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Alexander Dugin

The "Great Reset" begins with Biden's victory.

Part 1. Great Reset

Prince Charles's 5 points
In 2020, at the forum in Davos, the forum’s founder Klaus Schwab and Charles, the Prince of Wales, proclaimed a new course for humanity, the Great Reset.

The plan, according to the Prince of Wales, consists of five points:
  1. To capture the imagination and will of humanity – change will only happen if people really want it;
  2. The economic recovery must put the world on the path to sustainable employment, livelihoods and growth. Longstanding incentive structures that have had perverse effects on our planetary environment and nature herself must be reinvented;
  3. Systems and pathways must be redesigned to advance net zero transitions globally. Carbon pricing can provide a critical pathway to a sustainable market;
  4. Science, technology and innovation need reinvigorating. Humanity is on the verge of catalytic breakthroughs that will alter our view of what it possible and profitable in the framework of a sustainable future;
  5. Investment must be rebalanced. Accelerating green investments can offer job opportunities in green energy, the circular and bio-economy, eco-tourism and green public infrastructure.
The term "sustainable" is a part of the most important concept of the Club of Rome - "sustainable development". This theory is based on yet another theory - the "limits of growth", according to which the overpopulation of the planet has reached a critical point (which implies the need to reduce the birth rate).
The fact that the word "sustainable" is used in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which, according to some analysts, should lead to population decline, has caused a significant reaction globally.

The main points of the Great Reset are:
-the control over public consciousness on a global scale, which is at the heart of "cancel culture" -the introduction of censorship on networks controlled by the globalists (point 1);
-Transition to an ecological economy and rejection of modern industrial structures (points 2 and 5);
-Humanity's entry into the 4th economic order (to which the previous Davos meeting was devoted), i.e. the gradual replacement of the workforce by cyborgs and implementation of advanced Artificial Intelligence on a global scale (point 3).
The main idea of the "Great Reset" is the continuation of globalization and the strengthening of globalism after a series of failures: the conservative presidency of anti-globalist Trump, the growing influence of a multipolar world – especially of China and Russia, the rise of Islamic countries like Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and their withdrawal from the influence of the West.

At the Davos forum, representatives of the global liberal elites declared the mobilization of their structures in anticipation of Biden’s presidency and the victory of the democrats in the USA, something they strongly desire.

The marker of the globalist agenda is the Jeff Smith song "Build Back Better" (Joe Biden's campaign slogan). Meaning that after a series of setbacks (such as a typhoon or Hurricane Katrina), people (meaning the globalists) build back better infrastructure than they had before.
The "Great Reset" begins with Biden's victory.

World leaders, heads of major corporations - Big Tech, Big Data, Big Finance, etc. - came together and mobilized to defeat their opponents - Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, Erdogan, Ayatollah Khamenei, and others. The beginning was to snatch victory from Trump using new technologies - through "capturing imaginations" (point 1), the introduction of Internet censorship, and the manipulation of the mail-in vote.

Biden's arrival in the White House means that the globalists are moving on to the next steps. 
This will affect all areas of life - the globalists are going back to the point where Trump and other poles of rising multipolarity had stopped them. And this is where mind control (through censorship and manipulation of social media, total surveillance and data collection of everyone) and the introduction of new technologies play a key role.

The Covid-19 epidemic is an excuse for this. Under the guise of sanitary hygiene, the Great Reset expects to dramatically alter the structures of control of the globalist elites over the world's population.

The inauguration of Joe Biden and the decrees he has already signed (overturning virtually all of Trump's decisions) means that the plan has begun to be put into action.
In his speech on the "new" course of U.S. foreign policy, Biden voiced the main directions of globalist policy. It may seem "new", but only in part, and only in comparison with Trump's policies. On the whole, Biden simply announced a return to the previous vector:
  • Putting global interests ahead of national interests;
  • Strengthening the structures of World Government and its branches in the form of global supranational organizations and economic structures;
  • Strengthening the NATO bloc and cooperation with all globalist forces and regimes;
  • The promotion and deepening of democratic change on a global scale, which in practice means:
  1. escalating relations with those countries and regimes that reject globalization – first of all, Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, etc;
  2. an increased U.S. military presence in the Middle East, Europe and Africa;
  3. the spread of instability and "color revolutions";
  4. Widespread use of "demonization", "de-platforming" and network ostracism (cancel culture) against all those who hold views different from the globalist one (both abroad and in the U.S. itself).

Thus, the new White House leadership not only does not show the slightest willingness to have an equal dialogue with anyone, but only tightens its own liberal discourse, which does not tolerate any objection. Globalism is entering a totalitarian phase. This makes the possibility of new wars - including an increased risk of World War III - more than likely.

The geopolitics of the "Great Reset"
The globalist Foundation for Defence of Democracies, which expresses the position of U.S. neoconservative circles, recently released a report recommending to Biden that some of Trump's positions such as:

  1. increasing opposition to China, 
  2. increased pressure on Iran 
- are positive, and that Biden should continue to move along these axes in foreign policy.

The report's authors, on the other hand, condemned Trump's foreign policy actions such as:
  1.  working to disintegrate NATO;  
  2.  rapprochement with "totalitarian leaders" (Chinese, DPRK, and Russian); 
  3. a "bad" deal with the Taliban; 
  4. withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria.

Thus, the "Great Reset" in geopolitics will mean a combination of "democracy promotion" and "neoconservative aggressive strategy of full-scale domination," which is the main vector of "neoconservative" policy. At the same time, Biden is advised to continue and increase the confrontation with Iran and China, but the main focus should be on the fight against Russia. And this requires strengthening NATO and expanding the U.S. presence in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Like Trump, Russia, China, Iran and some other Islamic countries are seen as the main obstacles. 
This is how environmental projects and technological innovations (first of all, the introduction of Artificial Intelligence and robotics) are combined with the rise of an aggressive military policy.

Part 2. A brief history of liberal ideology: globalism as a culmination

To understand clearly what Biden's victory and Washington's "new" course for the "Great Reset" means on a historical scale, one must look at the entire history of liberal ideology, starting from its roots. Only then we are able to understand the seriousness of our situation. Biden's victory is not a coincidental episode, and the announcement of a globalist counterattack is not merely the agony of a failed project. It is far more serious than that. Biden and the forces behind him embody the culmination of a historical process that began in the Middle Ages, reached its maturity in Modernity with the emergence of capitalist society, and which today is reaching its final stage - the theoretical one outlined from the beginning.
The roots of the liberal (=capitalist) system go back to the scholastic dispute about universals. This dispute split Catholic theologians into two camps: some recognized the existence of the common (species, genus, universalia), while others believed in only certain concrete - individual things, and interpreted their generalizing names as purely external conventional systems of classification, representing "empty sound". Those who were convinced of the existence of the general, the species, drew on the classical tradition of Plato and Aristotle. They came to be called "realists," that is, those who recognized the "reality of universalia". The most prominent representative of the "realists" was Thomas Aquinas and, in general, it was the tradition of the Dominican monks. 

The proponents of the idea that only individual things and beings are real came to be called "nominalists," from the Latin "nomen. The demand - "entities should not be multiplied without necessity" - goes back precisely to one of the chief defenders of "nominalism," the English philosopher William Occam. Even earlier, the same ideas had been defended by Roscelin of Compiègne. Although the "realists" won the first stage of the conflict and the teachings of the "nominalists" were anathematized, later the paths of Western European philosophy - especially of the New Age - were followed by Occam.

"Nominalism" laid the foundation for future liberalism, both ideologically and economically. Here humans were seen only as individuals and nothing else, and all forms of collective identity (religion, class, etc.) were to be abolished. Likewise, the thing was seen as absolute private property, as a concrete, separate thing which could easily be attributed as property to this or that individual owner.

Nominalism prevailed first of all in England, became widespread in Protestant countries and gradually became the main philosophical matrix of New Age - in religion (individual relations of man with God), in science (atomism and materialism), in politics (preconditions of bourgeois democracy), in economy (market and private property), in ethics (utilitarianism, individualism, relativism, pragmatism), etc.

Capitalism: the first phase

Starting from nominalism, we can trace the entire path of historical liberalism, from Roscelin and Occam to Soros and Biden. For convenience, let us divide this history into three phases.
The first phase was the introduction of nominalism into the realm of religion. The collective identity of the Church, as understood by Catholicism (and even more so by Orthodoxy), was replaced by Protestants as individuals who could henceforth interpret Scripture based on their reasoning alone and rejecting any tradition. Thus many aspects of Christianity - the sacraments, miracles, angels, reward after death, the end of the world, etc. - have been reconsidered and discarded as not meeting the "rational criteria".

The church as the "mystical body of Christ" was destroyed and replaced by hobby clubs created by free consent from below. This created a large number of disputing Protestant sects. In Europe and in England itself, where nominalism had borne its most thorough fruit, the process was somewhat subdued, and the most rabid Protestants rushed to the New World and established their own society there. Later, after the struggle with the metropolis, the United States emerged.

Parallel to the destruction of the Church as a "collective identity" (something "common"), the estates began to be abolished. The social hierarchy of priests, aristocracy, and peasants was replaced by undefined "townspeople", according to the original meaning of the word "bourgeois". The bourgeoisie supplanted all other strata of European society. But the bourgeois was exactly the best "individual," a citizen without clan, tribe, or profession, but with private property. And this new class began to reconstruct all of European society.

At the same time, the supranational unity of the Papal See and the Western Roman Empire - as another expression of "collective identity" - was also abolished. In its place was established an order based on sovereign nation-states, a kind of "political individual". After the end of the 30-year war, the Peace of Westphalia consolidated this order.

Thus, by the middle of the 17th century, a bourgeois order (that is, capitalism), had emerged in the main features in Western Europe.

The philosophy of the new order was in many ways anticipated by Thomas Hobbes and developed by John Locke, David Hume and Immanuel Kant. Adam Smith applied these principles to the economic field, giving rise to liberalism as an economic ideology. In fact, capitalism, based on the systematic implementation of nominalism, became a coherent systemic worldview. The meaning of history and progress was henceforth to "liberate the individual from all forms of collective identity" to the logical limit.

By the twentieth century, through the period of colonial conquests, Western European capitalism had become a global reality. The nominalist approach prevailed in science and culture, in politics and economics, in the very everyday thinking of the people of the West and of all humanity.

The twentieth and triumph of globalization: the second phase

In the twentieth century, capitalism faced a new challenge. This time, it was not the usual forms of collective identity - religious, class, professional, etc. - but artificial and also modern theories (like liberalism itself) that rejected individualism and opposed it with new forms of collective identity (combined conceptually).

Socialists, social democrats and communists countered liberals with class identities, calling on workers around the world to unite to overturn the power of the global bourgeoisie. This strategy proved effective, and in some major countries (though not in those industrialized and Western countries where Karl Marx, the founder of communism, had hoped), proletarian revolutions were won.

Parallel to the communists occurred, this time in Western Europe, the seizure of power by extreme nationalist forces. They acted in the name of the "nation" or a "race," again contrasting liberal individualism with something "common," some "collective being".
The new opponents of liberalism no longer belonged to the inertia of the past, as in previous stages, but represented modernist projects developed in the West itself. But they were also built on a rejection of individualism and nominalism. This was clearly understood by the theorists of liberalism (above all, by Hayek and his disciple Popper), who united "communists" and "fascists" under the common name of "enemies of the open society", and began a deadly war with them.

By tactically using Soviet Russia, capitalism initially succeeded in dealing with the fascist regimes, and this was the ideological result of World War II. The ensuing Cold War between
East and West by the end of the 1980s ended in a liberal victory over the Communists.
Thus, the project of liberation of the individual from all forms of collective identity and "ideological progress" as understood by liberals went through another stage. In the 1990s, liberal theorists began to talk about the "end of history" (F. Fukuyama) and the "unipolar moment" (C. Krauthammer).

This was a vivid proof of the entry of capitalism in its most advanced phase - the stage of globalism. In fact, it was at this time in the U.S. ruling elites' strategy of globalism triumphed - outlined in the First World War by Wilson's 14 points, but at the end of the Cold War united the elite of both parties - Democrats and Republicans, represented mainly by "neoconservatives".

Gender and Posthumanism: The Third Phase
After defeating its last ideological foe, the socialist camp, capitalism has come to a crucial point. Individualism, the market, the ideology of human rights, democracy and Western values had won on a global scale. It would seem that the agenda is fulfilled - no one opposes "individualism" and nominalism with anything serious or systemic anymore.

In this period, capitalism enters its third phase. On closer inspection, after defeating the external enemy, liberals have discovered two more forms of collective identity. First of all, gender. After all, gender is also something collective: either masculine or feminine. So the next step was the destruction of gender as something objective, essential, and irreplaceable.
Gender required abolition, as did all other forms of collective identity, which had been abolished even earlier.

Hence gender politics, the transformation of the category of gender into something "optional" and dependent on individual choice. Here again we are dealing with the same nominalism: why double entities? A person is a person as an individual, while gender can be chosen arbitrarily, just as religion, profession, nation and way of life were chosen before.

This became the main agenda of liberal ideology in the 1990s, after the defeat of the Soviet Union. Yes, external opponents stood in the way of gender policy - those countries that still had the remnants of traditional society, the values of the family, etc., as well as conservative circles in the West itself. Combating conservatives and "homophobes," that is, defenders of the traditional view of the existence of the sexes, has become the new goal of the adherents of progressive liberalism. Many leftists have joined in, replacing gender politics and immigration protection with earlier anti-capitalist goals.

With the success of institutionalizing gender norms and the success of mass migration, which is atomizing populations in the West itself (which also fits perfectly within an ideology of human rights that operates with the individual without regard to cultural, religious, social or national aspects), it became obvious that liberals had one last step left to take - to abolish humans. 
After all, the human is also a collective identity, which means that it must be overcome, abolished, destroyed. This is what the principle of nominalism demands: a "person" is just a name, an empty shake of the air, an arbitrary and therefore always disputable classification. There is only the individual - human or not, male or female, religious or atheist, it depends on his choice.

Thus, the last step left for liberals, who have traveled centuries toward their goal, is to replace humans-albeit partially-by cyborgs, Artificial Intelligence networks, and products of genetic engineering. The human optional logically follows gender optional.

This agenda is already quite foreshadowed by posthumanism, postmodernism and speculative realism in philosophy, and technologically is becoming more and more realistic by the day. Futurologists and proponents of accelerating the historical process (accelerationists) are confidently looking into the near future when Artificial Intelligence will become comparable in basic parameters with human beings. This moment is called the Singularity. Its arrival is predicted within 10 to 20 years.

The last battle of the liberals
This is the context in which Biden's sell-out victory in the U.S. should be placed. This is what the "Great Reset" or the slogan "Build Back Better" means.

In the 2000s, the globalists faced a number of problems that were not so much ideological as "civilizational" in nature. Since the late 1990s, there have been virtually no more or less coherent ideologies in the world that can challenge liberalism, capitalism and globalism. To varying degrees, but these principles have been accepted by all or almost all. Nevertheless,
the implementation of liberalism and gender politics, as well as the abolition of nation-states in favor of World Government, has stalled on several fronts.

This was increasingly resisted by Putin's Russia, which had nuclear weapons and a historical tradition of opposition to the West, as well as a number of conservative traditions preserved in society.

China, although actively engaged in globalization and liberal reforms, was in no hurry to apply them to the political system, maintaining the dominance of the Communist Party and refusing political liberalization. Moreover, under Xi Jinping, national trends in Chinese politics began to grow. Beijing has cleverly used the "open world" to pursue its national and even civilizational interests. And this was not part of the globalists' plans.

Islamic countries continued their struggle against Westernization and, despite blockades and pressure, maintained (like Shiite Iran) their irreconcilably anti-Western and anti-liberal regimes. The policies of major Sunni states such as Turkey and Pakistan have become increasingly independent of the West.

In Europe, a wave of populism began to rise as indigenous European discontent with mass immigration and gender politics exploded. Europe's political elites remained completely subordinated to the globalist strategy, as seen at the Davos Forum in the reports of its theorists Schwab and Prince Charles, but societies themselves came into movements and sometimes rose in direct revolt against the authorities - as in the case of the "yellow vests" protests in France. In some places, such as Italy, Germany, or Greece, populist parties have even made their way into parliament.

Finally, in 2016, in the United States itself, Donald Trump managed to become president, subjecting the globalist ideology, practices and goals to harsh and direct criticism. And he was supported by about half of Americans.

All these anti-globalist tendencies in the eyes of the globalists themselves could not help but add up to an ominous picture: the history of the last centuries, with its seemingly unbroken progress of the nominalists and liberals, was called into question. This was not simply the disaster of this or that political regime. It was the threat of the end of liberalism as such.
Even the theorists of globalism themselves sensed that something was wrong. Fukuyama, for example, abandoned his "end of history" thesis and suggested that nation-states still remain under the rule of liberal elites in order to better prepare the masses for the final transformation into posthumanity, supported by rigid methods. Another globalist, Charles Krauthammer, declared that the "unipolar moment" was over and that the globalist elites had failed to take advantage of it.

This is exactly the panic and almost hysterical state in which the representatives of the globalist elite have spent the last four years. And that is why the question of Trump's removal as President of the United States was a matter of life and death for them. If Trump had kept his office, the collapse of the globalist strategy would have been irreversible.

But Biden succeeded - by hook or by crook - in ousting Trump and demonizing his supporters. This is where the Great Reset comes into play. There is really nothing new in it - it is a continuation of the main vector of Western European civilization in the direction of progress, interpreted in the spirit of liberal ideology and nominalist philosophy. Not much remains: to free individuals from the last forms of collective identity - to complete the abolition of gender and move toward a posthumanist paradigm.

Advances in high technology, the integration of societies into social networks, tightly controlled, as it now appears, by liberal elites in an openly totalitarian manner, and the refinement of ways of tracking and influencing the masses make the achievement of the global liberal goal close at hand.

But in order to make that decisive throw, they must, in an accelerated mode (and no longer paying attention to how it looks), swiftly clear the way for the finalization of history. And that means that Trump's sweep is the signal to attack all other obstacles.

So we have determined our place on the scale of history. And in doing so, we got a fuller picture of what the Great Reset is all about. It is nothing less than the beginning of the "last battle". The globalists, in their struggle for nominalism, liberalism, individual liberation and civil society, appear to themselves as "warriors of light," bringing progress, liberation from thousands of years of prejudice, new possibilities - and perhaps even physical immortality and the wonders of genetic engineering, to the masses.

All who oppose them are, in their eyes, "forces of darkness". And by this logic, the "enemies of open society" must be dealt with in their own severity. "If the enemy does not surrender, he will be destroyed." The enemy is anyone who questions liberalism, globalism, individualism, nominalism in all their manifestations. This is the new ethic of liberalism. It's nothing personal. Everyone has the right to be a liberal, but no one has the right to be anything else.

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GLOBALISATION AND THE GLOBALISTS AGE - by moeenyaseen - 08-13-2006, 04:09 PM
RE: GLOBALISATION AND THE GLOBALISTS AGE - by globalvision2000administrator - 07-11-2022, 11:56 AM

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