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Robert Wheeler
While half of the American voting public is no doubt waiting in earnest for the announcement of a release of the COVID vaccine and as totalitarian states and governments the world over attempt to require proof of negative tests before travel, a new tool in the shed of government surveillance and control is revealing itself.

The microchip has arrived.While many are still attacking anyone warning of the “coming Microchip” as a conspiracy theorist, Luddite, or religious fanatic, that microchip has arrived.

But governments aren’t having to market the chip as a method to track, trace, and control their populations. Instead, they are marketing the chip as a way to track and detect COVID and other coronaviruses. Clearly, this is a much easier sell to a public literally terrorized by their governments and mainstream media outlets for the last six months.

Raul Diego details the creation and coming rollout of the new biochip in his article, “A DARPA-Funded Implantable Microchip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets By 2021,” where he writes, the most significant scientific discovery since gravity has been hiding in plain sight for nearly a decade and its destructive potential to humanity is so enormous that the biggest war machine on the planet immediately deployed its vast resources to possess and control it, financing its research and development through agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and HHS’ BARDA.

The revolutionary breakthrough came to a Canadian scientist named Derek Rossi in 2010 purely by accident. The now-retired Harvard professor claimed in an 
with the National Post that he found a way to “reprogram” the molecules that carry the genetic instructions for cell development in the human body, not to mention all biological lifeforms.

These molecules are called ‘messenger ribonucleic acid’ or mRNA and the newfound ability to rewrite those instructions to produce any kind of cell within a biological organism has radically changed the course of Western medicine and science, even if no one has really noticed yet. As Rossi, himself, puts it: “The real important discovery here was you could now use mRNA, and if you got it into the cells, then you could get the mRNA to express any protein in the cells, and this was the big thing.” 

Here’s what the technology can do

This new technology amounts to the remote control of biological processes.

Diego continues: As early as 2006, DARPA was already researching how to identify viral, upper respiratory pathogens through its Predicting Health and Disease (PHD) program, which led to the creation of the agency’s Biological Technologies Office (BTO), as reported by Whitney Webb in a May article for The Last American Vagabond. In 2014, DARPA’s BTO launched its “In Vivo Nanoplatforms” (IVN) program, which researches implantable nanotechnologies, leading to the development of ‘hydrogel’.

Hydrogel is a nanotechnology whose inventor early on boasted that “If [it] pans out, with approval from FDA, then consumers could get the sensors implanted in their core to measure their levels of glucose, oxygen, and lactate.” This contact lens-like material requires a special injector to be introduced under the skin where it can transmit light-based digital signals through a wireless network like 5G.   Once firmly implanted inside the body, human cells are at the mercy of any mRNA program delivered via this substrate, unleashing a nightmare of possibilities. It is, perhaps, the first true step towards full-on transhumanism. 

Patrick Tucker of Defense One goes into a few more specifics of how the biochip works. He describes it as follows:

The sensor has two parts. One is a 3mm string of hydrogel, a material whose network of polymer chains is used in some contact lenses and other implants. Inserted under the skin with a syringe, the string includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside of the body when the body begins to fight an infection. The other part is an electronic component attached to the skin. It sends light through the skin, detects the fluorescent signal and generates another signal that the wearer can send to a doctor, website, etc. It’s like a blood lab on the skin that can pick up the body’s response to illness before the presence of other symptoms, like coughing.

It is clear this project has support in the halls of the corporate world and the American government. The private company created to market this technology, that allows for biological processes to be controlled remotely and opens the door to the potential manipulation of our biological responses and, ultimately, our entire existence, is called Profusa Inc and its operations are funded with millions from NIH and DARPA. In March, the company was quietly inserted into the crowded COVID-19 bazaar in March 2020, when it announced an injectable biochip for the detection of viral respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.

Diego writes,
The only obstacle is a delivery system, which though Moderna claims to be developing separately, is unlikely to get FDA approval before the federal government’s own DARPA-developed hydrogel technology, in tandem with Profusa’s DARPA-funded light sensor technology, which is expected to receive fast track authorization from the Food and Drug Administration by early 2021 and, more than likely, used to deploy a coronavirus vaccine with the capacity to literally change our DNA.

In addition, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is currently investigating Moderna’s patent filings, claiming it failed to disclose “federal government support” in its COVID vaccine candidate patent applications, as required by law. The technicality could result in the federal government owning a 100 percent stake in mRNA-1273. 

Take a microchip or face the consequences.
Activists and concerned citizens need to stop talking about the “coming microchip” and how they will refuse to be chipped when the time comes. That time is now. Soon, people all over the world are going to have a very difficult decision to make – take a microchip or face the consequences. Judging by the amount of people walking around in masks during my trips to the supermarket, I’d say the odds are not in the favor of free humanity. Most people will line up for it willingly.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote last week about Malibu police’s ticketing Point Dume surfers $1,000 apiece for using the ocean during the quarantine. Was this merely an appalling police judgment at which we will laugh post-quarantine? Or does anyone else feel that this is the first wave of compliance and obedience training for something more permanent? Are powerful state and corporate entities using the current crisis to remove basic rights, and intensify pressures to promote vaccines and surveillance? Does anyone else feel the suffocating darkness of tyranny descending on our nation? And finally, does anyone share my dread that Bill Gates—and his long-time associate Tony Fauci—will somehow be running our Brave New World?

Imagine a world where the government doesn’t need police officers to apprehend those surfers or ticket you when you violate social distancing with your girlfriend. Suppose that computers discover your beach trip by tracking your movements using a stream of information from your cell phone, your car, your GPS, facial recognition technology integrated with real-time surveillance from satellites, mounted cameras, and implanted chips. Desk-bound prosecutors or robots will notify you of your violation by text while simultaneously withdrawing your $1,000 penalty in cryptocurrency from your payroll account. Welcome to Bill Gates’ America. It’s right around the corner.

5G Strategies

Recently, Bill Gates announced his financial support for a $1 billion plan to blanket Earth in video surveillance satellites.  The company, EarthNow, will launch 500 satellites to live-stream monitor almost every “corner” of the Earth, providing instantaneous video feedback with only a one-second delay. According to Wikipedia, the company expects its customers to include “governments and large enterprises.” 5G Antennas­­­ deploying a vast array of ground-based 5G spy antennas. Through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates purchased 5.3 million Crown Castle shares currently worth a billion dollars. The Foundation’s second-largest tech holding after Microsoft, Crown Castle owns 5G infrastructure in every major U.S. market. It operates and leases more than 40,000 cell towers, 65,000 small cell nodes which are the central infrastructure for 5G and 75,000 route miles of fiber to every major U.S. market that, instead of going to your home, providing you safe, fast, wired internet, has been confiscated to connect 5G cell towers.

… 5G has almost nothing to do with improving your lives; it’s all about controlling your life, marketing products, and harvesting your data for Artificial Intelligence purposes.

Data Mining

Big Telecom, Big Data, and Bill Gates are baiting Americans into a digital tyranny-trap with million-dollar TV ads that pretend that their multi trillion-dollar  5G investment is about faster download speeds for video games and movies. But 5G has almost nothing to do with improving your lives; it’s all about controlling your life, marketing products, and harvesting your data for Artificial Intelligence purposes. The 21st century’s “black gold” is data. 5G is the infrastructure for Gates’ “Internet of Things”—a world where tens of billions of “smart” devices: cell phones, computers, automobiles, garage door openers, Apple watches, baby diapers and even our living bodies—are wirelessly interconnected to enable Big Data to gather and sell our personal information.

Gates, Elon Musk, Amazon, Facebook, and Telecom are launching the flagships for the new Gold Rush, a teeming fleet of 50,000 satellites and a network of 2,000,000 ground antennas and cell towers to strip mine data from our smart devices. This microwave radiation-emitting spider web will allow Big Data/Big Telecom and Big Brother to capture what happens inside and outside every person at every moment of life. Gates will harvest, control, sort, characterize, analyze, and sell millions of terabytes of personal information from smart devices—private health data, medical records, our shopping habits, our biometric and behavioral responses to advertising, our children’s ability to learn, our facial expressions, and conversations overheard by Siri, Alexa, and your open cell phone’s microphones. His and other corporations will use these analytics to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) and turn you into a predictable, easily-manipulated consuming machine.

Next time you buy a “smart” device, remember the device is not the product—you are.

Surveillance State & Transhumanism

Corporations will use Gates’ 5G surveillance system to sell products and escalate AI capacity. Governments will use it to transition the globe to a totalitarian singularity more despotic than Orwell ever imagined. Silicon Valley titans like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Google’s Chief Engineer Ray Kurzweil talk longingly of “transhumanism,” the process by which humanity will transition to become part-human, part-machine via genetic engineering and surgical implants.

Bill Gates is investing heavily to accelerate this altered reality. His ambition to tag us all with injected subdermal vaccine data chips seems to be merely a steppingstone toward an all-encompassing surveillance state.

Rewarding Compliance

Microsoft has patented a sinister technology that utilizes implanted sensors to monitor body and brain activity. It will reward compliant humans with crypto currency payments when they perform assigned activities.

The PatentWO |2020| 060606 has gained notoriety and the nickname “World Order 2020 666.” Microsoft describes this device as a “Crypto Currency System” and explains that it is “capable of” using body activity data to mine bitcoin in response to compliance with assigned tasks.

People who agree to install the Microsoft harmful wireless sensors will receive periodic “duty” smart phone instructions to watch a certain advertisement, listen to a specific song, walk down a specific grocery store aisle, or to take a certain vaccine. This chip will collect data from embedded sensors that monitor brain waves, blood flow, and other body reactions. The system will transfer cryptocurrency into the subject’s account after completion of the assigned task. On the bright side, Microsoft’s dystopian invention should be a welcome source of income for the 40% of Americans put out of work by periodic COVID quarantines, by Musk’s self-driving electronic cars, which also rely on the 5G rollout, and by Artificial Intelligence, including robots. Will Gates sell the data we freely give him to companies that will take away our jobs?

Owning Smart Cities
Maintaining and analyzing the data collected by a 5G infrastructure require massive computers housed in major data storage complexes. To keep control of this infrastructure, Bill Gates is building his own “smart city” in Arizona. According to KPNX-TV, he spent $80 million on a 24,800-acre plot near Phoenix with the goal of turning it into a “smart city” where everything is interconnected via a wireless grid, including fleets of autonomous vehicles. The 80,000 residents of Gates’ company town will mainly work in data centers. To consolidate his control over what people hear, learn, and think, Gates bought shares in Liberty Global, one of the largest international television and Internet companies, operating in 30 countries and growing. 

Controlling Reproduction

Gates will even control your body, your bedroom, your medicine cabinet and even women’s menstrual and ovulation cycles. He invested approximately $18 million in MicroCHIPS, a company that among other chip-based devices, develops birth-control implant chips with wireless on/off switches and chips for drug-delivery that allow a single implant to store and precisely deliver hundreds of therapeutic doses over months or years. The implants will be operated wirelessly by the patient to deliver medication. Knowing of Gates’ missionary zeal for population control, however, some customers might worry that the system could be remotely activated as well.

Controlling Climate: Geoengineering

Gates’ apparent conviction that God has ordained him to use technology for humanity’s salvation is exemplified in one of his most ambitious projects. Gates is funding Harvard scientists to use Geoengineering to block the sun to reverse global warming and climate change.

That project is a template for both hubris, hypocrisy and risk. The massive expansion of wireless use and the 5G wireless grid—for which Gates is a major player—is the most significant contributor to increased energy consumption. The expansion of the wireless cloud between 2012–2015 was equivalent to adding 4.9 million cars to the roads. 5G is expected to exponentially increase energy use by upwards of 170% by 2026. Proposing to use the wireless “smart” grid to combat the carbon footprint with geotechnology is a hare-brained scheme—not a solution for climate change.

Cashless Society

To consolidate global control, Gates has declared war on cash, and the COVID-19 lockdowns have provided governments a convenient pretext for scuttling cash as a health hazard. Gates and his foundation are spearheading the global shift from a cash economy towards digital transactions. Gates and Microsoft are perfectly positioned to profit from a digital payments system. By controlling digital transactions (and removing cash), Gates can control and monitor everything commercial that a country and its citizens do.

Western financial institutions—Mastercard, PayPal, Visa, eBay, and Citi—have long pushed for a cashless world. Electronic banking allows banks and financial consortiums to levy fees on every transaction.

The Digital Economy will allow the Government to monitor and scrutinize every transaction, to freeze digital accounts, and to block “financial flows” to punish disobedience. Operating in a public-private partnership with government, tech billionaires will not only control the nation but will be able to micromanage the worldwide population. Digitized currency is the ultimate instrument of social control. After all, in a cashless society, survival is impossible without access to the digitized economic system. The poor—lacking bank accounts—will suffer disproportionately.

Trillionaire Borg

While the lockdown is a cataclysm for the world economy, it is an opportunity for Gates. By purchasing our devalued assets at a penny on the dollar, Gates’ $100 billion might make him the world’s first trillionaire. But the quarantine is also an opportunity to enlarge his power and domination. Under Gates’ leadership, Microsoft became known as “The Borg” because of his appetite for total market control. Now, Gates seeks to bring all humanity under his boot. His worship of technology and his megalomania threaten our freedoms, our democracy, our biology, our planet, our humanity, and our souls. 

The microwave radiation used for wireless surveillance of the world is not biologically tolerable, especially for developing children. Thousands of peer-reviewed, published studies abundantly document wireless technology’s profound, adverse, physical effects on humans, animals and plants. Sickness and environmental degradation from wireless technology is already widespread. Big Telecom control of U.S. and global regulatory agencies and media and Gates’ financial control of the World Health Organization have allowed a few billionaires to propagate the patent lie that wireless is safe.

Gates’ technological dreams are not biologically sustainable. His Tower of Babel is bound to collapse, with catastrophic impact for lesser humans. It’s time to dismantle the Tower before it’s too late.


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