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Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

21st Century Science & Technology's Laurence Hecht's editorial for the March 23 edition of Executive Intelligence Review, drew upon a crucially relevant historical background, that of the role of Malthusian corruption which was expressed in the spread of the 20th-Century fascism of Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, and their imitators. Gore's implicitly racist utopianism in his Africa policy today, like that of those Twentieth-Century horrors, is nothing other than a modern echo of the still deeper roots of the same illness, roots which are also to be found in the ancient Delphi cult of Dionysus.

This tradition of that Delphi Apollo cult, is described by the legendary Olympian Zeus of Classical tragedian Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound. This ancient tradition has, persistently, menaced the cause of the sovereign nation-state with imperialist schemes, such as today's "globalization" scheme by former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore, Jr., and others, a scheme for replacing the sovereign nation-state by an imperial Tower of Babel. Gore, thus, represents that Sophist's tradition, traceable since as far back as today's most ancient memories of European civilization have reached. It remains impossible to understand the historic mission of the pseudo-scientific frauds of Gore today, without recognizing him, as I show here, as not only a true echo of Twentieth-Century fascism, but, also, an echo, in that specific, historical sense, of the example provided by Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound.

There are deeper, unfortunately rarely considered, scientific considerations, underlying what might appear to many, as merely the crudeness of that "global warming" fraud which Gore has adopted. There is nothing accidental about this specific aspect of Gore's moral rottenness, the personal malice against mankind permeating Gore's expressed creed; but, to understand any of this, then or now, we must recognize the deep, and ancient, systemic, virtually hereditary roots of the evil which Gore perpetrates today.

Thus, what Gore represents, is one among numerous varieties of an epidemic "childhood disease of mankind," a cultural disease not of some people, but of humanity as a species. It is a "childhood disease" of the predominantly immature life of human development so far. It is only in this ancient origin of his present role, as an expression of a loathsome type of social disease, that Gore's behavior and influence can be competently understood, and the pestilence, which he carries, properly treated.

These are strong words; and they require strong proof; without them, we would have failed to grasp the awful end which threatens civilization now, and, perhaps, for generations still to come. Civilization could be doomed to the rather immediate onset of a prolonged dark age of all humanity, unless the Dionysiac evil gripping Gore's malthusian passion, is recognized for the efficiently Satanic religious qualities it represents.

*   *   *

"Is Gore already bringing the Democratic Party, once more, to something which would be, truly, far worse than another electoral defeat, this time in 2008?"

The time has come to go more far more deeply into the danger to all mankind, from what has been fairly described by relevant scientists as "the great global warming swindle." The scientists' public ridicule of former Vice-President Al Gore's hoax has already provided more than adequate demonstration of the proof that Gore's claims are entirely fraudulent. It remains for me to go into a much deeper, truly shocking implications of the political-historical side of that scientific evidence.

In the history of European science since pre-Homeric Mediterranean civilization's "dark age," each provable test of a principle of science, has usually been, as now, directly contrary to the popular Sophistry of its age, as with the prevalent opinion among most presumed experts today. A notable demonstration of the effect of underestimating this danger, had been the long-asserted authority of the neo-Aristotelean hoaxster Claudius Ptolemy's fraudulent doctrines for astronomy.

As this point was demonstrated by Pythagoreans such as Archytas, truth in physical science always lies in those principles which are demonstrated, experimentally, to be universal, like Archytas' constructive doubling of the cube.[1] As Albert Einstein emphasized, this point is typified by the succession of both Kepler's founding of a universal mode of modern European science, and Bernhard Riemann's bringing of Kepler's method, by way of Leibniz, to its needed, fuller resolution.

In such matters, public concern must be concentrated on two distinct, if functionally related propositions. In the first instance, practical attention is focused upon the issue of the intrinsic truthfulness of a discovered principle, such as Kepler's uniquely validated discovery of universal gravitation: truth for its own sake. In the second instance, society must be occupied by concern for the sometimes deadly consequences of acting contrary to such a knowable universal physical principle. Both of these types of concerns, are at stake in the matter of what has been fairly documented by actual scientific authorities, as Al Gore's "great global warming swindle." Here, in this report, I address both of these types of concerns.

By that standard which I have just identified, those so-called "scientists" who have lined up in support of former Vice-President Al Gore's blatant fraud on the subject of "global warming," have adopted what is, if anything, a fraud far worse, on every count, in respect to both method and catastrophic social consequences, than that fraud of Claudius Ptolemy which leading officials of medieval and even Seventeenth-Century Europe upheld as an inquisitional standard of truth and personal morality.

I do not exaggerate in the slightest degree. In the present case, Gore's fraud, the consequences are immediately worse than they were for any earlier hoax in the entire sweep of known ancient through modern civilization. Were Gore's swindle to become established international law, the result would be that the entire planet would now plunge quickly into a prolonged dark age, one deeper, and worse than any other known to us from historical records of the past, a dark age from which only distant future generations would probably recover, but, that only after a probably long, and deep descent of depopulation, into rivalry with whatever species of baboons, or the like, might be available for making such comparisons.

The fact that Gore, and so many others, could demand that the human species be plunged into such a new dark age, in such a manner, bespeaks a quality of criminality as bad, or even worse, in implied consequences for mankind as a whole, than Adolf Hitler's. Nonetheless, in dealing with creatures as morally rotten as Gore, we must recognize that their criminality is an outcome of a blend of bestialities, both a malice against mankind as deep as Hitler's association with his own pro-eugenicist roots of the 1920s and early 1930s, and also Gore's repeated exhibitions of a certain kind of sheer, implicitly psychotic degree of "fly hanging-open" quality of stupidity.

But, Gore Is a Sick Man

Nonetheless, despite the passion this problem requires of us, we must study a criminality like that of Gore et al., with the scientific compassion a physician might bring to the study of a patient who is a homicidal madman. The ability to muster such clinical qualities of compassion, is necessary, if we are to discover the truth of the case: as a matter of scientifically validatable principle, how could a representative of so noble a creature as mankind, descend into that morally diseased state of awful degeneracy which Gore's aggressively fraudulent ideology and its practice expresses?

Before he became U.S. President, Ronald Reagan had presented theater audiences with the relevant clinical case of the "Bonzo," a young chimpanzee, which, by nature of its species, would degenerate from a naughty, pet-like creature of its youth, like, perhaps, young Al Gore, into a kind of "King Lear," a "Bozo" among apes.

Sometimes, as in the profession of drama, it were wise to skip the temptation to stage a sequel; on that account, a more candid viewing of the continuing real-life prospects of President Ronald Reagan's "Bonzo" should warn us, that, when well-trained, captive male chimpanzees enter adolescence, or become U.S. Vice-Presidents, they cease to be fun. That fairly sums up the monkey business we witness in the case of sometime Senator and Vice-President Al Gore, Jr. Some of his adolescent classmates had the smell of this in their nostrils, when they nicknamed him "Ozymandias." Adolescent Al was trained at what Washington, D.C. would consider "the right schools," but, nonetheless, in the end, like actor Reagan's "Bonzo," it was Al's cultural roots, the ape within him, which came to the surface in his current adult, dramatic role as the "Artful Dodger" of the zinc and carbon swaps.

For reasons which are implicit in the discovery of the Noösphere, a discovery made by Russia's V.I. Vernadsky, there are almost species-like, culturally induced differences among human types, axiomatic-like differences in types of cultural breeding which are sometimes comparable in form of expression to differences in biological varieties among lower forms of animal life. In that sense of the matter, in the strictest sense of the term, Al, at bottom, underneath the affected "company manners" exterior, Gore as a specimen, is simply not a desirable sociological type, nor, at this stage in his life, probably civilizable, either.

Gore is, culturally, a sick man; he represents an infectious sickness; but the possibility of a cure, or at least an amelioration of his moral disorder, which is, after all, the crucial issue, depends upon recognizing, as scientists must, the root of the infection which defines both Gore's influence as, like syphilis, that of not only a symptomatically nasty, but also deadly social disease.

Therefore, to put Al Gore's noxious quirk into its appropriate scientific focus, it is necessary to pivot the investigation from the crucially relevant fact, that the greatest contribution to the world's science made by Russia's great Academician V.I. Vernadsky, was his defining the notion of the Noösphere as a universal physical principle. Vernadsky's discovery must be recognized as establishing a universal physical principle—a principle of the universe, that in the same sense that universal gravitation, as originally defined, uniquely, by Johannes Kepler, is not a statistical object, but a universally efficient principle underlying the existence of the universe as a whole.[2] It is that principle of discovery, which distinguishes mankind from the apes, which is our proper concern, a principle we must serve, promote, and defend against all corruption.

I explain the aforesaid connections.

1. The Human Species & Its Noösphere

The human species is unique among all known types of living creatures. This existential distinction between man and beast, is most clearly expressed by the effect of the human discovery, and use of universal physical principles. Johannes Kepler's uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation, typifies this form of action: a form of potential for action which is uniquely specific to the sovereign cognitive powers of the individual member of the human species. The effect of this quality of the human individual, is typified by the potential increase of the human population, by more than a thousand decimal orders of magnitude, from what is already the range of potential relative population-density of a species of higher ape, to the more than six billions human individuals living today.

Therefore, the significance of the work of V.I. Vernadsky on this account, is expressed in two, interdependent, but qualitatively distinct ways:

First, that the power which this unique principle expresses in the social behavior of the sovereign individual personality, is not expressed in any species of animal.

Second, that the social effect of the expression of this unique principle, is shaped by the notion of dynamics, as dynamics is expressed, in fact, by the uniquely original discoveries of Kepler, and as dynamics is defined, successively, in modern scientific practice since Kepler, chiefly by Gottfried Leibniz,[3] Bernhard Riemann, and V.I. Vernadsky.

As will be clarified, at an appropriate point below, Vernadsky's notion of dynamics, is explicitly premised on Bernhard Riemann's development of the dynamical principles of physical hypergeometry. Here, in this notion of Riemannian dynamics, lies the essential functional distinction of Vernadsky's use of the term "Noösphere" (as distinct from the mystical mish-mash of the hoaxster Teilhard de Chardin of documented"Piltdown" complicity).

The most crucial distinctions to be considered, are, in summary, the following.

1.) Vernadsky's usage of dynamics as applied to the notion of the Biosphere, appears on stage with startling simplicity and clarity, in 1935-36, in his defining the Biosphere.[4]

To wit: although living processes are composed, chemically, of elements and isotopes of the Mendeleyev Periodic Table, the harmonically ordered behavior of these components in the functional characteristics of living processes, expresses a distinct principle, of life, not otherwise present in the role of the same elements in non-living processes. Thus, living processes are bounded, dynamically, by a universal principle of life which is not expressed in non-living chemistries. Hence, Vernadsky's definition of the Biosphere.

2.) However, the issue does not end with the discovery of the principled distinction of a universal physical principle of life, a discovery comparable to Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the principle of universal harmonics called gravitation. There is a higher principle than that of the Biosphere, a principle, of the Noösphere, which, as defined by the same method of scientific investigation of matters of principle, sets the human individual absolutely apart from, and above all other expressions of life as such.

3.) That higher, parallel exception is expressed, empirically, as the absolute, qualitative distinction of human from animal behavior. Here, the discovery of universal physical (and comparable Classical-artistic) principles, such as Kepler's uniquely original discovery of the harmonics principle of universal gravitation, sets the human species apart from, and above all other forms of living processes.

In each instance, this higher principle, expressed only by human individuals and their society, is the power of discovery of man's willful power in, and over the universe, a power which defines man and woman, as Genesis 1 describes this, as set apart from, and above all other living creatures, as man and woman made equally in the likeness, in nature, and character of duties as the servant of the Creator. This is the quality of power, unique to mankind, whose existence is illustrated by the uniqueness of Kepler's discovery of that harmonic principle of universal gravitation which orders the composition of the Solar system as a whole.[5]

Thus, if evil is defined as a quality of personality which places the individual, or his beliefs, as hostile to this likeness of man and woman to the Creator, then, Al Gore is, like the late Bertrand Russell, cast in the role of a truly evil person. I mean "evil," as like that of the Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, as like the "Belshazzar" of Rembrandt and of Robert Schumann's setting of Heinrich Heine's poem, or as like the "Ozymandias" which some fellow-students recognized in the personality of Al Gore: a likeness comparable to a legendary prototype of a purely evil principle.

Wherein, then, lies the essential evil of the Delphic Zeus? Of the Delphic Dionysus whom Gore currently follows? For what alleged offense does a Satanic Zeus condemn Prometheus? For giving mankind knowledge of the use of fire for mankind's benefit (e.g., the power of nuclear fission)! Yet, "fire," nuclear and otherwise, is only typical of the issue at stake. It is not the discovery of fire which was at issue; it was man's discovered knowledge of the use of fire (and of the use of nuclear fission), which is the immediate issue of Aeschylus' drama; the issue is man's access to practical knowledge of the nature and use of, and due respect for, universal physical principles.[6]

To restate that same point more appropriately: the issue is that of man's knowledgeable access to knowledge of man's own true nature, as made in the functional image of the Creator. It is not our ability to perform tricks, parlor or otherwise, which defines mankind; what defines mankind is this knowledge of our own true nature, which is necessary to separate the quality of our conscience from that of the mere beasts. Whoever would deny us that knowledge, as the intrinsically irrational philosophical Liberalism of such followers of Paolo Sarpi's followers Hobbes, Locke, Mandeville, Quesnay, and Adam Smith do for economics, is acting as an expression of a principle of evil.

On this latter account, Aeschylus' celebrated drama, Prometheus Bound, typifies the root of the mental and moral disease characteristic of the noted neo-Malthusian perversion of Albert Gore, Jr. That meaning is typified by the ancient use of the term "the oligarchical model," the model of ancient Babylon, as the Christian Apostle John's dream references the imperial Rome of Augustus, Tiberius, and Nero, as "the Whore of Babylon," as typified, in turn, by the imperial systems of, combined, ancient Rome, Byzantium, the Venetian-Norman feudal order, and the Anglo-Dutch Liberal form of imperial thrust associated with the legacy of Paolo Sarpi, and also Al Gore, still today.

The Oligarchical Principle

Thus, as I have just stated, above, the root of Al Gore's decadent ideology, is the doctrine under which the majority of human beings are degraded in juridical, or comparable status, to that of "human cattle," rather than what man and woman are described as being in Genesis 1. There lies the proof for the essential charge of "satanic," against ideologue Gore and his like.

This charge against Al Gore and his like, is not original to me; it is the essential issue of all known ancient, medieval, and modern European civilization since the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey. It is the core of the division of ancient Greek society, by a great struggle between the legacy of the oligarchical system of Lycurgus' Sparta, on the one side, and the humanistic standard associated with Solon of Athens and the Socratic-Platonic legacy, on the other.[7] It is the struggle for civilization, against the influences typified by that Delphi cult of Apollo associated, still today, with the Delphi traditions of Gaea, Python, Pythia, Apollo, Dionysus, and of that great fraud of modern European civilization, and with the Nazi-paradigm of Friedrich Nietzsche's Apollo-Dionysus myth, The Birth of Tragedy.[8]

The great tragedian Aeschylus puts his finger on the core of that issue, in the surviving, middle section, Prometheus Bound, of his Prometheus Trilogy. The central issue of Prometheus Bound, and, implicitly, the Prometheus Trilogy in its original entirety, is the issue between the humanistic tradition of Solon, Socrates, and Plato, and the opposing, oligarchical tradition leading into things such as Adolf Hitler, as typified by the Lycurgan code, of the Delphic Apollo cult and the related dogmas of the certifier of the Hitler dictatorship, Professor Leo Strauss' original sponsor Carl Schmitt. In fact, all of the crucial issues of the cultural and political history of European civilization, from about the Seventh Century B.C., to the present revival of the pro-fascist cult of so-called "environmentalism," are a continuing expression of the issues posed by both Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound and the work of the Pythagoreans, Socrates, Plato, et al., on the one side, and the influence of the tradition of Sophistry associated centrally with the Delphi Apollo cult, on the other.[9]

Although the term "humanist" is also misused by many contemporary currents of opinion, the essential, useful meaning of that term, we must always emphasize, within the context of globally extended modern European cultures, is identical with the implications of Genesis 1:26-31. We may put the squabbles among sundry religious factions aside. That meaning, as I employ it as an issue of physical science, here, is, that there is a fundamental line of division, a division defined by a universal physical principle, between mankind and all relatively lower forms of life. Whereas, it has become conventional, to regard that principle, that dividing-line, as a convention of "received religious belief;" the fact is, that the distinction to be made, as I do here, is founded on physical-scientific certainty, as Vernadsky's rigorous, experimental-physical principle of the Noösphere reflects that division. For us, who know of such matters, the existence of the efficient intention of a willful, all-subsuming Creator of our universe, is also a fact of a properly conceived physical science.[10]

These considerations lead our attention to two, successive statements of principle respecting human nature. The first step, especially in the U.S.A. today, is to recognize the true genius of Frederick Douglass, as against all those foolish fellows, especially among the "macho-like" behavior of some descendants of slaves, who reject Douglass's wisdom on this account.

In civilized forms of European cultural life, Classical science, as in the tradition of the methods of the Pythagoreans and Plato, as opposed to the reductionists, and Classical artistic composition, are the exemplary distinctions in practice of man from man mis-making himself, as the implicitly anti-African racist Al Gore and other reductionists do, in the image of a beast.[11] Thus, in the fight against slavery, the first step to real freedom was a quality of literacy leading to Classical modes of physical-scientific and artistic progress, as Frederick Douglass's own life and family attest to this. A man who sees himself as an oppressed beast, as Al Gore implicitly defines the Africa component of his current "Global Warming" hoax, remains a beast in his own mind. It is by freeing the mind of the feudal peasant, or slave, to be encouraged to think in terms of Classical forms of scientific and artistic knowledge, that the human individual becomes freed to assume a human identity in his or her own mind. "In his or her own mind," is a crucial matter of principle, a matter of knowing one's own true identity. Think of Frederick Douglass, as a notable example, of a self-freed slave as being like the Prometheus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound.[12] Contrast the policies of Frederick Douglass on this account, with the often wildly misguided, present-day opponents of Douglass on this issue of culture.

"Human culture" should be treated as having a fully legitimate, double meaning. It means, fundamentally, the progress of development of the specifically human cognitive powers of the human species; however, in opposition to all past and present efforts at the "globalization" tradition of the Biblical "Tower of Babel" (e.g., "Babble"), it also signifies the sovereignty of the experience of progress in sovereign development of the powers of each cultural branch of humanity as a whole; it must signify the interaction of specific "national" and kindred cultures with a scientifically adducible mainstream of progress in the potential relative population-density of the human species as a whole.

2. The Modern "Oligarchical Model"

The presence of systemic evil within the known civilizations of mankind, is best known to qualified historians and the like by the name of "The Oligarchical Model," the model associated with such examples as ancient Babylon and the Achaemenid empire. It is, otherwise, fairly described as "The Asian Model," against which ancient Greece fought to defend its struggling civilization against conquest from imperial forces within Asia Minor. It was when an Athens whose youth had been polluted by the Sophistry which radiated from the Delphi Gaea/Apollo/Dionysus cult, and which had corrupted a generation of young Athenians of influential families, that that generation of ancient Grecian "Baby Boomers," typified by Sophists such as Thrasymachus and Glaucon, prompted a corrupt Athens under Pericles, into a campaign of rape against other parts of Greek culture. In this fashion, Athens was self-destroyed, in large part, by the added crime of its judicial murder of Socrates, a crime perpetrated by an organization of ancient (almost Sarpian) Liberals known as "The Democratic Party of Athens."

Despite the great leadership in morals, science and statecraft provided by Plato, ancient post-Peloponnesian War Greece never regained what Athens had been before Pericles' corruption—never, to the present day![13] However, the heritage of Classical Greece of Socrates and Plato lived on, chiefly under the benefit of Christianity, to erupt gloriously in the great A.D. 1439 session of the great ecumenical Council of Florence, and the launching of the modern nation-state republic and methods of modern physical science introduced under the leadership of the greatest, most moving genius of that time, Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa.

From this Renaissance came the first sovereign commonwealth states of Europe, Louis XI's France and Henry VII's England. Unfortunately, the relics of the medieval oligarchical, ultramontane system returned in a Venetian resurgence marked by the Fall of Constantinople and the subsequent events under the anti-Semitic Grand Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada. Over the course of the following century, globally extending European civilization, inspired by the plottings of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, reached across the Atlantic and elsewhere as defined by a conflict between the commonwealth legacy of the great ecumenical Council of Florence, against the reformed Venetian oligarchical model associated with the Liberalism of Paolo Sarpi and his Anglo-Dutch Liberal followers.[14]

The developments of 1789-1815 in Europe left the world at large dominated by two contending products of English-speaking civilization, the American System of political-economy, represented, respectively, chiefly, by the U.S.A., and the opposing, Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of financier oligarchical hegemonies. This conflict within the English-speaking systems, between the legacy of the American System and the opposed Liberal systems, has been the essential pivot of world history taken as a whole, from February 1763 to the present time.

Over this interval, most notably from February 1763 to the present, the dominant cultural forces of the planet considered as a single whole, have been divided between the implicitly Anglo-Dutch Liberal system, the paramount oligarchical system of today's planet considered at large, and that system's only serious global rival thus far, the American System of political-economy as typified by names such as Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams. Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

As I have repeatedly emphasized heretofore, the victory of the U.S.A, led by President Abraham Lincoln, in defeating the Confederacy puppet of London's Lord Palmerston, not only established the U.S.A. as an independent nation-state power in the world at large, but rallied nations of continental Eurasia, and elsewhere, as in Bismarck's Germany, Mendeleyev's Russia, and Japan, around the idea of the American System of political-economy as the alternative to the imperial global hegemony of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal monetary-financial system.

Since the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, and, most emphatically 1865-1877, the grand politics and its related warfare within the planet as a whole have been organized around a so-called "geopolitical" conflict between the challenged supremacy of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal maritime system and the rivals of British imperialism located chiefly within the Americas and the continent of Eurasia. The special significance of this form of chronic global conflict, is that the Anglo-Dutch Liberal form of imperialist monetary-financial system, is a product of the long sweep of oligarchical rule in European affairs since the Peloponnesian War.

Consider the immediate expression of that conflict, today.

Shultz, Kissinger, & Rohatyn

For those who care to look at the evidence, the evidence is, that the design of what became the "Baby Boomer" generation, was the product of a presently continuing determination by relevant Anglo-Dutch Liberal fanatics, such as FDR-hater Felix Rohatyn and his cronies in the Pinochet coup d'etat and Operation Condor butchery, George Shultz and Henry A. Kissinger. That crime in the Southern Cone was done by them as part of their continuing commitment to ensure that no new President Franklin Roosevelt would ever appear in U.S. history again.

For precisely this reason, I have been hated, personally by the Liberal oligarchy, and increasingly so, since my celebrated, late 1971 Queen's College debate against the Congress for Cultural Freedom's advocate, Professor Abba Lerner. It is not only that I have been committed to return to the standpoint of President Franklin Roosevelt's revival of the American System of political-economy out of the rubbish-heap created by the Coolidge and Hoover Presidencies, but, as Lerner's close associate, Professor Sidney Hook, commented upon my complete defeat of Lerner in that debate, I had shown myself an "effective advocate." What my adversaries regarded as either my successes, or near-successes, prompted leading circles in the U.S.A. and abroad to regard me as dangerously competent in my profession, especially after the SDI affair; for that, to the present date, they have never forgiven me.

The witting use of the morally degenerate existentialism of such cronies of former Nazi Professor Martin Heidegger (at the Hitler period's Freiburg University) as Horkheimer, Adorno, and Arendt, and also the notorious Paris Review of John Train, Teddy Goldsmith, et al., among those deployed to conduct the mass-brainwashing project for Europe known as the Congress of Cultural Freedom (CCF), points clearly to both the intention and the method by which a certain "white collar" stratum within the generation born between 1945 and 1956, would be pre-conditioned to produce the frankly fascist quality of rioting "68ers" and "environmentalist" movement of today.

The policy used by the enemies of Franklin Roosevelt's memory, was a policy of corrupting a newborn post-war generation from, chiefly, middle-class white-collar households, in Sophist doctrines such as "information theory" and the existentialist dogma of "the authoritarian personality," to bring into being exactly what was brought into the streets of the leading cities of the U.S.A., Paris, Berlin, and elsewhere during the riotous days of 1968. Those and related facts of that period, underline the fully witting intent behind the mass-brainwashing of those dupes constituting what is known today as the "Baby Boomer" generation.

In mid-1968 I was startled into recognizing the continuing importance this, after a second campus "strike" at New York's Columbia University, in late Spring, 1968. This second campus eruption, as distinct from the first, showed itself as a recurrence of what I knew of the sociology of the pre-Hitler Berlin "trolley car" strike, during which the Communist and Nazi party had been swapping memberships, back and forth, virtually by the week. Here we saw, in Berlin then, and in the U.S. and western and central Europe during the Spring of 1968 and beyond, the specific doctrine of Nietzschean Dionysian violence of which Nazi and similar political movements and revolutions are born, such as the movements surfacing as the "anti-fa" violence in Germany today. My Summer 1968 publication, The New Left, Social Control, and Fascism, which documented my concern of late Spring and early Summer 1968, made that point.

The reference to the Mark Rudd faction of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) as "left-wing," or even "radical left," misses the point. As we compare the pro-violence movements spawned from places such as Hamburg during the time of the terrorist murderers among the Baader-Meinhof gang, and the right-wing spawn of the same pedigree in Saxony and Berlin today, this should remind us, as the history of the French Revolution should have done, that the key feature of the Jacobin killer-mobs of 1790s Paris was their Phrygian caps, the hallmark of the terrorism of the followers of the civilization-hating Delphi Dionysus cult.

It is what you are for, not what you might choose as a temporary target of your role within a raging mob, which defines what you really are; it is what you are being used to attempt to bring into being, whether you know what you are actually doing, or not.

Gore & the Recipe for Fascism

The danger today, is that, under the influence of the anti-Roosevelt crafting of the "white collar" Baby-Boomer generation, which was manufactured, by social-cultural programming, from the ranks of many born during 1945-1956, there emerged the core of a fascist political current, in the guise of the extremists of the following of former Vice-President Al Gore, today. Gore's ideological types, on this account, have all the same essential characteristics of those Anglo-Dutch Liberals, and their American fellow-travelers of financial capital, who created Hitler's fascism out of the environmentalist (e.g., "eugenics") cults of the 1920s and early 1930s.

This echo of the eugenics used to bring the fascist movements of the 1920s and 1930s into being, is precisely what the Gore, speaking in the name of "environmentalism," promotes as "green genocide" against black Africa today. Such was the impact of the influence of Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair, and his close accomplice Al Gore, as U.S. Vice-President, on U.S. Africa policy for Uganda, Sudan, and elsewhere, during that past period.

Contrary to the widespread myth today, the patriots who actually designed our constitutional U.S. Republic were never "leftists," never Jacobins, but republicans in the tradition of the great Fifteenth-Century Renaissance, the defining of both the modern nation-state by Nicholas of Cusa, the founding of modern science by Cusa, and the founding of the first modern commonwealth republics under France's Louis XI and England's Henry VII. Our U.S. republic was unique in the respect that it led in carrying the best aspirations of the commonwealth system of nation-state republics to be planted on soil, in the Americas, at a prudent distance from the oligarchical systems which ruled Europe culturally then, and, for the greater part, still today.

In that specifically American tradition, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt's leadership saved the world from a more or less permanent Hell under the reign of the oligarchical system represented by the figure of Adolf Hitler, that despite the Harrimans and other anglophile oligarchical types descended from the tradition of the 1763 British East India Company's American Tories.[15]

So, with the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, we of the U.S.A. and western and central Europe, were destroyed afresh, as Sophistry ruined Pericles' Athens; an entire generation of our white-collar class born between 1945 and 1956, drilled in the systemic corruption by the new, anti-Franklin Roosevelt Sophistry thus expressed by the 1945-1956 brainwashing of the "white collar" generation. It was a "brainwashing" intended, by the followers of Bertrand Russell and others, to produce the still reigning "Baby Boomer" generation of 1968-2007 today. To a large degree, since 1968, that scheme of corruption of our nation has succeeded. Relative to the mid-1960s, we are a ruined, looted nation.

What Al Gore represents, in particular, is a picaresque reflection of the essence of the oligarchical model traced in our national history from traitors such as Lord Shelburne-backed crony of the British Foreign Office's Jeremy Bentham, the traitor Aaron Burr who founded the Bank of Manhattan. This connection to Gore has been shown most clearly by that, almost swamp-creature-like, self-disgraced Tennessean's "mint-julip" racist, and "environmentalist" (i.e., eugenics)" orientation, in alliance with Britain's Fabian imperial Prime Minister Tony Blair, against the black-skinned population and nations of sub-Saharan Africa.

However, it is to be emphasized, that, in Gore's case, the silliness comes less from the hooch, than the "branch water." Shades of the 1970s collusion among the clippings-service mentalities represented then by the fellow-Confederates Gore, neo-Jacobin Newt Gingrich, and the pathetic Tofflers! It might be said, that one could get Al Gore out of the swamp, but it would be much more difficult to get the swamp out of Al Gore.

If I seem to view Gore as so much rubbish, take note of the fact that everything I say on that account is true, but, also, that I am obliged to do so to put the emphasis truthfully where it belongs. Gore is essentially an intrinsically expendable, mere errand-boy, not the master. Expose Gore for the miserable creature which he is, but save your fire for the global financier circles which are the architects of the immediate fascist danger to the planet now, as financier interests of the same breed, such as Felix Rohatyn, which, like Hitler's British sponsor, the Bank of England's Montagu Norman, and the Bank for International Settlement's Hjalmar Schacht, led, among numerous other Anglo-American, Dutch, French, and other financier circles, in creating the Hitler regime. So, the hedge funds, an operation centered in the British Cayman Islands, were created today. We must take Gore fully into account for what he represents; but, we must not let him be treated as a scapegoat for the truly evil masters which he, like programmed and scripted wind-up toy, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, merely serves. This time, the financier circles like those which created Hitler must not escape the accounting for their crimes.

The essential enemy of civilization today, is the same oligarchical model which induced Classical Athens to destroy itself, in much the same way the U.S. has been already largely destroyed through fools in the U.S. government who permitted the nation to be sucked into those wars, first in Indo-China, and, now, under a mentally impaired G.W. Bush, Jr., in Southwest Asia: wars by means of which our republic was set up to be self-destroyed, as the oligarchical faction of the time of Pericles induced Athens to destroy itself in the Peloponnesian War.

This brings us to the oligarchical issue as such.

Zeus' Oligarchical Model

The oligarchical model, on which the Roman and Byzantine empires were premised, is an echo of the medieval ultramontane system run by a partnership of Venetian financiers and Norman chivalry, is also, like the Anglo-Dutch Liberal world system centered still in London today. These imperialist systems were premised on the assumption that the majority of the human population must be kept in the juridical status of either wild, or hunted cattle, rather than as persons in the sense of Genesis 1:26-31. The essential feature of this system, is not monarchy as such, but oligarchy: a code of behavior shared among allied oligarchies, an arrangement under which the majority of humanity was kept in the status of virtual brutes, either tamed drudges to be herded, or wild beasts to be hunted down.

Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound captures the essence of that system of oligarchism. Aeschylus pins the issue of law on the matter of the essential distinction of man from beast. That issue of law, is the potential of the human individual, not only the potential to discover a universal physical principle, such as the principle of fire, nuclear fission, or gravitation, but to use the knowledge of that discovered principle to mankind's advantage as a species.

The infuriated oligarch, such as the Olympian Zeus, storms: "You will discover nothing of that sort! You will do as we bid you, except as you do nothing which would be strange to the habits of your ancestors before you!" Thus, Prometheus ("forethought" = science) is the person most hated, and most feared by Zeus. Thus, we have the Simon Legrees of today, the Al Gores and others who herd a duped, half-crazed population into destroying the economy on which their own and the children's lives depend.

To be free today, especially if your skin is black, is to be freed from the tyrannical intentions of a frankly evil Al Gore.

Thus, the Olympian law of the U.S. slave-states made it the rule to murder any slave who learned to read and write, or any person who assisted the slave in learning to read and write. In opposition to that, Frederick Douglass focused directly on the essence of the slave-system, the truly human person's ability and right to discover the store of knowledge of scientific and Classical cultural knowledge for practice of earlier generations of mankind, and to develop and employ such practice for the advancement of humanity as a whole. The slave who simply rebelled physically against tyranny, might be free, temporarily, in his or her body, but not in his or her mind. To be free, it is first necessary to be human, to enjoy and express those creative powers of physical science and Classical culture which distinguish the truly free individual from the chimpanzee.

Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound thus points to the most crucial issue of what is rightly termed "natural law" in society. The discovery of a principle of "natural law" is expressed to the advantage of the human species, in the form of the ability of the human individual to make, and to employ an experimentally valid discovery of a universal physical, or comparable artistic principle, a quality of potential which is the functional distinction of men and women categorically from beasts.[16] We are speaking, therefore, of the Noösphere, a domain whose distinguishing characteristics exist entirely outside the domain of animal ecology.

Therefore, competent economic science is subsumed under the notion of what Vernadsky defines as the Noösphere. In this setting, competent economic science is expressed not as a function of monetary processes, but as a function of physical-economic processes.

However, what is crucial in all this is the notion of the ontologically infinitesimal. This is the essential distinction of man from beast, or from man driven into a state of mind and conduct like that of a beast. The typification of such an infinitesimal is Johannes Kepler's discovery of a harmonically defined universal physical principle of gravitation, as ordering the relationship of bodies within the Solar system. The center of this is the work reflected in the combination of his The New Astronomy and World Harmonics. These were works developed by Kepler on the foundations laid by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia and other relevant writings on the method of modern physical science.

However, to state the case before us now, in the relevant technical terms, I repeat what I have frequently said in earlier locations here, as matters of definitions:

To situate the relevant functions of modern physical science in respect to a science of physical economy, we rely on the complete overthrow of the entire edifice of Euclidean geometry and its outcomes, an overthrow which was implicitly accomplished by Bernhard Riemann's development of the foundations of an anti-mechanical-statistical, dynamical system of physical hypergeometry, as this is reflected in V.I. Vernadsky's development of the notion of the respective dynamics of the Biosphere and Noösphere.

By dynamics, we should understand the implicitly axiom-free, pre-Euclidean method of mathematical physics, called Sphaerics, which is associated with the Pythagoreans and other circles of Socrates and Plato. The active principle of Sphaerics, called dynamis by the Pythagoreans, was revived by Gottfried Leibniz, as dynamics (as noted above), to eradicate the folly of the mechanical-statistical method of Descartes and the empiricists generally. Leibniz's definition as carried forward by Riemann, is central to the work of Vernadsky, and is, retrospectively, as Albert Einstein indicates, the implied method of Kepler.

Keep that definition in view; I shall explain its implications as we proceed, as follows.

Begin with a focus on Kepler's discovery of universal gravitation's function as an ontological infinitesimal. This discovered principle, as elaborated for the harmonic composition of the Solar system, is a principle which, in its essential identity, efficiently encloses the universe, and therefore appears to bound that universe, implicitly, as being actually, ontologically, intrinsically finite but without external boundaries. Gravitation's pervasive efficiency is therefore expressed, in detail, ontologically, as an infinitesimal. This was the basis for Kepler's prescribed task for future mathematicians: to develop a mathematical calculus of such ontological infinitesimals. Notably, the neo-Cartesian empiricists, such as D'Alembert. Euler, and Lagrange, attempted to outlaw such infinitesimals. Implicitly, Carl F. Gauss put the infinitesimals back into the physical complex domain, in his 1799 doctoral dissertation, and Riemann made this explicit from the publication of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, onwards.

The most crucial implication of the immediately foregoing set of definitions, is that the difference between man and beast, is located ontologically in this notion of the infinitesimal as I have just described that above. All those discovered, and otherwise discoverable universally efficient physical principles, which define those characteristic modes of human action which do not exist for lower forms of life, occur in human practice as expressions of such infinitesimals.

The human discovery of such a universal physical principle has two qualitative forms of expression, and occurs either as simply a passive discovery of the existence of a principle in fact, or as a qualitative change in the form and effect of human behavior employing knowledge of that discovered principle.

The types of such universal principles are also two. They are expressed in the form of human direct physical action on nature, or in the form of Classical artistic principles of composition, as implicitly revolutionary progress in the mode of specifically social relations. The relationship between Kepler's discoveries of harmonic principles of astronomy, the harmonics of the periodic table, and so on, are one quality of relationship; the ironical relationship of Keplerian harmonic dynamics to the ground-basis of J.S. Bach's method of composition, typify the other quality. Scientific discovery informs the hand; Classical artistic composition, as in music and Classical poetry and drama, informs the human soul.

That much just stated summarily on these points, we now turn our attention to two distinct, but intertwined subject-matters. The purpose of this brief set of excursions, is to indicate the way in which the evil consequences of Gore's ideology must be foreseen, and avoided. The most crucial of these considerations is the nature of the ontologically actual infinitesimal which corresponds to a principle of the universe, both as a principle of physical-economic practice as such, and as a principle of social relations as such.

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GLOBALISATION AND THE GLOBALISTS AGE - by moeenyaseen - 08-13-2006, 04:09 PM

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