding the April 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic.
An atmosphere of fear and intimidation prevailed. The data was manipulated. Based on incomplete and scanty data, the WHO Director General nonetheless predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009). It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan.
In June 2009, Margaret Chan made the following statement:
“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6. The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic. … [url=]Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), Press Briefing 11 June 2009)
What “expert assessments”?
In a subsequent statement she confirmed that:
“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”,
Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009)
A financial windfall for Big Pharma Vaccine Producers including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Merck & Co., Sanofi, Pfizer. et al.
September 2019: The official US-WHO position is that the coronavirus originated in Wuhan, Hubei Province and was first discovered in Late December. This statement is questioned by Chinese and Japanese virologists who claim that the virus originated in the US.
A renowned Taiwanese virologist pointed to evidence that the virus could have originated at an earlier stage, stating : “We must look to September of 2019”.
October 18-27 2019: Wuhan 2019: CISM Sport Military World Games
Chinese media intimates (without corroborating evidence) that the coronavirus could have been brought to China “from a foreign source” during the CISM Military World Games.
10,000 soldiers from 109 countries will participate
200 American military personnel participated in this 10 day Event.
Coronavirus Epidemic: WHO Declares a “Fake” Global Public Health Emergency
October 18, Event 201. New York. Coronavirus nCoV-2019 Simulation and Emergency Preparedness Task Force, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health Security.
Big Pharma-Big Money Simulation Exercise sponsored by WEF and Gates Foundation
Simulation Exercise of a coronavirus epidemic which results in 65 million dead. Supported by the World Economic Forum (WEF) representing the interests of Financial institutions, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation representing Big Pharma:
In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a pandemic tabletop exercise called Event 201 with partners, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. … For the scenario, we modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction.
Instead, the exercise served to highlight preparedness and response challenges that would likely arise in a very severe pandemic. We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 outbreak will kill 65 million people.
Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.“We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 [which was also used as the name of the simulation] outbreak will kill 65 million people.
.Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”
Several of the occurrences of the nCoV-2019 exercise coincided with what really happened. In the Event 201 Simulation of a Coronavirus Pandemic, a 15% collapse of financial markets had been “simulated”. It was not “predicted” according to the organizers and sponsors of the event. Private sector initiative. Participation of corporate execs, foundations, financial institutions, Banks, Big Pharma, CIA, CDC, China’s CDC. No health officials (with exception of CDC and China CDC) present on behalf of national governments or the WHO. The simulation exercise was held on the same day as the opening of the CISM World Military Sports Games in Wuhan.
December 31, 2019: First cases of pneumonia detected and reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province. China.
January 1, 2020: Chinese health authorities close the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market after Western media reports that wild animals sold there may have been the source of the virus. This initial assessment was subsequently refuted by Chinese scientists.
January 7, 2020: Chinese authorities “identify a new type of virus” which was isolated on 7 January. The coronavirus was named 2019-nCoV by the WHO exactly the same name as that adopted in the WEF-Gates-John Hopkins October 18, 2019 simulation exercise.
January 11, 2020 – The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announces the first death caused by the coronavirus.
January 22, 2020: WHO. Members of the WHO Emergency Committee “expressed divergent views on whether this event constitutes a PHEIC or not”.
January 21-24, 2020: Consultations at the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland under auspices of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) for development of a vaccine program. CEPI is a WEF-Gates partnership. With support from CIPI, Seattle based Moderna will manufacture an mRNA vaccine against 2019-nCoV, “The Vaccine Research Center (VRC) of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of NIH, collaborated with Moderna to design the vaccine.”
Note: The development of a 2019 nCoV vaccine was announced at Davos, 2 weeks after the January 7, 2020 announcement, and barely a week prior to the official launching of the WHO’s Worldwide Public Health emergency on January 30. The WEF-Gates-CEPI Vaccine Announcement precedes the WHO Public Health Emergency (PHEIC).
January 30, 2020: Geneva: WHO Director General determines that the outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). This decision was taken on the basis of 150 confirmed cases outside China, First case of person to person transmission in US is reported, 6 cases in the US, 3 cases in Canada, 2 in the UK.
The WHO Director General had the backing of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Big Pharma and the World Economic Forum (WEF). There are indications that the decision for the WHO to declare a Global Emergency was taken on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos (January 21-24) overlapping with the Geneva January 22 meeting of the Emergency Committee. Both WHO’s Director Tedros as well as Bill Gates were present at Davos 2020. Bill Gates announced the Gates Foundation’s $10 billion commitment to vaccines over the next 10 years.
January 30, 2020 The Simulation Exercise Went Live. The same corporate interests and foundations which were involved in the October 18 John Hopkins Simulation Exercise became REAL ACTORS involved in providing their support to the implementation of the WHO Public Health emergency (PHEIC).
January 31, 2020 – One day later following the launch of WHO Global Emergency, The Trump administration announced that it will deny entry to foreign nationals “who have traveled in China in the last 14 days”. This immediately triggers a crisis in air transportation, China-US trade as well as the tourism industry, leading to substantial bankruptcies, not to mention unemployment. Immediately triggers a campaign against ethnic Chinese throughout the Western World.
Early February: the acronym of the coronavirus was changed from nCoV- 2019 (its name under the October Event 201 John Hopkins Simulation Exercise before it was identified in early January 2020) to COVID-19.
February 28, 2020: A massive WHO vaccination campaign was announced by WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Who was behind this campaign: GlaxoSmithKline in partnership with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). It is a Gates-WEF partnership, both of which were sponsors of the October 18, “Simulation Exercise”. The campaign to develop vaccines was initiated prior to decision of the WHO to launch a Global Public Health emergency. It was first announced at the WEF meeting at Davos (21-24 January).
Late February 2020. Collapse of the stock markets, surge in the value of the stocks of Big Pharma.
Early March devastating consequences for the tourist industry Worldwide.
February 24: Moderna Inc supported by CIPI announced that it experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, known as mRNA-1273, was ready for human testing.
Late February 2020. Second wave of transmission of the virus (Worldwide) to a large number of countries.
Late February – Early March: China: More than 50% of the infected patients recover and are discharged from the hospitals. March 3, a total of 49,856 patients have recovered from COVID-19 and were discharged from hospitals in China. What this means that the total number of “confirmed infected cases” in China is 30,448. (Namely 80,304 minus 49856 = 30,448 (80 304 is the total number on confirmed cases in China (WHO data, March 3, 2020). These developments concerning “recovery” are not reported by the Western media.
March 5, WHO Director General confirms that outside China there are 2055 cases reported in 33 countries. Around 80% of those cases continue to come from just three countries (South Korea, Iran, Italy). These figures suggested that we are not facing a global health emergency, that the probability of infection was low. And Based on China’s experience the treatment for the virus infection was effective.
March 7: USA: The number of “confirmed cases” (infected and recovered) in the United States in early March is of the order of 430, rising to about 6oo (March 8). Rapid rise in the course of March.
Compare that to the figures pertaining to the Influenza B Virus: The CDC estimates for 2019-2020 “at least 15 million virus flu illnesses… 140,000 hospitalizations and 8,200 deaths. (The Hill)
Early March: IMF and World Bank To the Rescue
The WHO Director General advises member countries that “the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have both made funds available to stabilize health systems and mitigate the economic consequences of the epidemic”. That is the proposed neoliberal “solution” to COVID-19. The World Bank has committed $12billion in so-called “aid” which will contribute to building up the external debt of developing countries.
March 7: China: The Pandemic is Almost Over
Reported new cases in China fall to double digit. 99 cases recorded on March 7. All of the new cases outside Hubei province are categorized as “imported infections”(from foreign countries). The reliability of the data remains to be established: 99 newly confirmed cases including 74 in Hubei Province, … The new cases included 24 imported infections — 17 in Gansu Province, three in Beijing, three in Shanghai and one in Guangdong Province.
March 10-11, 2020: Italy declares a lockdown, followed by several other countries of the EU. Deployment of 30,000 US troops in the EU as part of the “Defend Europe 2020” war games directed against Russia.
March 11, 2020: the Director General of the WHO officially declares the COV-19 Pandemic. Bear in mind the global health emergency was declared on January 3oth without stating officially the existence of a pandemic outside Mainland China.
March 11: Trump orders the suspension for 30 days of all transatlantic flights from countries of the European Union, with the exception of Britain. Coincides with the collapse of airline stocks and a new wave of financial instability. Devastating impacts on the tourist industry in Western Europe.
March 16: Moderna mRNA-1273 is tested in several stages with 45 volunteers in Seattle, Washington State. The vaccine program started in early February:
“We don’t know whether this vaccine will induce an immune response, or whether it will be safe. That’s why we’re doing a trial,” Jackson stressed. “It’s not at the stage where it would be possible or prudent to give it to the general population.” (AP, March 16, 2020)
March 21, 2020: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo while addressing the American people from the White House stated that COVID-19 is a live military exercise.
“This is not about retribution, … This matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.”
With a disgusted look on his face, President Trump replied: “You should have let us know.”
April 8, 2020: Mounting fear campaign led by Western media. Very rapid increase in so-called “confirmed cases”. “1,282,931 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 72,776 deaths, reported to WHO” (April 8). Mounting doubts on the reported “confirmed cases” of COVID-19. Failures of the CDC’s categorization and statistical estimates.
March- April: Planet Lockdown. Devastating economic and social consequences. The economic and social impacts far exceed those attributed to the coronavirus. Cited below are selected examples of a global process:
- Massive job losses and layoffs in the US, with more than 10 million workers filing claims for unemployment benefits.
- In India, a 21 days lockdown has triggered a wave of famine and despair affecting millions of homeless migrant workers all over the country. No lockdown for the homeless: “too poor to afford a meal”.
- The impoverishment in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa is beyond description. For large sectors of the urban population, household income has literally been wiped out.
- In Italy, the destabilization of the tourist industry has resulted in bankruptcies and rising unemployment.
- In many countries, citizens are the object of police violence. Five people involved in protests against the lockdown were killed by police in Kenya and South Africa.
Concluding Remarks
We are dealing with a complex global crisis with far-reaching economic, social and geopolitical implications. We have provided factual information as well as analysis in a summarized “common sense” format. Is is important that COVID-19 be the object of widespread debate and that the “official interpretations” be forcefully challenged.
When the Lie becomes the Truth, there is No Moving Backwards.
[i]Now that the state and its media have falsely characterized the coronavirus as a pandemic[/i]
[i] closing in on the 1918 flu pandemic (falsely attributed to Spain), it is time for the global elite and their technocrats to force not only highly-profitable (for Big Pharma) vaccines on the world but biometric IDs as well. [/i]
“As countries begin to lift coronavirus lockdowns, biometric identification can help verify those who have already had the infection, and ensure that the vulnerable get the vaccine when it is launched, health and technology experts said,” reports Reuters. A biometric ID system can keep a record of [the infected] and those getting the vaccine, said Larry Dohrs, Southeast Asia head at iRespond, a Seattle-based nonprofit that launched its technology last month.
The pretense for this—as it was for the US decimation of Libya, Syria, and Iraq—is “humanitarianism,” according to iRespond and Simprints, a British NGO partnered with Johns Hopkins University’s Global mHealth Initiative, the latter connected to the US military and its “Dark Winter” and “Event 201” pandemic scenarios (see Whitney Webb: [i]All Roads Lead to Dark Winter[/i]).
Total surveillance requires 24/7 monitoring of individuals—especially those included in the Main Core database of activists and political enemies of the state—and biometric technology introduced during the hysteria of an exaggerated health threat fits the bill.
Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, April 08, 2020
[i]The tendency is towards a Worldwide lockdown spearheaded by fear and media disinformation. Currently, hundreds of millions of people Worldwide are under lockdown. [/i][i]What is the next step in the evolution of the COV-19 Crisis? [/i]
[i]A coronavirus vaccine program was announced at Davos at the World Economic Forum (21-24 January) barely 2 weeks after the cornonavirus was identified by the Chinese authorities on January 7. [/i][i]T[/i][i]he lead entity for the novel coronavirus vaccine initiative is the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) an organization sponsored and financed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. [/i]
[i]Note the chronology: The development of the 2019 nCoV vaccine was announced at the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) a week prior to the official launching by the WHO of a Worldwide Public Health Emergency (January 30) at a time when the number of “confirmed cases” Worldwide (outside China) was 150 (including 6 in the US). [/i]
CEPI is seeking a “monopoly” role in the vaccination business the objective of which is a “global vaccine project”, in partnership with a large number of “candidates”. It announced funding for its existing partnership with Inovio and The University of Queensland (Australia). In addition, CEPI confirmed (January 23) its contract with Moderna, Inc. and the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been instrumental in waging the fear and panic campaign across America: “Ten Times Worse than Seasonal Flu”.
According to a report of the WHO pertaining to China’s epidemic (which has currently been resolved):
The most commonly reported symptoms [of COVID-19] included fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath, and most patients (80%) experienced mild illness. Approximately 14% experienced severe disease and 5% were critically ill. Early reports suggest that illness severity is associated with age (>60 years old) and co-morbid disease. (largely basing on WHO’s assessment of COVID-19 in China)
The Central Role of CEPI
CEPI is dealing simultaneously with several pharmaceutical companies. The Moderna- NIAID in all likelihood is slated to implement the COV-19 vaccine in the US. On January 31st, the day following the WHO’s official launching of the global public health emergency and Trump’s decision to curtail air travel with China, CEPI announced its partnership with CureVac AG, a German-based biopharmaceutical company. A few days later, in early February, CEPI “announced that major vaccine manufacturer GSK would allow its proprietary adjuvants— compounds that boost the effectiveness of vaccines — to be used in the response”. (The pandemic was officially launched on March 11)
There are many “potential vaccines in the pipeline” with “dozens of research groups around the world racing to create a vaccine against COVID-19”. In turn the EU and the US are currently competing for the vaccine markets on behalf of powerful pharmaceutical conglomerates, with the European Commission “offering up to €80 million in financial support to the CureVac AG” after it was reported that Trump “was attempting to secure exclusive access to a COVID-19 vaccine it is developing”, under the auspices of NIAID headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The October 2019 Coronavirus Event 201 Simulation Exercise
The coronavirus was initially named 2019-nCoV by CEPI and the WHO: exactly the same name as that adopted in the WEF-Gates-John Hopkins Event 201 pertaining to a coronavirus simulation exercise held in Baltimore in mid October 2019.
The Event 201 John Hopkins simulation addressed the development of an effective vaccine in response to millions of cases (in the October 2019 simulation) of the 2019 nCoV. The simulation announced a scenario in which the entire population of the planet would be affected. “During the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases [in the simulation] increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.”
The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease.
The COV-19 Global Vaccination Program
CEPI (on behalf of Gates-WEF, which funded the simulation exercise) is currently playing a key role in a large scale (global?) vaccination program in partnership with biotech companies, Big Pharma, government agencies as well as university laboratories.
The foregoing statement by CEPI was made nearly two months prior to the official declaration of a pandemic on March 11.
“We’re having conversations with a broad array of potential partners”. And critical to those conversations is: What’s the plan to make very large quantities of vaccine within a time frame that is potentially relevant to what people seem to be increasingly certain will be a pandemic, if it isn’t already there? …” [Richard Hatchett, CEPI CEO in interview with]. … The underlying focus is to develop a global vaccine. And part of that was doing a global survey of manufacturing capacity to think about where we wanted to plant the manufacturing of any successful products we were able to bring forward. Of significance, Hackett confirmed that the project to develop a vaccine commenced not only prior to the discovery and identification of the coronavirus (January 2020) but several months prior to the October 2019 simulation exercise.
“We did that in the last year or so. … We are using the information that we have collected and have that team now thinking about opportunities for scaling vaccines of various different types. That is a work in progress. For some of the technologies the tech transfer [to a manufacturer] may be something that could be done in a time frame that was pertinent to the epidemic, potentially. I think it is going to be really important to engage those folks who have access to really substantial production capacity. And having the big producers at the table — because of their depth, because of their experience, because of their internal resources — would be very, very important. The candidate vaccines will be very, very quick. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID [who has been spreading panic on network TV], is out in public as saying he thinks the clinical trial for the Moderna vaccine may be as early as the spring. (emphasis added)
What is unfolding in real life is in some regards similar to the October 2019 simulation exercise at John Hopkins. The scenario is how to produce millions of vaccine shots on the presumption that the pandemic will spread. The CEPI sponsored vaccine conglomerates had already planned their investments well in advance of the global Worldwide health emergency (January 20th). I [Hackett] think part of the general strategy is to have a large number of candidates. [and] you want to have enough candidates that at least some of them are moving rapidly through the process.
And then for each candidate, you need to ask yourself the question: How do you produce that? … [And] how are you going to get to that point with production at a scale that is meaningful in the context of a disease that is going to infect the whole of society? (Interview conducted by Helen Branswell, statsnews, February 3, 2020)
Moderna Inc based in Seattle is one of several candidates involved and supported by CEPI. Moderna announced on February 24th the development of “an experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, known as mRNA-1273?. “The initial batch of the vaccine has already been shipped to U.S. government researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)” headed by Dr. Antony Fauci. While Moderna Inc initially stated that the first clinical trials would commence in late April, tests involving human volunteers started in mid-March in Seattle: (bear in mind the pandemic was officially launched on March 11)
Researchers in Seattle gave the first shot to the first person in a test of an experimental coronavirus vaccine Monday — leading off a worldwide hunt for protection even as the pandemic surges. …Some of the study’s carefully chosen healthy volunteers, ages 18 to 55, will get higher dosages than others to test how strong the inoculations should be. Scientists will check for any side effects and draw blood samples to test if the vaccine is revving up the immune system, looking for encouraging clues like the NIH earlier found in vaccinated mice. “We don’t know whether this vaccine will induce an immune response, or whether it will be safe. That’s why we’re doing a trial,” Jackson stressed. “It’s not at the stage where it would be possible or prudent to give it to the general population.” (FOX news local)
CEPI’s nCoV-2019 Global Vaccine and the ID2020 Digital Identity Platform
While CEPI announced the launching of a global vaccine at the Davos World Economic Forum, another important and related endeavor was underway. It’s called the ID2020 Agenda, which, according to Peter Koenig constitutes “an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity”. “The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity”. (Peter Koenig, March 2020) The Founding Partners of ID2020 are Microsoft, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) among others.
It is worth noting the timeline: The ID2020 Alliance held their Summit in New York, entitled “Rising to the Good ID Challenge”, on September 19,2020, exactly one month prior to nCov-2019 simulation exercise entitled Event 201 at John Hopkins in Baltimore. Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what the WHO calls a Pandemic? – Or is a pandemic needed to ‘roll out’ the multiple devastating programs of ID2020? (Peter Koenig, March 2020)
ID2020 is part of a “World Governance” project which, if applied, would roll out the contours of what some analysts have described as a Global Police State encompassing through vaccination the personal details of several billion people Worldwide.
In the Wake of the Lockdown
The fear campaign will continue in the wake of the lockdown. Will the hardships of the economic and social crisis encourage people to get vaccinated?
To implement the Global Vaccine, the propaganda campaign must continue. The Truth must be suppressed. These are their “guidelines”, which must be confronted and challenged. The main actors including CEPI will require the firm endorsement of the WHO (which they control), a green light from the scientific community as well bold statements by corrupt politicians.
Moreover, they will have to suppress information and analysis on the features of the virus, how it can easily be cured (without a vaccine), which is currently the object of debate by virologists and physicians in several countries including the US. In recent developments, hydroxychloroquine is being used to treat patients in both Europe and North America. Big Pharma is intent upon suppressing evidence on how COVID-19 can be cured. The media is complicit. It is not informing the public.
Remember the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic when Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology compared the H1N1 pandemic to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic while reassuring the public that the latter was more deadly. (CBC: Get swine flu vaccine ready: U.S. advisers)
Based on incomplete and scanty data, the WHO Director General predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009). It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan. In a subsequent statement she confirmed that:
“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”,Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009).
“Swine flu could strike up to 40 percent of Americans over the next two years and as many as several hundred thousand could die if a vaccine campaign and other measures aren’t successful.” (Official Statement of Obama Administration, Associated Press, 24 July 2009).
There was no pandemic affecting 2 billion people… Millions of doses of swine flu vaccine had been ordered by national governments from Big Pharma. Millions of vaccine doses were subsequently destroyed: a financial bonanza for Big Pharma, an expenditure crisis for national governments. There was no investigation into who was behind this multibillion fraud. Several critics said that the H1N1 Pandemic was “Fake”
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg,has declared thatthe “false pandemic” is “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.” (Michael Fomento, Forbes, February 10, 2010)
Michael Fomento concludes: Even within the agency, the director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Epidemiology in Munster, Germany, Dr. Ulrich Kiel, has essentially labeled the pandemic a hoax. “We are witnessing a gigantic misallocation of resources [$18 billion so far] in terms of public health,” he said. They’re right. This wasn’t merely overcautiousness or simple misjudgment. The pandemic declaration and all the Klaxon-ringing since reflect sheer dishonesty motivated not by medical concerns but political ones. Unquestionably, swine flu has proved to be vastly milder than ordinary seasonal flu. It kills at a third to a tenth the rate, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates. Data from other countries like France and Japan indicate it’s far tamer than that.
COVID-19 is Déjà Vu. Lets not be taken in again.
We are currently in a Lockdown, We have time to reflect. There are important lessons to be learnt from the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic is far more serious and diabolical than the 2009 H1N1. The COV-19 pandemic has provided a pretext and a justification for destabilizing the economies of entire countries, impoverishing large sectors of the World population. Unprecedented in modern history. And it is important that we act cohesively and in solidarity with those who are victims of this crisis. People’s lives are in a freefall and their purchasing power has been destroyed. What kind of twisted social structure awaits us in the wake of the lockdown?
Can we trust the World Health Organization (WHO) and the powerful economic interest groups behind it. The answer is obvious.
Can we trust the main actors behind the multibillion dollar global vaccination project?
Can we trust the Western media which has led the fear campaign? Disinformation sustains the lies and fabrications.
Can we trust our “corrupt” governments? Our national economy has been devastated.
This is an act of “economic warfare” against humanity.
Henry A. Kissinger
The U.S. must protect its citizens from disease while starting the urgent work of planning for a new epoch.
The surreal atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic calls to mind how I felt as a young man in the 84th Infantry Division during the Battle of the Bulge. Now, as in late 1944, there is a sense of inchoate danger, aimed not at any particular person, but striking randomly and with devastation. But there is an important difference between that faraway time and ours. American endurance then was fortified by an ultimate national purpose. Now, in a divided country, efficient and farsighted government is necessary to overcome obstacles unprecedented in magnitude and global scope. Sustaining the public trust is crucial to social solidarity, to the relation of societies with each other, and to international peace and stability.
Nations cohere and flourish on the belief that their institutions can foresee calamity, arrest its impact and restore stability. When the Covid-19 pandemic is over, many countries’ institutions will be perceived as having failed. Whether this judgment is objectively fair is irrelevant. The reality is the world will never be the same after the coronavirus. To argue now about the past only makes it harder to do what has to be done.
The coronavirus has struck with unprecedented scale and ferocity. Its spread is exponential: U.S. cases are doubling every fifth day. At this writing, there is no cure. Medical supplies are insufficient to cope with the widening waves of cases. Intensive-care units are on the verge, and beyond, of being overwhelmed. Testing is inadequate to the task of identifying the extent of infection, much less reversing its spread. A successful vaccine could be 12 to 18 months away.
The U.S. administration has done a solid job in avoiding immediate catastrophe. The ultimate test will be whether the virus’s spread can be arrested and then reversed in a manner and at a scale that maintains public confidence in Americans’ ability to govern themselves. The crisis effort, however vast and necessary, must not crowd out the urgent task of launching a parallel enterprise for the transition to the post-coronavirus order.
Leaders are dealing with the crisis on a largely national basis, but the virus’s society-dissolving effects do not recognize borders. While the assault on human health will—hopefully—be temporary, the political and economic upheaval it has unleashed could last for generations. No country, not even the U.S., can in a purely national effort overcome the virus. Addressing the necessities of the moment must ultimately be coupled with a global collaborative vision and program. If we cannot do both in tandem, we will face the worst of each.
Drawing lessons from the development of the Marshall Plan and the Manhattan Project, the U.S. is obliged to undertake a major effort in three domains. First, shore up global resilience to infectious disease. Triumphs of medical science like the polio vaccine and the eradication of smallpox, or the emerging statistical-technical marvel of medical diagnosis through artificial intelligence, have lulled us into a dangerous complacency. We need to develop new techniques and technologies for infection control and commensurate vaccines across large populations. Cities, states and regions must consistently prepare to protect their people from pandemics through stockpiling, cooperative planning and exploration at the frontiers of science.
Second, strive to heal the wounds to the world economy. Global leaders have learned important lessons from the 2008 financial crisis. The current economic crisis is more complex: The contraction unleashed by the coronavirus is, in its speed and global scale, unlike anything ever known in history. And necessary public-health measures such as social distancing and closing schools and businesses are contributing to the economic pain. Programs should also seek to ameliorate the effects of impending chaos on the world’s most vulnerable populations.
Third, safeguard the principles of the liberal world order. The founding legend of modern government is a walled city protected by powerful rulers, sometimes despotic, other times benevolent, yet always strong enough to protect the people from an external enemy. Enlightenment thinkers reframed this concept, arguing that the purpose of the legitimate state is to provide for the fundamental needs of the people: security, order, economic well-being, and justice. Individuals cannot secure these things on their own. The pandemic has prompted an anachronism, a revival of the walled city in an age when prosperity depends on global trade and movement of people.
The world’s democracies need to defend and sustain their Enlightenment values. A global retreat from balancing power with legitimacy will cause the social contract to disintegrate both domestically and internationally. Yet this millennial issue of legitimacy and power cannot be settled simultaneously with the effort to overcome the Covid-19 plague. Restraint is necessary on all sides—in both domestic politics and international diplomacy. Priorities must be established.
We went on from the Battle of the Bulge into a world of growing prosperity and enhanced human dignity. Now, we live an epochal period. The historic challenge for leaders is to manage the crisis while building the future. Failure could set the world on fire.
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