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Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

The just completed Jackson Hole Federal Reserve conference made Chairman Bernanke's call for a return to Roman style imperialism, together with the onrush of LaRouche's forecast of the "Ground Zero"-centered, onrushing collapse of the U.S. mortgage-bubble, the leading theme of relevance in the currently escalating international discussions of world policies for the immediate crisis-ridden future of the planet as a whole.

That theme is the focus of a notable leading editorial in today's London Guardian, by "Stop-The-War-Coalition" spokesman Andrew Murray, who defines the drive toward empire by Anglo-American circles typified by the names of President G.W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair as "the central issue of our time."

Essentially, Bernanke has now, thus, proposed publicly, to overthrow the U.S. Federal Constitution. Technically, Bernanke is almost as bad at history as he is in the field of economics. His adoption of the Roman Empire as the model for the kind of imperialism which his faction is attempting to pull off, is just one more symptom of his incompetence in the fields of both history and economics. What he is actually working to bring into being is the model of the ultramontane alliance of medieval Venetian financier oligarchs and the Crusading Norman chivalry: not an empire under a Roman-style world emperor, but a hodge-podge like that Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age into which the ultramontane system degenerated, after its defeat of the last Staufer remnant of Charlemagne's reforms.

Nonetheless, with all of this and that to be discussed, fervently, the presently breaking global conditions of spreading asymmetric warfare, general economic breakdown-crisis, and lunatic drives of certifiable madmen, such as the Nero-like George W. Bush, Jr., have brought world as a whole into a U.S.-centered, global maelstrom of tumultuous tragic indecision, which might be the end of civilization on this planet for generations to come.

The threat of degeneration into Fourteenth-Century-style imperialism, and its doom, is the immediate reality of currently converging trends. But that discussion, however necessary, does not provide a remedy for such an outcome. It is time for a new Renaissance, like that centered on the mid-Fifteenth-Century great ecumenical Council of Florence. Discussing the dead will not bring the doomed back to life. A positive, practicable alternative to the present, inevitably onrushing breakdown-crisis of the existing world and U.S. economic system, a true renaissance, must be the foremost topic on our agendas.

The issue posed to all humanity at this moment is the issue of the September 6th Berlin web-cast conference. It is necessary to discuss the present crisis. It were preferable, rather than attempting to write the autopsy report for a soon-dead civilization, to focus our attention on the alternative, as this is already indicated by several reports produced by spokesman Lyndon LaRouche, in the run-up to that Berlin web-cast conference.

There is no region of the world, which is an exception to the doom inherent in the presently habituated trends in decision-making in the trans-Atlantic community. What is going on in any part of the world, is irrelevant except as it bears on changing radically the recent trends in policy-shaping which have dominated the Transatlantic world and beyond since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, and, especially, since the unsolved assassination of the President John F. Kennedy, who was considered a threat by those who were determined to prevent a return to the paradigmatic economic policy-shaping typified by President Franklin Roosevelt. When the Kennedy assassination is viewed in the context of the attempts on Charles de Gaulle, and on others of similar policy-characteristics, and taking into account the accelerating ouster of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, and the CCF and AFF crowds, there is no real mystery concerning the actual motive, and general nature of source of the relevant orders in these cases.

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GLOBAL FINANCIAL MELTDOWN - by moeenyaseen - 08-27-2006, 09:59 AM

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