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People don't like to hear it, but it's true: Civilization is rapidly running out of time. Either existing trends are changed drastically, or we are looking at mass depopulation, and barbarism.

Fortunately, Lyndon LaRouche has presented a policy which can lead humanity out of the New Dark Age that the British Empire is intentionally unleashing. He will be outlining that policy, once again, on May 8 at his next international webcast, titled "What Has To Be Done If Civilization Is To Be Saved." The time available to act on that policy before irreversible disaster strikes is getting shorter and shorter.

The key to understanding and acting on what LaRouche has to say does not lie in detailed knowledge or experience in economics or strategic affairs. It lies instead in grasping the fact that man's future depends upon fostering the human being's unique nature as a creative mind, and that every system that has been erected to suppress that quality, is the enemy which must be destroyed. Financial systems, geopolitical systems, and mathematical-statistical systems are cases in point—and all derive directly from the British imperial system currently dominating world affairs.

Economic science, LaRouche's specialty, is the queen of all sciences, because it deals with how those creative powers of the human mind can, and must, create the conditions for mankind to achieve a more prosperous, a happier future. The requirement for increased potential population density, for higher energy-flux density of power sources, and for expanding man's frontier to the universe as a whole, all derive from the fact that the basic unit of value in an economy is the creative human mind. Americans, as part of a society built by a revolution against the oligarchy, still implicitly understand this fact—although the last 65 years have gone a long way toward wiping out any understanding of the American System of political economy.

From this standpoint, the crimes of the British Empire should come sharply into relief. This financial empire asserts its right to dictate what happens in people's lives by determining the value of money. Hiding behind so-called "economic laws," they exercise control through so-called market forces, which, far from being objective, are simply ways to hide methods of theft. While particular acts of criminality, such as that currently being exposed by the disgusting Goldman Sachs, are singled out, the fundamental reality is that the system is rigged to steal from the requirements to build a human society.

The current crisis of civilization reflects the fact that the Empire's theft has reached a plateau—and, to try to survive, it has to gouge deeper. If permitted, that gouging will lead to dictatorship, and genocide, globally.

So, the first step has to be to remove the Empire's power, by declaring it bankrupt, and dumping their money. That act of bankruptcy reorganization is what LaRouche has called for as a Global Glass-Steagall reform, which would clean out the waste paper, and restore the powers of national governments to control credit, and money. Another name for this reform is a New Bretton Woods, an arrangement for a new fixed-exchange-rate system, which must be initiated by the U.S., Russia, China, and India, in order to succeed.

President Obama, a British puppet, represents an obstacle to this policy to save civilization. Removing him thus becomes a priority. But that's only the first step to putting our planet back on course. What we are really fighting for is to reassert our human nature as creative beings, for the world and our posterity.

April 21, 2010 (EIRNS)—Reports have it late on Wednesday that Sen. Carl Levin's Permanent Investigations Subcommittee will have both Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, and its London derivatives trader and "VP," Fabrice Tourre, as witnesses in an April 27 hearing. The Subcommittee has just finished with a thorough expose of the vast "securitization" of the 90%-fraudulent mortgage loans by Washington Mutual Bank; Levin is clearly attempting to craft the "new Pecora hearings" which Obama and the Democratic leadership nixed last year. "How Goldman Sucks" could be, to these hearings, what the grilling of J.P. Morgan, Jr. was to Ferdinand Pecora's explosive 1933 hearings into Wall Street's "banksters."

Goldman's public "defense" against the charges that it committed securities fraud in 2007, and swindled investors to the profit of itself and its inner circle, appeared to change this morning. From dismissing the SEC's charges, Goldman's law firm Sullivan and Cromwell appeared to shift, to blaming any wrongdoing on the then-28-year old Tourre. This tactic has been been much used recently by banksters when caught, from Barings in 1995, to Societe Generale in 2008. But Levin's hearing could force Blankfein and Tourre to confront each other on the spot, making that tactic much more difficult.

Any number of other big financial institutions, in building up the super-leveraged global debt bubble which burst in 2007-08, pulled the same fraud against investors, smaller banks, etc. of which Goldman is accused. Deutschebank's lead mortgage securities trader was infamous for profiting from derivatives bets against the securities he sold. The giant UBS in Switzerland was sued in 2009 by German state bank HSH Nordbank for the same practice; Citibank, Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan Chase, and others all enjoyed fleecing sucker investors with so-called "synthetic mortgage derivatives" from 2007 on. They clearly knew their bubble was blowing up, and used "Venetian methods" to throw the disatrous costs onto private investors, and then onto government bail-outs.

But the Goldman Sucks case is sufficient to keep throwing out Lyndon LaRouche's challenge: "Should we be paying to bail out fraud?"

Today Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) and 17 other House members, in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, asked for a criminal investigation of Goldman Sachs to begin.

Implement the LaRouche Plan

April 21, 2010 (EIRNS)—The national election campaign being conducted by LaRouche Democratic leaders Rachel Brown (4th CD-Mass), Kesha Rogers (22nd CD-Tex), and Summer Shields (8th CD-Calif) launched a coordinated offensive today against the criminal financial practices which the current Goldman Sachs scandal merely typifies, and for immediate implementation of the LaRouche Plan for bankruptcy reorganization, which represents the only workable alternative.

In his statement, entitled "Why Goldman Sucks," which is being distributed in the financial district of San Francisco today, Shields, who is running for the Democratic Party nomination from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district, says:

The April 16 decision by the SEC, to investigate the fraudulent practices of Goldman Sachs, should not stop at the doorstep of only that institution, but must lead to an emergency bankruptcy reorganization of the international banking system.

In her statement, entitled "Why We Must Have a Global Glass-Steagall," Rachel Brown, who is challenging Barney Frank for the Democratic Party nomination, asked:

Are you surprised by the recent allegations that Goldman Sachs was involved in a financial swindle? This has been the character of the economy, as statesman Lyndon LaRouche has warned, since 1987. The real question is: Why haven't we put this dead system through bankruptcy? Goldman Sachs received billions of dollars in bail-outs as they carried on this swindle, as did every other financial institution in the world. No one can hide from this global collapse, no matter how much we throw endless amounts of money at this bankrupt system.

Only a Global Glass-Steagall bankruptcy reorganization will separate the worthless assets, from those tied to the real economy. All derivatives, and related financial trash, will be thrown out. Don't let the Harvard economists fool you: these gambling bets are not improving the economy. There is no way for the economy to be safer when it's based on a financial bubble.

Candidate Kesha Rogers, the official Democratic Party nominee against Republican Pete Olson in the November election, put it this way in her statement, entitled "Expose the Fraud of the System!":

The case of Goldman Sachs opens the door to a sweeping criminal investigation, through a new Pecora Commission, to expose the systemic fraud of the entire bankrupt financial system. This only proves what American statesman and physical economist Lyndon LaRouche has been saying since his historic and highly accurate webcast in July 2007: The entire financial system is bankrupt. There is no saving this bankrupt system. The entire British monetary system of globalization is a fake, and the longer it is bailed out, the worse things will get....

We must expose these Wall Street criminals in public hearings, opening their books before the world, to discover just how deep their fakery and corruption goes, as was done during the Pecora Commission hearings of 1932-1934. There must be a system-wide reorganization of the banking assets according to 1933 Glass-Steagall standards, where worthless derivatives and other speculative gambling debts are trashed and wiped off the books, while all the legitimate assets tied to real, physical debts like pensions, mortgages, and legitimate commercial accounts, are protected from further looting by these financial parasites. We must tie the value of our dollars to physical production again, using the Constitutional powers of Congress to issue public credit for investment in productive jobs in agriculture, industry, infrastructure, and scientific and technological progress, refusing to allow international banks to speculate upon its worth like a commodity. The United States must collaborate with other major world powers, specifically Russia, China, and India, and form an alliance of sovereign nations standing together against the British monetary empire.


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GLOBAL FINANCIAL MELTDOWN - by moeenyaseen - 08-27-2006, 09:59 AM

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