01-20-2013, 10:03 AM
11-29-2019, 12:36 AM
THE SUBVERTION OF POP CULTURE TO COMMUNICATE SATANIC RITUALS AND MESSAGES NEEDS FURTHER URGENT DECONSTRUCTION. THIS IS THE WORK OF NOT JUST ANALYSIS BUT SPIRITUAL MASTERS. IF YOU WANT THE TRUTH YOU NEED THE DISCERNMENT OF A CLEAN PURE SPIRIT, MIND AND HEART OTHERWISE YOU WILL JUST NOT GET IT AND IT WILL OVERWHELM YOU COMPLETELY. MADONNA, QUAVO - EUROVISION SONG CONTEST 2019 LADY GAGA, SATANISM AND THE ILLUMINATI www.whiteoutpress.com/articles/q42011/lady-gaga-satanism-and-the-illuminati666 Lady Gaga, Satanism and the Illuminati In the five years since Stefani Germanotta burst nto the New York music scene and changed her name to Lady Gaga, the colorful and mysterious performer has skyrocketed to the top of the industry. But just who is Lady Gaga? Anyone who takes five minutes to investigate comes away with the same conclusion – she’s an elitist from an elite family, but she conquered the NY underground. She’s Catholic, but a public Satan worshiper. None of her material is original, but it’s entirely unique. She’s nothing, and everything.
08-25-2021, 03:29 PM
ZIONIST ATTACKS OF 11 SEPTEMBER 2001 Fritz Springmeier Fritz Springmeier presented confirmed proof that Skull & Bones derived from the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati because eyewitnesses who broke into the Skull & Bones headquarters at Yale University (a building call ed "The Tomb") copied down the words in German from the wall there, which described the REGENT level of the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati. The 2004 movie "The Good Shepherd" (with Matt Damon and Michael Gambon) showed how, after WW2, Skull & Bones brought all of the "lluminati" knowledge of British intelligence into building up the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA). Britain continued to lead the world of intelligence long after WW2. The CIA has always remained a group that runs black-ops not for the USA but for the "Illuminati". Hence, the CIA was always involved in importing cocaine and heroin for"Illuminati" profits and it only waged a "war on drugs" to stamp out any smaller competition to the "Illuminati". In Yale alone, the roster of secret societies feature Skull & Bones (also called Brotherhood of Death). Scroll & Key, Book & Snake, Wolf's Head (which has a military focus), Myth & Sword, Manuscript, Aurelian Honor, Berzelius, and Yale in China (of which Zionist Freemason and puppet Mao Zedong was a member before becoming "leader" of China). All "halls of ivy" are teeming with secret societies. The point in a circle symbol is a VERY important occult symbol used by the "Illuminati". Among other things, it represents what you see when you view a Zionist Freemasonic obelisk from above, and it is found on the logo of the British Air Force, which is one of the most brutal and genocidal organizations in human history that has never known any other "warfare technique" than to terror-bomb civilians until the target country in question submits to total enslavement and oppression by the "Illuminati ", or in particular by a central-bank being owned or controlledby the Zionist House of Rothschild. Before you can make a man do as you say, you must make him believe what you say. And that is why Voltaire wrote: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" One cogent proof ofthis theory is that it is now known that the vast majority of US soldiers who fought in Iraq believed that Saddam Hussein had some involvement in launching the 11 Sep attacks (although they were done by the Zionists) . That is why the "Illuminati" (Zionists, Kabbalists, Freemasons and other Satanists) run satanic rituals, i.e. in order to more easily convince Goyim-Gentiles of the fake narrative they give to the major events they launch. To demonstrate their confidence that Goyim-Gentiles will never catch on, they encode these events with satanic symbolism and numerology. The "Illuminati" sometimes refer to this persuasion-effect by the maxim " Monkey See, Monkey Do. THE TOP PERPETRATORS IN THE ZIONIST ATTACKS OF 11 SEP 01: 1. Dick Cheney (whose immediate greed factor was his CEO and board status with Halliburton). Cheney is a Zionist "Illuminati" Satanist who was the "Illuminati" handler of GW Bush (a programmed multiple) and a former head of the CFR. By the common ancestor Mareen Duvall, Cheney is related to seven presidents of the USA, who include O'Bomber, Theodore Roosevelt and Dirty-Harry Truman; 2. Donald Rumsfeld (whose immediate greed factor was his involvement with Bechtel Corp). Rumsfeld is a Zionist "Illuminati" Satanist, former chairman of RAND Corp, participant in Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove Bechtel Corp, Hoover Institution, US ambassador to NATO. He led the campaign to legalize aspartame. And when ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) gave nuclear WMD to North Korea,Rumsfeld was a board member; 3. Condoleezza Rice (whose immediate greed factor was her involvement with Chevron). Rice is a Zionist "Illuminati" Satanist who was National Security Advisor, director for Chevron Corp, Carnegie Corp, RAND Corp, the CFR, Charles Schwab, Hewlett Packard, Transamerica Corporation, the Hoover Institution; 4. Larry Silverstein, who built WTC7 as a satanic trapezoid. Larry Silverstein is a Zionist "Illuminati" Satanist who only paid pennies on the dollar to buy the WTC complex (which was a series of condemned buildings in 2001), but he won 4.55 billion USD dollars in the associated insurance scam. Larry Silverstein is called "lucky" because, by pure "coincidence", chief judge John-Mercer Walker who ruled on the insurance claim by Silverstein Properties. Walker was a fellow Satanist, a relative of Satanist GW Bush and a member of Skull & Bones, which all means that the money was " made and kept in the family". Larry Silverstein is also called "lucky" because he skipped his routine break fast on the top floor of the WTC North Tower on 11 Sep 01 by pure "coincidence". Larry Silverstein is a Mossad agent and we already know how Mossad warned Jewish workers in the WTC not to go to work there on that day. We also know that the "Dancing Israelis" were Mossad agents who all admitted that they had advance foreknowledge of the attacks. So, Larry Silverstein was definitely in on the false-flag operation; 5. Rudy Giuliani, who was named by Time Magazine as "Person of the Year 2001". Giuliani is a Zionist "Illuminati" Satanist, a homosexual cross-dresser, and has a brother-in-law operating in organized crime. But he is secretive about revealing his Satanist beliefs. It was Giuliani's decision to place large diesel tanks Fritz Springmeier On The Satanic Ritual Used For The Zionist 11 Sep Attacks.doc in WTC7. It was also Giuliani's decisions that ensured that the emergency-radio system in WTC7 would be defective so that the rescue teams would be hampered; 6. GW Bush (whose immediate greed factor was his involvement with major oil companies). GW Bush is a Zionist "Illuminati" Satanist puppetician who appointed no fewer than ELEVEN Skull & Bones members to his regime including attorney general Robert D McCallum Jr, a Rhodes Scholar and his former roommate. The "Illuminati" do not consider what they believe to be "theory". Their beliefs can easily be verified by anyone who is, for instance, bothered to read the books of Zionist Freemasonic authors such as Albert Pike, Manly-Palmer Hall, Albert Mackey and other such authors. The "Illuminati" define RITUAL MAGIC as THE ART OF CHANGING CONSCIOUSNESS AT WILL "Illuminati" magic means getting people to do your will, even something simple like making a sandwich. The "Illuminati" define the PURPOSE OF A RITUAL asa vital part of "Illuminati" life that is used to control the participant's thinking and to alter life. The "Illuminati" define the VITAL ELEMENTS of a satanic RITUAL as the following lineup 1.Symbols; 2.Numbers; 3.Geometric patterns; 4.Words; 5. An ode to the specific deity that is being worshipped (Satan, Lucifer, Baal, Molech, Baphomet etc.) 6. A burnt sacrifice or the killing of human beings, particularly Christians; 7. Often hypnotic trances; 8. The venue is an unsacred satanic site (such as Mystery Hill NH, the WTC-NYC, the Pentagon-DC); 9. The date must be a special day venerated by Satanists; 10. All ceremonies must be carefully orchestrated with total precision. Spurious numbers, chosen purely for their ritualist ic effect, were a core part of the Zionist satanicritual of 11 Sep2001. In "Illuminati" ritual, the pentagram is closely associated with Baphomet, i.e. with the hermaphroditic goat. A very common symbol in Satanism is a goats-head superimposed on an inverted (satanic) pentagram. This latter symbol is pictured on the cover of Anton LaVey's book "The Satanic Rituals". Note: Anton LaVey's book "The Satanic Bible" was published in 1969 and it constitutes the "1969 spirit" commemorated by the Eagles in the titletrack of album "Hotel California", on whose inside- cover Anton LaVey is pictured. In Feb 1982, Eagles manager Larry Salter admitted in the Waco Tribune Herald that all the members of the Eagles were involved in the Churchmof Satan and that the song "Hotel California" was actually a tribute to that organization. Note also that Satan's terrain in the Bible is usually depicted as being a kin to what the lyric explicitly names " a dark desert highway Every Zionist Freemasonic lodge has twin towers (called Jachin and Boaz) at its entrance, and has a Temple of Solomon on the inside. Most Zionist Freemasonic lodges have fake windows. The Zionist Freemasonic altar is the Temple of Solomon and the checkerboard-pattern floor, both usually located on the ground floor. There is often a basement and often at least one upper floor in every Zionist Freemasonic lodge. Christoph Friedrich Nicolai was a Zionist Freemason, a member of the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati and the handler (or mentor) of Adam Weishaupt, who was the founder for the Rothschilds of the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati (which was founded on 1 May 1776). Crucially, Christoph Friedrich Nicolai described the sign of Baphomet, and the unholy pentagram, as the most powerful symbol of all ceremonial rites. There are two significant deliberately-incomplete pentagrams in this story. One was the "hole in the Pentagon" that the Zionists encoded into their attacks of 11 Sep 01. The second is the deliberately-incomplete pentagram in the stree -plans of Washington DC, originally completed by Freemason Pierre Charles L'Enfant for the streets around the DC Capitol (and US Congress paid him exactly 666 dollars and 66 cents for his efforts). The meaning of a hole in a pentagram in satanic lore is explained of all places in the drama "Faust", written in the early 1800s by satanic Freemason Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who was also a member of the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati. In the play, Faust is perturbed as to how Mephistopheles has gained entry to his abode despite the obvious presence of a pentagram intended to protect , so he asks: " The pentagram prohibits thee? Why, tell me now, thou Son of Hades, if that prevents thee, how camest thou in to me? ". Mephistopheles readily explains, saying: " Inspect the thing; the drawing is not completed; the outer angle, you may see, is left open ". And that, in a nutshell, or straight from the quill of expert Freemason Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, means that the
10-28-2022, 06:46 PM
11-17-2022, 01:21 PM
CHRISTMAS AND ITS PAGAN ROOTS HALLOWEEN - A CELEBRATION OF EVIL EXPOSED HOW SATAN INFILTRATED CHRISTIANITY WITH CHRISTMAS EASTER THE PAGAN PASSOVER EASTER - A MUSLIM VIEWPOINT Sheikh Ahmed Deedat THE ISLAMIC JESUS : HOW THE KING OF THE JEWS BECAME A PROPHET OF THE MUSLIMS MUSTAFA AKYOL The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) invited Mustafa Akyol on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017, to deliver a talk on his newly published book, The Islamic Jesus: How the King of the Jews became a Prophet of the Muslims. Mustafa Akyol is currently a visiting fellow at Wellesley College and an opinion writer for the International New York Times. BOOK REVIEW: THE ISLAMIC JESUS by MUSTAFA AKYOL Dr. Shabir Ally CAN JESUS BE A BRIDGE BETWEEN ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY? MUSTAFA AKYOL Saint John’s Cathedral in Denver USA is pleased to host Turkish author and journalist Mustafa Akyol. Mr. Akyol will be speaking about how Jesus can be a bridge between Islam and Christianity.
12-05-2022, 11:04 PM
05-29-2024, 10:43 AM
07-30-2024, 05:17 PM
THE OCCULT MESSAGING OF THE OLYMPICS https://odysee.com/@canadianpatriotpress...Matt-Del:5? OLYMPICS OF THE OCCULT https://odysee.com/@TheAgeofAquariusPI4P...T_EP_383:1 OLYMPICS LUCIFER APPEARS ON STAGE, WATCH WHAT HAPPENS NEXT https://odysee.com/@childofcydonia:f/Oly...ext.-(R-E) PARIS 24 CLOSING CEREMONY THE ALIEN DISCLOSURE & PRELUDE to PROJECT BLUEBEAM https://odysee.com/@TimelessTruths:3/Par...4Closing:2 FRANCE - THE SATANIC OLYMPICS The Macron Government Belongs to a Diabolical Cult https://www.globalresearch.ca/france-sat...lt/5864007 “The opening ceremony of the Olympics felt like the closing ceremony of humanity.” —@KimDotcom Fearless Archbishop Vigano has the following to say to the Olympic Games opening ceremony travesty:
“It is no coincidence that the one sponsoring this revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.”
—Statement by Archbishop Vigano following the sacrileges and scandals of the Paris Olympic Games
See this full article on Telegram, just below the Deagle population reduction video, Statement by Mrgr. Carlo Maria Vigano.
The entire opening ceremony was filmed while Paris was under pouring rain – including a blasphemous Last Supper, the setting of Leonardo da Vinci – but with full LGBTQ+ label and characters, with a fat, big-breasted trans-lady in the middle, in Jesus’ place, according to the famous da Vinci painting. Also appearing, a blue gnome dancing with a stiff penis (see picture).
French singer Philippe Katerine during the Paris Olympics opening ceremony(X/@Scipionista)
And to top it off, Marie Antoinette with her cut-off head in her lap, singing the emblematic song of the French Revolution, “Ça ira” (“It’ll be fine”). Marie Antoinette was the wife of King Louis XVI, who was executed by guillotine on 21 January 1793. Her execution by guillotine followed on 16 October 1793, at the Place de la Révolution.
All accompanied by a hologram of the 4th Horseman from the apocalypse with the four biblical figures who appear in the Book of Revelation. Each of the horsemen represents a different facet of the apocalypse: conquest, war, famine, and death. The one displayed at the Olympics Opening was the Forth Horseman of Death, depicted by the devil on a horse, draped in an Olympic flag (see picture).
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has since deleted all videos of the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Games in Paris from its YouTube channel. Committee officials faced massive global public backlash over an alleged LGBTQ-themed parody of ‘The Last Supper’ at the event, which was widely seen by Christians as blasphemous.
The IOC did not explain the reason for the removal. It was a reaction to numerous politicians, social media users, and influencers expressing outrage over “The Last Super” scene (see RT 28 July 2024).
At the time of this writing, this short video clip was still available (see below).
What connection to the Olympic Games does this grotesque symbolism have? These games are by themselves a farce – like most sports events to deviate people’s attention, to indoctrinate their thinking, or rather non-thinking, to look for diversion, rather than the substance of what our world has become – and the direction it is going.
Western summer time, vacation time, no-thinking time, are ideal for these international and regional sports events. Whether people are watching football (soccer), or tennis, or the Olympics, does not really matter. Their heads are turned to an irrelevant sports event. Their emotions run high, especially watching soccer, screaming, yelling, and even physically fighting each other over their teams.While in the back – invisible to most people – the dark agenda is progressing fast and undisturbed.
What is the “dark agenda”?
It is a multi-purpose program, including attacking humanity simultaneously from different angles with different weapons. Among them, all-digitization, promotion of robotization and Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as all-digitized money towards a cashless monetary system.
Once this point has been reached, humanity is fully enslaved, controlled on every step we take. It looks irreversible, unless we find the courage to leave the system behind – and everything we have acquired, learned, and loved in our lives, to start afresh.
What is better – enslavement or leaving our past behind and having a high-spirited shot at a new civilization, moving our lives onto a higher level, where we do not need the low-vibrating diabolical cultism, we are exposed to now?
Truly, it looks like this world we are in – where most of people still do not see anything wrong, do not see the light, this world structure cannot be reformed. It has gone too far.
We, the People, must choose, rather sooner than later. But this will be a voluntary step. Those, who do not feel the need to start afresh may stay behind until their conscience tells them that something is wrong with this life – a life prepared with a long-arm – for the UN-Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset – where at the end a robotized, transhumanized “left-over” population will own nothing but is happy.
The World Health Organization (WHO), created by and sold to the devil under eugenist control, may as well be called World Death Organization (WDO) as it allows and promotes the launching of invented plandemics that will require – mandated by the WDO – “vaccination” with deadly mRNA vaxxes – with the sole purpose and fulfilling the funding eugenists’ depopulation agenda.
An example is the newly appointed, NEVER elected, head of the European Council (EC), Ursula Von Der Leyen (often called “Von der Lying”), has concluded contracts with the pharma industry for a 1 billion “vaxxes”. This is about two jabs per EU inhabitant — for what? A yet to come Plandemic. Maybe the infamously called virus “X” at the WEF’s Davos meeting in January 2024?
Maybe it is the highly propagated “bird flu” that is now manufactured so it can jump from animals to humans and the fearmongers say it is very deadly – comparatively, “covid” was a walk in the park.
So “vaxxes” are of the order – mandate of WHO’s commanding our health and death. And mind you, like in the first run – covid – no over-the-counter very effective medication, no natural healing means are going to be permitted, because as many people as possible must get their potentially deadly shot.
Yes, deadly because the key objective of the evil agenda is massive but massive depopulation. See this recent short video from an author of the Club of Rome’s most infamous report called, “Limits to Growth” (1972):
The dark diabolical cult which pretends to run our world and which has long prepared the final stage of their full supremacy, UN-Agenda 2030, and The Great Reset, must follow strict Cult rules. Among them is a simple one: they must tell their “victims” – in this case all of humanity — what they are planning to do.
This Olympics opening ceremony does just that: it tells us that the final stage has begun. Death is on the horizon (the Forth Horseman of the Apocalypse) and that days are counted.
Most of it is spreading fear – making the populous at large even more vulnerable, fearful people are easily submissive. But this ceremony is very reminiscent of previous weird, Satanic “Openings”, such as the London Olympics of 2012 (see full 4-hour video), as well as the Luciferian opening of the Swiss Gotthard Tunnel in June 2016 – see this 6-min. video clip.
The latter was commented at the time by a Russian Ruptly reporter, “When they are coming out in the open as they do here, then the final phase is close”. He was right.
As a final Anecdote to this diabolical feast called “Paris Olympics 2024”: Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said,
“Russia is ready to grant political asylum to French citizens, who suffered from watching the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games.”
The Russian Embassy in Paris has been inundated with calls since the announcement was made.
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